96-532o � � � � �s i � Council File # 9 � � �J 3 � i� Ordinance # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # Date ► . 1 2 3 4 RESOL'VED: That application, ID #B-04575, for a ne State Class B Gambling Premise Permit by Minnesota Recreation and Par Association at Schally's (formerly Lentsch's), 1091 Rice 3tree , be and the same is hereby approved. � `� �.�� �" \ T � �� \� � � � Requested by Department of: office of License, Inspections and EnviYOnmental Protection By: �,LWC. µ�� Adoption By Apptoved by Mayor: by council Secrstary Date Form Approved by City Attorney , � � By: ,� a,cL� \ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: By: Adopted by Cqfincil: Date _____ �* ** GREEN SHEET GITY ATfORNEY BUOGEf DIflECTOR MAVOR (OR ASSISTANf) g�-S3�� N_ 3494U - ' " " MRIAL/DATE Q CRY COUNCI� � � CEN CLERK � FM. 8 MGi. SEFIVICES DIR. ❑ TOSAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acnoN aE�s�o: .Ton Gurban on behalf of Minnesota Recreation and Park Association requests Council approval of their application for a new State Class B Gambling Premise Permit at Schally's (£ormerly Lentsch's), 1091 Rice Street. ID IIB-04575 _ PIANNING COMMISSfON __ CIVIL SERYICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMfITEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICf COURT _ SUPPOATS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTYVEI PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEH iHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t Has this per5on/Firm ever worked under a contract for this department? - YES NO 2. Has ihis personflirm ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personttirm possess a skdl not normally possessed by a�y current c�ty empbyee? YES NO Explatn all yes anawers on separate sheat and attaeh to green sheet AN .�m'4 "'�_ (1 '�V:.i:7'.,.:; L �..LE' �..as41i�� ... " :_ �� .";sr --- �:��"vs.1 ��La � 1 �J�� i s�' _ ' ^�� , 2. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER �INANCIAL INPoRMAiION: (EXPIAiN) Greensheet # L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST oate: /�L � S 3s�. In Trackef? ApR'n Received J App'n Processed License{D # B-04575 License Type: State C1ass B Gamblin� Premise Permit COmpBny Name: Minnesota Recreation and Park AssociationDBA: Minnesota Recreation and Park Assoc. Business Addresss: 1091 Rice St. (Schallv'sl Business Phone: 920-6906 Gontact Name/Address: 5005 West 36eh St. Home Phone: 920-6906 Date to Council Research: St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Public Hearing Date:�� /� 9� Labels Ordereci: Notics Sent to Notice Sent to Public: Districi Council Ward Department/ Date inspections CommeMs City Attomey Environmentai Heaith Fire Licens2 Site Plan Received:_ Lease Received: Police �,��27/°6 �eco� ��c,� '.oning 1G214 ,, n�s+� FOR BOARD USE ONLI BASE # PP � .FEE CFiFCK lNRIALS DA7E M£nnesota Lamful Gambting Premises Permit Application - Part 1 of 2 n � Renewai -- � O�ganization base lieense man6ar Premises permit number � ° Nama . . �' .. ; (Z.? G ftCC'{=i o � 6on - Street a P. O 9ox � �- 2 [�� E-+� your Gass ot premises permit (eh�ck ansj . _ _ .. _- - _ [] A{5400) PulFtabs, tip6oards, paddlewheets, raffles, bingo , � B(3250) Pu9-tahs. tiPboards. Paddlewheeis, ratfles - Q C (5200) &nflc onlY - . - . . ❑ �(Sf50) Raifiesmty i!o 1-�Pnne'a��%.' � .�vn (� CEp I t6rz)9ao-�RO6 s#ago Ocsasions . . • . ... c:... If appiying foz a class A or C permtt, flIl in days and begttuung & ending hours of b!ngo occasions: °, No more than seven bingo occasions may be coxiduded by your o�a +�a on per week. : � Day iiegkuung/Endtng Houn " Day Hegtnntcsg(Endfssg Houra 1JaY �F��S JEnding Hours tn _ to _ W . . � � �, . . � ... ro _- If biaQo evlll aot be coadncted, check here � � - • ---- . �en-F3Cl��S i�car l091 (Z �f�ee.�- ._ . . Is ihe qremises located within aty Gmils? ' j�Yes' O No N ero. is bwnship � or9anized � unorpanized p uninoorporated Ciry end Counry wAare gambTinp premises is located OR Township and County where gambGrg premises is beated it outside of dry Gmits . _Sr. P��i J2� ,..SQ:. - � ____ Name and address ot kgal owner of pre es . •. Ciry Srate . Lp Code ._ ._ ' �iRR cn �Zre . s>+c. _S�: Ac�.,i r�tnJ tsi»:'� .'� wr acgaruunon own �e cwany wnere me pamwmg wu� oe mroupea� p rts � ND H m. aCacfi the bibwiny: - -. � _ _. . _ -- • a eopy of Ihe lease (tuim LG202j with ierms br at least one year. .. . , • a copy of a aketch of the Aoor plan wdh dmensions, sAowing what pprSOn is beinp ieased. A lease and eketeh are swt requirad tor Class D appfieations. lD �! 1 2."c e �'f'�Pa -(- S: �G �.. ( /�'loJ .$ S / � � Minnesota Lam, fu2 GambTirt� Premise Permit Application - Part 2 of 2 n a�-5,3:� �L"n IGG�.w (�U( ��3�C, i.�.`GtGf t�or�:Et Pk w�l. M�jl 5���lt�i � �: rff �i+/ -- ��,,.,s....�. ,��� R+�cl�ew 13�:i'ro r.,2 3G3y l�,Ahh oL �VP !�l /2 �dFf� Cjy,3} rytc...� V 1 hereby mrtsaM that bcat law eMorcemeM offioars. the board or agents of ffie board, or #�e commissioner of tevanue or pubfic safely, o� ageMs ot the commissioners, may anter the premisas to eniorce the {aw. Baak Records Iaformatlon The board is authorized to inspect the bank records ot the gambling accourd whenever necessary to fu�iA requirements ot curtent gamWing rutes and law. Oath ! dedaze th�: . � •i have read this appiication and alt iniormation submitted to the baaid is truo, accurate and wmplete; •ali other required information haz been tully d+sdased; :�� 1. Tha city •must sign this apptication if the gamb('mg pem- ises is bcated wdhin dty limfts. 2. The county "ANO township" must sign thfs appl'ratia� iF the gambiing pramises is bcaied wlthin a townshlp. '' 3. ThB bcal unil governmeM (city a county) must Qass a resotution specificaqy approving or derrying ihis appi'icalion: City or County Name C % � !,r ? `S /� /�.�(i,., _ •i am the ehief axecutive otPicer oi the organizatton; •i assuma iutl responsbfiity tor the fair and IawFui opere= :' tion oi alI activities to be conducted; •I will fam0iarize myseH witfi the taws of Minnosota govaming tawEul gambling and rules of the board and agree, i[ Goensed, W abide by ttase taws and rules, including amendments to them; •any changes in appiicatbn information wiil be submitted to the board and bcal unit of govamment within 10 days '.-.; oi the change: and •I understand that tailure to provids required ic�formation ._ :_ or providing ta(se or misieading irttormatioa may result in�•'�` the denial or revocaficn of the licertse. �'�' � : -.• ��= - ,� • .��-�� _• �r� _ �.•��• u •� u ,�. ,_. ��- = •� - � TownsMp: By signature bebw, the township adcnowledges , that the organization is appiying for a premises permit within township limits. - - Township Name person re�ivinp appBration � -� � SignaWre of person receivin8 aPP�� r�uaC ��,� b i.�-� �iii�Gi+G.Fi�u".L�.i � � Dat�Received Title Date Reeeived a�-aa-�� ( Reter te the ir�swciions for required anachmeMs. Mail b: GamWinp Cootrol Bwrd Rosewood Plsu South, 3rd Floor 1711 W. County Aoad S Ao�evllle, MN 55113 LG210(Psrt 2j lnwirscvt) � - Fxec.,. t.v�