96-381`��������L � Presented By Referxed To Committee: Date # 9� -3�1 # 33 � p-l�2 , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3S 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works has revised the cost estimate tor the consUUC6on of [ra�c signals on Universiry Avenue from Prior to Eustis, and WHEREAS, this work is eligible for Counry Aid participation and Munidpal State Aid and 7runk Highway iunding, and there is sufficient MSA funding available in the 1994 MSA ConSngency to transfer to this project, and WH�REAS, this work was originaliy adoptetl by Ciry Councif Resolution 92-184a, known as Log #S-5516, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of ihe City ot Saint Paui, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the long Range Capital Improvement Budget Comminee, ihat the Capitai Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by ihis Council is hereby further amended in following particular: FINANCING PLAN MSA G�NTINGENCY C94-2T017 1994 Mumcipal State Aid SPENDING PLAN MSA CONT�NGENCV C94-2T077 Ptans & Constructio� FINANCING PL.AN UN IVERSITV-PRIOR-EUSTIS C93-2S039 1993 Municipal State Aid 1994 Municipal State Aitl 1990 Municipai State Aid 7993 County Aid County Aid Agrmt 1988 Pu61ic Improvement Aitl 1989 Pubfic Improvement Aid 7989 Capital Improv mt Bnd 7990 Capitai Impmv mt Bnd 1991 Capital Improv mt Bntl 1988 Municipal State Aid Mn Dept of Transportation 1993 Public Improvement Aid Council File RESOLUTION G=een sheet OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Current Amentled Budget Change Budge� 627,389.07 -26,902.58 594,486.49 621,389.07 -26,902.58 594,486.49 621,389 O7 -26,902.58 594,486 49 621,389.07 -26,902.58 594,48649 48,000.00 48,000 00 26,902.58 26,902.58 46,422 35 46,422.35 73,000 00 13,000 00 47,036.58 7,63754 48,67472 9,800 00 9,800 00 42,652 76 A2,652 76 630 18 630 1 S 48,459.69 48,459 69 6,741 59 6,74'I 59 6,824.00 6,824 00 t 85,444 53 30,778 75 216,72328 18,000.00 78,000.�0 467,511 68 65,318 87 532,830 55 ��°�r��:�. �� �, R,� ��.,,������ v, , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 70 SPENDING PLAN UN I V ERSITY-PR IOR-EUSTIS C93-2S039 Plans 8 ConSVUCtion P. Zc�F2 467,517.68 65,318.87 532,830.55 467,517.68 65,318.87 532,830.55 RESOLVED, ihat the Crty Council adopis the aWve changes to Ihe GaQital budget. q�- The 3t. Paul Long - Range Caoital Impxoaem�n4 � (;ommitte� *eceiveci tnis zequ�st o� �dat�) 3 f � ard recara�::= Signed: �Ud�2� Di!8Ct0� � '� . -m-r�`-�-Q- - -_ -.. Requested by Department of: Public Works By: � Form Adopted by Council: Date ��n�� ��� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary g By: App By: l by City Attorney L ��G:-��!?�� �� �G� SC ed by/Mayor for Submis,sion to Council EET No.3� 3�I BE ON na - i & PHONE Q DEPARTMENT DIREdFOR� � QSY ATfOANEY J Q BUDGET DIRECTOR Oq MAYOR (OR ASSISTAPIT) OF SIGNpNRE PAGES 7 (CLIP qLL LOCAT70NS FOR SICd1AiUR� ASSQCIA7E u CIN COUNCIL _ � CIiY CLERK _ �FlN. MGT. SERVICES �e the attached Council Resolution amending the budget for the University Avenue - Prior to signal revision project. lec[(R) pVIL SERVICE GOMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE STAFF OBJEC77VE? Neighborhoods PERSONAL SERVIGE CONiRACTS MUST ANSWER 7HE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 5. Has ihis persoMrtn ever worked untler a mMracl for this tlepartmer�i? YES NO 2. Has this perso�rtn e�er been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a sbll no[ nortnally possessed by curr ciry employee? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green shee INf77AT7NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORiUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHV): Bids were opened for this project in 1995. The low bid exceeded the City and original ate and budget. The project estimate has been revised. Mn/DOT and Ramsey County have agreed to participate in the increased cost of the project. Capital Improvement Budget must be increased in accordance with the revised estimate and cooperative agreement with Mn/DOT. The State of Minnesota and Ramsey Counry will participate in the cost. Project can be for bids. None. IF i i' i'' ^•. �� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO: Project could not proceed. ��a8�� - ��? �'�t�� r�?w,' � :�'�� � '� y� T07ALAMOUNTOPTRANSACTION$ F)S,$'IH.H� � COST/REVENUEBUDGEfEO(CIRCLEONE) YES No FUNDING SOURCE qCINITY NUMBER C93 2S039 FlNANGAL INFORMA'iION: (EXPLAIN)