96-408Council File # - Q g � ( t{ R P ' �`;`` � C�1i ���g�� s . � CITY OF Presented By Referred To Green Sheet # ��� RESOLUTiON �INT PAUL, MINNESOTA Committee: Date �, WHEREAS, in 1907 certain lands in the City of Little Canada, Ramsey Counry, Minnesota, were purchased with funds from the Board of Water Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the Boazd, for construction and maintenance of the Board's Vadnais Conduits; and WHEREAS, tiUe far said lands is in the name of the Ciry of Saint Paul, hereinafter referred to as the City, for the benefit of the Board; and WHEREAS, the Board did declare by Resolution No. 4359 that certain parcels within said lands, hereinafter referred to as the Property and described as follows: Block 7, I.ots 1-28, Rice Street Motor Addition Block 8, I.ots 3-28, Rice Street Motor Addition Block 9, Lots 3-26, Rice Street Motor Addition Block 10, L.ots 1-28, Rice Street Motor Addition Block 12, Lots 3-24, Rice Street Motor Addition Block 13, L,ots 3-22, Rice Street Motor Addition Block 14, I,ots 1-28, Rice Street Motor Addition All lying within Section 31, Township 3Q Range 22, Ramsey County, Minnesota Property Identification Number 31-30-33-0008 lying east of Minneapolis, Saint Paul and Saulte Ste. Marie Railroad right-of-way and nor[h of the Northern Pacific Railroad right-of-way and except for the easterly twenty (20) feet thereof and subject to Northern Power electric line easement granted October 20, 1967, to be no longer required for maintenance, construction or operation by the Board and, therefore, to be surplus properry; and WHEREAS, the Board did request by Resolution No. 4408 that the City of Saint Paul quitclaim the Property in favor of the Boazd. WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 10. 151 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the proceeds from the sale of land in the name of the City but held far the benefit of the Board may be used only for "the expense of operating the department, the repairs and maintenance of the waterworks plant and properry, and the payment of principal and interest on obligations issued for waterworks purposes;" and WHEREAS, the City holds no interest in the Property other than being the nominal fee holder; and ° I t�- �t o �r 1 2 3 4 5 '�� � ` � — �� � ! /°; p.Za�2 WHEREAS, quitciaiming the Property to the Board will make it unnecessary to expend City resources in effecting its sale; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Properiy is declazed to be surplus property and the proper City officials aze directed to quitclaim the Property in favor of the Boazd. Requested by Departmen[ of: Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary �.'`� Ap4 ,B Water Utility By: ✓� ����-�� General Manager Form Approved by City Attorney BY• �l�- �.u..�.� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council e Br��,�G Adopted by Council: Da[e� �.t� t �'�'�,(, � 9`-yog� � DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL DATE INITIATEO N� 2 8 8 9 9 Water Utility. 03/12/96 GREEN SHEET CONTACT PERSON & PHONE IN TIAVOAT INfTIAUDAiE �DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR -(r Bernie R. Bullert - 66274 "uw" aCffYATfORNEY ,3_� �CfTYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BV (DATE) P O�� � BUDGET DIflECTOF O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES OIF. ..MARGH 29, i996 0 " 0 �" MAYOFi(ORASS15TANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION qEQUESTED: _ Adopt resolution concurring with action taken by the Board of Water Commissioners in declaring certain lands in the City of Little Canada to be surplus property and executing a quitclaim deed to those lands in favor of the Board. RECAMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject (Fi) PERSONAL SEBVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �U�.�: _ PLANNWG COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this persoMirm ever worked under a conirect for this department? ���'�� YES NO _ CIB COMMiT7EE — p. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? APft 0 4 i996 _ STAFF — YES NO _ DISTRiCr CouRr — 3. Does this person/firm posse55 a skill not normally possessed by any curtent c'rty emp�oyee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNqLO&IECTIVET YES NO �MAYOR'SdFfICE Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, Wha[, When, Where, Why): In 1907 Board of Water Commissioner funds were used to purchase certain lands in the City of Little Canada for the construction and maintenance of the Board's Vadnais Conduits. The title to the property is held in the name of the City of Saint Paul for benefit of the Board. The Board no longer requires the property for operation of the conduits and desires to sell certain parcels within the property. The Board did declare by Resolution No. 4359 that these certain parcels were surplus property and requested the City Council to concur. The Board did request the City Council by Resolution No. 4408 to quitclaim interest in the parce s in fav AOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The Board can proceed with marketing the parcels for sa1e. �ISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED� e�„rn& � °§'°F?". .",,Na4'N��`,'�`�'9 i".aa"98l'�r1 ���..�� . � APi21'7 i��� DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: �EC�� f 9�� �� 14 �9� C�TY ATTORNEY TOTAL AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION $ COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE AC7IVITY NUMBER FINANCIAI INFORMATION' (EXPLAIN) an oF sr. r�u� OFFiCE OP THE BOARD OP WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION — 6ENERAL FORM q�-yog No 4408 PRESENTED BY Harris February 12, 1996 COMMISSIONE° -- DA WFIEREAS, The Board of Water Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as tke Board, did adopt Resolution No. 4359 which declared certain lands in the City of Little Canada, Ramsey County, Minnesota to be surpius; and WHEREAS, Title to these certain lands is in the name of the City of Saint Paul, hereinafter refened to as the City, for benefit of the Board; and WHEREAS, The Board desires to sell certain portions of said lands, hereinafter referred to as the Properry; and WHEREAS, The Boazd desires to have title to the Properiy in the Board's name so it can proceed with marketing the Property for sale; and WHEREAS, The Boazd now desires to obtain professionai appraisal of the fair market value of the Property; and • WHEREAS, The Board's staff has determined that it daes not have the expertise to c?evelop an accurate agpraisal of the PLOperty; and that the fum of Bettendorf, Rohrer, Knocke and Wall, Inc. does possess this expertise and is well suited to perform said appraisa3; and WHEREAS, The Board's staff did solicit a quote of a fixed fee of $3,700 from Bettendorf, Rohrer, Knoche and Wall, Inc. to perform said appraisal; and WHEREAS, The Board's staff has prepared the attached contract agreement which sets forth the specifications and conditions for performing said appraisai; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper officers of the Board are hereby authorized to execute said contract agreement between the Board of Water Commissioners and Bettendorf, Rohrer, Knoche and WaII, Inc.; and, be it FURTHER ItESOLVED, That the City of Saint Paul be requested to quitclaim the Property in favor of the Board. Water Coaunissioners Adopted by the Bosrd of Water Commiasioners Yeas Nays Arcand Harris Haselmann Vice President Rettman President Guerin In favor 5 _ Opposed � February 12, 19 96 �-� SEC�'.