96-3Council File # 9G -3 �[�I���'�°���. Presented Referred To Green Sheet # �f� � RESOLUTION S NT P , MINNESOTA "1 Committee: Date 1 � 2 RFSOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments and a reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve as members of the a SAINT PAUL RIVERFRONT CORPORATION. s 6 7 a 9 io ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 is 19 zo George Latimer Michael J. Monahan Rafael Ortega [Ramsey County Commissioner] Biloine (Billie) Young Gary Grefenberg Y�l7� Three-Year Three-Year One-Year Three-Year Three-Year Form 2i Requested by Department ot: By: By: Approved by ayor: Date / b / �� � . By : ✓� By TERM EXPIItES July 1, 1998 July 1, 1998 December 31, 1996 7uly 1, 1998 3uly 1, 1998 by City Attorney Approved by Mayor for Submi Council �`�f-S�` to � �,� r. ,. J Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Mayor Norm Coleman's Office Roger Curtis (266-8531) TOSAI # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �� - 3 GREEN SHEET N° 316 21 INITfAiIDATE INISiALIDATE DEPARTMENT DtflECfOR � CITY COUNCIL CfR'ATfORNEY � CITYCIEAK BUDGET DIFiEGTOR FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES Diq, MAYOA (OR ASSiSTAHn � (CLIP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� Approval of Reappointments of: Sillie Young & Gary Grefenberg; and Appointments of: County Gommissioner Rafael Ortega, George Lati.mei and Michael Monahan to serve as members af the SAINT PAUL RIVERFRONT GORPORATION, npc�o� tn� « ae��.+(a� _PUWNINGCOMMISSION _CIVILSERVICECAMMISSION _ CiB COMMRTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISIRICT CAUflT _ SUPPORTS WIiiCN COUNCIL 09,}FCTIVE? PERSONAL SEFVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWIN6 QUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis perso�rm ever workad untler a coMrad for this deparlmenY? - YES NO 2. Ha5 this person�rm ever been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this person/Firm possess a skill not normally possessetl 6y any cunent ciry employee? YES NO Ecplain a11 yas answera on separate shest and attaeh m graen sheet �e§33B���k� ��y��e� �1 � �i � � 1+�c7� IFAPPROVED: s 'OTAL AMOUNT Of TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE7 YES NO UNDIqG SOURCE ' ACTIVI7Y NUMBEH NANCIAL ItdFORMATION: (EXPIAIN) NOTE: = COMPLETE DIRECTiONS ARE INCLUDED fN THE GREEN� SHEET IIGSTRUCTIONAL � MANUAC AVAILABLE.IN 7HE PURCHASWG OFPICE (PHONE NO. 296-4225)., '� - " � ROUTING ORDER: ' � � � . .. Below are wrrect routings for the frve most f[equent types of documents: , ' " CON�TRACTS (assumes autFrorized budgei exisis) , COL1NCIl RESOtU7ION (Amend Budgefs/AOCeP[, Grents) 1. ' Outside Agency � 2, Oepartment 6irector 3. City Attwney � 4. Mayor (for contracts over $15,000) 5. Human Rigfits (for conUacFS over $50,000) 6. Finance and Management Services Director 7. Fnance Accounting � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (Budget Revision) 1. Departrnent Director ' . . , � . 2. Budget Director � , 3. Ci'ty Attomey , - 4. Mayor/Assistant � 5. Ciry Courwvl 6. Chief qccountant, Finance and Managemeni Services COUNGL RESOLUTION (all ofiers; and OrdMances} 1: Aclivity Manager �� 2. � Department Accountant 3. Department Director , 4, 8udget Director 5. City Clerk � 6. Chiet Accouatant, Finance arrcl Management ServiQes ADMINlS7RATIVE ORDERS (ap others) i. Departmeni Director 2. City AHOrrrey � ' 8. FnanCe and Management Services Direc[or 4. Ciry Clerk � ' ' 1. Department Director 2. City Attomey . 3. Mayor Assistant a. Gry courici� TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate ihe �of pages on which signatures are requiretl and paperettp or flag each of these pages. � ACTION REQUESTED � Descnbe what the projecUrequest seeks to accompiish in either chronotogi- cal ader or order of,importance, whichever is most appropriate for fhe - issue. Do not write rnmptete sentences. Begin each item in your list with a verli. � � . ' . AE¢OMMENDATIONS � Comptete if tha issue in question has been presented before any bady, pubtic or private. � SUPPOR75 WHICH COUNCIL OB.IECTIVE? , , UM'�cate whicti Couneil objective(s) yoar projecUrequest supports by listiry the kay word(s) {HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGEI; SEWER. SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAt MANUAL) PERSON�ALSERVICE�CONTRACTS: - �� � � -� - This information wi1P 6e useU to detertnine the city5 liabliry for workers compensation claims, texes end proper civil service hidng rules. INITIATING PROBLEM, dSSUE, OPPORTUNITY � Explain the situation or condiiions that created a need tor your project or request. , P:DVANTAGES �IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is-simply an annuai budget procedure required by Iaw/ chan0r or �whether there are specific ways in which the City of Saint Paul and its citqens will benefR from tlus projecVaction. , � DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED � � ' What negaNve effects or major chartges to existing or past processes� might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed (e_g., tratfic delays, nase,' tax increases or assessments)? 7o Whom? When? Fo� haw long?' � DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED � � Wfiatwill be the nega�ive cdnsequences if the promised action is not appcoved? Inability to detiver service? Coatiriued high tra�c, rmise, 'accident'rete4 Lo's"s"ot revenue? ' � FtNANC1AL IMPACT � Atthough you must tailoc the iniortnation you�provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer 1wo questions: How much is it goiig to wst? YYho is going to pay? ' 10/19i95 13�07 -� OCT-10-3995 25=4? ��� �J�� .. .. -=------=- 6-3--- HUD SPEC RCTION -� 512 Z66 8513 NA.700 P002 612 266 3F»"g � CITIZEN SpA)IGE OfFICE 622 265 So89 P.g'�/04 .... Y..,_ . 390 CTTY BAI,� SAi3zT PAiTL, MzDt3IEgpTp, 55202 • . z6s—ssa6 z�- gome Addreas_ �_�4 I,inwood Avenue Saint Paul t�3 S S105 Street Czty " � Te2ephane bivmber; Y7.auuiug Ilistx2cz Caanci].• ' �J - Cxty Coiusci2 Vazd: � ��r Prefex'T'ed?Iai2iu$ Addx'ess: 75� Tinwn� Avarnia Saint Paitl MN 55105 T�]3L 1S y02lS oCCKg3t1pII? " - F2ace"o� EmploymenL: Conomittee(s) appli,ed For; Ri Prfrnnt C�, ��rar��b Qhax skA11s/tzai�ibg oY e,aperience do you possess £az =he eommitten(s) f� v �, c b �� s appoiatmenC? ..0 . u_ . _.. . _ / - . . r . r Tha infaxmation inelnded Sn this application is cons3dered private dar.a aceo=ding to a 2Si Gaveu�eztc Data p=aceices Act_ As a Yesult, Lhis infoz�8tioa is not release� zhe gessezal public. Cov�.) . e � OCT-20--1995 15=47 Namc: f. • `a; a � � .• Address• • PbOne• Y$ame) (?o=kl Ha�e: a Phoner QIo�e) (4ar75� Addzess Phone- �Hame� (7ark) Reasons for qp� 3nterest j.� �ys parr��,� �o�ttees wan r� rontinue the work lauached durind my tenure as Mayor Bawe qou hsd psevious coutact q-ith Lhe cmrm+.i.itee Yoz vhich you are ntaking applicatioi Yf so, vlsen, aad cixcumstanees? 7n an attemP= to easvre t133t ca�tiTtee rcpresentaCioa re£Iec=s the �akeu eoffinmit5'. Please cDeck the �ine a p of oar ��� pplicable to pott, Thi,g in�oy-�t�� � stzictlq rY- _„�_ 4hite (Caucasj,gu} H4spanic BiacTc C$�riean ,A�¢ericsa) �� p Pacific IsZander Ameriesn ZadYaa or Aiaskan Ssk3mn �_ 1Sale � pemale T3ate of $izxji: _ h_7n_24 3Tisabied Yes No �_ I£ speci.al acca�tg� are needed, please specjfp. Eov di.d you heax aboiat th4s apeningt DEC-15-1995 11:27 ST PRUL MAYQR'S OFFICE 612 266 8511 P.02iO3 �F� ' 3 ' : � �� Uir�e'.LCE OF THE MAYOR - 340 CTTY BAI,y SAINT PAIIL, MINNESOTA 55102 L r _ 265-8525� . FAX, 266-8513 �� _ Rafaal Slrtarta ' - . . , Bome Address: Telephone �ber: Stxeet ' St. Fau MN ci�ty Plax�ning Dist�j.et Camail; WESCO 55107 s7ork 266-8367 .C7 City Coimcil Aard: � Z3p 266-8370 Prefexred 2iai7.i�g Addsess• 22� Court House, St. Pau1 MN-55102 Fha2 is yo¢X occupatian? Ylaee'o� Em.p],oqmenz: Commissioner Committee(s) Appiiea Fox; Riverfront Corporation . �$� ski2ls/training or e=pazienca da pau possess £or the co�cmi.ttee{s) �or vhicla you seek aPpo1ntment? r The infoxmation iucluded in t�is applicatioxi is consS,dezed private data accordia; Lo :.he X�az�esota Gowerment pata Pracxices Aet. As a resvlt, this intoxatatias is not releasad to the geuazal gub�ic. G4VER) &av.4/21/93 - . -- --. - -=-----u BD-R.C.-C�MMISSIQNERS�k TEL�612-266-8370 Dec 15'95 i6�35 No.001 P.02 . - - -- � - - � . ,«. �.... ..,� ' r. vcitJb - ---�—+ RESUri1L RAFABL R QRTfiGA 5�7 Gorman Avenue St. Pau�, Minne�ohe y5207 x°me (612) Z77-3Z44 Buslness {61� :tYl.�iZ7 S�ARY 4F QUAUFIGTTOI3S • Nine yeaza Qzpeiienea in aumQg�t end adu��� • Expezienced in program deaign azed det2lopment - slatlea in organizatioi�ul yaatiys�s • Established netwarka in pub&. private snd non-Profit sectors • s�b3lity to �nterniate effectively with individuals and groupa of various levet4 axid backgounds ' M��ir�s laeox'Iedge �se on a broad range ot isaues • Bicnlh�r,�l, $31inSuat �SP�h/Bzeglf�h) �I.Ol'11�1V'IHISTORY Chicaaos Latiuos Unidos Bn Serviao tCLUBS). Fxecuxive ihrector, Novembar 1482 to presen�. Responable for overalt admix�istration and impleme.Rtatian of Pro$rams, lnit3ated az�d incozporated new Pm8a+**�s into tha agan�y. Inacascd s�[fing fmm 4 w C2 employees. Izsaeaaed operating budget by $1.3 mtlI3on and secure@ necessazy funding. Developed a cY Partnexehips with pablle aad co�ornte eectors. WiUt Bvnrd ot DSreetore, estabtishect ppiiC�• � auSmenti�g the educatiunai level oF staf£ at Minne�ota Council af Chnrrhea Djl2GI0I Of [�BII�C M�Y115tlIPR Match 198z tn October 1934. Mainta3�ied ef£ective working reIa#tons bnween tf�e Fiiapanic Miniscties commirtee and the Cotxndl`s sixteeit dellominaiirmc Emuionad tha ecopc of unden+tanding H1�yauic itcsues h*ltizin the Cocmdl's committees. In�oduced legi�lation to be inclnded in j�*esantad befo:a the emtc Icyolat�un. AssislerI !n the develop��p t�turGS Fu�ndira � Justire directary. Paxiiclpated in the eslablishatent of joba Nom Coalition. Fstabliahedg�e Sociai Hispanic Tx�ulrrohiy Receg►iitlon dinnez cntcanos i.zeiaoa u�iaoS ga s�aa. Soon1 worktr,luly 19s1 to March is8z. Asaisted 3a developiutg iaforsnation and referrat xy�Eem�- p'I�d and initiated eervice 3��,ry �y�tea+s. Fadlitatec� caee manag�ent meetings and sup�;nterng. Assfsted in commnnft,y outreach �rhe hy eanductii,8 P���tiocLV before varioys grvup�. Provided couneelutg to cl3enfs. cellege of Libecal a�, vnivereity oi Mia�sot� C:o�a�seIor. Decemba 198Q to July 1981. Yrovided academic advice and indiv�� � Desfgned ProBraa► for a Bachalos of �divl �� ta aiinoiity aad diAadvnntaged aEudesttB. dnatized Studtes {B1S �•$usireeaej. M�nIIesota State DePar�eett! of Health. p]a 7une 1980 to Septembar 298(}. Assisted in rPSeareh, planniag and evetu.tion of health Pr�grem� fcc the �taee. Stafted Iocal healfil boart3 meefings. UEC 15'9S 1b:S6 No.001 P.03 rn,Y nu. 6�'L P. D3/O6 �� - 3 �a g ��� Pa z . EDUG4TION BACiCGROUND A.GS.W., Academy of CerHfied Sodai Worlcazs, N.A.S.W, Wy���, bC, t�tay r98.3. M.S.Wo Univer�ity of Mianeaota. Mitmea Ila, � � lune 7981_ $- A•� ��'Y �td So�ial SciencR, Rordhawt Uaivvagify, New y�, Ny Junr 297g. C-oatiauing 8duc�tro,,: L*�ersity of l�uic�ra Educactc,�a! Poticy r'ellowship. 1986 to 1987. Saint Paui G�amber oE Commerce Leadership. 1986 to 298T. Ha Admu�is�suticm; Program, mline Ma�ias Publtc Licenaures: Lfcenaed Marr;a� and FamiIy Thcapist,1984. L'uensed Inrlependent Clittical Social Z'�'orker, 1989. COMMU1vi�yp�IEfi �inceesota Conncil on Foundations, Trnstee,1992 fp present COMPAS. Pres'Ident. Board �f TNrectarc, 1989 to pzeaeat, ' Univeiy;ty af Wiscaneia Advia°rY ��+mittee co thr Sclwoi of $dacatioA amd Cottnaejfng, Mamber, 1989 to present M�ttteagoIis �oustdaHon, Seesetary� Board of T�vstees,1498 to present. ��amsey Coqnty Laca1 Goveata�eat C_nmmi.o;u�, �� ����� �� � 3txte egL�lature.194I to 1992 The Saiat Panl Fonndat£on Supporting Dgve�t�, � g�� Advisory Coa�}�� M��. 19$4 to 1991. Uriited Hoapitai, Sust�ning Memb�, I988 to 1492. Collegs of 5� fihomae Masta:s in Busiitees AdminisBaSon Pmgra� Cotumittee, Member, l989 to - 199a. W�st SIda Citize�n�s prgac�xatfon, Tzeasiues, Boasd of Directots, 2966 to I994. Spanieh SPeaking Affa4rs Coua�,.Ch �p�rson. Board of Dlmfars,1984 to 1990. City of St Pan2, �cono,¢�ic bevelopme�,t/�mPj�nt Stsategic Planning Taak Fosce, Membes, 1988 to 1989. am6.rat � Wilder Fo�ucda�ton, Ta�imoloBY p�fect stee�ia8 CD�{�e� �e�r,1988 Eo 1989. RAfaei �. Orlega Page 3 Mii+neaofa Councii on Non.proSt�, Board Mea�bec, i986 to 1987. H3apanic Techadeal �ad Piofersioaal Educafloaati • . 198G_ �°$rm+. Treastirer. Boatt3 of TTrectors, 296C to Y��OPY Prvjtcl, Vice Cha3rFe`r.ron. Board of Dltectora,19B3 to 1985. Chairperson 7,9�3�, � l�yg�� adenc y /f$s p ani e Chemitei Dependestcy Adv�sory C�itEae, Urb.n Atiaire Commise�[an, Arekdiocese of St Paq!/M'mnea olis Vice Y7tx'ectors.1981 to 19$¢. p � �erson. Boasd oF Amhle6t H. Wilder Foanda�nn Advssory Cae�mi!le�. Qulgrestb 3rcvices Dlvi9ion� 1KeulbeT, z9si � i9e4. ACCOMpLiS�� sttitiaced and aa�isted in the developmsnr af the AIDS ConsorEium to address the needs of low income and communitin,c of �o1or, Davalopad i,earnin� Rcxarch Center 3n llir Fa12 of 1989. Co-s KaaL9ey t3' Huir+an Service Departraent end Meltopolitan Statc Uz�versity�.�rs are Cou:t A9sisted in �� ��q� g fos the foIlpwing legialat;on . • Addif�t of Roa.,�rch Compoaans to t3w Spanieh Speat�z� �,� C�eutCtl • �O� PaY� � M�g�,t F�m wora�e�s � '��► h'a$c for Migrant Ferm wvrlcers AINARDS 1�tubefles Awat+d for Small Bnn9noaR I�ovatlon aad SntrcPte�earship, prp� y �e Sslnt PauI Area C.hamber of Commerce,1993. dutsEa�tdiag Alwanuc Aw�d foz Leadenhip and SavIce, p�ted by the University of Mi�u+eeota Gradua[e Sc•hvpl of Spdal WOrk, lyy2, CoQlttian l3uitaer Awud, Praaa�ted by the ��p� Uibmi Coal�iian, 1988. M3nneap�t R, ,a►d tha � F3. wilder Foua � w� of Saint Patil, Uni�cd Way of dation, 2988. Loo G Bym p,,,�, P�� by the Archdloce9e of 5t. Paul/Minneapolis, I987_ ___,.�.�T ,«�b12-266-8370 IIec 15'95 rnA nv. DIC I' � � . :� ti• 16�37 No.001 P.05 P. o5ios ------�__�-- C/� '� Rlifsel F.. (}staga it BzeCntivo 17'irtcior of Ctdc:�los L8�uo9 UIIidCS Ea $erviCio (CT.UES). s tipt for-prp$c humaa se� a8en�3' p'hich ptpvidts sexvice to Hisyanics in a biliagualjbiaullurn2 �g�cwork. A mesnD� oP rho Nnaonal Assocladon o2 Social SYorkers. he ncceivcd his B.A., 3n Iiistory sad SociBI SCieace fmm Foidham IiniversitY. Ma M.S.W. from nc� iTaiscx�it�r of Iy�, aad A.C.S.�V. �om �ne a�a�, er c�rn�a sod� worr��. Hfs werk expe�ence has I�ad him co iavoIvemeni in a broed rang� of issues such aa m a#ftrma�fvr aecioa edtecation, health� ecngloymeat immtgrattoa. �zpe:ieaced in program c c�� developmenY, Mr. Orrega has griCCesstrl]Tp initi8tcd expaaded pmgromming tha2 quacely ia meering nee� of Hispanics in che commwdty. Aecipient of: "Coaticioc► Bu3ldore� wwar� p�cecnuQ b7 Urbau Coxtirion of Mi�ri�apolis in recognit�on of Orte$a's success in mabili2�ag and empowezing ot6er communiKes axtd addressing emtrg3a8' issuea ln pe�rcnesship ��� Fh���piC comtttnnitq. Thc 19$8 Nonproflt Ezceiience AwarQ was grasenred as a juiuc ef�ort of thc Amhcrst H. MinaeaFgnyndation. th� ilmhrd Way of tbs Saint Pau2 A=ea aad ihc Vuiral Way of [he P� ArGa. for Rafa�l pn�ga s leadership aAd abilitp to meke tou8h dccisions, as we21 as Por his developmcnt oP Qarmarships witJt oo2p0Yate; ��vefamenta[ aAd othar nenpro�t aYencie9 " 'Kstael hsa alwaya dtiuonsaxced consisteat modesty whea praised. 1Vhen aomplimenteQ fOr b3s w0i7c. hC alwt�y� Wrnv from the coenpiia»ne m dkoat yatr vision to 1�in i�er gosl. Hawever, thase who kuow him hnve f�k thc paia of hig po�� i � m �� ���mp� to ezpand ths thinkin6, rtot to elienax. but W Ur3ng yoa along on his impatient j0urney tOward an tmpowered Hisp��c communiry, We kaow Rafael e8 a hard-�Lvinq� iisY-t3i�saY Ieadez. Nhnr �ve don't sea so etearly ace cha 3ndividnala, inside aad outslde ot CL�. he bringa with him oa hi� journey toward �POwer�e�lt There ara numarott: paopie mho havo expczicnoCd y� uu+tutyuw px �� strengshs, hfs perslstent chal3angt co expaad thair abilrties and et the same time fdc his actommodaclon of rbcir aoeds. Ac CLLTES he hes eacouraged aa armomg�eere of "cacspeiadvc- comperltion" amoag the aseff and board, w� at tha same 6me seeia� to it thac snccesses are �I�aresi nvenly among sta�; Uusside of CLIJ$S, }u help� �siaylish che Hiapartic D}recto�'s Asaociation to ealwnu coonezadon amonY H3araasc �..aasr�_ 'fSsere ssm no p:imR donaa'a ac CLUE3 ouly Individuals who are Y�'��g sa se3f-conPidence, skills aad rheir commivaeat to uamworY as a means w achitve a Rreater goaT. RaPael does not confo�ue ta ihes cuAent, rlaminanr maaaQemeps aryis, but hc doea not shua • 1r� wisdom driur zather t� includrs 4t with rhe wiadom onr p�p� �;�p possess_ Rsfarl eootc CLUES lnto expaasloa and divezsig , sczvieaa, TeSen�rs+i cb. �rioa whi�e eakaaci�8 � qualicy of our and othaz non- a onor�y oF s�an' �! Doara, aaa convinciag che Ynnding commnniry ° effcetive social�s��cepr���� of Hispanies tv dtveloD and delirer apgropr;ate ana Out success is a result of Rafaet cepital3ziq8 on ihe expacisa thac exiscs fn dro egency an4 �� o�n"� amor codnmunit9'x svcagths. He hat inadIICd a seaae oi • cnupezstive- nm shared rveniy�,innon� and boud fas iuw tdtas a1C the wlnile seeing w it that successes ia-house trala3a 8 smff. tiis ua,a uppioach to maaagmg has zesutud in a de-facro IIe has u'�cuP�� th � u o�ts and program Qtvelogars for tbe H'is➢aaio cnmmi,niry. twaprofis ayencies whlch has ied ���ships with cat�r8te> governmental an3 othhes motivated Vo2AA0Cer pppl. � ��� f � �'� ��+o �he fona of a latge, Refaei bas heiped tLe boa�d w�arataad irs mission beyond ttu bouadariss of the IiSspanic rnmmuaitg Lo IaoluCe ovs scsppqs�7tllry iu tltis ThT➢!B tlCVelOpqqCnt Of 1�8 nOII-�tt0�li S8�t0i as a wflOiG. Rafeat Ozcega has aceomplished this wl�iie 3nerrasiny tha ffseai strength of rhe �geacp. This catc �ons of sociat r� mWce tou�L Qec3s�ons and ratce ritta bas�oil on ietxIligeat bre8t2tes• � IY• bctiever ia a strare�it pieemiag process �wt "lives aaQ Y �Y �Y, � sses tha imPcxtaaca of defl�ing Qar vaiues aad a�s�ming them cnnxrnnS . H* 2u�e eh aod CI,ULg m n 1 Pmfessiaaatism, connt et�ics �'F Y ehtr�c vatues Le., picait�t�}�m, ehsug3ag naeds uf ou� eomm ��Y focus, and personalivav; to our enalYsls of the and aot as a ne �3'• 17sus. CLUBS 8cpw�h aud dirtction comes ftom wlthin s� 8nd Commul2ity, ��� tteads in fssad'ntH• Tha result ta an aa empowezed sB��Y, ✓,. ,( `,������/ � Name: Michael J. Monahan �L�� � l i Home Address: One Shelby Place, St. Paul, MN 55116 Telephone Number: (Home) 644-2100 (Wark) 293-2809 (Fax) 225-3123 Planning District Council: 15 City Council Ward: 3 Preferred Mailing Address: Ecolab Center, St. Paul, MN 551�2 What is your occupation? Finance Place ofEmployment: Ecolab Inc. Committee(s} Applied For: Riverfront Commission �� � ��� � What skillsltraining or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for which you seek appointment? My experience in finance and investments for a large multi-national corporation has given me a perspective of the investment community that I believe will be helpful as we seek to attract investment to Saint Paul and, particularly, the Riverfront area. My experience in eaternal relations, working with various interest groups and communities and the media would also be helpful in building support for Riverfront activity. I serve on Ecolab's Contributions Corrunittee, and am President of the Ecolab Foundation, providing a broad perspective to community needs. And, as a representative of a major downtown employer, I will add a voice for an important downtown constituency and, hopefully, contribute to and enhance the quality of discussion. In addition, I haue served for several years on the Boazd of Directors for the Children's Museum, a period in which I participated in the planrring, fundraising and construction of the new facilitp. That involvement has given me a deep understanding of what it takes to plan for, market and huild a large and visible pro}ect. I aiso serve as Treasurer ofthe Montessori Training Center ofMinnesota. References: Ann Bitter (Children's Museum); Patrick Donovan {Norwest Bank); Patrick Thiele (St. Paul Companies); Sandy Grieve, Alian Schuman, Mike Shannon, Lois West (Ecolab). Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: As a lifelong resident of Saint Paul, I am very concerned that the downtown Saint Paul economy be restored to a healthy and viabie state. The Riverfront appears to be the best vehicie at this time to be the catalyst for the change in momentum, and the Riverfront Commission will be key in effecting that change. i Have you had grevious conYact with the committee for which you are making application? It'so, w6en and circumstances? My wife, Molly O'Shaughnessey, is a member of the Showboat Committee. In an attempt to ensvre that committee represeatation reflecks the makeup of our community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is sYrictly voluntary. _� White (Caucasian) Black (African Americau) Amei�ican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo x Male Female Disabled: Xes Date of Birth: 12-31-50 No x If special accommodations are needed, piease specify. How did you hear about this opening? Patrick Seeb Hispanic Asiaxe or Pacific Istander � y� � Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAIbFT PAUL TO: Saint Paul Cit�Councilmembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmemher Marie Grimm Councilmember Dino Guerin Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Roberta Megazd Councilmember 3anice Rettman FROM: DATE: .� Roger Curtis Dazlyne Monow December 22, 1995 SAINT PAUL RIVERFRONT CORPORATION (Appointments/Reappointments] Mayor Coleman has recommended the following appointments and reappointments to the Saint Paul Riverfront Corporation. APPOIN7'MENTS Ramsey County Commissioner Rafael Ortega George L.atimer Michael J. Monahan REAPPOINTMENTS Biloine (Billie) Young Gary Grefenberg TERM EXPIRES December 31, 1996 July 1, 1998 July 1, 1998 July 1, 1998 7uly i, 1998 Attached is a copy of the resolution and copies of applications for the new appointees. If you have any quesrions, feel free to contact me at 266-8531, or Darlyne Monow at 266-8525. Attachments cc: Daniel Bostrom, Councilmember Elect ;-3rlaa�y: Anderson_;JGdunciL' 3�eseaic9i�' Patrick Seeb, Executive Director, Riverfront Corporation