96-263CounCil File � 3,�.-ic3 "" {:; f^ F R i i} P ld�Il.?s`�`�;s Presented By Referred To Ordinance # Green Sheet #���JJ 1 RESOLVED: 'rhat application (iD #12321) for a new �ambling rianager License by Elizabeth 2 Joyce Barton DSA Trade Lake Camp, Inc., Nickels Sports Bar, 501 Blair Avenue 3 be and the same is hereby approved. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Adopted by Council: 17 18 Adoption Ce ,ifie3 19 20 21 By' 22 23 Approved by a or: 24 25 26 Bye 27 Date il Secretary Date � // � Requested by Department of: Office of License. Inspections and Environmental Protection By: �� � ��t1L� Form Approved by City Attorney � By: � e� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � a�-��3 � �EPARTMENT/OFFICFICOUNCIL DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEE `�O 3 4 9 3 3 E • INITIAVDATE INRIAL/DATE CONTA('.T PEFi50N 8 PHONE O pEPpq7�AENT DiRECTOR O CITY CQUNC7L 8 N Y FOR O CITY ATTORNEY O CT' CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA gY (DATE) - p0�� O BUDGE7 DIFECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SEpVICES Olp. � 2 OFDER O MpYOH IOR ASSISTANT) � J TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Elizabeth Soyce Barton DBA Trade Lake Camp, Inc requests Council approvel of her application for a New Gambling Manager`s License (ID1/12321 ) at Nickels Sports Bar, 501 Blair Avenue RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Rejec[ (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TXE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNMIG CAMMISS50N _ qVIL SEiiV�CE WMMISSION �- �� personlfian eVec worKed Undef a conVdct fo[ thi5 departmeM? � _ CIB COMMIiTEE YES NO � S7APF 2. Has fhis personlFitm ever been a aty employee? — YES NO _ OISIRICT CAURT — 3. Does tfiis persoNfirm possess a skiq not nwmalVy possessed by any current City empla/ee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explafn a�� yes answars on separMe aheet anC ariaeh to graen aheet INITIATING PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPP�RTUNI7Y(Who, What, When, Where, Why�: ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVEO; RECf�V�D �� �z ��� � DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � - F�.e 2 6 �� RECElV�� ��RR� �� ��.E� 221�9� ��� �� �� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � ��� �?��.� �i�� ��G d� �e�`��' ----� � --_»_,�._., ,.,_�,:�.� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION § COST/pEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIFIG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIqI, fNFORMATIOfd: (EXPLAIN) Greensheet # 34933 In Trackef? License ID # 12321 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST Date: / �` �G3 App'n Received / App'n Processed License Type: NEW Cambling Managgr Company Name: Elizabeth Sovice Barton DBA: Trada T.ake Camr_ rn� BusinessAddresss: snt uia;,- a�Pnue., SY_ Panl Nrnr ssto� BUSIOBSSPhOf1Q: GR1—R(14�i Contact Name/Address: 2342 Tophill Circle Home Phone: 483-3295 Date to Council Research: Roseville, MN 55113 Public Hearing Date: � f 1�- 5� Notice Sent to Appiicant: Notice Sent to Public: Labels Ordered: District Council #: � Ward Department/ Date Inspections Comments CBy Attorney G i� Environmental Health �.1 � .�,` Fire ti� � d� LiCBI1S0 Site Plan Received:_ Lease Received: ����` �1� Police �� Zoning �{� � LGY12 (Rev. 7/292) Minnesota Lawful Gumbitng Gambling Manager Application ,.., ..::.,.>_ _..,_..,::........,,,,,:..:>:..._,. .. nt�c"ation ":: . . ,. .• _ . . . , � �,�, i.�C� � New Give data'hat the twaday gambling mana9er sami�ar was cempleted. ��+ !.� I�� Locafion of training _5 i �/t L'.=- (F�M �] Renewal Giva date of Vaining received within three years prior to the date of ihe applica5on for renewal. _! t_ Low6on of training ,,.., ,,.,....... .,,..;.,. : .....: ::... ....::.. .. ........ (���) . ...;. _,. ,.,,,.,,_: �.Gambtin "lViana er In ormation � � `' LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME MAIDEN Data of Birth �Sx. Secvriry Number� �%/���'rC�/� �l/ir% �Ty�'C C�C'��C'�✓ `."'��/ �7�..,�/� Address State Zp Code Daytime Phone ,2 3 y :� "/"F' !�� z`%n'(`/�� , O,SE'l'/�./E �/'� _5"5 jl�.�i (G/� ��?.. � MEMBERSHIP: Oete gambling manager became a member oS tlie orqanizatlon ',; /�/� Sex : � Male � Female Or anizat�on i Name of Organiza�on � % llP� � /+f; Address /27 C. C�, ./;'i�, c� , � ;� Licanse Number �� h' .. U.�/7� Ciry/Swte Zip Code Phone -1�iY�/i_ ,r.� ii'7 ��0��-� �f,�/-�� Borzc1 In f91lR�lon � •- A$t0,000 iideliry bond in tavor of the organizaUon must be ob�ained lor the gambting manager. Name ol (nsurance company (do not use agency name) !`i�1' �/l:' �/� %jy�ON�ond Number C ��-i' 77'"�a� u ..„....„�. ,...,.,:;:.;...,.,,::....::.,,.... �: :::. . ;:. ..:::.....: .:.:....<:.: .,...., _.,. n/.ie.........i< ... .....�.......v.i ���.�i ....'i�:.'i µiYt�:::i:."'v�"S,1':f . . . - �'c.. :r . .... "�: : f... � Aelrnoirite,�g�e�t I dedaze that: • I have read this epplicaGon and all informa6on submitted to the board; • a0 intortna6on ie true, accvrete end wmplete; • ali other required Information has been tulty disdosed; • I am the only gambiing manager of the organizauon; • I wiil tamitiarize myselt with the laws of Minnesora governin9 lawiul garnbling end rules ot the Doard and agrea, if Gcensed, to abide by ffiose faws and rules, induding amendments !o rhem; • any changes in apptica6on informaGOn will be submitted to the board and local unit ot govemmant within f 0 days ot the change; • An alfidavit tor 9ambling manager has been completed and attached, and • � understand that lailure to provide required informaUOn or providing talse informaGon may �esult in the denial or rewcaCOn of the licsnse. Signatura of Gambling Manager / :( - ! C/' uG : !`'��'l FOR OFF{CE t7SE ONLY BASE L1C +1 SE4 1' FEE CHK DATE lN1T Date .�-3 ��1� �Send the completed application and all required attachments to: Gam611ng Cantrol 8oard Suite 300 S. 1711 W. County Road B Rosevllle, MN 55113 3