96-534'���Glfl�A�. RESOLUTION �INT P9lJi.-M Presented 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Referred To Green Sheet $ 34955 � � Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application, ID B-04819, for a new State CLass S Gamblinq Premise Perntit by Minnesota Youth Athletic Services at over-The-Rainbow, 249 W. 7th Street, be and the same is hereby approved. Requested by Department o£: BY= \ \ �,.._.__ c� . � Approved by Mayor: Date � Z` �p Council File $ 9�- 5 3 y ordinance # Office of License inspections and Environmental Protection i ♦^M n�f Form Approved by City Attorney BY � .�% Yo� -H � � � - g �—_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to BY: rC council By: Adopted by Council: Date � j Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � � FOR 9�-53y GREEN SHEET _N° 34955 INITIAVOATE iNmaware DEPAHTMEMDIRECTOq OCff'�CAUNCIL qSY ATTORNEY O CRY GLEFK BUDGEf DIPECfOfl � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. MAYOR (Ofi ASSISTAHn � TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Daniel Klinkhammer on behalf of Minnesota Youth Athletic Services requests Council approval of their application for a new State Class B Gambling Premise Permit at Over-The-Rainbow, 244 W. 7th Street. (ID 46B-04819) a _PLeWNINGCAMMISSION � _qVILSERVICECOMMISSiON _ CIB CAMMITTEE _ _ sraFC _ _ DISTR�CTGOURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH fAUNqL OB.IECTIVE? PERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWEH SHE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: t. Has this person/firm ever worKed under a coMract for this department? - YES NO 2. Has this person)firm ever been a ciry empioyee? YES NO 3. Oaes this Derso�ttirm possess a skill nut narmally possessed hy any Gurtent city employee? YES NO Explein sll yes answers on separate sheet and ettae� to green sheet �+�;i�3���: ..'.`'.,'.'fii^'s p .�+".�.��`C�+i i.ts�i�, � � 4��� TOTAL AMOUNT OF iRANSAC710N S COSi/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO � FUNOIfdG SOURCE ACTIVI7Y NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATIDN' (EXPLAIN) Greensneet # 34955 L.LE,P. REVIEW CHECKLfS7 Date: / GI ` -5 3 y in Trackei'? .h 3-9f� t,�a'n aecetvea l ApP'n Processed License ID # B-04819 State license Type: State Class B Gambling Premise Perm� t Company Name:. Minnesota Youth Athletic Service� DBA: Minnesota Yo �th A hl S YVi(�PC Business Addresss: 249 W. 7th St. (over-The-Rainbow) Business Phone: 78 -2220 Contact Name/Address: Daniel Klinkhammer (CEO) Home Phone: 781-222� Date to Councit Research: 4111 Central Ave. NE �I208 Public Hearing Date: Labels Ordered: Notice Sent to Applicant:�� 9kb Disirict Council #: 09 Notice Sent to Public: Ward Department/ Date Inspections Camments Ciry Attorney Environmental Heaith Fire License Site Plan Received:_ Lease Received: Police /��,���l�� S Ct-tTrLL ���/� l�lt�G,t_., �� ��cor� t'J��°ck.. �Ojj�GjS' Zoning LG214 nrns,� ❑ Li� , .:.�: r , �Tf, f Name Idirtnesota Lms�fict Gam.bling Premises Permit Application - Part Z of 2 Renewai Urgan¢ation base license number New Piemises permit number FOR BOARD 11SE QNL' BASE # PP # FEE CHECK INIT1AlS DATE Liass of premises permit " (eheck one) � A(5400) Puil-ubs, tipboards, paddiewheeis, 2ffles, bingo � B($250) Puil-tabs, tpboards, paddlewheels, raifles Q C (5200) 8ingo oniy ❑ D ($550) Raffies onty - svee[ or r. v iiox cuo not use to � If bingo will not b� conducted, cfieck here � owner a �'�L2 ri �`-'.C�ree S�. Pa�� j�+J _ ion own the Dwlding where ffie gambling witl be wnducted? p YES ,�. NO - If no. attacfi the tot{owing: - ' a copy of the lease (hxm LG202) with mrms for at least ene year. • a copy of a skeich of the ftoor p{an with dimensions, showing w}iat portion is being leased. A Iease and skeuh are rwt requ'aed fa Class 0 appGcations. � aY 9 LUC1 �" J� ,��e S1' Pt�w_P ubnJ 3S! o z If applying for a cIass A or C per.nit, fill in days 2_•id beginni g& ending hours of bingo ocrasions: . No more than seven bingo occasions may be conducted by your �gar_izati�n per week. Dzy BeginningfEndtng Hours Day BegtsuiingJEnding Hours Day Beginning JEnding Houre �s t�e premise, located wiffiin city Gmitt? �Yes C7 No It no, is township � organized � unorganized p uni+icorporated Ciry and Coumy vrhere g�mbling premises is tocated OR Townshi� and Counry where gambGng premises is luat2d if outside of city Lmrts .<-T: n�.. � �,�.�... � lf3innesofa Lasqfut Gambling d/ Premise Permit Application - Part 2 of 2 - l b�� � S`�� t 3ii� Ca..+<<i hwe N� r�t��s r�N ss4,�� �F..,ar,,: !'�.,�pr JQn �-t kk.� w�w�¢! �� R�O vGnc...a .S �`rY2-1- N� �-ft< l t /t'V�7 5$31�-I CKPCtw,�i^P , � /v4! � 1 hereby co�sent that bcal law enforcement officers, the board or agents ot the board, or the commissio�er of revenue ot pub{ic satety, or agenls ot the commissioners, may enter the premises to enforce the law. Bank Records Information The board is authorized to inspect the bank records of the gambling accourtt whenever necessary to fuKill requirements of currsnt gamblirtg rules and 1aw. oath I declare that: •I have read this appiication and all information submitted to tne board is true, accurate and mmptete; •aN other requ{red intormation fias been tu!!y disdosed; 1. The city'must sign this application 'rf the gambling prem- ises is bcated within city limits. 2. The county •'AND tcwnship" must sign this application ft ihe gambling premises is Iocated within a township. 3. 'ihe bcal unh govecnment (city or county) must pass a resolution specilically approving or denying this appl'ication. Ciry o f unty N Signa re oi pers r / d � � r f � ��Z���GGLr Reter tp the msWc ��� for iequired attachments. Maii to: Gambling Conirol Board Rosewood Ptaza Soulh, 3rd Floor �711 W. County Road B Rotovllle, MN 55113 •I am the chief executive o�cer of the organization; •i assume fuli responsibility for the tair and lawful opera- tion of aH adivdies to be conduded; •I will familiarize myself wiih the laws of Minnesota governing lawful gambling and rules of the board and agree, 'rf iicensed, to abide by those laws and rules, inciuding amandments to them; �any changes in appiication intormation will be submitt=d fo the board and bcai unit of government within 10 days of the change; and •t understand that faifure to provide required information or providing talsa or misieading intormation may result in tfie deniat or revocaticn of the license. 4. A cro�v of tha local unit of aovernmeM's resolution ao- pr vinn this aoolication must be attached to this �ppfication. S. If this appti�cation is denied by the bca! unit of government, it shouid not be submitted to the Gambling Contraf 8oard. Township: By signature bebw, the township acknowledges that the otganization is applying for a premises permit within township 4im+ts. Township Name Signa7ure of person receiving app�ieation rn� I Date Received CG214(Part 2) (Pev72D91) 8ank Name _ Bank AccouM Number 1 �o,nlc �-�'t`7"�-�Ry9�/ Bznk Address City Staie p Code