96-434City of St. Paul
Resolution Ratifying and Confirming
Condemnation and Awards of Damages
and Assessment Therefor
In the matter of
: C='i �:;;;
COUNCIL FILE N0. __4 �! � •
B '
File No. =L' �u
In the Matter of condemning and taking o£ a permanent easement for street
purposes and also the condemnation and taking of a slope easement for the
reconstruction of Dale street as {ollowa:
Condemning and taking a perpetual easement for street pUrposes over,
under and across those parts o£ Lot 16 in Block il, Mackubin and
Marshall's Addition to St. Paul described as £ollows:
The westerly 23 feet of said Lot 16 in Block 11, Southwest
Quarter of Section 36, Township 29 NoYth, Range 23 West of
the 4th Principal Meridian.
Also, condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary Por the
slopes, cuts, and fi11s, including right of removal of lateral support
from subject land or remainder thereoP, occasioned by excavations
thereof, or construction of slopes in the widening of northbound
Dale Street from St. Anthony Avenue to Central Avenue, de5cribed as
The westerly 33.00 £eet, except the westerly 23.00 £eet thereo£,
o£ said Lot 16, in Block 11, Southwest 4uarter of Section 36,
Township 29 North, Range 23 West of the 4th Principal Meridian.
undez Administrative Oider }��� appxoved :c%z
Preliminary Order
approved .;ui;: ::i. 3.�i�';
FinalOrder �y"i��%� aPPloved 5��� �_; ��'.s:t_
A public heating having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the
above improvement, and the awazd of daznages therefoi, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the
Council having duly consideLed the same, now therefoie be it
RES�LVED, That the taking and condemnation of the lands desciiUed in the annexed assessment coll, identified
by the signature of the Director of Finance and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such
lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects
ratified and confirmed.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified,
and Yhe same is hereby ordeied to be submitted to the District Court for confirmaflon.
Yeas Nays
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Adopted by the Council: Date �___�� ��{T���
by Council Secretary
` In Favor
� �bSeY�
Request Public Hearing Date - Apri124, 1996
,'.aotaR Pe�on md Phone N�bec
Peter White / Juan Ortiz 26G-8850
�oaco�n��:04-10.96 Mnst be in Conncil Research Office no later than noon Monday 04-f11-96
Da te:
ItE 03-29-96
03-29-96 Green She� Niumba: $4Q�
AT1Y)RNEY 2 (S1Y LlFdtg
taking of right of way and slope easements. �nance r`ile #18708
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�`� t�ac she pe�m/rmn aer wdoea mder a mnaacr sor mic aep�eat? YBS xo
t� e� �/� � t� a c�ey �? Yrs xo
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o,macauy�m�m �s xo
' an YES atmvoeis on a axpa�te'sh�t ana atY�.
o�fi'B'' Neighborhoods
covxc�. wnxn<s� 1 DLSPRLCP PIAHIVQ�iG COUNCII. 7.8
YATIIdG PROBIFd\( ISSUE, OPPOICI'UHIlY (Whq What, Wheq Whe[c, Why?x
part of the improvement of Dale Street, right of way and slope ea�� needed.
��� . �F`D
project will proceed as planned.
s on affected pmperties.
3re� e»a>�i� �aq.»__y^^7r..� '°'�,��Q�
b?B£u�. + !. �Gea �.Frt e [ i
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plans will have to be revised at significant cost increases to the project.
�vrrror�rxnrasr�cnorr: $15,860
�URC�: Project Funas
�. J 1 ' JI �r r.• � i•
�s rro
City of St. Paul
COiINCIL FILE N0. — L� � +� 7
Report of Director of Finance �Y
on Condemnat+on of Lands
FIle No.
In the matter of
������ In the Matter of condemaing and taking o£ a permznent easement for street
.-.� _..-. nurposes and also the conu'e�nation znd taking of a slope easement fcr the
, recor.struction o£ Dale Street as folloF•s:
Condemning and taking a perpetual ease-ent for strest purposes over,
under and across those parts o£ Lot 16 in Slock 11, Mackubin and
":zrshall`s Addition to St. Paul descr•:bed as £cllows:
The westerly 23 feet of said Lot 16 in Block 11, Southwest
Quarter of Section 36, Township 29 laorth, Range 23 l+est oE
the 4th Principal P;eridian.
F.lso, condemning and taking an easement in the land necesszry for the
slopes, cuts, and £ills, including right o£ removal of lateral support
from subject land or re�ainder thereof, occasioned by excavations
thereof, or construction of slopes in the widening of northbcund
Dale Stzeet from St. Anthony Avenue to Central Avenue, desczibed as
She westerly 33.0o feet, except the westerly 23.00 feet thereof,
o£ said Lot 16, in Block 11, Southwest Quazter of Section 36,
Township 29 t�orth, Range 23 West of the Ath Principal Meridian.
under Administrative Order approved
��.,.�: - .:�:<, ""�A'S:>
Preliminary Order T' appxoved
Final Oider *;"' i 17e, appzoved a:;t : z::. x k � � _
The Dixectoc of Finance hereby ceports:
That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the
above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom
such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and detezmined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of
said improvement, not exceeding the cost theteof, and that attached is an assessment roll enfitled as above and identi6ed
with the signatuxe of the undetsigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters.
Director of Finance
City of St. Paul
Notice of Hearing in Condemnation By
FIle No.
In the matter of
'"-" Zn the Matter of condemning and taking of a permanent easesent for street
-.s-.�� purposes and also the condeMnation and taking of a slope easenent for the
���� reconstruction of Dale Street as £ollous:
Condemning and tzking a perpetual ease:�ent for street purgoses over,
under and across those parts of Lot 16 in Block 11, Mackubin and
N.zrshall`s hodition to St. Paul described as £ollows:
The westerly 23 feet of said Lot 16 in Block 11, 5outh•..�est
Qvarter of Section 36, Township 29 North, Range 23 ti�est of
the sth Principal P;eridian.
P.lso, condemning and taking an ease�ent in the land necessary for the
slopes, cvts, and fills, including rigl:t of remova2 of laterzl svpport
:rom subject land or reaainder thereoP, occasioned by excavations
thereof, or construction of slopes in the widening of northbcund
Dale Street from St. Rnthony Avenue to Central Avenve, described as
The westerly 33.00 feet, except the westerly 23.00 Yeet thereof,
of said Lot I6, in Block 11, Sovthwest quarter of Section 36,
Township 29 North, Range 23 Y;est of the 4th Principal Meridian.
under Administrative
Preliminary Order '� �`° � � % approved ' � Y �:s: _ `-� t-�
I�Ci����lY ru�IJ (iLl��ll
approved -t�_k�:a�.: L: , "s';:'3
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be had before the CouncIl of the Ci1y of St. Paal, in the Councff
Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, on the day of
, at ten dclock A.M.,upon the report of the Director of Finance
as to the amount of damages to be awarded to the owner or owners of the lands or easements therein, to be appropriated
for the above unprovemenYS, and the persons to whom such awards were payable and for the confirmation of such awards,
also upon the assessment of benefits to the property from the making of said impiovement.
Objection, to the taking of such lands or easements therein, oc the awards of damages therefor must be in writing
and filed with the Council at the tune herein fixed for said hearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto.
Director of Finance
BY ���1WAM L�ILSe�
FILE NO. 18708
In the Matter o£ condemning and taking o£ a permanent easement for street
purposes and also the condemnation and takinq oP a slope easement £or the
reconstruction of Dale Street as follows:
Condemning and takinq a perpetual easement for street purposes over,
under and across those parts of Lot 16 in Block 11, Mackubin and
Marshall's Addition to St. Paul described as follows:
The westerly 23 feet of said Lot 16 in Block 11, Southwest
Quarter of Section 36, Township 29 North, Range 23 West of
the 4th Principal Meridian.
Also, condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the
slopes, cuts, and fi11s, including right of removal of lateral support
from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations
thereof, or construction of slopes in the widening of northbound
Dale Street from St. Anthony AVenue to Central Avenue, described as
The westerly 33.00 feet, except the westerly 23.00 £eet theTeof,
of said Lot 16, in Block il, Southwest Quarter of Section 36,
Township 29 North, Range 23 West of the 4th Principal Meridian.
Councll F1k No. 93-] I96—Hy N��pam Wlison
ln ihe Man<r ofmndemNng antl taltlng ofa permanrnt cucmrnt for sheet pvrposes
and also the mnd<mnatlon antl faltlng M a slope <ascmrnt fw thc remns[mcuon of
Datc St as follorvs 1n Vating Wazd 1:
Condemningantl takinga perpetval easemmt forstrtt[ purposes ov<r, underand attoss
ihoseparLSOfLOt I6fng7o�k I1.Mackub)nsntlMarshall'sAtltlttlonroStPaulde5cx]bed
as follous:
The Wrsterly 23 fttt otsaid Lot I61n g]ock I t, Southwcst Quaitv of Sectlon
36. Townshtp 29 North, Range �3 Wcst of tl�e qth yrinclpal MMtllav,
Nso, rontlemnfngavtl taitlngan eavemrn[ fn il�e ]antl neccssary fm Ne siopes, cuts. and
tWS, inclutling righ[ o(�cmwai O(latea] support from suOJcMland ori<mali�6cc tYer�p{�
occasfonctlDyezca.'etlons Ntteo(orm�tructlon afslopesln UewdmingofnorNboun�
Da]< Sc. from St MNOny Ave. ro CmVal Ave., tlesctlbcd as follows;
The westaly 33.Op tttc, rxccp{ y�c w�estefry 29.00 fttt ther<ot, of sa�E Lot 16,
1n Block 1 I, Southwcst Quartu of Sect]on 36. Townshlp 29 NoRh. Aange y3
West of t2�e 4N PrInclPy Mcndlan.
$ellminary O+d<r 93-969 apprpvetl Juty 13, 1993.
ApuCllch<aMghamngbcrn hatl upon [h<abrn•e Improv<mrnt upon tlue noHtt, antl
the Covncll havmg hcazd all persons, oDJectlons and remmmendatlons rclativ< thcreto.
and haNVg fully considrn<tl Ne same: thore(ore. be 1[
RESOLVED. That [h<Councli Mfie Clty of Sa1nt Paut Aezeby mtlms saitl Smprove.
mcnt to be made.
flJRTfiER RESOLVED. TnatthcCOUncll hercbytle[ermines thatthe cstate requlzed
foi tbls lmpiovwrnt be ag d�verlDed aDOVe, entl Nat the proper Clry oliittrs suEmlt a
rcport to IDc pry Cwncll (or Ne purpoee ofNe Councll's making an awartl of tlamages
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City of St. Paul
Resolution Approving Assassment
and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon
and Fixing Time of Hearing o� the Award
of Damages
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In the matter of
Zn the Matter of condemning and taking of a permanent easement for street
purposes and also the condemnation and taking of a slope easement for the
reconstruction of Dale Street as folloc.�s:
Condemning and taking a pezpetval easement £or street purposes over,
under and across those parts of Lot 16 in Block 11, Mackubin and
Marshall's Addition Co St. Pa�l described as follows:
The westerly 23 feet of said LoC 16 in B1ock 11, Southwest
Quarter of Section 36, Township 29 North, Range 23 West of
the 9th Principal Meridian.
Also, condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for the
slopes, cuts, and fills, includinq right of removal of lateral support
from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations
thereof, or construction of slopes in the widening of northbound
Dale Street from St. Anthony Avenue to Central Avenue, described as
The westeily 33.�0 feet, except the westeily 23.00 Eeet thexeo£�
of �aid Lot iG, in Alock 11, Southwest Quarter of Sectlon 3G,
Township 29 North, Range 23 West of the 4th Principal Mer�.dian.
under Administrative Order XX apptoverl xx .
Preliminary0rder 93-967 appcoved July 13, 1993
Final Order 93-1196 approved Auaust ,17. 1993 ,
T't.Z Dl.'P.CIDi Of �1P.2P.:? }:=�.P.Z S�„�:li:;i il'.� S.�O:I u^. L'3: ?CC+ i�Id:L2: 8S iC i�: �v.:ui ��.:.:..;?2'ES in�.'
fnr tte L_ �` tte i_��t �- z��e^�_�L. apsco�r.a*�� fe*_ the a6ore impravertent and tn whnm payable; and
also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore ba it
RESOLVED, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved.
RESOLVED FUR'I'HER, That a public heaiing be had before the Councll upon said report and for a confirmation
of the award of damages made by the Director of Finance and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council
Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the 24th day of
April, 1996 at 5:00 P.M. , ,�tx4naxai��k3e�c, and that the Director of Finance be and
he is directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Chacter,
Yea�lakey Nays
� gard
Adopted by the Councit: Date��, �O ` ��q �
Certified Passed by Council Secretary
� InFavor By ��--- �- • ��
� Against