96-540ORIG1�!A� To Legislative Aearing Offices - 5-7-96 Laid Over by Council on 4-24-96 To 5-22-96 City of St. Paul BESOLII=IQH BArIFYIH� iSSSS53[B$Y Q. �a�z 3� COUNCIL FILE 0. - 1 � � S File No. J96 42BB Assessment No. 9693 Voting tidard In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for 2 Boarding-up of vacant building for Dec. 1995 for property located at: 833 Selby Ave. Preliminary Order Final Order xx xx approved xx approved xx A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it ESSOLVSD, That the said assessment 6e and the same is hereby in a11 respects ratified. �HSOLVBD FII�THSB, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equal installments, COIINCILPSgSOA Yeas Nays �lakey ��ostrom �uerin H� rris-�}�Seri�"�In Favor ✓��fe ard �/Rettman (� Against vY'Iiune '^ 1 � 1"'S�SC.�c.T" Adopted by the Council: Date ;),_ 1�(( Certified Passes by Council Secretary Mayor To Legislative Aearing OEficer - 5-7-96 Laid Over by Council on 4-24-96 To 5-22-96 City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Dept. of Finance � Management Serv. BSPOF= OY COHPLE'lIOH OF ASSESS�SAT �. 2o-�`Z COUNCIL FILE N0. �4�5�.}Q F'ile No. J96042BB Assessment No. 9693 Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of henefits, cost and expenses for 2 Boazding-up of vacant building for Dec. 1995 for property located at: 833 Selby Ave. Preliminary Order Final Order xx xx To the Council of the City of St. Paul approved approved The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily connection with the making of the above improvement, viz; Total construction costs $58.5� Engineering and Inspection $ Valuation and Assessment Services $ Administration Charge - Public Health $25.00 Re-Check Charge - Public Health $ Abatement Service Charge $15.00 TOTAL E%PENDITURES Charge To et Assessment $95.50 $ xx xx to the Council the incurred for and in 598.50 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $ 98,50 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action theteon as may be considered proper. Dated '�- J � - r Co ����� (�, and Assessment Engineer ^ �— To Legislative Hearing Officer - 5-7-96 Q Public Hearin Date - 5-22-96 �l ` `S � OEPqRTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INRIATED N� 3. 417 8 Finance Department/&ea1 Estate 4-17-96 GREEN SHEE __. _ CqNTACfPERSON&PHONE - ' -- INITIAVDATE INITIAVDATE ., . O OEPARTMEP7� DIRE � CIT' COUNCIL Roxanna Flink 26Iz-8859 "�w" � arrnrroaNev � CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGEN�A BV (DATE) NUYBER FOB � BUOGET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES OIR. LAID OVER BY p�� oeoee A/pyOR(ORASSISTANn Council Research COUNCIL ON 4-24-96 TD 5-22-96 � d TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfIONREQUESTED: AY Council's request on 4-24-96, Boarding-up of vac. bldg. for Dec. 1995 for property located at: 833 Selby Ave. was laid over for further discussion. File No. J96042&B, 9693 REGOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A} or Rel� (A) PERSONAL SEHViCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE POLLOWf1iG �UESSIONS: __ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has i4tis personlfirm ever worKed untler a mntracF for this department? � _ CIB COMMITTEE YES NO . _Ag7q� A Public Aealth 2. Has tnis person/firm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO _ D75TRILTCOURT A Vacant Bldg .' s 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normall + y possessetl by any curtent city employee. SUPPOFlTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJEC17VE7 Ward 2 YES NO Expfain nll yes answera on separete sheet anC attaeh to green afieet 13eighborhoods INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPP�RTUNITY (Who, Whe1. When, Where, Why): " SEE ORIGINAL GRBEN SHEET NUMBER 34076" ADVANSAGESIF APPROVED: RECElVED APR Z 2 1995 1ERRY BLAKEY 045MYANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: � � . � .�,R', . . � �j�'��� `� �. ?`-?^�i TOTAL AMOUN7 OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7E0 (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER PMpNCIAL INFOPMATION' (EXPWN) � Hearing before Legislative Hearing Officer - April 16, 1996 Public Aearina Date - Avril 24. 1996 RE 2-16-96 e Estate 2-9-96 GREEN SHEET INRIAVDATE— � DEPARTMEN7 DfAECTOR SWN'._ �CI7YA7TORNEY MBEfl POR ❑ BUDGEi DIAECTOR UTIN6 DE0. O MpyOA (OA RSSISTAMn " - - P ALL�LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �' � - e TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES'�'�'� 1- � �� crwwnsouESSem J96041B, 9680; J96042B; 9681g J9604C, 9682 Setting date Approve assessments for Boardings-up of,vacant buildings for Nov. Demolition of vacant buildings for Jan. 1996.' Approva (A) w Rejec4 {R) _ PLANNING CAMAlI5510N _ CIVIL SEBVICE COMMIS510� _ CIB COMMITTEE A Sr� A Public Health _ DISTRICTCAURT A Vacant Bld�_ SUPPOflTSWXICHCOUNpLO&1eCiNEP wdld 2 N 4 4 -S4,o N° 34076 �' _ " " -- INRIAVDATE – � CRY COUNCIL � CfiY CIERK - � � � FfN. L 1AGi SEAVICES DfR 0 Counci Re`se of public hearing. � Dec. 1995 and . PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWERTHE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1. Has this personffrtm ever worked under a crontract for this departmen[? - ves wo 2. Has this perso�im ever been a city empbyee? YES NO 3. Does this personHirm possess a skil� not normally posses5ed by any current ciry employee7 YES NO Explain ail yea answers on seperate sheet and attach to green ahset Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not kept up. Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Boardings-up and Demolitions. This includes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, all household items such as refrigerators, stoves sofa chairs and all other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidewalks and cross walks. If Counc3l does not approve these charges, General Fund would be requ3red to pay.the assessment. Assessments payable over 1 year and collected with the property taxes if not paid. Neighborhoods would be left to deteriorate and property values would decline Nobody would take cate of their property, especially vacant or�rental propezties Rodents, filth garbage and trash would accumulate everywhere. Disease and,pests become a problem. „ ., ` ; 37 70�.94 ""' AMOUNT OF TAANSACTION S COSTIREVENUE�BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE} ' �YES could NO FUNDINGSOURCE Assessments Only ACTIVRYNUMBER FINANCIAL INPORMATION' (E%PLAIN) 38 property owners will be notified of the public hea � ,� wao . � o a 6 T � N r C W M d � N � C � d N N O • N� O O O II O • 1� � Ilt O O 11 Vt Z � • O � � � � N �1 � • m O� v+N� n P U �� fA fA fR 11 (A q r p K I I W 6' � II C'1 � ' II a r � n 2 U � II 4 ¢ � n £ I I N � O O O M F� O O O P � O O O �O Y � V1OO P � • W �- � iG C . vi O 1- �- £ U tn 4 y 6 W � O O O F� • 000 G] 4 � 000 m C ry � � N N V 1� N � O �o a P 7 F U W O K d W N U � C tJ K o w � a a �- S � �n x 6 • F U N Z • U' (n N � Z O W R' � ... U U -i O o ' Y 1' •.7 c� U � 4 £ � z ¢ � 0041 • � ta4 �! K Q W F 2 N W Z � Vl - £ O r - W J ' W � !- [L � ' � F- � J £ G O R� J O a K � W U W 2 K� Z J H � tJ � Z O F O � VI � O 2 N 2 W � 0 �1 U O' O O W � M F r Y ln J- -� Q M ti� 0.' Z 2 t0 W 1!� � � m. w O O J G� a w � c�.�...�ou.�. � n • z i-^� ` � o .�� x z• z o o r- +�. � 6��+ o C O N• Z Q 4 J U 2 rv � 2 P O 9 } H .� O r Q �p ... K �O N • P K� Z O �O O� W � � d �Y W 1� � � £ L' W O .� • Q�£ O> � 6 LL d � OU 6v� O � �T X � U 1ll i o ¢ � �r m(n � f� 6 2 �] Z J Q� • W W J £ W V1 L' � fL £ W N U' � O O� G O. V1 � a� O � M � � I� K�> � W 6 M �� w w � mwMO.cOZ � z���n ow� M 3� w w O F O 1� 0 0 � �+oov�s x � 000110 V10011N . 11 • c0 vi v� II cJ V1N�IIP fA fA M II fA ll n n u n II fl 11 ti 11 J 11 W I I U I I K tl 6 11 h II W II �- m c� n n U 2' II ^� d � 6 II w �tA211 X F- U 11 W t'J (7 II Z O W II J O �+ U U 11 Q o •.n t- � •>no 6 'S L' II I-� �/l OOWII J lL C tA II 1- W II U U J J J II W 1' Q 4 6 I I� 6 �- i- �- n o n O O O II 1' i- i- i- n a � ��-sy,v q`_S4o �' ' � � 1 Date: May 7, 1996 Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevard LEGISLATIVE HEARING Gerry Strathman I,egislative Hearing Officer i. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 275 Commercial Street. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended the owner be granted 180 days to bring the buildings into compliance provided a$2,000 performance bond is posted by Wednesday, May 22, 1996. 2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 350 Goodrich Avenue. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended the owner be granted until October 17, 1996 to repair the building since a code compliance inspection had been compieted and the $2,000 performance 6ond had been posted. � Resolution ratifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following: J9605A--Properry clean up, snow removal and/or sanding walks for January and February 1996. 833 Selby Avenue (J96042BB) laid over from April 16, 1996 I.egislative Hearing Legislative Hearing Of�cer recommended approval with the following exceptions: 1238 Cleveland Avenue S(79605A) delete assessment 1762 Randoiph Avenue (79605A) delete assessment 1464 Summit Avenue (J9605A) delete assessment 854 Lawson Avenue (79605A) laid over to May 21, 1996 I.egisiative Hearing 195Q W. 7th Street (79605A) Laid over to June 4, 1996 Legislative Hearing 4. Summary abatement appeal for 224 N. Avon; Larry Alexander, property owner. Legislative Hearing Officer recommended deleting the assessment. q 4-s �io MINUTE'S OF LEGISLATIVE HEARING May 7, 1996 Room 330, City Hall Gerry Strathman, Legislative Iiearing Officer STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Votel, Public Health; Guy Willits, Public Health; Roxanna F1ink, Real Estate Cathy Ries, Real Estate Cserry Strathman, L,egislative Hearing Officer, called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, tocated at 2� Commercia] Street. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Chuck Votel, Public Health reviewed the staff report. S�san Steinwall, attomey for property owners, appeared and stated that the owners intended to remove the above-ground petroleum tanks within the next six months. Chuck Crotty, potential buyer, appeared and stated that they were negotiating to purchase the properry and had signed a purchase agreement expressing that intent. The one condition they had was that the above- ground storage tanks would need to be removed. He owned a construcdon company and intended to use one or more of the buildings for storage and planned to possibly demolish the remainder of the buildings. Mr. Votel stated that the concem of Public Health was that the buiidings were vacant and unoccupied which caused a nuisance. FIe would agree to amend the order to allow for 180 days to repair or demolish the buildings since there was a potential buyer and possible reuse for the buildings. Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer, recommended the owner be granted 180 days to bring the buildings into compliance provided a$2,000 performance bond was posted by Wednesday, May 22, 1996. 2. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the referenced building, located at 350 Goodrich Avenu . If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Public Health is ordered to remove the building. Mr. Votel reviewed the staff report. A code compliance inspection had been completed and the bond had been posted on April 17, 1996. This would allow the owner unul October 17, 1996 to repair the buildin�. L.arry 7ohannessohn, former property owner, appeared and stated that he was representing David Berres, the contract owner. The property had been sold on a contract for deed and was assumed by another individual who did nothing to improve the properry. The property was then deeded back to him and sold to Dennis Weir. Dennis Weir, current property owner, appeared and stated that he purchased the property in April, 1996 and had begun to rehab the buiiding. It was his intention to have the repairs completed within six months. Mr. Strathman recommended the owner be granted until October 17, 1996 to repair the building since a code compiiance inspection had been completed and the $2,000 performance bond had been posted. Minutes of Ixgislative Hearing May 7, 1996 Page - 2 - Resolution ratifying assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for summary abatements for the following: J9605A--Properry clean up, snow removal and/or sanding walks for January and February 1996. 833 SelbXAvenue (laid over from April 16, 1996 Lzgislative Hearing) No one appeared; recommendation was for approval. � ss No one appeared; recommendation was for approval. 951 Jessamine Avenue No one appeazed; recommendation was for approval. 1080 Jessie Street No one appeazed; recommendarion was for approvai. 1762 Randolph Avenue Public Health recommended deleting ffie assessment. 1464 Summit Avenue Public Health recommended deleting the assessment. 1091 Rean�y Avenue Mr. Willits reviewed the staff report and showed a video of the properry. May Xiong, property owner, appeared and stated that she was out of town when the notice was sent and did not lmow that the items needed to be removed. Mr. Strathman stated that since the owner was allowed two months to remove the refuse and had not done so, he recommended approving the assessment. 1094 Reane�Avenue Mr. Willits reviewed the staff report and showed a video of the property. Susan Kabitz, property owner, appeared and stated that she had removed the building materials and refuse as ordered in November. The remaining items whicfi were removed by Public Health were covered and Minutes of Zzgislative Hearing May 7, 1996 Page - 3 - qC_syo secured ouuide by the garage. She did not believe these items should have been removed. Mr. Strathman stated that outside storage of any type was not permissible in St. Paul. Since the notice had been received and the work had been performed, he recommended approving the assessment. 1004 Fuller Avenue Mr. Williu reviewed the staff report and showed a video of the properiy. Andre Sunmons and Peter McCarry, property owners, appeared and stated that they were confused by the order as it refened to clean up as well as snow removal. The only work that was done was removal of refuse from their yard. Roxanna Flink, Real Estate, gave an explanation conceming the notice that was sent to property owners for summary abatement assessments. Mr. Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 1254 E. Third Street No one appeared, recommendation was for approval. 436 Case Avenue No one appeared; recommendation was for approval. 1710 Montreal Avenue No one appeared; recommendation was for approval. 1238 Clevetand Avenue S. Mr. Willits showed a video of the property. LIllian Derevitsky, property owner, appeared and stated that they had recently immigrated from another country. They were not aware that they were required to keep their sidewalk clear of snow and ice. They did not move into the home until the end of December and she was not sure as to whether they had received the notice. Mr. Votel reviewed the file and stated that it indicated that the notice was sent to the previous owner rather then the current owner. Mr. Strathman stated that since the notice had not been received by the new owner, he recommended deleting the assessment. Minutes of Legislative Heazing May 7, 1996 Page - 4 - : • I �.� No one appeared; recommendation was for approval. Mr. Votel suggested laying over the following properties: 854 Lawson and 1950 W. 7th. Mr. Strathman recommended laying over 854 Lawson to May 21, 1996 and 1950 W. 7th Street to June 4, 1996 Legislative Hearings. 4. S�xnunary abatement appeal for 224 N. Avon; Larry Alexander, property owner. Mr. Willits reviewed the staff report and showed a video of the properry. Larry Alexander, properry owner, appeared and staTed that the items that were removed was new refuse. He had taken the garbage that was ordered to be removed to a dump and he presented a receipt indicating this action. Mr_ Strathman stated that after reviewing the records provided by the property owner, he concurred that the orders to remove the gazbage had been complied with and he recommended dei g the assessment. Eie cautioned the owner to keep the property free from further gazbage az�jsfu�.'� Meeting adjoumed at 11:10 a.m. I.egislative H�ring Officer