96-504�fS��i��:�� FINANCING PLAN 001 - General Fund 04000 - Office of the Chief 3699-40007 - Other Miscellaneous Grants All Other Fund Financing r � Presented By: Referzed To: SPENDING PLAN 001 - General Fund 04000 - Office of the Chief 0141 - Overtime 0219-40007-Fees-Other Professional Services 0241-40007 - Printing-Outside 0299-40007 - Other-Miscellaneous Services 1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department has received a grant from the State of Minnesota, Department of 2 Children, Families and Learning for the Cops 'N Kids program in the amount of $37,700, and 3 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police DepartmenYs Cops'N Kids program created by Officer Ed Lemon, will develop 4 sensitivities between police officers and youth at risk via a videotape format, and 5 WHEREAS, the Cops 'N Kids program will create a safer community through repairing and restoring the relationship 6 between youth and law enforcement officers through theater workshops designed to explore misperceptions, and 7 WHEREAS, the results will increase the understanding of both parties and decrease the volatility of confrontations 8 occurring in the community, and 9 i io � - , . � � � / 5 _� ��, 11 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department desires to establish a financing and spending plan for the Cops'N 12 Kids grant, and 13 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the CiTy of Saint Paul, does certify that 14 there are available for appropriation funds in excess of those estimated in the 1996 budget; and 15 WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1996 budget: 16 17 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Committee: Date CURRENT BUDGET CHANGES AMENDED BUDGET 0 37,700 2,116,073 0 ,17 , 7 7,7 Council File # ..$O� Green Sheet # 5,000 24,960 4,700 3,040 37,700 2,116,073 ,15 ,77 5,000 24,960 4,700 3,040 All Other Fund Spending 48,184,082 0 48,184,082 48,184,082 37,700 48,221,782 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1996 budget. Requested by Departm�rit of: Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Councii Secr ry: By: �,�'�'� s . R Approved by Mayol�ADate 2( G�(� By: � � ` C041996A By: Approval Recommended by By: �� �^ Form Aoo ed bv.Citv Attb -�_ �� by By: to Council: 4-L- So4 `� DEPHR'fMENTlOFFICP/ppUNG! DA'fElNRIAiED O � POLICEDEPARTMENT 4/19/96 GREEN SHEET �- 3.6026 CANTACT PEFlSON 8 PNONE INITIAVDATE INRIAL/DATE OEPAflTMENTDIRE CITYCAUNQL Chlef Willi3mFinne 292-3588 ���N CMATfORNEY qT'CLERK NUYBERFOR ---{{{�[[--�--��--- MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGRIDA BV (DATE) p��� BUDGEf DIflECTON� � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ONDER MpVOR lOfl ASSIST O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATUR� ACfION FiEQUESTED: � Approval of the attached Council Resolurion to set up a budget in the Police Departoaent's General Fund for the Cops `N Kids grant. pECOMMENDA71oNS: Appova (n) m Reiect (R) pERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEH THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS; _ PtANNING CAMMISSION _ qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a coMract for this department? - _ CI@ COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a cily employee? — YES NO _ OISTqICT CoupT _ 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECTIVE? YES NO Ezplain all yes anawers on separete sheet and attaeh to graen sheat INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPDXTUNITV (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Saint Paul Police Department has been awazded a"P&I" grant in fhe amount of $37,700 for a new program created by Officer Ed Lemon entitled Cops `N Kids which will develop sensitivities between officers and youth at risk via a videotape forrnat pL�[g��� �+a� o z ,9ss S A P4x'2' 'bS:@�' ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: `�' �"�"``'' ° � � � The Cops `N Kids program would have a Financing and Spending plan which would enable the City to receive the $37,700 in grant funds. A'SADUANTAGES IF APPROVED' �Et�9��� 9't!"'� b ° +n a+.Ryv � ' .� i ,'..' ��u.s,� s �y'�; t�&4e9' None. APR 3fl 19J6 �`�s?�` �� t��� ���� ���������Y DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVE�: . ""—'—'^—.�— —""'-- �-- - '---_ $37,700 would not be received to fund the Cops `N Kids program. TO7AL AMOUN7 OF 7HAMSACTION S 37'7OO COSVqEVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNOIHG SOURCE `��'te OPM1IlriCSOt3 � pC71VITV NUMBER 04 ��� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (E%PLAIN) 9�-soy PREVENTION & INTERVENTION INITIATIVE APPLICATION COVER SHEET FORM'I This form is to be used as th,e cover sheet for your granf appiication. !; you are app/ying for more fhan one fund category, compiete a separ2fe cover sheet for e2ch category. Submit 10 copies of your complete application fo�each fund cateoory. FISCAL AGENCY: Use your legal name CONTACT AGENCY: Please fiil in the contact and full address. This is the fiscal agent organization's name and address below if different with whom the grant agreement wiil be from tfie fiscal agency. executed. Offcer Ed Lemon St. Paul Police Depa�ment Selby Community Police Siorefronf Director or superintendenYs name: Contact name: Curman Gains Officer Ed Lemon Telephone number:(612)293-5100 Telephone number: 291-7057 Fax number:(612)290-8331 Fax number:(612)292_3600 SERVICE AREA Project start date: Project end date: Ol/01/96 12131/96 Counties Cities School District Grant agreements will not be processed without these name(s) , numbers: Ramsey Sf. Paul 652 NN fax ID #: Federa! employer ID n: 802509 41-6005521 Grant Funds Requested $37,700 FUND CATEGORY Communify-Focused Crime Prevention Violence Prevention Councils Law Enforcement Education Local Law Enforcemenf O�ce�s Assigned to Schools Male Responsibility and Fathering Projecfs Youth-Focused Crime Prevention proj ___ _.. � Project Summary — 50 words or less in the space below Project Cops'N Kids: Crearing Safer Community w711 create a curriculum to repair and restore the relationship beriveen youth and law enforcement officers through theater workshops desi�ned to explore misperceptions. The results will increase the understanding of both parties and decrease the volatility of confrontations occurring in the lazger community. q(,-soy FORl�2 Z COR'IMUTTTY A\'D ORGA:\IZATFON OVERVIEW (narratice) ace granf reviewers may not be familiar wifh your community and organiza:ion, p/ease �vide a compiete descripfion, State whatever in;ormation you think is imporfant for reviewers have fo understand you�grant proposa! and your organization. Tel! about fhe community's sources and needs as fhey relate to the applrcation. Provide relevant data to help ieviewers derstand the extent of resou�ces avail2b/e or problems facing the communrty. Selby Avenue is a culturally diverse neighborhood which lies in the WesUCentrai portion of the City of Saint Paul. The downtown area is the eastern border, and the area extends to Lexington Ave. as iYs western bordEt. Univ�rsity Ave. is to the north; Summit Ave. is ihe southern border. The Selby Ave. neighborhood, with a comparativety large population ot over 18 thousand people, has iong struggied with crime. The crime rate in 1994 for Part i offenses for this area is 8% higher than the city-wide average. PaR I crimes include: fiomicide, r2pe, robbery, aggravated assault, burolary, theft, auto theft and arson. More disturbing is the types of crimes with ihe greatest percentaoe increase over the ciry-wide average; robberies and aggravated assaults were twice as high in the Selby Ave. neighborhood in 9994; narcotics offenses were fripte the city-wide rate during the same period. in uecernoeroi 1993, the St. Paul Police Force began a new comr.wni � p�!tcia�,-..°#fort in the area by opening a police storefront on Selby Ave., and assigning Officer Ed Lemon as the community police offcer. Police sforefronts were created to bring izw enforcement back into the neighborhoods by buildi�g relafionships beiween the community 2nd law enforcement in a mutual effort to soive neighborhood problems. "Community policing is about bringing humanity back to potice work;' Lemon says. "(Ps about getting people to relate to each other in a non-adversarial manner that recognizes the basic human dignity of ail people." The nature of fear and iYs effect on our relationships with people is best described tiy Thomas Keating: "One of the chief factors that tend to destroy relationships among people and nations is ihe emofion of fear....To be afraid of other people makes us defensive....We try to controi them and hold them within limits that enab(e us to feei secure." A major focus of O�cer Lemon's Community Policing effort in the Seiby neighborhood has been to develop relationships with youth, community leaders, organizations, neighborhood residents, and anyone who spends time in the neighborhood. He has put an incredibie amount of energy into developing relatiortships with children and youih. !t is ouf of his direct work with neighborhood youth that the program concepi "Cops 'N Kids" was developed. He -;�nd=rst2r�ds 2!liooan�sll-the-hesifation at risk youth have in developi�gtcustingrelationships with members of the poiice force. Whiie the needs are great due to a high level of criminal activity, the resources in the Selby neighborhood are also great. Centrai High Schooi, a large and highly regarded school, wiii share the taients of taiented teachers and recruit parYicipants for this pilot project from its student population. Youth-serving agencies in the neighborhood will aiso assisf in recruiting youth participants and hosting screening opportunities for the final product. While this project was created from a neighborhood base, it has potenfiat for a much broader applicalion. FORM 3 PROJECT OVERVIEW (narrative) q`-soy � fhe projecf you hope to implement. Describe fhe planning process your propose fo impiemenf. spec'�ic information about fhe individuals and organizations thaf activefy helped in the planning How was the need for lhis project iden;ified and how v✓il1 this program address that need? _, the ser.vices you intend to provide and th= population you will serve. identlfy fhe sites where v✓iil be made available 2nd wRy you chose fhose sifes. !f other organizatrons wrll help p�ovide , describe their rote. Tell us about how the program wiJl be sta,Yed, i.e., will you be using >rs and/or paid staff? if you are using voiunfeers, how will you recruit and support them? Centrai High Schoo( sfudents wii( be the initial focus of this projeci. Drama feacher, Jan Mandell instructs an intermediafe level acting ci2ss, and will recruit 30 to 50 students to design and perform in the program. It is impoRant to utilize students in the production of the project to get a greater sense of rea(ism and accomplishment. The program wif( consist of interactive scenarios and videotapes for fhe educational comoonent. combined with written questionnaires and verbai discussions. 3se 1 of the project is the program design, induding planning scenarios, writing scripts for the � >otaping and writing a manual to use as an education aide to use after viewing the videotapes. The � up of students chosen to design and pertorm will invoive youths ages 13 to 17. It is important that ng people help plan the scenarios, both interactive and video. This will cuitivate a sense of ownership I achievement. It wili aiso give the studeMs a chznce to utiiize their own creativity, while imunicafing their perception of how police shoutd interact with the public. Adult actors will be hired to ihe role of Police O�cer and parents. The target audience wili consist of 300 students of a cuituraiiy ;rse background, who attend recrea c�; �ers;Fl the r�.,hborhood. sse 2 consists of screening of the videofape and the impfementation of the program. The videotape � shown to a group of young people at a recreation center and who will then participate in interactive ;narios. interactive Scenarios wili then be ac;ed by the youths in the audience. They will use the ipts written by the Central High Schooi student actors. Role reversai wili be a technique used so the �th wiif put themselves in ihe police offcer's posifion and make law enforcement decisions. The dents 2ssigned the role of police offcer during the interactive scenarios wili be briefed on the overali �cept of the scenario(s) and the possible safety hazards they may encounfer. Questionnaires and verbai discussion will foliow the videotape and the interactive scenarios. [This form may be reproduced as needed - Total application should not exceed 20 pa�es] FORM 3 PR03ECT OVERVIEW (narrative) cribe the project you hope :o implement. Describe the planning process your propose fo emeni. Provide spec'��c information about the individuals and organizations fh2t acfive/y ed ia tha planning process. f',ow was the need for this project identified and how ��✓ill this tram address fhat need? Describe the services you infend [o provide and the population will serve. ldentf;y the sites �vhere services will be made avzilable and v�hy you chose s sites. if other organiz2fions wi!! help p�ovide services, descnbe theirrole. Te/l us about fhe progr2m witl be sfaf�ed, i.e., wil! you be using vo/unteers and/orpaid staff? If you are q volunteers, how wil! you recroit and support fhem? a �-Soy overall goai of the project is to combat misperceptions of students and officers by understanding how c(ouds our perceptions of people and how behaviors affect how other people react to us. The first ctive of the project is (7 ) to heip students understand why police officers react the way they do when meeting, and (2) to teach students how to behave toward police offcers without escalating the :rity of the contact. Students wili be taught how body language, movemenf, facial expressions, ness of voice, anxiety, conceaiment of hands, etc. affect the way Police O�cers perceive them. The ents will aiso experience how it feels to be a Poiice Offcer when the Officers' safety and possibly lives are ot risk. 3rics wiil be built around students who 2re aciing the role of Police Officer, interecting with unknown ivais, some harmiess, others carrying wezpons. In some scenarios the "Police Offcers" wili not exactly how the other participants are going to react to them. Other participants will know the entire rio, and they wiil act and react to tfie actions of the "Police Offtcers". This procedure wil! be >ed in other scersa; ics. :narios wili inciude a variety of situations such as; driving, loitering, walking, bicyciing, and other ivities common fo a studenYs everyday tife. During the scenarios, their classmates wili monitor such �gs as paranoia, anger, fear, etc., and willjudge if there was an appropriate reaction on the part of the cer or student in the situation. Through this role playing exercise, students wiil experience the effect abusive person has on their demeanor. second objective of the program is to demonstrate to Police Officers how their reactions to youth can ilate a confrontation, and teach them methods of dealing with various situations which will de- �Iate the conflict. A videotape will be made with the studenfs focusing on the Poiice Officers' pective when deaiing with youth. : videotaped productions wili present a real-liie situation, with a pause before the oufcome. This wi(f w the ciass members to discuss what shouidlshouid not follow in reiation to the actions ot the police :er and the person she/he confacfed. The tape should aiso utilize scenarios that reflect both ideal and >propriate reactions of those contacted by a Poiice O�cer. : videofapes wili be professionaily produced and wiii include six to eight scenarios. The final product be shared wiih six to eight sites inciuding community center youth groups and the police academy. A up of students�vhalook partin the production of_the video, a poiice officer, and community _ resentatives wiii faciiitate the original screening and discussions. [This form may be reproduced as needed - Total application should not exceed 20 pagesJ qc.-soy FORM � �i'ORK PLAN OBTECTIVE: OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: ' :�To. 1 EnsaQe core �roup of stadents in the plannin� and creation of the Kids ":� � Cops r•ideo productiea. S7R4TEGIES (steps, acticities, tasks to achiece \umber of Participants and Time Person ,.�.;e�.:..o� freauencvofactirity Frame Responsible ]. Present concept to chosen acting class ;0 siudents 2 mtgs by 02/01/46 Jaa Mandell 2. Solicit dass input on whole project desi�n and encourage discussion of need for instruction 3. Select key group votunreen to work on scriptina the production 4. Have preliminary "brainstorm" meeting to: a. discass concerns b. desi�n scenarios that re!ate�address concerns c. discuss different formats 5. Write rou�h drafr scripts 6. Share drafr scripts with dass for inpu[ 7. Edit and finalize scripu 30 students 2 mtes by � 02I01 8 studenYS , 4 police officers by or crime prevencion 03/01/96 specialist –�–�—" 8 students, 4 potice officers by 03i li/96 8 students , 4 police reps. by 04/OI/96 ;0 students, 4 police by officers 04/IS/96 8 students, 4 police officers 04/ISl96 Jan Mandell Jan Mandell Officer Lemon Office Lemon Jan Mandell Jan Mandell may be reproduced as needed - Total application should not q`-So� FORM 4 �\`ORK PLAN OBJECTIVE: OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTION: A`o. 2 Produce videotape project on police you.h intenction ji•ith creative control exercised by students. STR4TEGIES (steps, activities, tasks to achiere \umber of Participants and Time Person objedicej frequencyofacti�'ity Frame Recponcible i. Identify production committee to work wich 3 to 8 szudents by Jan Mandell videographers on directing the tape 03/01196 �. Identify actors for production 15 students, 4 police 03/15/96 Production officers committee one to nvo meetin�s 3. Schedule and conduct rehearsals 15 students 04/I5,'96 Jan Mandel] and several meetines Production Commirtee 4. Request bids and select production company 8 students OAII S/96 Production several meetin�s Committee 5. Identify and solicit props and other equipment 8 students, 4 police officers 04/15/96 Production needed for production Committee 6. Film scenarios 25 students, 6 police by Production officers (severa2 meetin�s) 06/Ol/96 Committee 7. Prodvction committee i3�i11 work with 8 students, 4 police officers by Production professional video�raphers to produce completed 08/01/96 Committee project [This form may be reproduced as needed - Total application should not exceed 20 pa�es) q`� S O y FORM 4 �!'ORK PLAN OSJECTIVE: OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTIO�: Iv'o. 3 Share final ��ideotape �{'ith six to ei�ht �roaps to en�age othus to think about and engaae in discussion on youth-police relations S7R4TEGIES (steps, acticities, tasks to achie��e ]. Host initial screenin� party for all participants and other guests 2. Facilitate discussion of video 3. Schedule screenin� at 5 to 7 other sites (community centers, ciasses, and the Police Academy) 4. Select group from class police department and community kaders to facilitace screenin� and discussion 5. Conduct screenin� at selected sites \um6er ofParticipants and � o0 100 participants, police officers, facilitator 15 �0 participants- 6 sizes (anticipate 30 per site or 180 total) Time Frame os�o� 1996 O8,'O 1 1996 08 & 09 1996 10/1996 I I/12 1996 Person Officer Lemon and Prodaction Committee Dorothy Hoffman Dorothy Hoffman may be reproduced as Dorothy Hoffman Officer Lemon Production Committee «'ORK PLAN FORR4 4 a�-sdy OBJECTIVE: OBJECTIVE DESCRIPTIOn: no. 4 Eva]uate effectiveness of � ideotape tool az a means of facilitatin� an impro�-ed understandin� of police%� outh relationship issues. Plan for uses oftool after the end of project fundins. STRA"fEGIES (steps, actif'ities, tasks to athieve \umber of Participants and Time Person objecti}'e) frequency of acti�•ity Frame Responsible L Creaie eva)uation survey to use at screenin� For use at six to eisht Project sites for input on effectiveness and potential future showin�s (anticipated Coordinator and uses for the videotapes. artendance of 30 per Officer Lemon showin�). Total: 180 �. Compile evaluation results and share with dass, Project police department, and funding source Coordinator and Officer Lemon [This form may be reproduced u needed - Total application should not exceed 20 pagesJ COORDINATION/COLLABORATION PART\ERS �Ilaborafion is strongly encourzged. Is there a coordinafion/cotlabor2tion process th2f will6e used you implemenf this granf? Who wi11 be involved and how? Use the space befow fhe examples your projecf. Key Contact Person :�ame of Organization T� pe of Coordination or Sen ice Phone number St. Paul Police Departrnent Actors, co-fzcilitators, poiice Officer Ed Lemon coordination, use of equipment for (612)?9I-70�7 props Central Hi�h Schoo] Instructor time, students, use of Jan Mandelt facilitators (612)645-9635 T�Tew Be�innings Youth parcicipants and screenin� site Ronald Smith (612)224-383� Ciry Councilmember Blakey Guest facilitator for screening (612)266-3611 Ministerial Association Guest Fac'tlitator for Screenin� Ronald Smith (612)2?4-383� Twin Cities Hoasin� Dev. Corp Use of space and screening site Barbara McQuillan & Selby Commons Cooperative 292-0211 Inner City Youth Biversion of At Risk Youth Kwami McDonald (612)221-9827 Minnehaha Recreation Center Athletic/Afrer School Activities for Linda Flynn �outh (612)266-6443 [This form may be reproduced as needed - Totai application should not exceed 20 pa�es] qt�—so� FORM 6 PROJECTEVALUATION d ��Spu (narrafi��e} 1 � �scribe how you wiil measure the impacf of your servrces on your target popu/ation. Be alistic in whaf you can measure. You may �arenf to do pre/post measures of changes in owledge if you are feaching information. You may want to track a decrease in a behavior ch as fru2ncy, if you h2ve fhaf information. Youm2y have program par�icipar,ts descnbe in ding how the services provided helped them. If you have a contract v✓iih another indivrdua( organiz2tion fb evafuate you program, tell us about th2t confract, what information you hope � evalu2for wi!l provide and �vhen it wi!! be avaifable. (Each oraniee will be required to mplete quarterly progress reporfs provided by the State agency monitoring fhe granf.J Eva)uation of this projecz mill happen on nvo levels. At the production level, smdents will evaluate the process by �s�ritin� a narrative evaluation of �;�hat they leamed as a participant in this project. Also, an evaluation survey will be desi�ned and each person vie�ving the final video product will be asked to complete the survey. The evaluation survey u iJ] be �eared toward evaluating the video as a]eaming too] and obtaining susgestions for future use of the video as a leaming tool. 7'he Police Officers viewing the video ���iJl aJso comp]ete a short evaluation. Jan Mandell will fonuard the participants' evatuations to the Saint Paui Police Depamnent's Research and Development Unit for quarterly submission to the State. may be reprodaced as needed - Total application should not POR1�17 PRO�ECT BtiDGET REQUEST IJmaltf� is reguired, deraif in thp BuEge7 U•eretew (Farm 8f. Ija 1}•ear project proride a Lpear budgcl. 1 7�'� �� $UDGET PERIOD: SALAI2Y (itemizej �'ame Position F.T.E. X Annua! Sa]ary X Length of Project = TOT.4L 6 Police Officers for a total of 2oQ hours at 525.00 aa hour = 55,000 FRINGE (itemize) TOTAL SALARY & FRI;QGE: CONTRACTED SERVICES {itemize) Dorothy Hoffinan, Project Coordinator 500 hours at S20 per hour = 510,000 Professional film maker and produttion services S9,000 6 acton @ S35 for Z00 hours= S7,000 TOTAL: 5�6,000 EMPLOYEE I\-STATE TRAVEL (mileage may not eaceed .27 cents per mile) _ TOTAL: SUPPLIES (itemize) Props and Flyers TOTAL: �120Q PHOI�EIPOSTAGE (itemize) TO"fAL: PRINT/COPY {itemize) Script, lesson plan and final copies of leaming packa�e to accompany video TOTAL: S3>00 EQUTPD4ENT (itemize) TOTAL: OTHER EXPENSES, i.e., rent, client transportation, eYC. (itemize) Screenin� event: food, decorations and rentat TOTAL: 52000 GRAND TOTAL FOR THIS FU\D 700 FoRna s BUDGET OVERVIEW {narracive) �es this request establish a nev✓ program, expand an existing one or provide funds fo >lace frnancra! support no �onger avarlable, either from Prevention & lniervention Funds elsewhere? If you 2re app/ying for funding thaf required maiching doliars, detaif the �ounf and descnbe where those m2tching funds wrll come from. �i � - Sby