96-519� � � �: � � N i _ ...�,.. o. .v.. Presented By Referred To WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works has let bids for construction of paving, lighting and signal consiruction in the ComoNalentine area, and �. � UT � i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 WHEREAS, this work was originally adopted by City Councit Resolution 95-1477, known as Log #SU-66033, and WHEREAS, there is Sewer repair work to be done under this contract, necessitating a transfer of funtling from Log # SU-66012, and WHEREAS, rewnstruction work on ihe Como/Raymond/Cleveland Intersection was o�iginally adopted by City Council Resolution 93-1898, known as Log # SU-12044, and additional funding in the amou�t of $66,677.03 is needed to award this work, necessitating a transfer of PIA funding from the County Aid Participation prqect, known as Log # SU-66039, AND WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works has entered into an agreement with the Water Utility to share in these costs, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and ativice of ihe Long Range Capital Improvemeni Budget Committee, that the Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council is hereby further amended in following particular: Current Amended Budget Change Budget FINANCING PLAN RESIDENTIAI STREET PAVING-96 C96-2T550 1996 CIB SPEC ASMT BONDS SEWER REPAIR FUND SEWER SERVICE FUND 1996 PlA 1994 CA WATER UTILITY . 3s Committee: Date 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 2,025,000.00 2,025,000.00 717,250.00 2.695.74 119,945.74 65,300.00 65,300.00 66,677.03 66,677.03 zi2,000.o0 2iz,000.00 776250.00 17,381.88 793,637.88 8,383.800.00 298,754.65 8,682,554.65 SPENDING PLAN RESIDENTIAL STREET PAV{NG-96 C96-2T550 CONST.PL4N CONSTRUCTION FINANCING PLAN MAJOR SEWER AEPAIq C96-2T67 9 SEWER REPAIR FUND Council File # �`r'�I� 34474 RESOLUTION Green Sheet ; C1TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1,873,554.0� 43,396.76 1,916,950.76 6,510246.00 255,357.59 6,765,603.89 8,383,800.00 298,754.65 8,682,554.65 1,130,7W.00 -2,695.74 1,128,�5426 1,730,750.00 -2,695.74 1,128,05426 �, � � C . _. . � i �...' � E ': r 4 ;_- 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 6� 62 63 64 ss 66 67 68 ss �o 71 72 73 74 75 76 �� 78 79 80 8� 82 S3 84 85 SPENDING PIAP7 MAJOR SEWER REPAIR C964T619 PLANS & CONSTRUCTION FINANCING PLAN COUNTY AID PARTIGPATION C96-2T480 7996 PIA �. �� 2 �� 5 '� 1,130,750.00 -2,69574 1,728,05426 1,130,750.00 -2.695-74 1,728,05426 100,000.00 -66,677.03 33,322.97 700,000.00 -66,677,03 33,322.97 SPENOING PLAN COUNTY AID PARTICIPATION C96-2T480 PIANS & CONSTRUCTION 700,000.00 -66,677.03 33,322.97 100,000.00 -66,677.03 33,322.97 FINANCING PLAN COMO/RAYMOND/CLEVELAND C94-2L006 1994 CA 272,000.00 -212,000.00 0.00 212,000.00 -212,000.00 0.00 SPENDING PLAN COM0IRAYMONDlCLEVELAND C944L006 CONST.PLAN CONSTRUCTION 34,000.00 -34,000.00 0.00 178,000.00 -178,000.00 0.00 212,000.00 -212,000.00 0.00 RESOLVED, that the City Council atlopts the above changes to the Capital budget. �'iGdq2# Dtf2C10� Requested by Department of: �\!��'�`-�` ��._.... By: Approved by Mayor: Da�t �/ By: Yl>L C� � MJE{jb P11bI1C �OIICS 3-21-96 ��� �-, ��,C� By: -- Form By: w � � O w am � � m "' r. r� �L .4 U �a m `u A d � U y N ` q m. � �. �� a N � �m 'i3 F fA -�� Ag�rovecYb ayor for Subm'ssion to Council i By: " i _ by C'a,ty Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �Q,eC���� Adoption Cextified by Council Secretary Qr �►.. '✓ DEPAFTMEM/OFFICECOUNQL DATE INITIATED � �, t r�bli�wor� 3/Zl/96 GREEN SHEET No.3 474 COP7TACTPERSON&PHONE INITIA ATE INITAL/DATE EPARTMENT�IRECTOR ❑g CfiYCAUNCIL 1�1Ct18E1.J.Egg�]]Ij 266-6143 ��� aC17YATTORNEY O CITYCIERK MUSTBEONCOUNQLAGENDABY(DAT� ROUiiNG ❑5 B ETOFFICE �p PINANCEACCOUNTiN �� MAYOR(ORASSISTMin ❑j �Eyy� TOSAL # OF SfGNATURE PAGES 7 (CI�P ALL LOCAitONS FOR SIGNANRE� �z � P �` � DEPARlh7ENT ACCO 3 2 ��j C ACTON FEQUE5tED Approvat of Council Resolution amending the 1996 Capital Improvement Pr noram by uansfetring spending and financing from the Major Sewer Repair-96, the Como/Raymond/Cleveland Intersection and County Participation projecu and adding Water Utiliry £nancing to the 1996 Residential Sueet Paving Proa am. RECAMMENDAnOrvs:npprove(A)araeject(R) PERSONALSERVICECONiRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUES.� . _ PLqNNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �. Has this person/firtn everworketl untler a coM2ct torthis tlepartmenC? ='� _ GB COMMITTEE _ YES NO �� �� STAFF 2. Has ihis persoNfirm everbeen a ciry employee? �;i� _ DISTAICTCOUNQL YES NO i ; — 3. Does this perso�rm possess a sWll not nortna�ly possessetl by any curiebt ci � SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNpLOBJECTNE? YES NO � Explain ali yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHEqE, WHY)� The Department of Public Works has let bids for conshvction of the paving, lighting and signal consu-uction in the Como/Valenti�e area. This work was originally adopted by the City Council under log number SU-66033, this resolution transfers the spending and financing for the sewer xepair portion of this pxo}ect from Major Sewer Repair and the reconshuction of the ComoJRaymondJCleveland intersection reconstruction from the 1994 Capital Improvement budget for award of contract and adds Water Utility and 1996 PIA financing. ���� ADVANTAGESIFAPPPOVEO� Ap� 2� �g96 The Department of Public Works will be able to awazd conhact. v��=#?a,,°�; #',;�=�s�"? DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED' None. Ya��a`'R�'S� �,���� �'a� f.�3�i�� ��t� �� � ti��Gi DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: Contract will not be awarded and work delayed until sufficient budget is in place. YOTALAMOUNTOFiRANSACTION$ 17�8tA8 COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) yES NO FUNDINGSOURCE SewerRepairFund,CA,PIA&WaterUdlity ACTIVI'fYNUMBER C96-2TSSQ C96-2T619, C96-2T480 &. C9 -2 06 FfNANC1AL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Transfers - $281,372.77 Additions - $17,381.88