96-54F"; ^+ ° €�' ' � ' I E �,e } �" f t ..a t , �.- , . _ _'�1 .m Presented By Referred To 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 Council File # Y/�� �een Sheet # 3 O � RESOLUTION � �INT PA bZQ1?;�TA p��0 � � J _ � ., (T �` � Committee: Date SAINT PAUL POLLUTED LANDS CLEANUP PROGRAM WHEREAS, there are a number of funding sources and programs available for pollufion cleanup and related development ac6vities including: Economic Development Initiative (EDn grant funds and Section 108 Loan Program funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development's Contamination Grant Program; the Metropolitan Council's Tas Base Revitalization Program; hazardous subdistrict tas increment financing; STAR loans and grants; Employment Incentive Grants; and possible funding through the Enterprise Community Grant Program; and 13 WHEREAS, the City wishes to leverage available pollufion cleanup resources to stimulating public 14 and private sector cieanup and redevelopment initiafives; and 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS, the proposed Saint Paul Polluted Lands Cleanup Program (PLCP) will serve to assist the Department of Planning and Economic Development (PED) in mazketing the pollution cleanup resources and provide guidance for funding recommendafions for applicants; and WHEREAS, the comprehensive PLCP provides for a"one stop shopping" opportunity for applicants that aze seeking assistance for pollution cleanup projects; and WHEREAS, Council Resolution 94-1306, adopted September 7, 1994 declares that the Council will review program guidelines before authorizing the proper city officials to execute a grant and loan agreement between the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the City of Saint Paul for the expenditure of EDI and Section 108 Loan funds; and 28 WI�REAS, HUD has approved a$1 Million EDI grant and $4 Million in 108 loans for the Ciry 29 of St. Paul with a ma�imum of $20 Million available in 108 loans. 30 31 WHEREAS, PED staff are hereby submitting the PLCP guidelines which also serve as guidelines 32 for the EDI program; 33 34 WHEREAS, PED staff will work closely with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, 35 Metropolitan Council, Department of Trade and Economic Development, and the Saint Paul Port 36 Authority on the implementation of the PLCP; now, therefore, be it 37 RESOLVED, that the Council hereby adopts the propased St. Paui Polluted Lands Cl�nup y �� Program guidelines; and 38 39 40 41 42 43 FINALLY RFSOLVED, that the property city officiais are authorized to execute a grant and loan agreement between HUD and the City of Saint Paul for the eacpenditure of EDI and Section 108 Loan funds. r^i ,!—` i �. F r- � / , �� \ �� . �� � � � \ �, \\� � � Requeated by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: Plannin & E omic Develo�ment By: �7� Form Apq ved by t orney By: � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: ��� =Q � Adopted by Council: Date . 9�-5�t OEAAPTMENTlpFFIC£1COUNCIL DASE INRIATED ��j� 3.4 2 8 2� PED �� Z g GREEN SHEET __ . . _ COMACT PERSON & PHONE DEPARTMENT DIfiECTO INmAL/D � CITY COUNCIL � A � A � Marie Franchett 266-6702 ^�w" '�CITYATTORNEY / r �CI7VCLEBK NUYBEfl f-0B - MUST BE ON CqUNCR AGENDA BY (DATE) pp�p� BUOGET DIqECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERV DIR. � / /�� OROER MAVOR (OR ASSISTANn � � aVtG�7e / / TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncnok aEOUes�a: Approval of attached resolution regarding the Sairi� Paul Polluted Lands Clean Up Program (PLCP). RECAMMENDq710NS: Approve (A) or Raject (F} pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PIANNING CAMMISSION _ G�VIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this personRirm ever worketl under a con�ract for this department? � _ CIBCOMMRTEE _ YES NO 2. Ha5 this person�rm e�er been a city employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ OfSiFUC7 C�un7 _ 3. Does this petsonKrm possess a skili not normaNy possessed by atry curreM city empioyee? SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yas answers on separete sheet and attech to green shest INITIATING PflOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOFiTUNITV (Wlw, What, NTen. NTere, Why): Opportunity to establish pollution clean up program 'to stimulate public and private sector pollution clean up and redevelopment, maximizin'c��g�����3�ation of funding sources available. ��^N Q5 159� ���,���� ���,��� ADVANTAGESIFAPPAOVED: The PLCP will stimulate clean up activity in Saint Paul, enhance tax base, eliminate b1ight and contribute toward job creation. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: None �� ���=w, �'F�4 lC�C�� .lAN G � ;�3� JAN p2 t996 C�rY ����RNEY DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPFOVED: No coordinated strategy for pollution clean up programs. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTHANSACTION $ N�P' COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNOING SOURCE N�R ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIALINFOflMATfON:(EXPLAIN) 9 G - sY 9�-s y The goals o f the PLCP are tn: do Reclaim and redevelop unused, underused, blighted and polluted commerdal and industrial land. � Job aeation, recruitrnent, training and retention. •o F.�cpand the at�s commeraal and industrial taac base. 6 Maximize the use of Federal, State and local resources. � Stimulate private sector cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated sites. The PLCP activities will include: 4 Phase I and Phase II environmental assessments and remediation plan development. v Remediation of polluted sites and/or encapsulation of pollution to allow for redevelopment. •? Acquisirion of polluted sites for cleanup and resale upon remediation. �f The provision of development 6nancial assistance. o+ The provision of workforce iecruitment and training assistance to employers locating facilities on the target sites. Financing for the PLCP may be provided from a number o f sources: 6 Economic Development Initiative grant from HUD $1 Million in grant funds available for St. Paul •b Section 108 Loan Guarantee Up to $20 Million in loans is authorized for St. Paul �i Department of Trade and Economic Development (DT'ED) Contamination Grant Program $7.8 Million in grants available for 1996 and 1997 (To be applied for as available.) �r Metropolitan Council's Tax Base Revitalization Account "brownfield program" $6.5 Million in grants annually for Metro Aiea w Polluted sites ta�c increment districts* Funding availability is project specific �� STAR I'rograui loans and grants` $3.2 Million in esrimated loan and $1 Million in grant funds for 1996 projects (To be applied for annually through the STAR Program.) �'r Tazc-exempt revenue bonds for commercial and industrial development � Enterprise Community Grant Program' � $3 Million available, guidelines being developed � Employment Incentive Grants* of up to $5,000 for each new job created in Enterprise Zones for residents of the zone. ` Some geographic and other restrictions apply. • Pollution cleanup is one of a number of development activities funded through these progams. 9�-5� :, ; � „ Funds are available for large and small projects where the pnblic flnancial assistance provided levenges significant economic benefits induding an increased talc base and private investment Each of the finandng programs listed above have individual eligibiliry criteria and application procedures, however, PED has prepared a standard form that will be used by the applicant and PED staff as a basis for determining which program funding is the most appropriate. Staff will then assist in the prepantion of more detailed grant and loan apptications, depending on which program funding is being pursued. Projects assisted with program funds must comply with all Federal, State and local laws and poliaes including prevailing wage standards, Affirmative Aciion, Targeted Vendors, Jobs Impact Statement where appropriate and First Source. Eligibility Criferia ' A Minnesota Pollution Control Agency approved Response Action Plan (RAP) (hazard- ous waste cleanup pian) is required to be eligible for the Metro Councii's Tax Base Revitalization Account, DT'ED's Contamination Grant Program and for tax increment finanang assistance Met Council funds may be utilized for asbestos abatement and for petroleum cleanup projec�s that are ineligible for the Petro Fund Program. If the applicant dces not have an approved RAP, they may still qualify for funding assistance under one of the other programs. To receive assistance the applicant must demonstrate that the project will meet a public purpose, e. g., tax base growth or elimination of a health hazard. It must also be demonsh�ated that there is a financiai need for assistance. For example: the cost of cleanup may far exceed the value of the site. Parties responsibie for pollution may apply for financial assistance but the terms and conditions of Rnancial assistance will be negotiated with the responsible party. Full disclosure of ownership enrity of project site will be required. In addition, there are geographical restrictions relative to the use of some of the program funding sources. 1. Tax Increment funding must be used in the spedfic tax increment district. 2. STAR funding may only be utilized for neighborhood based projects. 3. Enterprise Community Grant Funds and Employment Incentive Grants may only be utilized for projects located within an Enterprise Community Zone. To qualify for an empioyment incentive grant, new jobs must be created for zone residents. 9 � - s� Project Selectian Criteria The following project criteria will be used to determine site se�ection for remed4arion and redevelopment: 1. The eactent to which the project will result in an inccease in the tax base and/or elunination of a health hazazd. 2. Size of the site 3. The cost and ease of acquisition (if appropriate) 4. The cost of remediation 5. The amount o# private sector funds leveraged 6. The extent of recapture of public investment 7. Remediation project complerion schedule 8. The extent of the timely redevelopment potential 9. The eactent of community development impact, e.g., empowerment through neighborhood partnerships 10. Highest and best use evatuation a minimum of 30% coverage of building to land :• minimum of 1 job per 1,000 squaze feet of building space for manufac[uring uses and i job per 1,500 square feet for whoiesale, distribution uses. �A minimum of $30 per squaze foot construction value 11. Marketability of site: Iocafion, visibility, access to transif, azferial streets and freeways. 12. Degree to which project is consistent with City's comprehensive plan, small area plans and othei related City plans. 13. Level of neighborhood and District Planning Council support for the proposed project. Program Fees The Department of Planning and Economic Development wIll charge a 1.5% fee for loan and grants applied for through the PLCP. For Mare In formation Please contact Patrick Loonan or Sean Kershaw of the PED Business Services Resources Center at 266-6600 for additional information. � s� � � � � 0 q � � .r, � � � � 0 L� � � .� � L�, � a> +� � W r—, � cti � � � •H � � �