96-35Council File � --� � `;�!_Is,t "; � P't . � - �� � ,.� . . . _ . ..� Presented By Referred To ordinance # Green Sheet # ��-�� d RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 RESOLVED: That application (ID #85698) for an Auto Repair Garage and Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle License applied for by Maryland Avenue Auto Sales and Repair DBA Maryland Avenue Auto Sales and Repair (William Schwartz, Owner) at 1200 Jackson Street be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1. The site shall be constructed and the vehicle sales operation shown on the site plan approved by this office. 2. The number of "for sale" vehicles on the lot shall not exceed (29) twenty-nine. (10) off-street parking spaces shall be provided for customers and employees. At no time shall the total number of vehicles on the lot exceed (39) thirty-nine. This includes those vehicles awaiting repairs or customer pick-up, displayed for sale and parked on the site. 3. Vehicles associated with the business may not be stored in or project over the public right-of-way. 4. There shall be no exterior storage of vehicle parts. The repair of any vehicle outdoors is also prohibited. 5. Trash receptacles/dumpsters shall be enclosed with a wood obscuring fence at least (6) feet.high �-��� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by By: App By: Secretary Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection BY � l�i'" "'-"" "�' (J � 7C'. ` Form Approved by City Attorney By� (���� l��� //�/O -1� ._—� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �j�-�s OEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNC�L DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEE �° 3 5 5 2 8 LIEP /Licensing INITIAL/DATE INRIAUDATE CqNTACT PEqSON & PHONE O DEPARSMEM DIPECfOA O CI7Y COUTICIL Bill Gunther, 266-9132 a� OCfiYATiORNEY �CtTYCLERK MUST BE ON CqUNGL AGENOA BY (DATEJ ���� O BUIX�aEf OfRECTOR � FlN. 8 MGT. SEFi`/ICES DIR. F'OT Hearing: `— 3—'j Cr OROER �MAYOR(ORASSISTM[T) O TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CIIP ALL LOCATIONS FQR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UE5TED: Maryland Avenue Auto Sales & Repair D&A Maryland Avenue AuCO Sales & Repair requests Council approval of its application for an Auto Repair Garage & Second Hand Dealer-Motor Vehicle License at 1200 Sackson Street (ID �185698). RECAMMENDATIONS: Apprave (A) or Reject (p) PERSONAI SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER TME FOLLQWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERYICE COMMISSION �� Has this persoMirm ever worked under a contract for ffiis department? � _ CIB CAMMITfEE YES NO _ SiAFF 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DIS7R5Ci COI1R7 _ 3. Does this perso�rm possess a skill not normall � y possessetl by any current city employee. SUPPOi7fS WHICH GOUNCIL O&IEGTIVE7 YES NO Explain sll yea answera on Seperato sfieet and attach to 9�� a�et INITIATING PflOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Wlw, Wha1, When. WherB. Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPqOVED: 41�a °'� �e.,,. a_.,�.„p 'r,. p a�:csa 4 ti�:',�45v� yfl�w;::.: �ri.k� � � �g��J . DISADVANTAGES IF APPqOVEO: �ISADVANTqGES IF NOT APPROVED. TO7AL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COS7/qEVENUE BUDGETEU (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVIiY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # sssza L.i.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: tl/3/95 i 7 � 0 -3 � In TrackeY? ApP'n ReceNed / APP'n arocessed license ID # 85698 license Type: Auto Reuair Garaee & Second Hand D� r-Mrr Veh Company Name: Marvland Avenue Auto Sales & Re�air DBA: M�rytand Avenue Antn Salec & RP.,a;r Business Addresss: 1200 Jackson St Business Phona: 487-6330 Coniact Name/Address: William Schwartz, Date to Councii Research: Public Hearing Date: -� ' 9 / Labeis Ordered: None needed Notice Sent to Applicant: I J District Council #: 6 a�m, 3Z"0 Notice Sent to Pubtic: l �/ /7� � �� Ward #: 5 Date Inspections City Attorney Env(ronmentai Health 1/ �o -9s 1/-Zo -9S Fire License /z-y-�S �("20- 95 Comments 61�, a� itl. A � ��.:+r��3i i��, aK Police � Ii .2z_ 9s 6K' �j_�o - 9s �� • z. Site Plan laeceived:_ Lease Received: � ��c'o�r� /�oa�7 Sv� ro Cb�J,�1 ino.JS CLASS III LICENSE APPLICATION CITY OF SAINT PAUL Offia of Licenx, Inspec5ons and Env'vonmenta! Protection 350 A Pdv SY S�ixe 300 $w�Pw�M�con 55102 (6I3) 26F9090 fu (613)1669124 THIS APPLICATIO23 IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY Tf� PUBLIC PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN INK Type of License being applied for. Company Name: / Parmership / Sole Proprietorship If business is incorporated, give date of incorporarion: � c. f I /g �,� Doing Business As: S n� = Business Phone: l- �FS 7 6�.� �O Business Address: f���- �' �3-� �Sc -o .S�' Sf r� �L i-H � s'.S --, SheM Addceu , Chy I Staie Zip Between what cross streeis is the busi located?S��k d� Y'I q r�//4a.,� Which side of the street? ^' �(7't'� Are tLe premises now occupied? /� VJhat Type of Business? ""CO'1 -F' C 4�J � C t Mail To Address: ��G� � t- I� �H �J� �- �� i '-� � 5 � � � Street Address City State Zip Applicant Informatio ,i Name and Title: G'� t l � I li w1 C— ��� +-�/�'Y� Fusc Middle (Maiden) Last TiLe Home Address: _( � �� Stree[ Address � / City / State �� Are you a citizen of the United States? Native? Naturalized7 If you are not a U.S. citizen, you must have work authorization from the U.S. Immigration & Naturalization Service. Have you ever been convicted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance other than traffic? YES , NO ^ Date of arrest: Chazge: _ Where? Conviction: Sentence: List the names and residences of three penons of good moral chamcter, living within the Twin Cities Metro Area, not zelated to the applicant or fmancially interested in ffie premises or business, wbo may be refened to as to the applicanYs chazacter: NAME ��r C�l� � �. ADDRESS PHONE Have any of the above named licenses ever been revoked? _ YES � NO If yes, lis[ the dates and reasons for revocation: Are you going to opemte this business personally? _ S_ I30 If not, who will operate it? F'rcst Nmne h5ddle Inirial (Maidrn) Last Home Addrcss: Street Name Ciry State Zip ofBitth Phone Number List licen�s wh�ch you c�uttent� hold, formerly held, or may have an interest in: Are you going to have a manager ot assistant in this business? please complete the following information: �r r�J f _ YES � NO If the manager is not the same as the operator, Frcst Name hfiddle Ini6al (Maiden) Last Date of Buth Home Addcess: Sveet Name Ciry Please list your empIoyment history for the previous five (5) year period: � List ali other office� of the corporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME NI+ME , (Office Held) ADDRESS HOME BUSINESS DATE OF �HONE PHON£ BIRTH � If business is a parmership, please inclnde the following information for each parmer (use additional pages if necessary): Fitst Nnme Middle Inifial (Maiden) LaSt Date of Birth Home Address: Street Name Ciry State Zip Phone 13umber Fust Name hfiddle Initia! (Maidrn) Lstt Date of Biah Home Address: Street Name City State Zip Phone Number MINNESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER - Pursuant to the Laws of Minnesota, ]984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Section 2 (270J2) (TaY Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities aze requ'ued to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax identification number and the social security number of each license applicant. Jnder the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and ihe Federal Privacy Act of 3974, we are required to advise you of the ollowing regarding the use of the Minnewta Tax Identification Number: - T'his information may be used to deny the issuance or renewa] of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's withholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; - Upon receiving this information, the licensing authoriry will supply it only to ffie Minnesota Departrnent of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Information Agreement, the Deparpnent of Revenue may supply this information to the Intemal Revenue Service. nnesota Tas Idenrification Numbets (Sales & IJse Tax Number} may be obtained from the State of Minnesota, Business Records par�ent, 10 River Park PIa7a (612-246-6181). ial Security Number: �� nesota Tax Identification Number: _ If a Minnesota Tax Identificauon Number is not required for the business being opented, indicate so by placing an "X" in the box. . State Z�p Address � � � � �� Photx Number �(�l// / <� � . . _ r _ � . u < � _ ,^�"�`x4'- t l�/-3,S CERTIFICATION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE PUIZSUANT TO MINIIESOTA STATUTE ]76.182 I hereby certify that I, or my company, am in compliance with the workers' compensation insurance coverage requirements of J Minnesota Statute 176.182, subdivision 2. I also undetstand that provision of false information in this certification constitutes sufficient grounds for adverse action against all licenses he3d, including revocation and suspension of said ]icenses. Name of Insurance Company: Policy Number. Coyemge from � to I have no employees covered under workeis' compensarion insurance ANY FALSIFICATION OF A1�TSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTED Wll,L RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION I hereby state that I have answered all of the preceding questions, and that the inFormation contained herein is true and correct to the best of my lmowledge and heiief. I hereby state fiirther that I have received no maney or other considemtion, by way of loan, gift, conhibution, or otherwise, other than aiready disclosed in the application which I herewith submitt�? �� _ Signature (REQUIRED for Attach to this application: 1) A detailed description of the desigo, Iceation and square footsge of the premises ta be licensed (site plan). 'I'he following data should be on the site plan (prefersbly on an 8 1/Z" z 11" or $ ll2" a!4" paperj: - Name, address, and phone number. - The scale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N should be indicated toward the top. - Piacement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating areas, kitchens, ofiices, repair area, parking, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or ezpaasion of the ticensed iacility, indicate both the curreat area and t6e proposed ezpansion. 2) A copy of your lease agreement or proof of ownersbip of the property.