96-248� � } � ? �� d c � E�F s �, � < < � . . ,. . � RESOLUTION SAIlV'i' PAi� MINNFF;50TA �, :, : Refeaed To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is committed to addressing the probiem of STDs and AIDS; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul requires medical staff to provide clinical services to patients in its Public Health STD(HIV/AIDS Clinic; and WHEREAS, Ramsey Clinic has resources available to provide the necessary services; and WHEREAS, a contractual agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Ramsey Clinic will provide for responsible provision of services and utilization of resources, and will strengthen agency relationships; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City Officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract with Ramsey Clinic. ea� Bostrom Guerin am�s Megazd Rettman Thune Adopted by Adoption C By: � n�ro�ea B � �s Yeas Navs Absent r ✓ ✓ ✓ _ � ✓ Requested by Department of: Saint Paul Public Health BY� /f,PiLf/�'�6rFr� Fo pprov By. - 2'�-`�L Appro� � or r ubmission to Council By: � c�;iF;�# °�, G - a �-18' creen shcec # 32467 �G-�'�P' f PublicTHea1 huNa� DATE 'Z I �ZL� D y6 GREEN SHEET N° 32467 CANTACT PERSpN & PHONE i TI VDAT INITIAIJDA7E � DEPARTMEPfr DIRECTO "j GRV CAUNC�L Diane Holmgren 292-7712 ASSH'+N CffYATfOflNEY �CffYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII AGENDA BY (DAT� NUYBER i0N ❑ BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SERYICES Dlfl. NOUTING OADER MAYOR (OR ASSI5TAPfT) O TOTAI # OF SIGNA'TUHE PAGES 1 (CIfP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE7 ACTION REQUESTED: Authorization for City signatuxes on a Resolution authorizing the proper City Officials to e�cecute a contract with Ramsey Clinic for physician services to support the STD and AIDS Programs at Saint Paul Public Health, for the services of Keith Henry, M.D, ' HECOMMENOA710NS: Apqava (A) a Neject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTFiACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this perso�rm ever worked under a contract for this departmeM? � _ CIB CoMMRTEE YES NO — �� F - 2. Has Mis personRirm ever been a ciry employee? YE5 NO _ oIS7qICT COUR7 _ 3. Does this personrtirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any curtent ciry empl0yee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES �10 Explain all yes answen an seperate sheet and attach to green Sheet INRiATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPoRTUN�TY (Who, Whet, When, Where. Why). The Saint Paul•Public Health deals with a high volvme of clients being seen for STD and AIDS evaluation and consultation. This �ield is highly sensitive and subject to change based on scientific information. Contracting for the services of a physician who is well informed and visible in the field will ensure that staff and clients at Saint Paul Public Health receive the most recent and accurate information and care. The contract will be for the period of January 1, 1996 through December 31, 1997, at $67.00 per hour ($26,000 annually). ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: ' Staff and clients will have direct access to recent information on these sensitive communicable diseases. ° Administration will receive support for program planning, organizing and quality assurance activities. DISADVANTA6ES IFAPPRWED' —�- --' — �., �� �CE���� �. NONE `;�;i'� Ba��:�� � :.. �. �:s Lo 199c ,� � ,�y� �f� 23 19�� ��� � � €�.��, , �: ���� �� � � DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVE�. Saint Paul Public Health will not have access to physician expertise on which to base program planning and client services. ($26,000 annually) TOiALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ $6�.00 DET 17oui COST/HEVENUEBUDGE7ED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Sp2Cial ReVeriue Furids AC7IVITVNUMBER 39249—�"�9G.� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �Ic. -Z�18' � AGREEMENT AN AGREEMENT made and entered into this first day of January, 1996 by and between the City of Saint Paul, a municipai corporation of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "City", acting through its Division of Public Heaith, and Ramsey Clinic, acting through its Department of Internal Medicine, Section of Infectious Diseases. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City requires medicai staff to provide service to its patients in its communicable disease programs; and WHEREAS, the City is permitted to contract for the performance of said service or any portion thereof; and WHEREAS, it is deemed in the best interest of the City to contract for said service; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED by and between the City and the Ramsey Clinic as follows: 1. That the Ramsey Clinic shall provide the City with the physician services of Keith Henry, M.D. 2. That the Ramsey Clinic shall be paid 567.00 per hour for Dr. Henry's duties. 3. That Dr. Henry's typical duties wiil include but are not limited to: a) Direct AIDS related activities. b) Supervises sexually transmitted disease clinic operations. c) Assists the medical director of the Division of Public Health in planning, organizing, and conducting communicabie disease °lc.-��� control programs. d) Participates in Quality Assurance activities. e) Conducts in-service training for staff. f) Works with the laboratory in evaluating accuracy/appropriateness in screening and diagnostic tests used in diagnosis of AIDS and STD. g) Develops guidelines for range of clinic problems to be seen by AIDS and STD nursing staff. h) Develops referral guidelines for those with problems not within guidelines of item (g). i) Performs medical evaluation of patients in the AIDS and STD programs. j) Assists in the development and implementation of communicable disease controi activities. k� Works with Administration in liaison with other programs. I) Works with Administration in the development of budgets for AIDS and STD programs. m) Works with Administrators in interfacing with the City, County and State agencies. n) Provides consultation and education to individuals and groups in the community. 0) Writes and signs medical protocols, standing orders and related policies and procedures for the STD and AIDS programs. p) To recommend to administration DPH participation in 2 °I c.. ay � clinical research fior AIDS and STD. q) To advise and assist in the providing of care for AIDS patients. r) Provides emergency medicai support for Division of Public Health medical programs when on duty. s) Provides a maximum of 48 hours per month of service. t) Be available by beeper anytime for consultation. 4. That the City shall reimburse the Ramsey Clinic on a monthly basis upon receipt of an invoice, but in no case shall the totaf amount of reimbursement to the Ramsey Clinic under the terms of this Agreement exceed 526,000 annually. 5. That the City shall submit to the Ramsey Clinic a schedule for Dr. Henry's time in advance. 6. That the City declares the Division of Public Health, Medical Director, in_ consultation with appropriate staff, as the person responsibie for compliance with the terms of this Agreement. 7. That the Ramsey Clinic will defend, save and hold harmless the City from any and ali claims, demands, actions or ca�ses of action arising out of any act of commission or omission on the part of its agents, servants or emp{oyees in the performance of this Agreement excepting those claims, demands, actions or causes of actions solely attributable to the negligence of the City. 8. That the City of St. Paul will defend, save and hold harmless the Ramsey Clinic from any and a�l claims, demands, actions or causes of action arising 3 9` -1� � out of any act of commission or omission on the part of its agents, servants or employees in the perFormance of this Agreement excepting those claims, demands, actions or causes of actions solely attributable to the negligence of the Ramsey Clinic. However, the foregoing pledge of indemnification shall not exceed the limits set forth in Minnesota Statute 466. 9. That at all times the Ramsey Clinic agrees that Dr. Henry is an independent Contractor as to the City and not an employee of the City. 10. That nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as limiting the right of independent operation of either the Ramsey Clinic or the City for the affiliation of contract with any other institution or agency while this Agreement is in effect. 11. That any Agreement may be terminated by either party with or without cause upon thirty days' written notice. Charges which have accrued for services rendered shall survive any termination of this Agreement. 12. That any alteration, variations, modifications, or waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only when they have been reduced to writing, fully signed, and attached to the originai of this Agreement. 4 ��-��(S' 13. That the terms of this Agreement shall be from 7anuary i, 1996 through December 31, 1997. IN WITNESS T'HEREOF, the parties have set their hands the date first written above. RAMSEY CLINIC Kei Henry, M.D. Date: Kent Crossle , M.D. Chief, Department of Medicine Date: CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Activity Code: 33242 33243 Mayor Date: Director, Finance and Management Services Aate: �� � �_ Te rowson, M.D. President/CEO, Ramsey Clinic Date: � �.i,� ["f2Q-C-f--� Director, Saint Paui Public Health Aate: �� a��Co APPROVED AS TO FORM: t C��' (,�v 4-� - C.�>rw�.. �f3�. OC Carlton E. Aimnons Associate Counsel Ramsey Clinic Date: � — �� —� � Assistant City Attorney Date: