96-287���ItiC��'p -�0-4� RESOLUTION C{TY OF SAf�{T P,AU�,,MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Council File # ��� Green Sheet # 3 �. � � 3 Committee Date RESOLUTIONREQUESTING THEMETROPOLITAN COUNCIL RECONSIDER PLANNED REDUCTIONS IN SAINT PAUL B US SERVICE 2 0 � . 10 11 WTdEREAS, the Metropolitan Council is curremly considering transit service cuts or complete route eliminations for the City of Saint Paul because of significant cuts in state and federal funding; WHEREAS, these Metropolitan Council Transit Operations (MCTO) cuts include Saint Paul Routes 10, 1 l, 17, 22, 50, 94S and 95E; and WIIEREAS, any cut in limited transit services available to City of Saint Paul residents runs counter to the City's goals £or its own development as expressed in the City's Comprehensive Plan, as well as ruuning counter to our regional goals which are articulated in the Regional Blueprint; and WHEREAS, adequate bus service is essential for our City's lazge number of transit-dependent citizens, especially those who have no other means of transportation and those who aze elderly, handicapped and WIIEREAS, adequate bus service is essential for our City's businesses and industries—both to be accessible to customers and employees; and 12 WHEREAS; significant savings may be accrued by the Metropolitan Council by reviewing current 13 expenditures for their appropriateness and connection to the MCTO mission and such savings should be 14 identified prior to service reductions and fare increases; and 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 WHEREAS, the level of subsidies far Saint Paul bus service aze significantly below those of many suburban azeas where subsidies per ride may be as high as $10-$12; and WHEREAS, the proposed elimination of Saint Paul Route 22 which serves downtown Saint Paul, the Rainsey Hospital, Redeemer Azms Hi-Rise, Ravoux Hi-Rise, 554 Central Hi-Rise, and 1247 Saint Anthony would profoundly affect the many elderly and disabled riders it was designed to serve in off-peak hours; WHEREAS, Saint Paul Route 22 currently operates with a subsidy of $5.47 per rider, but the replacement service for many of its riders—Metro Mobility—operates with a subsidy of $16.00 per rider, which is three times higher; and �� - ��7 24 WHEREAS, the proposed eliminarion of Saint Paul Route 17 which serves Dale Street, County Road B2 25 and Rosedale would strand many City residents who have access to oniy this route in their neighborhoods 26 and use it to commute to work; and 27 Wf�REAS, the reduced frequency of service for Saint Paul Route 95E which serves downtown Saint 28 Paul, Energy Pazk, the University of Minnesota and downtown Minueapolis will profoundly affect the 29 City's growing businesses and industriai pazks by reducing their access to potential employees, including 30 potenrial employees who aze core area residents who need access to these living wage jobs; now therefore 31 be it 32 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council urges the Metropolitan Council reconsider its proposed 33 service cuts in the City of Saint Paul , ' _ � Requested by Department oE � Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � Adoprion Ce 'fied by Council Secretary By: �.�J�C Approved by May r te: BY� _ �/���� Adopted by Council Date: ��� 5, n��( �, qb-�R� DEPC�`T �c��N�,� � 3/?A195 �REEN SHEE �° 32723 INRIAVDATE INRIAWATE CANTACf PERSON 8 PHONE � DEPApTMENT DIRE O CRV CAUNCIL Mazcia Mcermond, 266-8570 �cx O ClTY ATTOANEV � Cf7Y CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL A6ENDA BY (DATE) NUYBER WP O BUOGET DIPECTOR � FlN. & MGT. SFAVICES OIfl. Mazch 20, 1995 ��Ep Q MAYOR (OR ASSISTAt3I) O TOTAL # OF SIGNATUHE P14GES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACf10N qEQUE5TEp; Approval of resolution requesting the Metropolitan CouncIl to reconsider planned reductions in Saint Paul bus service. RECOMMENDAiIONS: Apprwe !q1 m Rejea (R� pERSONAL SERVICE CONTAACTS MUST ANSW ER TNE FOLLOWING �UE5TIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 1. Has this persoNFirm eve� xrorketl under a coMract for this departmen[? _ CIB COMMR7EE _ YES NO — �� F 2. Has this person/Brm ever been a ciry emptoyee? — VES NO _ DIS7RICT COURT , 3. Does Nis perso�rm possess a Skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGIL O&IECfIVE7 YES NO Explain all yes answen on seperate sheet antl attach to green aheet INRIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNI7Y (WhO. Wha1. WhBn, Where, Why): The Metropolitan Council plans to elitninate service on Saint Paul bus routes 17, 22, 50 and 94S, as well as reduce service on Saint Paul bus routes 10, 11, and 95 E. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: The City Council will voice its concerns to the Metropolitan Council about the impact these eliminations and reductions will have on Saint Paul residents who may be rtansit-dependent, elderly or handicapped, and businesses who rely on buses for transportauon of customers and employees. DISADVANTAGES IPAPPROVE�. None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: The Ciry Council will not voiced its concems to the Metropolitan Council about the impact these eliminaflons and reductions wIll have on Saint Paul residents and businesses. TOTAL AMOUtiT OF SRANSACTION $ COST(AEYENUE BllDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIWG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INPORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ��,�� MCTO Cutbacks in June 1996 Saint Paul Route Service Cut e Current Subsidy 10 Saturday and Weekday Nights west of Downtown St. Clair - Cretin to W 7th St. Cretin - St. Clair to Ford Pkwy Combine with Route 15 east of Downtown Forest - ivy to Case cut waik to Arcade (senior center) 11 Sunday and Weekday Nights Sat $3.55 - Weekday nights ? Weekdays $2.56 \ Sun $3.98 - Weekday nights? Larpenteur - Westminster to Prosperity H,M Payne - Larpenteur to Maryland A,H,M Westminster - Larpenteur to Arlington C,D,G Arlington - Westminsterto Edgerton C,D,G Edgerton - Arlington to Maryland C,D,G Maryland - Arkwright - Payne Arkwright - Maryland to Case Mississippi - Case to Pennsylvania Pennsylvania - L'Orient to MississipQi L'Orient - Pennsylvania to University to Jackson to 10th to Cedar to Kellogg Robert - Keilogg to Concord Concord - Robert to South Gity Limits 17 Af1 Service Dafe - Larpenteur to Grand (Rosedale to Grand ) No other north south service until Rice, Como?, or Sneliing Sun $3.75 - Sat $3.08 - Weekdays $3.55 22 All Service Weekday $5.47 Weekday service to Midway Center, 1247 St. Anihony, Centeral Medical, Redeemer Arms,Central Hi-Rise, Ravoux Hi-Rise and Downtown. This route was important to Day#ons. Route 50 . Service Cut A(t Service Current Subsidy Weekdays $6.69 Express Service between Downtown, Malt of America & Southdafe Allows transfers to: � .< Mpis routes 4,5,6,7,15,18,19,28,35J-K, 47, 80, 88, 89. Weekdays $5.06 Express Service between Stillwater, l.ake Elmo, Oakdate & Downtown '� Reroute route 12 to help a little but not express service. '� 95E Reduce Frequency Weekdays $3.50 _ Connects ihe two Downtowns via U of M Busway and Energy Park Dr. 94S All Service --- - --.�..—.r„- --- - -- -- — - --- ----- - - — - - - -- -- .�. ,.. _ . -: . _ . : ... : _. - - -- . ' � -. . . . . - = . _ .. It takes three buses to provide Route 22 service with 30 minute frequency. Perhaps Route 2Z service frequency needs to be reduced so that it can be provided with one or two buses, and the subsidy can be reduced to less than $3 per ride and well within the subsidy threshold. Route 22 must absolutely not be eliminated. Route 17: Dale Street, Co. Rd. B2, Rosedale �' Sometimes rather than to cut service, it makes more sense to improve service to increase ridership and thus reduce the amount of subsidy per passenger. Route 17 is such a case. We know that bus routes perform best when there aze major transit destinations at each end. The performance of Route 17 improved, for example, when it was extended more than three miles west to Rosedale in 1989. At its south end, Route 17 stops about one mile from dov.�ntown St. Paul, tantalizingly close � but not close enough to attract downtown-bound riders. Route 17 goes north into Roseville through neighborhoods that are home to many downtown workers and have little or no alternazive downtown bus service. It is one mile east and one to two miles west to the nearest north-south service pazalleling Route 17. It appears that extending Route 17 a short distance to downtown St. Paul would substantially increase Route 17 ridership and reduce the amount of subsidy per passenger to well within target levels. Route 17, with a weekday subsidy of �3.55 per ride and a Saturday subsidy of $3.08 per ride, currentiy performs better than several nearby routes that aze not proposed to be cut. Route 103, which pazallels Route 17 going east from Rosedale, has a weekday subsidy of �4.67 per ride and a Saturday subsidy of $4.29 per ride. Route 105, which goes southwest from Rosedale, has a weekday subsidy of �4.43 per ride and a Saturday subsidy of $6.67 per ride. Route 100, which goes north from Rosedale, has a weekday subsidy of $5.97 per ride and a Saturday subsidy of $6.81 per ride. If cuts to bus service are needed, there aze many other routes that should be looked at before any cuts to Route 17 are considered. It may be that midday weekday service on Route 17 needs to be reduced from 3� minute to hourly frequency to bring it within the subsidy threshold, but Route 17 service should certainly not be eliminated. Route 9�E: Downtown St. Paul, Energy Park, Univ. of Minuesota, Downtown DZiuneapolis Route 95E provides service that is essential for growing businesses in growing industrial puks in the core of our city to recruit employees, and for core area residents to have access to living wage jobs. Route 95E is performing reasonably well now. As St. Paul industrial parks fill up and businesses grow, and as a very large new industrial park is developed in Minneapolis alon� Route 95, it will perform even better. If there is any change to Route 95 it should be to expand the service. Route 95 should not be cut. Good transit service is essential for Saint Paul and this region. We are facing some tough choices in raising fares and cutting service in the face of state and federal funding cuts. We must work together to minimize nega[ive impact. We must also work together to reverse these cuts and build a stronger transit system. This region can not afford to do otherwise. _ Sinc ely, No olema -'°' VSayor cc: City Council President Thune Metro Councilmember Wellington City Councilmembers Me[ro Councilmember Wolfson � �- ��� CIT'Y OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Mazch 15, 1996 C�rt Johnson, Chair Metropolitan Council 230 East Fifrh Street Saint Paul, MN 55101-1634 Dear Mr. Johnson: 390 City Ha!! 15 West Kel(ogg Boulevard Saim Paul, A1N 55102 I am writing to express concem about proposed service cuts and service elimination on several bus routes that serve Saint Paut. I recognize the difficulty in reducing operating costs in response to substantial cuts in state and federal funding. But I believe we can not afford to eliminate bus service rhat is essential for the mobiliry of our large number of transit-Qependent citizens, essenrial for the elderly and handicapped, essential for many businesses to find employees, and essenrial for many people to find employment. Transit access to employment and services for those in need is basic to the economic future of the region. It is essenual for maintaining the economic vitaliry of Downtown Saint Paul, our neighborhood commercial azeas, and work places tluoughoui the city. .� � Some of the proposed core area reducuons in off-peak service wouid be especially hard on transit- dependent people. Those who depend on transit aze also most likely to have uavel needs that occur during off-peak times -- elderly shoppers and those seeking medical services, service workers in the food and retail indusrries, job seekers, social service cliems, and youth. Some of the proposed off- peak service cuts will result in these riders, who do not have good alternadves, becoming isolated and greatly inconvenienced. Route 22: Downtown St. Paul, Ramsey Hospital, Redeemer Arms Hi-Rise, Ravoux Hi-Rise, 554 Central Hi-Rise, 1247 St. Anthony I3i-Rise I am particulazly concemed about the proposed elimination of Route 22 service. No other route is designed so specifically to serve the needs of large concentrations of elderly and disabled riders, many who are unable to walk to other bus routes. Route 22 is also unique in that it is entirely off- peak service. Buses used between 9:00 A.M. and 3:30 P.M, for Route 22 would otherwise be idle, and drivers would have less efficient shifrs. The marginal cost to use these buses to provide needed Route 22 service, rather than to have them sitting idle much of the day, is relatively small. Tekphone: 612-166-8510 Facsimile: 6l2-228-85/3 Metro Mobiliry would be the altemative for many Route 22 riders if Route 22 is eliminated. With operating expenses over $16.00 per ride, Metro Mobiliry is an extremely expensive way to provide transit service to handicapped people. It would seem kind of backwazds to eliminate Route 22 and then provide the service with Metro Mobility. � �I6- ��7 ` CITY OF SAINT PAIIL riii� ""�''"� � OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL JERRY BLAKEY Councilmember MEMORANDUM TO: Council President Dave Thune Councilmember Dan Bostrom Councilmember Dino Guerin Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Bobbi Megard Councilmember Janice Rettman FROM: Councilmember Jerry Blakey /� �5G.1 RE: MCTO PROPOSED REDUCTIONS lN SAINT PAUL DATE: March 20, 1996 Attached is a resolution requesting that the Metropolitan Council reconsider planned reductions in Saint Paul bus service and supporting materiai. The public comment period ends this Friday, March 22, 1996, so I am requesting that the Council consider this resolution under suspension today. If any Counciimembers are interested in signing the original, please see me prior to the Council meeting. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Attachments CITY HALL THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/266-3610 6�65 PrioteA on Aecydetl Pnper