96-425Council File # 9 �_ ya�.S. uR������,�� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNES07A Green Sheet # 3 5 G S(� � � Presentedby �ii�,,,- /,�a,�„-- Referred To Committee Date 9 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the Apri12, 1996 decasion of the Legislative Hearing Officer: 3 Pro�erty A�oealed 4 689 Conway Street 5 Decision: Deny the appeal. A�pellant James Siimiing 6 FURTHER RESOLVED, that this action shali become effective immediately upon approval of the Mayor. Requested by Deparlment o£ Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary � Appi � By: Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date Q�2� � ��� 9 G-�-t �,S'� DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL DATE INRIA7ED O crrY courrcn. 4/11/96 GREEN SHEE �- 3 6 5 6 INRIAL/DATE INfTiAVDA7E GONTACT PERSpN g p}1(}NE Q DEPpPTMENT DIRECTOR � CT' CAUNCIL Gerry Sttathman 266-8575 asswn Q cm anoanev � cm c�nK MUST BE ON CqUNCIL AGENDA BV (DAT� p� �� � BUDGET DIflECTOR � FIN. & M6T. SERVICES DIR. April 24, 1996 °RO� O MAVOP (OR ASSISTANT] � TOTAL # OF S{GNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGP7ATURE) ACTION flEQUESfED: Approving the decision of the Legislative Hearing Officer on Property Code Enforcement Appeals for the Apri12, 1996 meeting. BECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (q) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWEfl THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ C�VIL SERVIGE COMMISSION 1. Has this parson/firm ever worked under a conVact for this tlepartmeM? _ CIBCOMMI7TEE YES NO _ siqFF 2. Has this personRrm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DIS7FICiCAUPi — 3. Does this person/firm possess a 5kill not normall ossessetl y p by any curtent ciry employee? SUPPOHTSWHICHCOUNqLOBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attaeh to green aheet INITIATING PpOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet, When, Where, Why�: ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEO: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED' _ �� x�.s,�,`@ "> rak97'�� "*.iFdfa�ai y_ t N6� k� �'m�... Eus a ��61 � � ;, DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPRO�ED: 707A� AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COS7lREVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRGIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE .4CTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIPL INFORMATIQN: (EXPWN)