D00431wnite — CityC�erk Rnk — Finanea DeDt. Cind�y — DepL . GITY OF SAI1�T PAUL or•r•�cr: oF �rrtr: MAYOR ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER St'Ix;Ef I2S17SI0\ No: � 00�3( Date: � — �— �� �D�IL�'ISTR.�TI��E ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayoc i� Section t0A7.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Pilhl 7 � Ha31 th to amentl the 79_�L�butlget of the �pg��} fund, the O�rector of the DepaRment of Finance antl Manaqement ServiCes is authorized to amend said budget in the tollow�ng manner: Curtent Amended Budget Chanqe Budget (.-`��il3tldL CUKI� - ll�flLltf U�11-UdLGU-ULLZ v0i-G3iGu-ir2i5 VU1-UStUV-OZ45 VUi-UZLOL uvi-03iu6-u2i6 UVt�OaLV� u0i-6326i-Di3a u8i-us£u?-u?o9 • :UbL11. ItE9L1a AJL{. - 1&LISYft�NG FU6LiC 9BLAi& ADri. Qr"r", nQUie �Aiki, FU3LSG H38LIE HDiS, - YUE, HnhLTA tSLU�. MAIH1 ' 113L1SYIIVNC ni6Tn � DeATA - Gir �aeii tiLE2H � DBAltt - OCC1l.0 S;IYY'L1'B� '1Hh'9N1 (4�1SiflL11I - f?i'LlShcin iAi�ahi 'r.u&TaLIiY - G"rr"iGE S1.UUU.�� �.}�19��UJ YS4.5+11.�U 31,6o9,0u 559i.6u �41U.UU $1�=U6.LU jU.UG }ii,a9i.9ir I�1�UUU�1lU! 1�3i�U11U.UU1 (sa,uu0."vui S��OVU.VV i'si8c."v0i s:ao,00 ��LUU�UUj YL1!1���� §J,CO SU�U� �L,14��UU 3ii,afii.08 ss,oa�.ao 549i,L"u 35iu,0u �YV�.UB �LUU�UJ 's2"t,591.uu �`Hn'�BaS, ixB �UBLiC flBaLin'S H&At,iN 6L"uG aCTiViii rvcSu9 SPnNDiAC AUiHGHi'i� r"QE iisLn"P90N"n SBueiCn5, Biniri "s uBeuin ��un �Ut( UCC:L"S JUYYLLB� AaD ii9itifll P1OIiA�'L1TY FUCl �PCLLS SUYY'LIISS� EHU lP1IG16G��� 1ItlS511 1� St��IdUl�� (I�T[��1611i 1N �U[�'ikL�1K&�:LU�� 1f.KT11 @ U1Si1�i1 9}VU 1�Y}ifl'1 l7dtilALliY lf�l�l.'9'11115� 11(A1 �9�i IS�L' 116Hi�OCISILhB71 i�Ct(�C�Sfi tl� x'�LaULVCU� 179T lYfi PA�Ut6 AYYld�Y135 ltt�u �IIfl19Q6 lU iriE i99s nUDG�T, �: Pr pa etl by: Activiry Mana ) ! Requestetl by: Department ��%� �i° ����9� Approved by: Mayor Oate t��-I31 DEPPFTMENT/OFFICE/CAUNCIL DATE INITIATED Public Health 12/23/94 GREEN SHEE N° 19007 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INRIAVDATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENr01RECTOR �CITYCOUNCIL h MOhP1and 292-7702 assicx CffYATTORNEY �CINCLERK TB ONCAUNCILACaENDABY(DA'f� ROUTING�OR QBUDGET�IflECTOR FIN.8M6T.SERVICESDIR. OROER � MAVOR (OR ASSISTANn � � SOTAL # OF SIGNATIlRE PAGES 1 (CLiP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGTfATURE) ACTION REQUE5TED: City s{gnatures on Administrative Order transferring authority between various general fund activities. RECAMMEN�ATIONS: Approve (A) or fle�ect (Fi) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTfONS: _ PLANNINCa COMMISSION _ CNIL SEBVICE CqMMISSION �� Has this personffirm ever worketl Under a contract for this department? _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personRirm ever been a city employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ D7SiRiCT cAUR7 _ 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not nortnally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL 0&IECTIVE? VES NO Ezptain eN yes answers on sapacete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOflTUNIN (Who, Wheq When, Where. Why)� Additional spending authority is needed in Health Bldg. for phones and in Birth & Death and Infant Mortality for office supplies. There is spending authority in various other object codes that cna be transferred. NTAGES IFAPPROVED. There will be no deficit object codes. . �t.�+����� ��C 2 � 1994 �J��'f �fFF10E �ISADVANTACaES 1F APPROVEO: NONE RECEIVED DEC 3 Q 1994 �1TY CLER6� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: . There will be a deficit in various object codes. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 5� 300. OO COS7/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (dRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOUHCE 9enerd} ACTIWTVNUMBEB 032�� 03206 �32�� FlSJANCIAL INFORMATIOIJ: (EXPLAIN) ��