96-447r . .. � : ; . �� �' t y'4 ; ; ; f _, C �� �. . ; 'j , , .� Council File # q G - �"E �'{� Green Sheet # c+� 9 t� 6 RESOLUTION �INT PAUL, MINNESOTA � 9 Presented Referred To 1 WI�REAS, the 1996 Minnesota State Legislative Session has concluded; and Committee Date 2 VVF�REAS, the City of Saint Paul has vital interests in the actions of the State Legislature; and 3 WF�REAS, the Ciry of Saint Paul actively pursued legislation at the State Legislature; now 4 THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, fhat the Mayor's Administration pubiiciy advise the Ciry of Saiut Paui City 5 Council on actions taken by the Minnesota State Legislature relevant to the City of Saint Paul Legisiative Agenda; 6 and now therefore 7 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor's Administration do so present to the City of Saint Paui City 8 Council on Wednesday, May 8,1996. Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey By: Adopted by Council: Date � Adoption Certified by Cauncil Secre Appmved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY� ��1� �. ��.J�.�+M......./BY: ` r Approved by Mayor: Date S � BY� --C=t � ��� ��� N� 29918 c�cy coun� Jerty Blakey 6-8610 70TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES a=zi=s6 GREEN SHEET mmavoa� �wrzv,ware �DEPAflTMENTOIREO7C)fl OCRYCOUNGIL s�x � cm anoaNer � cin c�aK IYBER FOR �p� � BUDGET DIRECTOfl � FlN. & MGT. SEAVICE$ OIR, IDEq � MqYOR fOR ASSISTANT) ❑ P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� 17�at the Mayor's Administration report to fl�e City Council a repart on ffie 1996 Minnesota State L.egislature and its effect oa the LegisIative Agenda of the City of Saint Paul. _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIlSERVICE CAMMISSION _ CIB COMMITTEE _ . __ STAFF _ . _ DISTRICTCWRT _ . SUGPORTS WHICH fAUNC14 OBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: t. Has Mis person/firm ever worketl ufMer a wntract for this department? YES NO 2. Has this persoMirm ever 6een a city empioyee� YES NO 3. Doss this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curteM city emplayee? YES NO Explaln all yes answers on aeparate sheet and attach to green sheet The City Cou�il as plicymakers needs to be informed concerning major actions of the Minnesota State Legislature as it pertaius to the policies of the City of Saint Paul IF APPROVEO: The City Council will be Imowledgeable about the impacts of the State Legislative Session. None. '� � ��� �; t*�°s�; �'m ��'�a.� �-a.:��R.� �i�''1� 2 � T<�` � Policymakers w�11 not be informed. TOTAI AMOUNT OF THANSACTION $ COSTlREVENUE BUOGETEO (GIRCLE ONE} YES N� fUND1(dG SOURCE FINANCIAL INFOftMAT10N. (EXPWN} AC7IVITY NUMBER