96-304�M� ti, CJ � 'p T ��{� 3���f�� RESOLUTION �� � � Council File # —3 o y OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Green Sheet # 3� t eC � Committee Date RESOLUTIONESTABLISHING USE OFA PUBLIC PURPOSE ANALYSIS FOR CITY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PACKAGES TO THE PRIVATE SECTOR 1 WHEREAS, a sound jobs creation and retention policy is fixndamental to successful City of Saint Paul and 2 Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) investments on behalf of the citizens of Saint Paul; and 3 WHEREAS, the City Council has recently reviewed the City's job creation and retention policies and 4 practices reported on in the Council Research report job Creation andRetention in SaintPaul: PolicyAnalysis 5 and Performance Audit and found that the City's main practices associated with job creation and retention aze 1) The prepazation of Job Impact Statements which provide information to the Council and HRA Board on the estimated number of jobs to be created, retained or lost as a result of the project for which the City is planning to provide financial assistance; and 9 2) The conclusion of First Source Agreements with developers or firms to which the City provides more 10 than $1,000,000 in industrial revenue bond or other economic development assistance. ll WHEREAS, First Source Agreements are non-binding agreements which City staff are required to conclude 12 with companies receiving assistance in excess of $1 million, and which staff may conclude with companies 13 receiving less than $1 million; and 14 WHEREAS, First Source Agreements provide that the company receiving assistance will disclose to the 15 Workforce Development Division its projected position openings, so appropriate candidates from the 16 division's job training programs may be considered by the company; and 17 18 19 20 21 WHEREAS, the job referral services provided to private companies with signed First Source Agreements are also available to private companies without signed First Source Agreements; and WHEREAS, job creation or retention is one of several public purposes to be served by the City's economic development activity and it is difficult to determine the level of public funds spent for job creation or retention purposes versus other public purpose activities; and 22 WHEREAS, the development of an analysis which takes into account the diverse nature of the public 23 purposes served by projects receiving City or HRA assistance would be extremely useful to the Council and 24 HRA Board as they examiue individual projects and overall City and HRA funding priorities; now therefore 25 be it 26 RESOLVED, that the City Council and HRA Board require that the public cost and public purpose analysis 27 accompany all assistance package proposals which come before the City CouncIl and HRA Board, as well as 28 for those proposals which do not require Council or I IR11 Board action; and (��� i n, :_ 29 RESOLVED, that this analysis of the public purposes to be served include the following issues: 30 cost for the project, job impacts, housing development benefiu, and community and economic 31 as is displayed in the attached "Public Purpose Summary" form; and � 9�-3oy . .I: : 32 RESOLVED, that Planning and Economic Development (PED) is designated as the dep ment responsible 33 for completion of this public purpose analysis; and 34 RESOLVED, that based on the advent of this public purpose analysis, which incl _ es an analysis of job 35 impacts, the City Council and HRA Boazd rescind the requirement that a sepaz "Job Impact Statement" be 36 prepared for City and HRA financial assistance packages to the private sector, d 37 38 39 40 RESOLVED, that the City Council and HRA Board directs staff to using City reports and forms to meet state reporting requirements � RESOLVED, that the requirement that companies receiving First Source Agreement is hereby rescinded; and state staff the possibiliry of iate for job impact data; and be asked to sign a non-binding 41 RESOLVED, that the City Council and HRA Board are fully " pportive of the City service of referring 42 trained potential employees to businesses requesting referrals f potential employees; and 43 RESOLVED, that follow-up be conducted annually, as a art of standard loan servicing procedures, to 44 determine as simply as possible, if the public purposes� entified as the reasons for City financial involvement 45 were achieved, and if they were not—an explanation circumstances; and 46 RESOLVED, that implementation procedures fo this analysis and appropriate follow-up be articulated in the 47 PED account officer's operations manual and o er appropriate places; and be it finally 48 RESOLVED, that an annual report be pre ed by PED for the City Council and I IRA Board which 1) 49 presents the information gathered in the blic purpose analysis during the past year and 2) provides a 50 summary of the information gathered ' annual follow-ups of funded projects. I Yeas Blakey Bostrom Guerin Harris Megard Rettman Thune Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adopted by C�funcIl Date: Adoprion By: App ved By: by Council Secretary by Mayor Date: � I � 3C— 30� a n+►�o rW �Nr �a-�.. r +. _..�i RESOLVED, thaL this analysis of the public putposes to be served include the following issues: City or HRA cost for the project, job impacts, housing development benefiu, and communiry and economic benefiu—such as is displayed in the attached "Public Purpose Summar�' form; and 32 RESOLVED, that Planning and Economic Development (PED�'is designated as the department responsible 33 for completion of this public purpose analysis; and / � � ��� _ L� R,nQ / i"'S �.rl�HOf RlS�!}' �H � 5 �' �. 34 RESOLVED, that based on the advent of this public purpose analysis, which includes an analysis of job 35 impacts, the City Council and HRA Board rescind the requirement that a sepazate "Job Impact Statement" be 36 prepazed for City and HRA financial assistance packages to the private sector; and 37 38 39 40 41 42 RESOLVED, that the City Council and HRf1 Boazd directs staff to discuss with state staff the possibility of using City reports and forms to meet state reporting requirements when appropriate for job impact data; and RESOLVED, that the requirement that companies receiving financial assistance be asked to sign a non-binding First Source Agreement is hereby rescinded; and RESOLVED, that the City Council and HRA Board are fully supportive of the City service of referring trained potential employees to businesses requesting referrals of potential employees; and 43 RESOLVED, that follow-up be conducted annually, as a paz-t of standard loan servicing procedures, to 44 determine as simply as possible, if the public purposes identified as the reasons for City financial involvement 45 were achieved, and if they were not—an explanation of circumstances; and 46 RESOLVED, that implementation procedures for this analysis and appropriate follow-up be articulated in the 47 PED account officer's operations manual and other appropriate places; and be it finally 48 RESOLVED, that an annual report be prepared by PED for the City Council and HRA Board which 1� 49 presents the information gathered in the public purpose analysis during the past year and 2) provides a 50 summary of the in£ormation gathered in annual follow-ups of funded projects. ���� '� �--- •. .� --- �--- �--- �--- I �--- ---- ���� I Adopted by Council Date: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor Date: By: Requested by Deparhnent of: � Form Appraved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � �c _ ao y �'M� N A rv� G rv T" �a �-.! 29 RESOLVED, that this analysis of the public purposes to be served include the following issues: City or HRA 30 cost for the project, job impacts, housing development benefits, and community and economic benefiu—such 31 as is displayed in the attached "Public Purpose Summary" form; and 32 RESOLVED, that Planning and Economic Development (PED) is designated as the department responsible 33 for completion of this public purpose analysis; and 34 RESOLVED, that based on the advent of this public purpose analysis, which includes an analysis of job 35 impacts, the City Council and HR A Board rescind the requirement that a sepazate "Job Impact Statement" be 36 prepared for City and HRA fmancial assistance packages to the private sector; and 37 RESOLVED, that the City Council and I IRA Boazd directs staff to discuss with state staff the possibility of 38 using City reports and forms to meet state reporting requirements when appropriate for job impact data; and , at the requirement that companies receiving 4 ' ere y ' zted; and 41 42 �'ui,�� 43 RESOLVED, that the City Council and I IRA Board are fully supportive of the City service of referring S/� �"� 44 trained potential employees to businesses requesting referrals of potential employees; and -� 45 RESOLVED, that follow-up be conducted annually, as a part of standard loan servicing procedures, to 46 determine as simply as possible, if the public purposes identified as the reasons for City financial involvement 47 were achieved, and if they were not—an eaplanation of circumstances; and 48 RESOLVED, that isnplementation procedures for this analysis and appropriate follow-up be articulated in the 49 PED account officer's operations manual and other appropriate places; and be it finally 50 RESOLVED, that an annual repon be prepared by PED for the City Gouncil and HRA Board which 1� 51 presents the information gathered in the public purpose analysis during the past year and 2) provides a 52 summary of the information gathered in annual follow-ups of funded projects. —��� � � - � �--- :� .� --- �--- �--- �--- �--- �--- ---- Adopted by Council Date: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by Mayor Date: Requested by Department of. � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council C�.Z� A ��l�1O�� r ��� 1!� �� --30y 29 RESOLVED, that this analysis of the public purposes to be seroed include the following issues: City or HRA cost for 30 the project, job impacts, housing development benefiu, and community and economic benefiu—such as is displayed in 31 the attached "Public Purpose Summar}�' form; and 32 RESOLVED, that Plauning and Economic Development (PED) is designated as the depattment responsible for 33 completion of this public purpose analysis and this will not result 3n additional com�liance requiremenu for co� 34 and 35 RESOLVED, that based on the advent of this public purpose analysis, which includes an analysis of job impacts, the 36 City Council and HRA Board rescind the requirement that a sepazate "Job Impact Statement" be prepared for City and 37 HRA financial assistance packages to the pxivate settor; and 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 RESOLVED, that the City Council and HRA Board direct staff to discuss with state scaff the possibility of using Ciry reports and forms to meet state reporting requiremenu when appropriate for job impact data; and form; and RESOLVED, that the Ciry Council and HRA Board aze fully supportive of the Ciry service of referring trained potential employees to businesses requesting referrals of potential employees; and 47 RESOLVED, that follow-up be conducted annually, as a part of standazd loan servicing procedures, to determine as 48 simply as possible, if the public purposes identified as the reasons for HRA or Ci[y financial involvement were achieved, 49 and if they were not—an explanation of circumstances; and 50 RESOLVED, that implementation procedures for this analysis and appropriate follow-up be articulated in the PED 51 account officer's operations manual and other appropriate places; and be it finally 52 RESOLVED, that an annual report be prepared by PED for the City Council and I-IRA Board which 1) presents the 53 information gathered in the public purpose analysis during the past yeaz and 2) provides a summary of the information 54 gathered in annual follow-ups of funded projects. Yeas Nays Absent Blakey � sostrom ✓ Guerin ✓� Hazris �/'" Megard ✓ Rettman ✓ Thune ✓ Requested by Depanment of: B Form Approved by City Attorney B Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councfl By: Approved by Mayor Date: s Adopted by Council Date: � ( Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B Apprc BY: PUBLIC PURPOSE SUMMARY Project Name _ Project Address City Contact _ Account # Today's Date PUBLIC COST ANALYSIS q�, _30�. P��� ��� so�� r�� Intrrestl��te S�ebsidizedRz�te� L3 Yes � Ida f� 1�IIA �Grant) - Tyj�e._ �T Lqan Risk Kiisirrg; �1 f3cceptable (2°lo res} 0 5ubstandard �TQ°lu rzs) �] Loss (f(7(�°fo se§) �€ Graut �1 �pecial.Ivletztzon (3°lo-resj II IlAUbt� (2S"la-xes) Cl �€�rgi$alrle {laII°� zes) Subsidy'� PUBLIC BENEFIT ANALYSIS (Mark "1"for Primary Benefits and "2"for Secondary Ben�ts) L Community Development Benefits C3 Remo-v� ��i,ghtlPallutzoa C} Sxi�prave Sa£ety antl S�ccTZiti3� L3 Xticz�as�lMaintain �'a�c Sase C7 l�eha6, V�cant Struccure ❑ I�ublic Iiugrovements CE �rreat Tax �r4ductir�n C7 T�mova��c�nt �eructure CI �oods$t Scrc�ices Ava�abiIztp [.� Est'd�a3cesas B�i1t 0 T��r��a�� I'reserrr��ion CJ Main��in Ta�C l3ase Gt N6t �han�c in T�es (+ or -)� II. Economic Development Benefits C7 Support Vitality o£ 7ndustry C7 �rea�� ��w Lacal 33usiuesses ❑ Generate Pri�a�e 7mvestiusnt C7 St�tbiti2s IuIarket Value 3� Re�ain Loeai �usiness�s C� Supp�n Comax,ercz�k A�ivic� CI I�ravicfe Self Employment t�ptions L� Encau�rag� Entreprenenrs�sip C7 Increase i�omenfM3nority liu: III. Benefits �crzase FTctme E)wn�rship Stoc� �7 Aidress �pec�1 T3ousing I�leeds � Maiutain F-Tousing d# UnitsNe� ConstruCt�on _.,._ Q I�etain Hc�me Qwnt rs in Gity C3 lf tlnits Reatal _ L� # Units Ccrnv�ss�on � A�fordat�Je Housiu� �{I Usuts t7wt�er + IV. Job Impacts ❑ �r� Jo� ��t��cx �f�CtBS �R�A'7�1� perma�e�tt� fS verage 1TAag;e #,�OSS�2ET.�T771V�� (fexlltime pernia��ent� #Jfl$&�QS2 (fu7ltimep��a�tanent} Year i I �ear 2 t�ear 3 d Year 4 i Year S � Tota1 Loan Subsidy: Present value of the loan over its li£e, including e�cpected loss of principle and interest rate subsidy. q � -3oy �OLLOW-UP FROM LOAN SERVICING PROCESS �ear � Ft#Ilt�w tIp T3ate 'uhii� Pnrpn�e <3b�ect�u�s Met� ❑ Yes _�I No � Iu Part - I3e�cieneies - r 2 F�1IO�[!-1I�3 I)afe � Pzu�sase t7bject�ves IYtet� � 5'es, � T*To - � In 1'arc L� No I.onger 1Ygglica6�eIt1I1"�oa1s t�chieued zencies Yeaw 3 Follr�w Up Date __ Pz�btic �zt�poSe �11'ajectives A�et: ��es Gt Nd C3 Tn Parc L71�1ta Longzr t�pplicablelAiI �oals Ac�izvec€ Ye�r 4 Fpllow-llp nat� Puh�ic k�wp4se {1b�ectiv�s l�t. � Yes Q I�Tq � Zn Part II I�TO Longes Applicabletl� II Gaals AchiaKed L7e�cien�ies Year � Fc�llo�u Up T�at� Public Ftupose f�blect�ves Mc:t, Cl �es C� �Va ❑ in 1?art C3 Na I.anger ApplicableJAII �oals Achieve3 FOLLOW-UP ON JOB IMPACTS ❑ l�TU j£#B I1k�I�ACT End Qf �'ear Fra�low �Jp Tuformation {Actt�at Resalts� ��ar 1 �- Y�ear 2 � Year 3� 3Z�ar 4_ ���ar S #,�t?BS �TfEriT�D (�tilltime per�n�erit� AYerage Wage #�OBSjiE7':47NE➢ �£ulltune perman�nt� qc.-3ay DEP Cliy C011IlCIl �UNCIL °AT31�796 GREEN SHEE N_ 3 5 6 51 INRIAVDATE INRIAVDATE CONTACf PERSON 8 PHONE O DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR � CITV CAUNCIL Mazcia Mcermond, 266-8570 ASSIGN � cmarronNer � CITY CLEflK MUST BE Ot�1 COUNCR AGENW BY (DA'f� NUYBER FOR O BUIX'aEf D�RECTO � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DI0. 110U71NG ]VIazC]l� iSI( OROEP � MAVOR (OR ASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION RC-0UESTED: Approval of resolution establishing ffie use of a public purpose analysls for City financial assistance packages to the private sector. FECOMMENDA7IONS: approve (A) m Reject (a) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLI.OWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNiNG CAMMISSION _ pV11 SEfiVIGE CAMMISSION t. H25 tlNS Pei:Anftlsm eYe� wOrked untle[ d CAntfaIX fOr M115 d0pe(hnBnt? - _ CIB COMMITfEE _ YES 'NO _ S7AFF 2. Has this personff�rm ever been a ciry employee? — VES NO _ DIS7RIC7 CAURT _ 3. poes this rwnfirm ssess a skill not nortnall pe po y possessetl by any curteM city empioyee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&lECTIVE7 YES NO Explafn all yes answers on separate sheet end atteeh to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITV (Who, What. When, Wnere, Why): City Council gave direcfion to Council Reseazch in Council FIle N 95-421 to prepaze a report which analyzes current City jobs creaaon and retendon policy and practices. The findings and recommendaaons indicated that the current practice for analyzing job impacts in the context of all public benefiu accrued from undertaking a patticulaz project were insufficient. Additionally, the report indicated that the City's current practice of requiring conclusion of a First Source Agreement was unnecessary for the provision of referrals of potential employees from job training programs associated with the City. ADVANTAGES IF APARWED: The City Council wIll have superior inforniauon available on the range of public putposes to be served by individual projects, as well as the costs involved. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: .5^. R1 ry � (,i.x,3°Wii ,.,.s��:' �6r^i:a?�G�S Gia,:;w;... None. � ' ,; �' 3` 14:.t� � .1 >�"��.� DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: The City Councii will not have the information provided by the "public purpose summary." � TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETEO (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFOpMATION: (EXPLAIN)