96-458��S���E:��7 t c L �> �x��€i°,f ;? L City of St. Paul BESOLIIiIOH APPYOYIiG ASSHSSHSHi AHD FI%IHG TZHS OF HSAgIHG YHEFBOH � CO�IL FI E N0. 1�"y S eQ' B y' �% File No._S95064-67;595070-73_ Assessment No. 0312-0319 Voting ` Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and eapenses for 3 595064 - Reconstzuction of sidewalk on both sides Bayard Ave. from Davern St. to S. Wheeler St. 595065 - Reconstruction of sidewalk on both sides Brimhall St. from Jefferson Ave. to Palace Ave. 595066 - Reconstruction of sidewalk on both sides Brimhall St. from Palace Ave, to Randolph Ave. S95067 - Reconstruction of sidewalk on both sides Brimhall St. from Stanford Ave. to Jefferson Ave. 595070 - Reconstruction of sidewalk at 1789 and 1795 Ford Pkwy. S95071 - Reconstruction of sidewalk on the west side S. Snelling Ave. from Jefferson Ave. to James Ave. and east side S. Snelling Ave. from Jefferson Ave. to Randolph Ave. 595072 - Reconstruction of sidewalk on both sides S. Snelling Ave. from St. Clair Ave. to Jefferson Ave. 595073 - Reconstruction of sidewalk on both sides Watson Ave. from Macalester St. to Davern St. �.'�T� ��� �' i � i f, � . . = E rr= u.�a..� Preliminarp Order Final Order 95-510 95-739 �f.-�kS� (�. 2a� 2 approved Map 17, 1995 approved July 19, 1995 The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it BBSOLVSD, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVSD FIIRSHBg, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 26th day of June, 1996 ,at Che hour of Four thirty o'clock P.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in Che City of St. Pau1; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. � COIIACILPEBSOH Yeas Nays B lakey � �sttom ' �erin �rris �gard �ttman �jPfiune ��mnnn�w ';,. A, ��. ,'�: . �.. �.. � � � In Favos QAgainst Adopted by the �ouncil: Date M�„ �\gg� — ��T Certified Passed by Council Secretary (I .,. ► � c� Public Hearing Date - June 26, 1996 RE 4-19-96 ��O _-�' J v FMS - Real Bstate Division Date: 4-10-96 Greea She� 1�I�ber. 34144 FpAR1MHdf DIItF-CPOR (T1Y COUNQL Peaoa and Phoue Nombet �a G71Y ATI�DRNf?Y Cll'Y QERg �lOR Peter White 266-8850 /„ � UDGL'r DIRECIUR & MGl: SVG DIIt `���-' YOR {ORASSTSi'ANl) 1 IJN(II, RPSPAR(II �ct�oncwnaYngeaaaby: 5-8-96 Must be in Council Research Office no later than noon Frida 4-26-9 # OF S[GNATVRL PAGES 1 (Q1P AIl. iA('AIIONS FOR S[GNAIVRL7 cnoxxr�ueszm Setting date of public hearing for the ratification of assessments for sidewalk improvements on BAYARll, BRIMHALL, FORD PKWY., SNELLING & WATSON �e Na S950C�4SSfiG6T-70-717Z-T3 A�`Ir NO. 031�13d41Sd617-18d9 RF.COM6�ffi�IDAIIONS: APYROVE (A) OR RL�iECP (R) PERSONAL SERVI(B CONl'RACiS MUSl' ANSWER 1Iffi FOIIAWING: YIANNING COMMISSION A SfAFF _ L Has tLe pe�oo/fiffi cver wikcd mder a mnttact for this dcpartmcntY YPS N QVII. SERViCH OOMM _ Has this pcaon/Fum ever bxn a 6ty cmpkryce? YES N c� w�a�nEe _ . n� u� ��s� � e sr;n oa ��u r� ds �r (�acnt Gtp emP�O9«� YP_S N POR1S WIIIC�I COUNC�, OHIF?CtIVL? Neighbochoals Psplain alI YES amwets oa a¢parate s6eet and at�ch. UNCII. WARD(Sk 3 District Planniog CoondL• 14,15 N 71NG ROBL , ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why : roject is completed. Ratification is necessary in order to begin to collect assessments to help pay for the roject. Same as above. ISADV qGESIFAPPROVED: enefitted property owners have assessments payable via property taz�es. 1SADV AGESIF OTAPPR VED: o not assess the benefits would be inconsistent with City policy. otal Amount of Transaction $ 44,736.25 Cost/Revenue Budgeted YES NO $ 18,178.33 PIA 1995 $ 26,557.92 ASSESSMENTS ���� ��,��� �����, unding Source Activity Number a�� � 2 � inancial Information: (Eicplain) yy property owneis will be notified of the public hearing and charges.