96-457�JRd�I���,� �� City of St. Paul EESOLII2IOH APPEOYI�6 ASSESSHEHS AHD FI%IHG RIliS OF HSABIHG YHSSSOH G�' COIINCTL FLLE N0. q � -� �S � By Fi1e No. S9505 -595063 Assessment No. 0306�0311 Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and eapenses for 4 595058 - Reconstruction of sidewalk at 2049 � 2042 Goodrich Ave. 595059 - Reconstruction of sidewalk on both sides Grand Ave. from S. Cleveland Ave. to S. Finn St. S95060 - Reconstruction of sidewalk on the norCh side Grand Ave.-.- from S. Fairview Ave. to S. Prior Ave. and the south side Grand Ave. from S. Howell St. to S. Prior Ave. 595061 - Reconstruction of sidewalk on both sides Grand Ave. from S. Finn St, to S. Cretin Ave. 595062 - Reconstruction of sidewalk on both sides Grand Ave. from S. Prior Ave. to S. Cleveland Ave. 595063 - Reconstruction of sidewalk on the south side Laurel Ave. from Dewey St. to N. Howell St. �. ! c��. ����„�� �'�. a�-:� �i (, —�� s �' p . 2of Z Pre yiminary Order 95-509 approved May 17, 1995 Final Order 95-738 approved July 5, 1995 The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it BESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. BSSOLVSD FIIESHSB� That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 26th day of June, 1996 ,at the hour of Four thirty o'cloek P.M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Valuation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. COIINCILYEBSOH Yeas� Nays fBlakey �/�'ostrom vGuerin �rris �gard vfrettman �l�une �In Favor �Against Adopted by the Council: Date iv`� �( Certified Passed by Council Secretary 91IRI teuen ,�, � ,,, � � � Public Hearin Date - June 26, 1996 RE 4-19-96 `����� FliB - Beal 8state Division Date: 4-10-96 Green She� Nnmber. 34142 FPAK111�11'DIRP.CTOR QIYCOUN(II.. Peaoa and Phone Nomlxt ..�. ATDDRNI:Y QERg •�l�1a PeterWhite 266-885� � UD(iL�DIRLCIY)R &MGl'.SVGDIIt YOR (ORAS4STi1N1) 1 UN(� RPSFARCH °s�te°acw�1ng�aal+Y- 5-8-96 Must be in Council Research Office no later than noon Friday 4-26-96 # OF SLGNAIVRS PA6ES 1 (QIP AIL I.00A7ION5 POR SIGNATVRL� cnox �uas�o: Setting date of public hearing for the ratification of assessments For sidewalk 'mpmvements on GOODRICH, GRAND, & LAUREL. Nn 59545�59-fiaG161.l3 ASSESS1NH11' NO. 030G-07-0&09-10.11 A@A@IDAIIONS APPROVE (A) OR RL�IEC.T (A) PERSONAi. SERVICS CONrRAC1S MSSSf ANSWERTI� FOLLOWII3G: 7IAN[�TG COi�II1QSS[ON A STAI>F L Has the pc[son�fim� evcr wo�ed nnder a mnttact fot tLis depaAmcnt? YES N C[VII. SERVIC6 OOMht _ Flas thg pcaw)fian ever been a 6ty empkryce? YPS c7B co114m1A1 - _ nces uis pe�on/rum p�ess s siou na no�anr no� er anr (Laent Gty employee? YES N POR1S WIIICH COUNCQ. OB1E(.7IVE? Neigh P:plain all YES aaswea on a scparate ahcet and attarL. UNCQ. WARD(Sk 4 Distoct Rlamiog Cwnal: 13,14 N117ATiNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNPI'Y (Who, What, When, When,Why): Project is completed. Ratificatian is necessary in order to begin ta collect assassments to help pay for the roject. Same as above. ISADV AGPSIFAPPROVE : enefitted properry owners haue assessments payahle via property tases. ISADVANTAG IFNOTAPPROVED: o not assess the benefits would be inconsistent with City policy. otal Amount of Transaction $ 44,194.38 Cost/Revenue Budgeted YES NO $ 12,626.24 P1A 1995 $ 31,568.14 ASSESSMENTS ���� h �� _,;���� unding Source Activity Number A�� ���� inancial Information: (E�cplain) 94 property owners will be notified of the public hearing and charges.