96-526� f { e- �-�- aREG����� Cicy of St Paul Resolution Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon and Fixing Time of Hearing on the Award of Damages In the matter of VOTING WARD Acquiring : That part ot 8tock 38, Stinson Brown and Ramsey's Addition to St. Paul lying soulherly ot a line beginning on the west line oi said Block 38, 38.00 teet norih of ihe northwest corner oi Lot 7, Dawson's Subdivision oi Block 38, S�inson Brown and Ramsey's Addition to St. Paul to a point on the cen(er line of Ful(on Street being 5.00 teet south ot the intersection of the ceMer lines ot Grace Slreei vacaled (dedicaled as College Street in Siinson Brown and,Ramsey's Addition to Si. Pau!) and Fulton Streel and there said fine terminates and Iying nor[herty oi tfie north line of said Lot 1,along with That part of Lois 11 and 12, Block 8, A Vance Brown's Subdivision ot Slinson Brown and Ramseys Addition to St. Paul and that pari ot Grace Sireet vacated (dedicaled as College Slreel in Slinson 6rown and Ramsey's Addition lo SL Pauf) which lies wesl ot �he centerline o1 Fulton Slreet, and lies southerly o1 a line beginning on the wesl line oi said Block 38, 38.00 feel north ot the northwest corner ot Lot 1, Dawson's Subdivision of F31ocY. 38, Stinson Brown and Ramsey's Addifion to SL PaW to a point on the cenier line o( FNlon Slreet being 5.00 teet south ot ihe inlersection of fhe cenler lines ot said Grace Streei vacaled and Fullon SUeet and there said lino terminates, along with That part of ihe noAh one haif o! Grace Street vacated (dedicaEed as College Sireei under Admin �n Stinson Brown and Ramsey's Addition lo SL Paulj lying wes[ of the extension oi lhe norlhwesterly line of Pleasant Avenue across said Grace Sireet vacaled and soulheriy of a line beginning at a point on the cenler line of Fuiton Slreel being Preliminary C 5.00 feet south o( the intersection ot lhe center lines o( Grace Street vacated (dedicaled as College Slreet in Slinson Brown and Ramsey's Adtlition lo SI. Paul) Final Order_ and Fulton Sireet lo the intersection of Ihe northwesteriy line ot Pleasanl Avenue and the norti7 line o( said Grace Streei vacated and ihere said line lerminates,a7ong with That part of Pleasan! Avenue vacated lyirtg norih ot the north line of C,race Street The D vacated (dedicated as Coilege Street in SGnson 8rown and Ramsey's Addiuon lo Si. Pauf) and south oi a line beginning a� the interseclion ot the north line of said for the tak'v Grace Slreet vacated wilh ihe norihwesledy line of said Pleasant Avenue vacated also having to the interseciion of ihe southeasieriy line ot said Pleasant Avenue with a tine 3,00 RESOI � north of and parat(et with ihe nortfi fine of said Grace SUeei vacaled and there said line terminates,along wiih RESOI of the awaxc T�at part Ot Lot 7, A. Vance Browds Subdivision of C31ock G, Slinson f3rown and Chamber, in Ramseqs Addition lo St, Paul and that part ot Bay Sireel vacaled, and that part ot June, 19 B�ock 7, A. Vance Brown's Subdivision of Slinson Brown and Ramsey's Addilion to SL Paul alI lying norih o! the nonh line ot Grace Street, lying easterly of lhe he is directe southeasterly line o( Pieasant Avenue vacated, weslerly of the northerly extension of lhe east line o( Block 9, Stinson Brown and Ramsey's Addilion and south of a Iine 3.OD teet north of and parallel with norlh line of Grace Sireei. courrciLn�EN JUN �41996 Yea� NayS ' y r. BgstY om ✓Guexin � In Favor � H ris ° �� ��{-- y�ard � Against v'k�t tman t �l •✓Thune damages awaxded tom payable; and ;. therefore be it for a confirmation sfits; at the Couneil day of of Finance be and � t5 994 Adopted by the Council: Date �� �` �« Certifie Passed by Council Secretary � A By � ��_��--�--�-- � Mayor ' P]ic aring Date - June 12, 2996 F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVIStON Date: Pesou aad PMme Nnmbec „ .,.�wwo Peter White/Juan Ort¢ 266-8850 °� RE 05-09-96 �l� -� � t„ ` Green Sheet Nnmber. $q.Y 82 .RmSE'NT DIIiL(.TOR 1 CItY COUNCQ. ATiY')>RNLY QL�R% ;El' Dll2ECinR . & MGT. SVG DIIt �R (ORASSISTANL) Reai Estate Div / 140 CH st be on Council Agenda by: May 22, 1996(Consent agenda) for a public heazing date of June 12, 1996. 1L # OF SIGNAIVRL� PAGES 1 {QdP ALL IACAT[ONS POR STGNA.'IURL� ON RC;QU 1NI): date to ratify condemnation and award of damages. demning and taking railroad property - Grand/St.Albans ponding project. 18711E2 & 18711E3 PIANNING COML�SSION QVII. SERVI(� COMMISSION �II. r,� uh,IYYYG' -- �__� �PERSONAI,SERVICECONIRACISMUSTANSWER"II�.'.FOL[AWING �.�� 1. Has rhe pecson/fum cver wozked under a oonaact [oz this departmeut? YES NO A WIAQI COUNCII, OB.iLCI1VI;7 SQWQTS Flas this pctwn/fitm evcr becn a Gty employee? Does this pecson/fum �ea a slotl not oocmallY P� b➢ �Y cumrnt Gty emp7oycc? ai( YIS aoswes on a scparete sheet and attacB. � YPS NO cour�taa, wAxn�s� 2 DISTRICl' PIr1NNING COUNQL 9 - 17ATING PROBLBM, I.SSUI?, OPPORTUNITY (Who, W6at, Wfieq Where, W4ty!): holding pond has been built by the City in the area of 35E and Victoria for heavy storm water run-off. ie City needs to have all property rights to this pond in its name. NTAGES IF APPROVED: City will own the property where the pond e�ists. IP APPROVE�: 3VANi'AGES IF NOT APPROVED: City is responsible for this pond, it is a disadvantage to have property in someone eise's name. sourrroFlRntasncriorr: $43,900.00 S°'.TRC�' Sewer Project Funds L INPORMATION: (EXpIAIN) cosr/xt�u� stmc��n �c[�zc� otJej xes xo AC27Vf1'Y NUMBBR