96-477(��'�f�'�",€ t.�% ; E [ '�t ; � �� Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Council File # � ` " � ^ � RESOLUTION Green sneet # 33592 � PAUL, MINNESOTA a � Committee: Date WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul is proposing to reconstruct OYuo Street between Annapolis Street and George Street; and WHEREAS, Minnesota Rule 8820.9936 requires a 11.4 meter (37.4 feet) wide street for two traffic lanes and two parking lanes for an urban two lane collector with a 50 to 60 kilometer per hour (30 to 35 miles per hour) design speed; and WHEREAS, The proposed design of 36' wide street with two tr�c lanes and two parking lanes for Ohio Street between Annapolis Street and George Street does not conform to Minnesota Rule 8820.9936; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tha the Saint Paul City Council hereby authorizes the Director of the Department of blic Works to request a variance from Minnesota Rule 8820.9936 for the width Ohio Street between Annapolis Street and George Street. �N�ll�wwf TL � %a�. rt,f,� /L2.o4 tML�.�Ca�� � y-LS�� Requested by Department o£: Public Works PAS 4/18/96 By: �,� �� Stacy Be er, Director Form Approved by City Attorney s : ��G✓�yv+ -, c— 5� L 5- f L BY � �. - a . � ...->��a-_� Approved by Mayor: D� J� O��v ay: �"�lG Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Council By���.� Adopted by Council: Date �' > �` � Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary st�-�t�n ,1 OEPARiMENTIOFFICE/COUNCIL DATEINITIAIED GREEN SHEET No. 33592 �� � Public Works Department April 18, 1996 ITIAI/DATE INRIAVOATE COMACT PEpSpN & PHONE OEPARTMENTDIRECTOR 5� CITV COUNCIL Paul St Martin �(i Tel. No. 266-6718 ��� � 0 cm arroaNEr � ❑ cm c�aK MUST BE ON COUNCILAGENDA BV (DA7� pOUTING g�p��7 piqECTOfl � FIN. S MGT. SERVICES DIfL ASAP °� � MAYOR(aRASSISTANTj �CiNE�uieer TOTALtOF91GNA7UNE]AGFS 1 _ (CLIVALLLOCA710NSFONSIGNATUflEI � ASSOCIATE � DEPARTMENTALACCOUNTANT ACTION REpUESTED Authorize the DepartmeM of Public Works to request a variance to Mu�icipal State Aid Street Width Standards on Ohio Street between Annapolis Street and George Street. aEW�tMENOA7IOnS: Mpo� (M � pe� (al PERSONAL SEHVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEN THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLIWNING COMMISSION _CML S��MISSKKJ 1. Has ihis pMSOnlf NO xrorked under a contraQ iw Ihis deparimeM? Y CIB COMMfTTEE 2. Has tlusp�rs�Nf rm ¢Vef been a cM1y employee? — — EY S NO A STAFF 3. Does this person/firm possess a sWll not normaly possessed by arry current ary employce? DISTRICTCW�II YES NO SuPPOR7s WHICH CWNCIL oBJEC'rNE? Explain a11 yas answers on separate shaet and anaeh to gr6en sh9et �:�i�Y�!�',�� � INRIATING PpOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIlY (VhiO, WHAT, WHEN. WHERE. W41`n: Ohio Street between Annapolis Street and George Street is planned for reconstruc[ion using Municipal State Aid (MSA) Funds. In order to use MSA funding, it is necessary to meet MSA width standards or request a variance to the standards. The neighborhood has raquested that the Department request a variance to allow a 36' wide street with two side parking. RE����E ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Variance request will proceed. A�R 29 ,9�6 H variance is granted, project will proceed. C ITY ��� � E�' DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: This would be opposite of the wishes of residents. �� � ,'. � � ,�,+�a� �.sa�� ._ �'�t , �; .�.�.. 44 �: � W i�.vv TOTALAMOUNTOFTFiAf�ACTIONS N/A COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDINGSWHCE ry/p ACITVITYNUMBER N/A FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPUlIN)