96-437��"r'..:�f; � ,.. _ a . , .J 6 G �. i� .._ Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 � s 9 io � Council File � 9 G_ 43�( Green Sheet � �(p � S � RESOLUTION CITY OF 5AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following y��t�s to serve on t � y r '� 1 :���_1 Youth Member Leah Olson Crystal La 5haun McClintock Renresenting City Council Ward 6 City Council Ward 7 �"�r��::��?��������r�;t�rcJ:tl��:.� ,'�;��,�, ��,fi. ii Adopted by Council: Date � `' q Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY= � a � _ ��--�.�-a��_ Approv de by Mayor� Date S �� Requested by Department of: By: Form Ap by� Attorney $y; � � j7— �t � Approved by Mayor for Submi ion to Council BY� �.°"` �/��� By:���/� q�-�3� J OEPAFRMENUOFFICE/COUNCIL pATE INf(IATE� N� 3 6 0 5 4 Norm Coleman`s Office 4-16-96 GREEN SHEET - INRIAVDATE INITIAVDATE NTACT PER3pN & PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CITY COUNqL Alberto uintela (266-8524) "�" OcmarroaNEr �cmc�RK NUMBERFOR MUSi BE ON WUNCIL AGENOA BY (OAT� pqynpG � BU�GEf DIFiECTOR O FW. & MGT. SEPVICES 010. OPDER � MAYOR I� �ISTANT) ❑ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 i�P k�� LOCAT70NS FOR SfGNATURE) ACTION HEQUESTED: Approval of YOUTH FUND BOARD appointments of Leah Olson, rep. City Council Waxd 6 and Crystal La Shaun McClintock, rep. City Council Ward 7. Terms shall expire 7/1J97. RECOMMENDA710NS: approve (A) w Reject (R) pEHSONAL SEFiY10E CONTitACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOILOWING QUESTIONS: _ PVJJNWG COMMISSION _ CIVIL SEflVICE CAMMISSION t Has Nis perso�rm ever worketl untler a coMract for this department? � _ CiB COMMITfEE _ VES NO _ STAFF 2. Has this personHirm ever be¢n a city employee? — YES NO _ DIS7RiCi COUR7 _ 3. Dces this person/firm possess a skill not nortnall � y possessetl by any curreM ciry employee. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO EXplaN all yas a�awera on separate aheet anA attach to green sheet WRIATWG PROBLEM, ISSUE, �PPORTUNRY (Wlw, What, When, Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISAWANTAGES IF APPRWED: �•'�i�Y!�� ���t�'i � #,�s" �iS�� �. e ; 3;'.'C3 OISAOVANTAGES IF NOTAPPHOVED� TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDISdG SOURCE ACTIYITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � ���- (� UYF1l:L: Vl 1AL MHI.Vit , �� 390 CITY HALL SAILIT PAIIL, MIN�IESOTA 55102 °- a 266-8525. FAX: 266-8513 , ' 1�'� 3 � . ,.. .,-. -- . _ , . __ ,.: . :::: .. -. . •_ _ . . 9ame_ �POt�1 Q�$QY1 . - Home Address: II ��' LliT� � � �le�c � ��,� �CU.71 ' �- - � � - � ,�� ��L Street . City Zip Telephone Number: _(Home� � 7�i -� i 3L- tGork) •���1 Ylanning District Crnmcil: � City Council Aazd: (C Prefened 2Sailing Addzess: ��3� ��✓�e ���Tf � , � i � • Ahat is your occupation? r Place of Fmployment: ''— Co� ttee(s) Applied For: � r U`�/I ��t.U1 [� ),�G('d �qYQR'S OFFICE t Ahat skills/trai.ning or eaperience do you possess foz the co�ittee(s) for vhich you seek appointment? "� `r�n �a ln��,�� Sf �Ino� �,v,���ir _tuV�� i���'+1l�fVtu S'� �;lc>MG�S ���E�i,�,�rs,`fyY�,rli �•,, 0 i-F �rr;�ra •r�. 1 fi�c� � � °rv �(i^n�,-� � �;��- af�� Tv�unjv�� i vf ra /� t� �l� iQYi � i�o rv� I�/' � r�t� , �. , . � r14S �l�f�,M/�� �'fOSDF��I� ra SPrv�cP � r�'�c� vP��l'eiva�'c�f� L'he informatiou i.nclnded in this application is conside=ed private data according to the iinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this infozmation is not released tp che gene=a1 public. (OVER) Rev.��21J93 PERS02dAL REFERENCES � ftame: �f. {� i0h1'P �'�( �OY1C��t� - , Address: F��"1 U�RYYIS H'ir`P. �7.7Q�(i /�(ti' .�,���CI f.S�r°Y71f �1�< ,��✓vl«� j-�.��.���-l�..l I Yhone • _ "(Home) (work) - 73G � y � j Name: S�0{� �2f�5-�'r?WI Address Phone: (Home) (pork) � (<' �,' - �i ri �p �' Name:_ 1-�QV�. �SF?�i'�f'G{'f1 Address:_ � 5 l 7 �iL.li,t�'1 Sf'. ��. �0 u{ J�jJ1�� S.S (C (, Phone • CHome) 7 ?� '� 7{s L (Aorkl Reasons for pour interest in this particular committee: �D r�CEjV�Gj^�FyJ(F � .R . �., r , � � Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee £or vhich you are making application. Zf so, when, and ciscumstances? In an attempt to ensure that co�nittee representatiou reflects the makeup of our co�unztp, please check the 2ine applicable to yau. This ivformation is strictlp voluntary. ' � Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic Slack (African Amezican) Asian or Yacific Islander American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo Male � Pemale Disabledc Yes rIo I� Date of s�� •�/� 3/ 7� I£ special'acco�odations aze needed, please specifq. Hov did qou fiear about this opening? J� �� �� t�S �(.� {�I - �� �� Name; Home Address: Telephone Pfimber: Street OFFICE 390 SAII�IT PAIIL� 266-8525_ OF THE MAYOR crfiY sai.z. MINNESOTA 55102 __FAX: 266-8513 4�� Plaffi7ng Distr3ct Crnmc7.l: ��i,f�P( � �,-r�nnlur_ cc�_ Pre�erred Hailing Address: �J� ,c�cY.c�l,i .�J(.�n r F.� ,(- What is your occupati Ylace of Employment: Committee(s) Applied Eor: r�EC����� q � -�! 3� APR 16 1996 Zip City Cotmcil Aard: �' �s JY Ahat skillsftraining or eaperience do you possess for the co�ittee(s) for vhich you seek appoi.ntment? _,YnY� � n,��.n�Gl a �n nr,�rr".��E_71.t��f_r[1_%���ia!£�.��� ,�b �ru2G1�.L{�Q ri�r(p �1tu'r � U , � �� i', �� o nlra`»�tu i i1�, � n o� �� ner:_Zc r/, ..��aFY Ll� ., r�� irr /�n � r^ crf cu �, �G1Ci 2"�uVlPr4 r2tn/bY(1� -�: {���-'rt P�Ca.rG+�ti!>1�\ �� hnv�� ce-�4' �2: - a { t s�'( �, a �i ,� � h�-v� � s� - �n , ,rni - n� Cu�r�-C r �e�' Ee �� f� t�L ( �(,tite � � �5rng • aa�c � r��io �r�tiY - U U. � �n •' �% �C=i1.s�nl �� r�t-4�n� �Lh..e C�rtcEzh ' k - n �Jvik �,� .�Y ��k �ix � :x- � � � �-, • S-' a.� - -��{?cr�� 7 c�.nr,l 6�tc {- � i'ie*izf w` 'i�nc.t � h i< �rt_ t �hth -�ch � � ci �� A,�C�,�,��� lC'c . j�t� f•i!> Jk �t�h.err7 ..0 '��QJySi , �nhG Ce,nC/ GLtic.e1»�-. i. oG�v � _ , � u The i.nfozmation included i.n this application is considered private data according to the H�.nnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (OPER) Rev.4/21(93 Name:�� iY� ��3��.Z� � _ �+6 Address Phone• �Home Aork 9 a Name: , � �Cc(.c,o�z �o- � � Address Phone: _ (Home) `� `1 u - � 1 u �e {Aork) � Name:_ �'Jf Phone: (Homel °�/C - Reasons £or your interest in this particulaz co�ittee:� � � � ., . _ � , ,-- . .. � . � d Haae yau had previous contact crith the cor�i.ttee for vhich pon aze makzng app2ication. If so, when, and circnmstances7 In an attempt to ensure ttiat co�ittee J repxesentation reflects the makeup o£ ovz communi,ty, please check the 2ine applicable to pou. This information is strictlp vol�xntary_ � , White (Caucasian) Hispanic _ F/ BZack (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian oz Alaskan Eskimo � Male _� Pemale Date of Birth: � (�/t p /''j �� Disabled: Yes No 1 If special accommodations are needed, please specify_ How did you hear about this opening7 qc.—��� District 1,C Council District 1, News Conway Recreation Center • 2090 Conway St • Room 126 • St Paul. MN 55119 April 15, 1996 Mr. Alberto Quiniela, Assistant to the A�fayor Suite 390 - City Itall l5 W. Ke(logg Blvd. St. Paul, MN SSi02 Dear Mr. Quintela: (612)292-7828 5.'i��y��iy���= �p�t 16 1996 t u t: ^'.�"'. ?�= t ii' - Our Councilmember, Dino Guerin, asked that District I Community Council Iind a fine young person from Ward 7 to fil) a vacancy on the Youth Fund Board. i approached the principal ot'Flarding High School, Lo� Kanavati, and asked him to select a Harding student. He has recommended Grystal La Shaun McClintock who lives in District 1, whom he believes would be a very good choice for the position. /1nd therefore, we at District I also recommend Crystal for the Youth Fund Board. You wi(1 find her application enc(osed. Thank you. If you've any questions, p)ease call me at 292-7828. Sincerely, ������i`��'C� ��"'�'�---� Catherine Lue, Communiry Organizer District 1 Community Councii cc: Councilmember Dino Guerin Lou Kanavati Crysia� La Shaun McClintock `l � -Ll3"1 SA[Ni PAUL � AAAA Interdeparimental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paui Citv Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmemher Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Dino Guerin Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard I���ii�A I1:riY5A Councilmember 7anice Rettman Alberto Quintela Assistant to the Mayor April 18, 1996 d"' � RE: YOUTH FUND BOARD -- APPOINTMENTS Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following youths be appointed to the Youth Fund Board. These positions have been vacant for quite some time in these Council Wazds. Youth Member Leah �1son Crystai LaShaun McClintock R .: - ...��.�.:...i��. _..�. .. .n: ':::.:�. .. '�fies°G;<t��ziis;�u�l<:�Pi��':r�zx�7�Ty i;;�.i;�7. Re�resentinQ City Council Ward 6 City Council Ward 7 Attached aze copies of the resolution appointing these members and copies of their applications. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 266-8529. AQ:drm Attachments cc: Nancy Anderson, Councii Research Eric Thompson, Pazks and Recreation