96-443����$����6� � Presented Referred To co,xn�il File # �5�.y�.3 Green Sheet # 3 sq3 t RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date � �S 1 WHEREAS, Congress in the Spring of 1989, passed an employment program called the Job 2 Training Partnership Act Title III Economic Dislocafion and Worker Adjustment Assistance Act 3 (EDWAA); and 4 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has designated the City of 5aint Paul grant recipient for 5 this program in the Saint Paul area; and 6 7 � WI3EREAS, the EDWAA program will provide employment and training services to Saint Paul workers dislocated due to plant closing; and WH�REAS, the City of Saint Paul, through a compefitive process has been selected as the admiuistrator of dislocated worker services far the Unisys-Roseville affected warkforce; and 10 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota on February 23, 1996 has allocated $140,000 in 11 additional discretionary EDWAA funds to provide services for 165 participants for the period of l2 June 1, 1995 through May 31, 1997; now, therefore, be it 13 RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor, the Council of the City of Saint Paul 14 does hereby approve the City's participation in the Unisys-Roseville II Dislocated Worker Grant for 15 Saint Paul; and be it 16 17 18 19 20 RESOLVED, that the proper City of Saint Pau1 officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute appropriate contracts for delivery of employment-related services; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, the Mayor, pursuant to section 1007.01 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estunated in the 1996 budget; and � � p�2�2 9�- y43 21 FINALLY RESOLVED, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1996 budget: 22 23 24 25 26 27 FINANCING PLAN Current Amended Budget Changes Budget ��3 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 E�:j 39 40 41 345 Goveznmental Emp & Trng Prog 36568 Roseville Unisys 3457-67094 Job Trainiug Partnership Act 480.000 140.000 620.000 $480,000 SPENDING PLAN Current Budget $140,000 Changes $620,000 Amended Budget 345 Governmental Emp & Trng Prog 36568 Roseville Unisys 0547-67094 Payment to Subcontractors 465,000 130,000 595,000 0558-67Q94 Transfer to PED Oper. Fund 15.�OQ 10.000 25.�Q� $480,000 $140,000 $620,000 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes in the 1996 budget. APPROVED AS TO Fi.JNDING Director, Department of Finance and Management Services APPROVAL RECOMMENDED �� %�-�• v� ��.-`.� Bu et D rector ��#�g��v�� Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Se�retary B Y = � dL a' � �M ��� Approved by� Da�te J ��P $Y: �t [C ��� Requested by Department of: By: Form Approved by City Attorney � 9 �-443 `� DEPARTMENT/OFFlCHCOUNGIL DATE INIT�ATED � PED/Workforce Develo ment Division 03-13-96 GREEN SHEET -_3 9 iNmnwn're iNriinunn're CONTACf PERSON 6 PNONE � p�ppAq7},�ENT D7RECTOH � Cf1Y CAUNCII I �1 0�111 2$- 262 A��GN �CITVATTOflNEY l O`3�i8' OCRYCLERK XUYBEft iOR MUST BE N COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) qOM� 1 �� + � y 7 BUIX'aEf DIRECTOP � FW. & MGT. SEqVIGES DIR. ORUER f'RI MpVpp (pp pSSlg7pp�T) 0]acaui Sho L�J TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES One t 1) (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTE�: Signature on attached City Council Resolution will allow the City to actept $ t 40,000 in additional State of MmnesoW discredonary fund'mg for the Ueirys-RoseviIIe 11 Dislocated Worker Project. RECAMMENDAT70NS: Appmve (N or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TME POLLOWING Q�UE� _ PLqNNING CqMMlSSION _ CINL SERVICE COMMISSION �� H25 thls pErWn/fifln EVef WOrked untlef d COlAl2C[ fof Mi5 dBp8rtm8�L{ �piJ _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES �NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personffirm ever been a ciry employee? pp � 0 ����� — YES NO —���K%T ���pT — 3. Does this personlFirm possess a skiP not normally possessetl by any curtent ciry empioyee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECT7VE7 YES NO ��ypKSOF�tCE Explain aIl yes anawers on separate sheat and attach to green s eat INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. What, NRren, NTere. Why)' The City of Saint Paul has been awarded $140,000 in additional state discretionary funding to provide re- employment and training sennces to t 65 workers dislocated 6y the Printed Circuit Operatioas division closing at the Unisys plant in Roseville. Funding for these services increases from $480,000 to $620,000 and will be extended through May 31, 1997. ��� MAR 19 19�6 ADVANTAGES IF APPqpVEO' �AYOII S L�Ri1iL One-hundred-sncty-five (165) workers losing employment at Unisys will receive re-employment and training services. �ISADVANTA6ES IFAPPROVED: None. ��1,���� � �°.Y��i � �AR 15 1996 €r� �3 � � i��� ��� Q��� ��� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: This population will not receive appropriate services necessary for successful re-entry into the �Iocal labor market. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S $140�000 COST7REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) YES pt0 FUNDIHG SOURCE State of MN DiscretionarY Grant pCTIVITY NUMBEH P6 345-3656$-3457-67094 FINANCIAL INFORMATION. (EXPLAIN) CONTRACT MODIFICATION INFORMATION q l, -443 Name of Project: Unisvs-Roseville II Contracfor: Citv of Saint Paul, SSA =8 Projecf Dates: lune 1, 1995 through Mav 31. 1996 Grant � 4116801 Authorized Signature: Modi4ication Request # Date• Februarv 7, 1996 I. MODIFICATION REQUESTED Indicate modification(s) requested: A. Change in dates of contract B. Budget Modification C. Performance Modification D. Retraining Expenditure Waiver E. Other Explanation of Modification: �� This modification requests an extension of project closing date from May 31, 1996 to May 31, 1997 and an increase in funding for client costs associated with long-term training programs for dis{ocated workers enrol4ed in the City of Saint Paul Unisys-Roseville II project. This request will provide the affected workforce with resources necessary to continue and complete training to become re-employed in this local labor market at a wage comparable to their prior employment at Unisys. Current need for services will also necessitate an increase in enrollment through this modification request. SECTION ll. )USTIElCA710N FOR MODIFICATION A modification of this project is necessary due to the long term training needs of one-hundred (100) Unisys-Roseville dislocated workers that are currently enrolled in programs at local area learning institutions. These program participants have been identified through Individual Service Plan development and ongoing diaiogue with counselors as being in need o4 long term training that will facilitate successful re-entry into our local labor market. Participants enrolled in training programs generally share two common characteristics which significantly impact their re-employment opportunities, that being age and length of employment at Unisys. During the course of this project, counselors have noted a greater length of time required in the development of individual service plans, counseling and job seeking skills acquisition. This modification will address these concerns, through extending the project for one year, and a1{owing new participants the time necessary for successful program completion. Training programs that are currently being accessed through this project include: • Microcomputer Specialist • Graphic Communications • Cert+fied Network Engineer 9 G -4y3 Page Two, Contract Modification Information SECTION 11. JUSTIFtCAT10N FOR MODIFtCAT10N �Continued) • Statistical Methods of Manufaduring • Diesel Equipment Technician • Auto Cad Graphics • ISO 9000 Additional funding that is requested will ultimately enhance re-employment opportunities for dislocated workers enrolled in the Unisys-Roseville II project. SECTION III. EXPENDITURE UPDATE Contracted Total Planned Expenditures through (datel 12/31/95 Actual Expenditures through (date) 12/31/95 Bafance Available � 480,000 $ 200.000 � 240.945 � 239.055 SECTION !V. MODIfICATION OF PERFORMANCE GOALS Indicate revisions to project completion goals. Enrollment Placement Cost per Enrollment Cost per Placement Entered Employme�t Rate Average Wage at Placement Other Current Contract Goa4s 150 173 $3,200 $4,266 75% $10.75/hour Proposed Contract Goals 165 124 �3,758 �a5,000 No Change No Change Page Three, Contract Modification Information SECTION V. BUDGET MODIFICATION Indicate line items modified. Ad. Ret Sup Rea Revised Cost Categories Administration Retraining Support Readjustment Contracf Totals: Current Total: Current Contract $48,000 10% $240,000 50°/0 $48,000 10% $144,000 30°l0 $ 480.000 Proposed Contract � 62,000 10 °!o $310,000 50% $62,000 t0% $786,000 30% Revised Total: $620,000 ° It,•`�y3 Current Expenditures proposed Change Contract Thru 12/31/95 Contract +/- Page Four, Contract Modification Information SECTION VI. REVISED CONTRACT ACTIVITY PLANS AND BUDGET ��-y43 This section incorporates revisions to contract activity plans and budaet pages. Indicate segments modified and attach current and revised forms with this submission. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Activity Pfan by Quarter Participant Plan by Quarter Project Budget by Quarter Budget Summary Budget Summary Back-Up (Administration) Budget Summary Back-Up (Retraining) Budgei Summary Back-Up (Support) Budget Summary Back-Up (Readjustment) X X X X X X X X �11.-y�3 Attachment A ACTIVITY PLAN BY QUARTER Current Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qfr 4 Qtr 5 Activity O6/30/95 09/30/95 12/31/95 03/31/96 OS/31/96 Intake and Referral 40 740 150 150 150 �ob Seeking Ski44s Training 2S 130 140 140 140 Classroom Training 22 94 108 108 108 Revised Qfr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 5 Qtr 6 Qtr 7 Qtr 8 Qtr 9 Activity 06/30/95 09/30/95 12/37/95 03/31/96 06/30/96 09/30/96 12/31/96 03/31/97 OS/31197 Intake and 20 86 135 150 155 165 165 165 165 Referral JobSeekingSkills �0 50 100 130 135 165 165 �65 165 Training Classroom 3 31 90 700 105 110 115 115 115 Training q4-y43 Attachment B PARTICIPANT PLAN BY QUARTER Current Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qfr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 5 Date 06/30/9> 09/30/95 12l31/95 03/31/96 OS/31/96 Total Enrollments 30 140 150 150 150 Total Terminations 0 20 30 50 150 Entered Employment 0 15 23 38 113 OtherTerminations 0 5 7 12 37 Current Enroilment 30 120 120 100 0 Revised Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qfr 4 Qtr 5 Qtr 6 Qtr 7 Qtr 8 Qtr 9 Date 06/30/95 09/30/95 12/31/9� 03/31/96 06/30/96 09/30/96 12/31/96 03/31/97 OS/31/97 Total 20 86 135 750 155 165 165 165 765 Enrollments Total Terms 0 2 10 35 70 80 100 120 165 E�tered 0 2 10 26 52 60 75 90 124 Employment OtherTerms 0 0 0 9 18 20 25 30 41 Current z0 84 125 715 85 85 65 45 0 Enrollment q �.-yy3 Attachment C BUDGET BY QUARTER Cu rrenf Qtr "I Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 5 Date 06/30(9i 09l30/95 12f31/9� 03/31/96 OS/31f96 Administration 1,000 7,000 20,000 34,000 48,000 Retraining Services �,000 35,000 100,000 170,000 240,000 Supportive Services 1,000 7,000 20,000 34,000 48,000 Readjustment Services 3,000 21,000 60,000 102,000 144,000 TOTALS 510,000 �570,000 5200,000 $340,000 $480,000 Revised Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr 5 Qtr 6 Qtr 7 Qtr 8 Qtr 9 Date 06/30/95 09/30/95 12/31/95 03/31/96 06/30/96 09/30/96 12/31/96 03/31/97 OS/31/97 Administration 7,000 9,000 17,000 25,000 40,000 47,000 54,000 59,000 62,000 Retraining 5,000 75,000 128,000 160,000 200,000 235,000 270,000 295,000 310,000 Services Supportive 1,000 19,000 35,000 45,000 �0,000 52,000 55,000 58,000 62,000 Services Readjustment 3,000 24,000 61,000 90,000 110,000 130,000 145,000 160,000 186,000 Services TOTALS $10,000 $127,000 �247,000 $320,000 $400,000 $464,000 $524,000 �572,000 $620,000 °l 4-y 43 Attachment D CateQOries BUDGET SUMMARY Current Amounf Revised Amount Administration Staff Costs Facilities Costs Indirect Costs Contractual Services TOTAL Retraining Staff Costs Facilities Costs Indirect Costs Direct Client Costs Contractual Costs TOTAL Supportive Services Staff Costs Pacilities Costs Indirect Costs Direct Client Costs Contractual Costs TOTAL Readjustment Services Staff Costs Facilities Costs Indirect Costs Contractual Costs TOTAL 541,696 3,000 3,304 $48,000 520,002 219,998 $240,000 $48,000 $48,000 $120,374 14,226 9,400 �144,000 5s3,000 4,000 5,000 562,000 $21,000 289,000 S31Q,000 $62,000 $62,000 $161,000 15,000 10,000 $186,000 GRAND TOTAL $480,000 �y620,000 q (.-4y3 Attachment E BUDGET SUMMARY BACK-UP Adminisfration Catezories Staff Costs Salaries Fringe Travel - Per Diem Staff Training TOTAL Facilities Rent Utilities C ustod i a1 Office Equipment & Supplies TOTAI Indirect Costs Indirect Rate TOTAL Contractual Services TOTAL Current Amount $35,341 5,703 52 600 $47,696 51,378 477 1,145 53.000 b3,304 53,304 Revised Amount �43,848 8,500 52 600 �53,000 $1,678 677 1,645 �4,000 $5,000 55,000 ADMlNlSTRATION TOTAI $48,000 $62,000 °1�-443 Attachment F Categorie5 BUDGET SUMMARY BACK-UP Retraining Current Amounf Revised Amount Staff Costs Salaries Fringe Travel - Per Diem Staff Training TOTAL Direct Client Costr On-the-)ob Training Tuition Payments Training Materials TOTAL Contractual Services TOTAL 516,256 3,513 233 $20,002 $14, 000 152,340 53,658 $219,998 � 17,000 3,767 233 $21,000 $14, 000 200,000 75,000 S2s9,000 RETRAINING TOTAL $240,000 $310,000 �1 �-y43 Attachment G BUDGET SUMMARY BACK-UP Supportive Services Categories Direct Client Costs Transportation Family Care Health Care Housing or Rental Assistance Counseling: Personal/Financial/Legal Emergency Health Emergency Financial Assistance Tools and Clothing Needs Payments Other TOTAL Contractual Services TOTAL Current Amount $ 995 6,993 15,000 10,023 1,003 3,000 7,986 3,000 $48,000 Revised Amount $1,500 8,000 20,000 12,000 1, 4,000 10, 000 5,000 . $62,000 SUPPORTIVE SERVICES TOTAL $48,000 $62,000 ° I�-y43 Attachment H BUDGET SUMMARY BACK-UP Readjusfinent CafePOries Staff Costs Salaries fringe Travel - Per Diem Staff Training TOTAL Facilities Rent Utilities Custodial Office Equipment & Supplies TOTAL Indirect Costs Insurance - Bonding TOTAL Contractual Services TOTAL Current Amount 599,309 20,200 251 614 $120,374 59,768 588 3,870 b14,226 59,400 Revised Amount $128,000 32,000 300 700 �161,000 $ 7 0,000 1,000 4, 000 � l 5,000 $10,000 READJUSTMENT TOTAL 5144,000 $ 186,000