96-406Council File # � � �Q� � t `� t �� t � ����; i.�. 3 V�` � Green Sheet # 3 � � 5 q" i � Presented By Referred to Committee: Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, the Saint Paul Port Authority, Ramsey County and the Merrill Corporation executed a Memorandum of Understanding, dated March 9, 1995, concerning Merrill's possible future acquisition of the City-owned Oscar Johnson Ice Arena site, and an adjacent City-owned pazcel under the jurisdiction of Public Works Department, from the City if Ramsey County tenninates its use and operarion of the Ice Arena, and WHEREAS, said City property is legally described as follows: subject to utility easement rights, Lot 2, Block 1, and Outlot A, Energy Park, Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and 10 WHEF2FAS, the City of Saint Paul, the Saint Paul Port Authority, and Merrill Corporation have prepared 11 an Option Agreement as called for in said Memorandum of Understanding, and 12 WHEREAS, said Option Agreement provides that the City will convey said City properly to the Port 13 Authority for the sum of $1.00 if Ramsey County terminates its use of the site, and acknowledges that the 14 Port Authority will convey approximately 10 acres of properiy adjoining Crosby Farm Regional Park to 1 S the City for park purposes in consideration thereof, and 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 WHEREAS, it is understood that Ramsey County intends to operate the Ice Arena at its present locarion for the foreseeable future, and has in fact scheduled improvements to the arena facility, and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission has reviewed this matter and concurs with the terms of the Option Agreement and finds said Agreement consistent with the provisions of Section 73A1.1 of the City Charter. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said Opfion Agreement and authorizes the proper City officials to execute the agreement on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Requested by: � . . .�, - ' • � � ���� '' — Department o£ Public works Adopted by Council: Date �,_��,�{q (� By: For By: �� z � m Approved by City Attorney `��dt t a .1/ R � �20itiri�. Le Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B�i�. ��',��� RESOLUTION Clyx QF�SAIPJ,� PAUL, I�IIINNESOTA Adoption Certi£ied by Council Secretary 9(.-40� DEPAFiTMENLOFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED �� 3 615 9 Parks and Recreation 4/l0/96 GREEN SHEE - - ,Nrt�A� CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE DEPhHTMENT DIRECTOP. � CT' CAUNGL John Wirka 66411 ��GN InICRYATTOFNEY �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DAT� NIIYBER FOR �41 BUDGET DIRECTOR O FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ROUTING A Y'il 24 1996 o"oE" M11AyOfl(ORASSISTANTJ � parkc and TOTAL # OF SICaNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) U 7 C OY' S ACTON REWE5TED: Approval of City Council Resolution auihorizing execution of Option Agreement with City of Saint Paul, St. Paul Port Authority and Merrill Corp. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) rn Reject tR) PEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRAC75 MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLpNNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SEFiVICE COMMISSION 1. Has ihis personlfirm ever worked under a contract for tliis departmeM? � _ CB COMMITTEE _ VES NO � S7AFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICT CAUiiT — 3. Does this person�rm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curreM city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE4 YES NO Explafn all yes answers on seperate shcet and attacM to green sheet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPEIRTUNITV (Who. What, When, Where, Why): City, Port Authority and Merril Corp. entered into a Memorandum of Understanding on March 9, 1995 intended to support Merrill's efforts to expand its business and add jobs at Merrill's Energy Park facility. Option Agreement called for in Memorandum of Urderstanding gives Merrill the opportunity, via the Port Autharity, for future acquisition �f City property adjoining MerrilT's site, part o� which �s occur�iPd by Ramsey Count�'s Oscar Johnson Ice Arena, if County ceases *o eperate ths arena a� some future time. There is no indication that County intends to cease its operation and in fact County is making im rovements to the Oscar Johnson facilit . The term of the 0 tion Aa,reement is until 2020. afwnri�ns�F,Kwr�o: The Port Authority will convey approximately 10 acres of riverfront land to the City adjoining Crosby Farm under the Agreement, for park land. The Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission has reviewed the Agreement and recommends approval. 9YANFABC5IFAPPHOtlEiT ���E[Vf� � � ��R r s �sss , ���r�r�s c���,�� a�����o- Co��c�! �:�;,��_�� �����r i��o 17 ���� ___._�,._ TOTAL AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ NA COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfiG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) °l�.-�o� Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission is an appointed body to advise the Mayor and City Council on long-range and city-wide matters related to parks and recreation, and WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul, The Saint Paui Port Authority, Ramsey County and Merrill Corporation executed a Memorandum of Understanding, dated March 9, 1995, conceming Merrill's possible future acquisition of the Oscar Johnson Ice Arena site from the City if Ramsey County terminates its use and operation of the Ice Arena, and WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul, The Saint Paul Port Authority, and Merrill Corporation have prepared an Option Agreement as called for in said Memorandum of Understandin�, and WHEREAS, said Option Agreement provides that the City will convey the Ice Arena site to the Port Authority for the sum of $1.00 if Ramsey County terminates its use of the site, and acknowledges that the Port Authority will convey approximately 10 acres of property adjoining Crosby Farm Regionaf Park to the City for park purposes in consideration thereof, and ��'HEREAS, it is understood that Ramsey County intends to operate the Ice Arena at its present location for the foreseeable future, and has in fact scheduled improvements to the arena facility, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission concurs with the terms of the Option Agreement and finds said agreement consistent with the provisions of Section 13.01.1 of the City Charter. n: groupldivlwpiporkcommlicearena.ru Adopted by the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission: Date 3l I 3 J 9(� Approved: Yeas: _�_ Neas: (J _ Absent: �_ 9�.-�0� Memorandum of Understanding Dated March 9, 1995 Among: 1. Merrill Corporation 2. Saint Paul Port Authority 3. City of Saint Paul's: Planning and Economic Development Parks and Recreation Department Public Works Department 4. Ramsey County Department This draft agreement is contingent upon the several governmental bodies and meeting the Federal, State, and City funding programs as Merrill Corporation's Board of Directors. Merrill Corgoration intends to: approval of requirements of well as approval by 1. Acquire Energy Park Business Center for the expansion of its corporate headquarters in Saint Paul. Merrill will keep Energy Park Business Center's West Annex and may sell Energy Park Business Center's East Annex in the next few years. 2 3 � Merrill expects to spend at least $25 per square foot in improvements to the Energy Park Business Center over the next five years. Maintain its existing 600 jobs in Saint Paul and use its best efforts to increase the number of employees at its Saint Paul facility by 5% annually over the next two years. Pay for the costs of any new parking area to be added to the Arena location at Merrill's discretion to benefit Merrill. Enter into a license agreement relating to the operation and maintenance of the parking area it will be sharing with Ramsey County at the Oscar Johnson Ice Arena (see attached License Agreement). 5. Enter into an Option Agreement to acquire the Arena site ii the County terminates the use of the arena (see attached Option Agreement). `�.- 6. Enter into a First Source Agreement with the City. The following City of Saint Paul Departments agree to: 1, Plannina and Economic Develogment: Apply for funds from the Minnesota Department of Trade and Economic Development's Economic Recovery Fund in an amount determined by the City to be necessary to complete the project, in the State's fiscal year beginning July 1, 1995; subject to Merrill providing all necessary documentation to complete an application to the State, and subject to the Credit Committee and City Council approval. 2. Parks and Recreation and Public Works: Enter into an Option Agreement with Merrill to sell the Arena site (Parks and Recreation) and Outlot A(Public Works) to Merrill if the County terminates the use of the arena (see attached draft Option Agreement). (Technically, the City will enter into an agreement to sell the land to the Port Authority for 51.00, and the Port Authority will enter into a like agreement with Merrill.) Note that Outlot A has a utility easement over much of the site. This is subject to the approval of the City Council. 3. Public Works: Will follow through on a previous agreement to change the name of DeCourcy Circle to Merrill Circle. Ramsev Countv agrees to: 1. Enter into a license agreement relating to the operation and maintenance of the parking area it will be sharing with Merrill at the Oscar Johnson Ice Arena (see attached draft License Agreement). 2. Affirm its obligations under its lease with the City of Saint Paul dated August 13, 1984. 3. Fund improvements to the Oscar Johnson Ice Arena in the amount to be negotiated with Merrill. °I 1� -�l oL ThP Saint Paul Port Authorit� agrees to: il 2 Address Merrill's concerns regarding Energy Park Energy System as outlined in the attachment named "Energy System" Provide a funding proposal to finance Merrill's real estate needs. 3. Convey to the City Parks and Recreation Department land adjacent to Crosby Lake Regional Park that the Port Authority will be acquiring from Texaco. 4. Provide its Customized Job Training Program to meet Merrill's growing workforce needs. Acknowledged: Jo Castro, President & CEO Me rill Corporation t.... � Norm Coleman, Mayor City of Saint Paul Date : 3 « 9S Date • .3 Z r Date: 3� — Kenneth R. Jdhnson, President Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul � � Terry Schu n, County Manager Ramsey County 9 $ '��3 #}�arc�e.� os+c-Fcrm �a-.x.� ��,Lr.� /i35lst � F J Date : �/� �S q�-�io� DRAFT Option Agreement A. Ramsey County Ramsey County agrees that if the use of the Arena for ice skating is discontinued, it will terminate its leasehold interest in the property, returning it to the City. Ramsey County affirms its obligation to remove all improvements and restore the property to its original condition to the satisfaction of the City, as stated in the Lease Agreement dated August 13, 1984 between the City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County (Attachment A). B. �ity of SainY. Paul 1. The City agrees to provide Merrill with an option to acquire the property for one year after the County terminates its leasehold interest in the Arena. The cost of obtaining the option is $1.00, and the cost of the site to Merrill to acquire the property will be $1.00. This is subject to City Council approval. 2. The City agrees that the conveyance of land from the Saint Paul Port Authority to the City, that the Port Authority is about to acquire from Texaco, meets the City's policy of no net loss of park land. This is subject to approval by the Parks and Recreation Commission and the City Council. C. Merrill Cor�oration Merrill agrees to obtain an option on the Oscar Johnson Arena for one year after the County terminates its leasehold interest in the Arena. The cost of obtaining the option is $1.00, and the cost of the site to Merrill to acquire the property wi11 be $1.00. 9c.-yo� ENERGY SYSTEM A. Timing Port Authority staff expects to have a recommendation from its engineering consultant about the future direction of the energy system in March of 1995. The Port Authority expects to present a plan to the energy system's users to make modifications to the energy system sometime in April, 1995. If the Port Authority believes the recommendations are workable and the users and the Port Authority agree to modifications to the energy system, an agreement could be reached during the summer of 1995. Final approval among all involved parties could occur near the end of 1995, including possible City Council approval if the terms of the Franchise Agreement need to be amended. B. Cost and Funding The Port Authority is prepared to recommend that Merrill apply to the Saint Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development for Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Funds. These loans would be from the City's Department of Planning and Economic DevelopmenC. This is based upon Merrill's engineering consultant's report stating that improvements to Energy Park Business Center could cost between $600,000 and $700,000 if the energy system extends the cooling season. Approval of the actual loan amount and its terms are subject to review and approval by PED staff and its governing bodies. energysy.doc °t�-yoc � License Agreement 1. Arena Use Ramsey County will allow Merrill the non-exclusive use of the County's parking area at the Oscar Johnson Arena ("Arena") excent: a. From 7:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Merrill will not be allowed to park in Area A that provides 17 parking stalls as shown on the attached map (Attachment A). b. From 2:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m., Merrill will not be allowed to park in the following areas: 1. Area A(17 parking sCalls) 2. Area B(28 parking stalls) 3. Area C(the eastern portion of the parking area on the north side of the Arena providing for 25 parking stalls) 2. ODerations and Maintenance Merrill and Ramsey County will share in the operating costs of the parking lot generally based upon their proportionate use of the parking lot. �" TJG "� 4/4/96 qc.-yoc OPTION AGI2EEMENT This AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the day of 1996, by and between the City of Saint Paul ("Ciry'), a municipal corporation, Merrill Corporation ("Memll"), a Minnesota corporation and the Port Authority of the Ciry of Saint Paul ("Port Authoriry"), a public body organized pursuant to Chapter 469 of Minnesota Statutes. WITNESSETH; WHEREAS, the City owns certain real properiy located within the Port Authority's Energy Park development legally described in E�ibit "A" and E�ibit "B" attached hereto, and WHEREAS, said Exhibit "A" properry is currently leased by Lease dated August 13, 1984, to the County of Ramsey for use by the County as an ice arena, and WHEREAS, it is contemplated by the parties that the County of Ramsey may abandon at some date in the future its use of the property for an ice arena and terminate its Lease with the City, and WHEREAS, said E�ibit "B" property adjacent to the CounTy Ice Arena site is under the jurisdiction of the City's Public Works Department, and WHEREAS, said E�ibit "B" property is integral to meeting Merrill's parking needs, and WHEREAS, Menill Corporation owns and has developed several properties adjacent to the property described in Exhibit "A" and E�ibit "B", and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City and the Port Authority to foster and encourage the future economic development of Merrill Corporation and its tax paying and job creation activities, and WHEREAS, the Port Authority has or will acquire certain property near Crosby Lake which it will convey to the City for pazk purposes in consideration for the conveyance contemplated herein; NOW, THEREFORE, TN CONSIDERATION OF THE ABOVE PREMISES, THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1 1. If Ramsey County terminates its Lease with the City of Saint Paul dated August 13, 1984, for that certain property described in E�ibit A, the City hereby grants to the Port Authority for a period of one yeaz after the termination of said County Lease an q`.�p(� option to purchase the properties described in E�ibits "A" and "B" for the sum of one dollar ($1.00). The Port Authority shall concurrently grant to Memll Corporation an option to purchase said properties described in Exhibit "A" and "B" for the sum of one dollar ($1.00). In the event that Merrill Corporation determines during the above opuon period that the ptoperties described in E�chibit "A" and "B" requires corrective action to clean up any liazardous waste or petroleum release, such option period vis a vis the City and the Port Authority and the Port Authority and Merrill Corporation shall be extended until such tnne as the party responsible for the hazardous waste or petroleum release remediation completes the clean up. 2. Notwithstanding the above, this Agreement shall ternunate December 31, 2020. 3. The parties hereby agree that if the properties were contaminated by the release of hazardous wastes or petroleum products, as those terms aze defined under any state or federal environmental statutes or regulations, that any claims for clean up costs shall not be made against the City for said releases, unless the City is determined by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to be the responsible party for the release as that term is defined in Chapters 115B and 115C of Minnesota Statutes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF SAINT PAUL By Its Approved as to Form By By Its Assistant City Attomey Its PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL : MERRILL CORPORATION �` � EXHIBIT "A" Subject to utility easement rights, Lot 2, Block l, Energy Park, Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. °ll.-�o` EXHIBIT "B" Subject to utiliry easement rights, Outlot A, Energy Pazk, Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. 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