96-318QR1�'������. Presented Sy Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Committee; Date WHEREAS, the City of North Saint Paul has generously offered to loan to the City of Saint Paul its House Fire Safety Ea�hibit for use at the Arlington Recreation Center in conjunction with the Center's "Little Playground That Could" celebration to be held May 18, 1996, and promoted by the Arlington Youth Club, and WHEREAS, it is necessary to indemnify the City of North Saint Pau1 against losses that may be incurred during the display of the E�ibit, now therefore be it, RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul does hereby save and hold harmless the City of North Saint Paul for any loss or damage to its E�ibit while at the Arlington Recreation Center sub}ect to the limits of Minn.Stat. 466, and FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Council extends its deep appreciation and thauks to the City of North Saint Paul and directs our secretary to send a copy of this resolution to its Mayor and Council. Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date�� 3\qq(� � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � �3pp: 8y: council File # �1� - 3�$ Green Sheet # o�s � 9 os RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �a By: Form A ved by Ci y Attorne s � �;�If'' `� 3-z�r9r Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: 9L-�,�t� . _ '�'"�° GREEN SHEET N° 25792 - DEPARTMENT/OPFICE/COUNCIL DATE IN Cit Council 3/ 2$ � gb INRIAWAIE INRIAVDATE CON7AGT PEq$ON 8 pHONE O DEPARTMEM DIRE � CITY CAUNCII Dan Bostrom 2b6-8660 "u'�x �cmarroRNer �aTVC�aK NUY9ERFOR MUSTBEONCAUNCILAGENDABY(DATE� pOVfING �BUDGETDIflEGTO �FIN.&MGT.SEflVICESDIR. OBDEP � MqYOR (OR ASSISTAN'n O A ril 3 1996 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: The City of Saint Paul will hereby save and hold harmless the City of North Saint Paul for any loss or damage to its Exhibit while at the Arlington Recreation Center on May 18, 1996. RECOMMENDnI'�ONS: Appmve (A) or Reject tA) PEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEp THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNIN6 COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/Firm ever worked under a wntract for this departmentt _ CIB WMMITTEE _ YES NO 2. Has this personttirm ever been a City employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DIS7PIC7 CoUaT _ 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTNE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on seperate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBIEM, ISSllE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why) The City of North Saint Paul has offered to loan to the City of Saint Paul its Hou�e Fire Safety Hxhibit for use at the Arlington Recreation Center in conjunction with the Center's "Little Piayground that Could" celebration to be held May 18, 1996, and promoted by the Arlington Youth Club. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED' , DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVEO. �� ?t��.��, `� � �"��� D7SADVANTAGES IF NOT APPR�VED� TOTAI AlAOUNT OF TRANSAGTION S O COST/REVENUE BUOGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION' (EXPLAIN)