96-518Council File � � � � "� t�+ � CITY Pzesented By Referred To Committee: Date P. �0; 2 , 2 3 a s s 7 8 9 70 11 12 73 14 15 �6 17 18 l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 35 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 A1 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 WHEREAS, the Department of Pubtic Works has let bids for construction of both paving and lighting construction of the Cretin/Bayard area, and WHEREAS, this work was originally adopted by Gity Courtcil Resolution 95-1477, known as log #SU-66�33, and WHEREAS, there is sewer repair and inflowfinfiltration work to be done under this contract, necessitating a iransfer of funding from Log #SU-66012 & Log # SU-66073, and WHEREAS, the Department of Pu6lic Works has entered irto an agreement with the Water Utility to � share in these costs, so TNEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Lon9 Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the Capi[al ImprovemeM Budgei, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council is hereby fuither ame�ded in following particular: Current Amended Budget Change Budget FWANCWG Pf.AN RESIDENTIAL STREET PAVING-96 C96-2T550 7996 CIB 6,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 SPEC ASMT BONDS � 2,025,000.00 2,025,�QQ.00 SEWER REPAIR FUND 117,250.00 117,250.00 SEWER SERVICE FUND 65,300.00 65,300.00 WATER UTILITY 776250.00 176,250.00 8,025,000.00 358,800.00 8,383,800.00 SPENDING PLAN RESIDENTIAL STREET PAVING-96 C96-2T550 CONST.PLAN CONSTRUCTION FINANCING PLAN MAJOR SEWER REPAIR C96-2T619 ��aa�ra:vr��min.u� SPENDING PLAN MAJOR SEWER REPAIR C96-2T659 PLANS & CONSTRUCTION RESOLUTION Green sheet � 34473 OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3`� 1,800,000.00 73,554.00 1,873,554.00 6,225,000.00 285,246.00 6,51Q246.00 8,025,000.00 358,800.00 8,383,800.00 1,248,000.00 -117,250.00 1,�30,750.00 1,248,000.00 -117250.00 1,130,750.00 1,248,000.00 -117250.00 7,130,750.00 1,248,000.00 -117,250.00 1,130,750.00 ��?�r���€F� � ��'S`� .' � p.2o� 2 5� 5� 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 FINANCING PLAN INFLOW/INFI LTRATION-96 C96-2T674 SEWER SERVICE FUND SPENDING PLAN INFLO W/INFILTRATI ON•96 C96-2T674 PLANS R CONSTRUCTION ��� ��� �� �� �� �� �� ��� ���� �� �� �� �� �� 2,000,000.00 -65.300.00 1,934,700.00 2,000,000.00 -65,300.00 1,934,700.00 RESOLVED, that the City Council atlopts the above changes to the Capital budget. I"ne St. Paul Lon9 -Ran89 CaPital ImPzovar�'�' et Cam�ittee zece;ve� �1�is xean°st on Sad9 � ���, .� f ar.d zewcx..'r.r: �:'s �datel ______, .— r ' 5: ��,' --�� Budget Di; ecto; Yl^ `����__ ..__._...._ ------- xequested by Department of: M.TE/ib PUbI1C WOIICS 3-19-96 �z�� �z By: � — Form Ap oved by 'ty torney / /� g�,, `� %l0 By: p Approved by Mayor: Date S � Z � � By: / �� � ��Z`°""_ sy: Mayor for S�t}bmission to Council Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Qt _ r�e V DEPAF7MENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED � r J � Q �b�1�wotks 3,�s,s6 GREEN SHEET No. 34473 � INITIA TE INI7IAVDATE CONTACT PERSON g PHONE 1�f)Epqg7�y�EN}' p�RECTOP ❑g CfR' CDUNCI� Michael7. Eggum 266-6143 A ��� N � 6 CIN ATTORNEY crn c�wc NUMBEHFOR ❑ Q kUST BE ON CAUNCIL AC�ENDA SY (DAT� pOUS1NG 5 UDCET OFFICE �� AIdCE-ACCOUN5IN OflDFR MAYOR(OR ASSISTANT) 1 xe Eggum � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNANR� O CAP PRQI M f o I OEPARTMEYf ACC "j /� L! ACiION REQUESTED Approval of Council Resolution amending the 1996 Capital Improvemen[ Pro�am by transferring spending and financing from the Major Sewer Repair-96 and the Inflow/Infiltrauon-96 projecrs and addin� Water Utility fmancing to the 1996 Residenflal Street Paving Progam. RECAMMENDa770NS:Appmve (n) or Rejett (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWMG QUESTiONS: I _ PIANNING COMMISS�ON _CIVIL SERNCE COMM15510N �. Has this persoNfirtn everworked urMer a contract forthis tlepartmerrt7 CB COMMITTEE _ YES NO STAFF 2. Has this persor✓firtn ever been a city employee? — — YES NO _ oI57RICTCOUNGL _ 3. Doesthis ersoNfirm p possess a Skill not rwrtnaly possessetl by any curre ciry e SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNQLO&IECTNE? YES NO F�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attaCh to green sheet INITIATING PRO6LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN. WHEftE, WHY)� The Department of Public Works has let bids for construction of both paving and lighting construcuon in the Cretin/Bayazd azea. This work was originally adopted by the City Council under log number SU-66033, this resolution transfers the spending and financing for the sewer repair portion of this project from Major Sewer Repair and InflowlInfiltrauon projects for awazd of contract and adds Water Utility financing. ������ APR 2 2 1�96 ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The Department of Public Works will be able to awazd contract. "���`��� °�"�� APR 1 g 19�36 �� �� ������� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Conuact will not be awazded and work delayed until sufficient budget is in place. �sais.:';'��"�' .-. , _ ���a....,.. - - _ � <. 5�:,. � 1_ 4�irt�s �'tn 4��+�: TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ 17R96000 COST/REVENUEBUDGE7ED(CIRCLEONEj YES No PUNDING SOURCE Sewer Repair Fund Sewer Service Fund & Water A�vfiY NuMBeR C96-2TSSQ C96-2T619 & C96-2T674 FWANCIAL MFORMATiON' (EXPL4IN) Transfers - $182,550 Additions - $176,250