D94-089WM<s — Gty Gnk 7ink — Financ� Oeot. CanarY — OOpt. i GITY OF SAIA'T I�AUL OFYIGF. OF THF. MAYOR ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER t;r�x,er �TSto. No: �� -oga Date: `-� � "� _�� �DJIL1'ISTR.�TI�'E ORDER, Consistent with the authoriry ranted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.d of ihe City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Pub�l l C Hg� th to amend the 79—� budget of the $neCl d� Revenue fund, the Oirector of the DepaRment of finance and Management Services is authorized to amenA said budget in tne following manner: Current Amended Bud9e1 Change Budget <d � SFEGiAL Rnv"nnii5 ruiiu3 - HB'aLTn 305-332ai-62ii 305-3's23P-0331 305-3a2"s3-64"s5 a"uS-33i"a3-u33a 3V�-.15Gqy'UL41 305-33244-�4a° 355-Jai47-61i2 �65-a32�?-0439 DnniAL flLTH R&"v. - F"va?aG�i ➢BNiaL 'nLTri &Bti, - �BNiAL SG"rPLinS FANILY FL'aANiNG - �BIidG� 6BNBFii9 FAMiL: "rLAANiNG - L'aB S6FPLIfiS 8H�U63B uSdLTB - PBINitA6 RfinuGR% kBaLTl; - "c3LAGB BnfiBFITS �iC - F&fl90tiNnL iriC - r"6iAGe BBNisFiiS $51,4i i$ai,45} 3iGi.i'a 4� $6uB,yz j$n0&.9�`I �2a�.a� ($i35�0�j ------ 3"v,u0 �5i.v3 41fl,9�fl,56 $66,6iZ.i5 3i5,2no,ia $i,4un,"sa �°s�,370,�9 y23,ion,Gi $i�fi °--------°--- $362,�73P,00 --------°----- 30, G6 $ii,�0a.60 s66,a2i.00 $1"a,3fi8.G0 you0�06 330,1%9.�P �23,53i.uf $268,fiii,Q6 336i � �iIS&EA6, "sPfirvDiNG aDTi[OHIiY Io NBBD�D ta nCTiVITIB° 33237-0221, 33233-�1439,33244-Oi4i> aND tN "a"s24i-Oii2 T6 CLRnn 7AB DEFIGiT SPB�iOIH& AUT_8G&?T"� Itd in538 aCiiYIPIB3; aAD �rABB�AS, TP�SEE IS SPS�iDiNG e�TH�6I7Y i�l 6AEI6US DHd"nCi C6�B8 SN 'SH$8� nCSIViTinS i6ai GdULD BE iBAiinn38EBD. TAS&�g6RB B� EBE"vLVBD, TEAT Tiffi tiaY�7E APP�6u'3� T`HB CHAAGn TO ?RB iB�3 SUuGB2, oy: O8p8rtmant tllfBCtor ��� �� �'Y 1 � �� Approved by: Ma t �B�B Public Health Mohrland 292-7702 TOTAL # OF SIGNA7URE PAGES FOR �� -ogq g3 GREEN SHEET N° -14021 INITIAL/DATE INRIALIDATE � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � qiV COUNGL O C[N ATTORN@Y � CIN CLERK � Bl1D6ET DIRECTOR f� l PIN. & MGT. SEFVICES DIR. t}_I MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT} � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Signatures on Administrative Order transferring various spending authority between object codes. (A) or Re�ac[ (R) __ PLANNING COMMISSION _ ( _ CIB COMMfTTEE _ _ _ STAFP _ . _ DISTRICTCOURT __. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJEC11VE7 PEfiSONAL SERVECE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this personttirm ever worketl untler a cnntract for this department? YES NO 2. Has this personRirm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. �oes this personlfirm po5ses5 a skill not normally possessed 6y any current city employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INI71A71NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNiTV iWho, Wnai, When, Wnere, Why): Uarious activites tn the Health Special Revenue Fund have deficit spending authority in some of thfer object codes. There ts spendfng authority in various other object codes that can be transferred. r �;. .. �: ; .. '.'�. No deficit accounts. -..; ,, 1 • -. . i I . au�cET oF��cE DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVE�. j� " . _ � .:� NONE i�AR 2 41994 Cy�i`l�i�� There will be deficit amounts on f�nancial reports O7AL AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ �19�.?n COS7/REVENUE BUDGE7ED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO UNDINGSOURCE Sb ldj R VPn 1 Funds ACTIVITYNUMBER v�Ni(1fIC NANqAL INFORMAiION: (EXPL4IN) � �