96-289_,, . �MFNt�EtJ �� . ..� . . a F 4_q � �� �'� � � � t Presented By Council File # 9�- a gq Green Sheet # a �� RESOLUTION C{TY OF SA{NT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 � � 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR WILLENBRING WOODS Wf�REAS, Donald Willenbring has submitted the attached Preliminary Plat for City Council approval; and WIIEREAS, the appropriate city departments haue reviewed the plat and found it to meet the requirements of Chapter 67 of the Zoning Code; and WF3EREAS, nofice of public heazing before the City Council was duly published in the official newspaper of the city and notices were mailed to each owner of affected properry and properry situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the subject property; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council was held on January 24, 1996, at which all interested parties were heard, the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the plat; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVBD, that the City Councii accepts and approves the attached Preliminary Plat for Willenbring Woods, subject to the condition that the developer must receive approval from the City for plans to construct the driveway and utilities from Wiggins to the westerly lots (lots 5 and 6), prior to approval of "--� ar.y�by;�v�� � b r �o�-s S 4r.�1 G_ Requested by Department of: Plannin ECOnomi evelo ent By: By: Appz By: Form Approved by City Attorney g �,�j G✓�✓�v%�` sy: ion to Council Adoption Certified by Counoil Secretary �G-� ✓ DEP ��F��� DATEI g�%�o�96 GREEN SHEE N� 29�19 CON� PEq$ ON&p HONE INITIAL/DATE INITIAVDATE SOIl11503C11 266-9086 �DEPARTAAENTD�P.ECTOR �CITYCAUNC�L q55wN � CIT' ATTOHNEV � CITY CLERK NUMBERfOP MUST BE ON GOUNGL A AGENDA BY (DATE) p01IfING O BUOGET �IRECTOR O FI�N. & �M SERVICES DIR. � c�. � ORDER MqyOR (OR ASSISTANn � (�1� �.� .� f TOTAL # OF SIGNATU E PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQIJESTED: Adopt resolution to finalize council action taken on 7anuary 24, 1996 approving the Preliminary Plat for Willenbring Woods Addition for a 6 lot subdivision for single family development. RECAMMENOAilONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TF1E FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has ihis person/Firm ever worketl untler a coniract for this departmen[? _ CtB CoMMiSTEE � YES NO _ S7AFF 2. Has this pBrSOn/finn ever been a city empl0yee? — YES NO _ DISTAICi CoUHT _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curre�t city employee? SUPPORTSWFfICSiCOUNC�L083ECTIVE7 YES Nb Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATfNG PROBLEM, iSSUE, OPPOH'iUNiTY (Who. What, When. Where, Why)' Adopt resolution to finalize City Council approval of the Preliminary Plat for Willenbring Woods Addirion. Approval is necessary to allow the preparation of the Final Plat document to be reviewed staff and by the CiTy Council. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO Subdivision of the property into 6 lots for single family development. DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED� none ��'s�s�,,�� ����s� �i�� �E��� � � i��� DISAOVANTAGES IF NOT APPFOVED� Applicant could not develop the properry as intended. TOTAL AMOUNT OF THANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDItdG SOURCE AC7IVITV NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) . . . q � - $ � -_ , � i � ;. _ _ - =_ £= = _ ;- __ _ _ __ ____ __ _ =- - _- �� =_ __ ___ _ �, __� _���� -°� `r £0= � E iy� - = - :'_ _-ca�3 .��: �°`=vlF , " 'b� i � .__ i �. , OFFICE OF LICENSE, IS3SPECTIONS AND EIQVIItONMENTAL PROTECTION a / + � GQ Robert Kesskr, Director ��O 6 I CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor December 22, 1995 Ms. Nancy Anderson City CouncIl Reseazch Office Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Deaz Ms. Anderson: Telephone: 672-266-9007 Fauimile: 672-2669099 ��,� <� � ,..:;� I would like to confirm that a public heazing before the City Council is scheduled for Wednesday, Januazy 24, 1995 for the following zoning case: Applicant: Don Willenbring File Number: 95-273 Purpose: I.ocation: Preliminary plat review for a 6-lot subdivision 587 McKnight Road South I have confirmed this date with the office of Counciimember Guerin. My understanding is that this public heazing request wili appear on the agenda of the City Councfl at your earliest convenience and that you will publish notice of the hearing in the Saint Paul Legal I.edger. Please call me at 266-9086 if you have any questions. Sincerely, . ,�� Tom Beach Zoning Section ' �:,_. . � - ' -NOTi(��PtIBL'ICHEARIbSG� �'.. , _ - - _,- The Saint Paul C1ky�Councik wiA con3uct a pubiic Hearing on�Wednesday,. Jannary 24. I996, at 3;30 p.m. in the Ciry Council Chambers. Third �Fioor, City Hall, to wasider th@ application of Don W 1lenbrin.g for a preliminary plaf . review for a 6-lot subdivision at 5S7 MeKaight ttoad South. - . Dated: December 2S, I'995 .� . - _ , � � , NANCY ANDERSON - � ' � . Assis2ant City-Council Secretary � - - . , - - , , , � {Decemher 30. i995) _ ' .. BUIIDING INSPECTLON AND DESIGN 350 SY Peter Sbeet Suiu 370 SaintPaul,Minnesom SSIO2-ISIO %': sa6.. _ CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL Norm Caleman, Mayor January 16, 1996 Ms. Nancy Anderson Secretary to the City Council Room 310 City Hall Saint Paul, Mimiesota 55102 OFFICE OF LICENSE, INSPECTIONS AND ENVIl20NMENTALPROTECTION � � • � 6A RobenKessler,Director Q � ti LOWRPPROFESSIONAL Te7ephone:61L2669090 BUIIZJING Facsimile: 612-2669099 Sssite 300 612-266-9124 350 St. Peter Street SmntPaul Minnesota 55102-ISIO RE: Public hearing for Willenbring Woods Preliminary Plat ZONING FILE: 95-273 FILE NAME: Donald Wdlenbring HEARING DAT'E: Wednesday, 7anuary 24, 1996 PURPOSE: To consider an application for prelimivary plat for a 6-lot subdivision for single-family homes. SUPPORT None OPPOSITION None Deaz Ms. Anderson: Donald Willenbring has applied for prelimmary plat approval to create 61ots for single-family homes on properiy located at 587 McKnight Road South. This case is scheduled to be heazd by the City Council on January 24, 1996. Please notify me if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, ��\ Tom Beach Attaclunents qc.-as9 PRELIMINARY PLAT STAFF REPORT FILE � 45-273 1. APPLICANT: Donald Willenbring DATE OF HEARING: 1/24/96 2. LOCATION: �87 McKnight Road South 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See sun ey 4, PRESENT ZONING: R-1 (Single-fanul��) 5. STAFF INVESTIGATiON AIvD REPORT: ZONING CODE REFEREATCE: 67.401; 67.406 DATE:1l12/96 BY: TomBeach A. PURPOSE: Prel'uninary plat to create a 6-lot subdivision for single-family homes. B. SITE & AREA COATDITIONS: The site covers 4.9 acres (328' of frontage on McKnight and 655' deep). The site is currently vacant. There are over �00 trees ]arger than 6" in diameter on the site. The site rises almost 40' from the east end of the properiy on McKni„cht to a hi;h point near the center of the site. The site falls 60' from the high point to the west end of the site. There is a �i�etland in the north�a�est comer of the site that eatends into the adjacent properties to the north. There is a platted right-of-�iay from Wig,gins that can prot ide access the westem portion of the site. The surrounding land use is single-fanuly homes on lots ranging in size from 10,000 square feet to � acres. C. HISTORY: The applicant proposed an 11-lot subdivision for this properiy in 1995. The subdivision was denied by the City Council in September 1995 because of concems about tree loss and impacts on slopes and wetlands. C. FIr`DII3GS 1. Project description The proposed subdivision �i�ould create 6 lots for single-faznily homes: - Four of the lots �i�ould front on McKnight Road. These lots would be 15,000 square feet in size. This meets minimum lot size requiremenu and is consistent �uith the size and ��zdth of neazby existing lots along McKnight. - Two lots would be created on the rest of the properiy .These lots would be very large (54,000 and 88,600 squaze feet). Access and utilities for these lots would come from Wie,�,�ins Road. The developer plant to conshvct a private driveway and utilities in the undeveloped Wiggins right-of-�i�ay under a permit from Public Works. No grading or tree removal is proposed as part of the subdivision. Grading would be done on a lot by lot basis after the lots have been sold and houses have been desi�ed. The size of the lots would allow for trees and slopes to be maintained, especially on the two lazge lots on the westem portion of the site. All of the lots would be required to go through site plan review when houses aze built which would give the City an oppofiuuty to re��iew gading and trce preservation plans. 2. Required findings The Ciry Council must make the foliowing findings to approve ihe subdivision; a. All the applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are complied with. The proposed subdivision meets all required city standards. No variances aze requued. b. The proposed subdivision wi11 not be detrimental to the present and potential surraunding land uses. The proposed subdi«sion meets this finding. The lots planned along McKnin,,ht aze consistent with other Iots along McKnight. The hi�o lots on Wiggins w2ll be large to ensure that trees, slopes and the adj acent wedand can be preserved. c. The area surrounding rhe subditi�sion can be plarined and developed in a coordittarion and compatibility with the proposed subdivision. The proposed subdivision meets this finding. The arrangement of the lots is consistent �i2th future development of the remaining lazge parcels to the north and �i�est of the property. d. The subdivision is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed subdivision meets this finding. It is in compliance with the Highk�ood Plan, including those sections dealing ��ith preservation of trees, slopes and character of the azea. e. T7re su6division preserves and incorporates the site's important existif�g natural features, whenever possible. The proposed subdivision meets this fmding. Existing trees, slopes, �;�etlands and other natural features have been presen�ed where possible. f. All land intended for building sites can be used safely wrthout endangering the residents by peril from floods, erosion, contir,uously high water table, severe soil cor7ditions or other menace. The proposed subdivision meets this fmding. The land can be safely developed for single- faznily homes. g. The subdivision can be eco»omically served with public facilities and services. The proposed subdivision meets this fmding: - The lots on McKnight can be seroed by the existing public street and utilities. The two lazge lots on the «�est half of the property (lots � and 6) can be served fi'om Wi� ns Road. The developer is proposing to construct utilities and a private driveway in the Wi nc right-of-way under a pemut from Public Works. - Special accommodations may be required for lots 5 and 6 to meet Fire Safety requirements for access �chen houses ue built on these lots. These could include provision of tum azounds for emergency vehicles or sprinkler systems in the building. D. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, staff recommends approval of the preliminary plat. Staff further recommends that a. The fmal plat shouid not be appro��ed until the developer receives approval from Public Works for plans to construct the driveway and utilities from Wiggins to the westerly lots ( lots 5 and 6). B. Approval of the final plat should be subject to the wndition that the developer record a Declazation of Conditions, Covenants and Reshictions for lots 5 and 6 with the County Recorder at the time the plat is recorded, stating that consfruction on these lots must comply with Fire Safety standazds for emergency access. a 9 `- s�q PROPOSED PLAT OF WILLENBRING WOODS ADDITION mn em n e Trr R a'�RCRY C�itNTY. \�N. ---�---- "-�--- DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Smcy M Becker, Director CITY OF SAItiT PAUL ,Vnnn Coleman. Maror 600CiryHa1lAnnex Telephone:612-266-60%0 SaintPaul,:NN55102 Facsimile:612-292-7857 December 26, 2995 Don Wil2enbring, President Willenbring Companies. Inc. 78 East Tenth Street Saint Pau2, Minnesota 55102 RE: Six Lot Plat Proposal �uillenbring Woods Addition Dear !vtr. Willenbring: Your December 20. 1995 letter requests perrnits from Public VTorks and the Water titility to allow decelopment on proposed I.ots 5 and 6. Block 1. Willenbring Woods Addition. I hereby grant a waiver to the requirement for improved street. sewer and water requirements of Section 71.06 of the I.egislative Code. Sewer and water service will either be extended from the cYisting mains in Wiggins Road to the proposed development or long services down the unimproved portion of �Viggins Road. Access to the streef sysfem is proposed to be two ten foot wide driveways down unimproved Wiggins Road to connect into the paved portion of «%iggins Road. Please note that this waiver will expire in one year if not acted upon and is specific to this proposed decelopment. The above waiver does not constituYe percnission or permit to construct these facilities. A permit to construct from the proposed Lots 5 and 6 to improved Wiggins Road wouId be through a permit issued by Paul St. Martin or a final order apprwed by the City Council. I hace given you the forms required for the permit which Paul St. Martin issues which incIude bond. insurance, pians, specifications and a s3gn off by the owneis of fwo homes abutting unimproved Wiggins Road. If these signatures cannot be obtained, then the City Councl would have to approve the construction. You also need to work out the details of whether or not the water main would be extended to those properties or those properties served by long sewer and water sexvice connections. If you have further questions, you can call me at 266-6112 or Paul St. Martin at 266-6118. Yours. very truly. �7homas E. Kuhiel Assistant City Engineer TEKcaw cc: Tom Beach. I.IEP Linda Dickhut, Public Works Roar Development. Inc.. 1020 Sibley Memorial Highway, Mendota Heights. MN 55118 Responsiir Sen�ices • Qu¢!iry Facilities • Empfocee Pride � � gc.-a� ROAR DEVELOPMENT, Ii�TC 1020 SIBLEY MEMORIAL HIGHWAY MENDOTA HEIGHTS, MN 551I8 December 20,1995 Mr. Thomas Kuhfeld St. Paul Public Works Right-of-Way Division 25 West Fourth Street St. Paui, Minnesota 5510.2 RE: Six Lot Plat Proposal Willenbring Woods Addition Whereas, the developer, Willenbring Companies, Inc. is required to provide a 20 foot wide driveway over the unimproved City's Right-of-Way of Wiggins Road to serve Lots 5 and 6 of referenced plat, and VJhereas, the developer is required to serve Lots 5 and 6 with City sarutary se��er and water by long service connections as required by the Department of Public Works and Saint Paul Water Utility. \Tow, therefore, the undersigned developer, Willenbring Companies, Inc., petitions the De�artment of Public Works and the Water Utility for permits to perform the grading, driveway construction, sanitary sewer and water connections to serve Lots 5 and 6, Block 1 Willenbring Woods Addition on the public right-of-way on Wiggins Road from Hillwood Court to the south line of proposed Willenbring Woods Addition. : � � , Don Willenbring, Preside t Willenbring Companies, Inc. 78 East Tenth Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116 cc Tom Beach, City of St. Paul LIEP Linda Dickhut, St. Paul Public Works: ::. o . ___-__ 0 i 0 � � 0 0 0 � �. 0 0 a� .�. _ G .�.: _ '.:.L: _ ..�,-i.,-: a -: f _ -. .��� ? _ � - � - ..0 _. - _ �_ � .. �.0� �� , C� s � Q. 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DOWNTOWN ZONING FILE �S 0 CI'ITZEId PARTICIPATTON PLANN1NCi lii�ix-«.i� � DATE: TO: I�_..� OFFICE OF LICENS$ INSPECfIONS AND ��-��y ExviROxatExrat rxo�,cnox RobertKessler, Dlrector CITY OF SAINT PAUL NormColeman,Mayo� BUIIDING INSPECTIONAND DESIGN 350StPelerS/reet Suite 300 Solntpm�{Minnuota 53102-1510 Te7ephone:612-266�909� f Facaimile:61S-266-9099 � v � March 18, 1996 Counciimember Dino Guerin Tom Beach, LIEP � RE: Suggested revision to resolution for Willenbring Woods Subdivision ti����� ���5 , ,� � �� � �� �� A resolution approving the Preliminary Plat for Willenbring Woods will be going to the Council for adion soon (probably March 27). The resolutioa contains a condition that says "the developer must receive approval from the City for plans to canstruct the driveway and utilities from �ggins to the westerly lots (lots 5 and 6), priar to approval of the Final Plat " I suggested this condition because one of the home owners adjacent to the proposed driveway has some conccrns about the driveway and I thought it would be wise to get this resolved before approving the final plat. (See attached map.) Since both the Final Plat and the driveway need Council approal, my idea was to have them both on the same Council agenda. Aowever, Art Werthauser cal3ed last week and said this condition is a prohlem for the developer because it looks like the driveway and utility plans will not go to the Council until late May. He says the owner needs to have the Final Plat approved sooner than that. Therefore, I have come up with some alternative language for the resolutian. It says that the City will not issue buildingpermits for the west lot until the issue of the driveway has been resolved. Bob Kessler and I think that this wili let the Final Plat get approved sooner and still make sure the adjacent home owner can have his concerns heard. � c�su.�. If this is OK with you, you can,�recommend that the final paragraph of the resolution for the Preliminary Plat would be changed to read: �� "NOW, Tf�REFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and apgroves the attached Preliminary Plat for Willenbring Woods, subject to the condition that the developer must receive approval from the City for plans to constn�ct the:driveway and utilities fro�m Wiggins�to the westeriy lots (lots 5 and 6), prior to approval oftlie�inal-Plat��il"i,3�t�i�iCS„��"q[ ��.� ���» Please call me at 266-9086 if you have any questions. cc: Art Werthauser ��nr �ir..i�c /SR�Pf'1Sd}