96-230R y � A � N — Pa .� '_` ��� C25uCi1 File # ��o'e�.3� ��������� �1� ti OLUTION Green sheer # 3`� y l �� NT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3O Presented By Referred To t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 �0 71 12 93 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 3} 32 -- 33' i 34 35 ' 36 37 38 39 40 47 43 44 45 A6 47 48 49 50 57 52 53 Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Ciry and the State ot Minnesota have opened bids for the demolition and construction of ihe Wabasha Sireet Bridge, and WHEREAS, this work was originaily adopted by City Council Resolution 95-7477, known as Log #SU-55o05, and WHEREAS, the Council set ihis project as a high priority and authorized additional financing sources if needed as adopietl by CF 95-1475, as shown in revised overall britlge plan attached and included herein by reference, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, I]y ihe Council of ihe City of Saint Paui, Ihat ihe 1996 Capitai Improvement Budget, as hereiobre adopted and amended by ihis Council is hereby fuAher arnended upon recommendation of the Mayor.m ihe following panwular Current Amentled Budget Change Butlget FINANCING P�P,N Wabasha S! Bridge C96-25107 Federai Bndge Bonds S[ate Bndge Bonds MSA 9G CIB Prior to 1985 CIB 86 CIB 88 GB 89 CIB 90 CIB 91 C18 92 CIB 93 CIB 96 MSA 94 MSA Prior to 7987 MSA 88 MSA 90 MSA 97 MSA 93 MSA 95 CA 1985-87 CA 92 CA 93 PIA 93 PIA 94 PIR Conhngency PubVic W orks Contingency Water Utiliry Olher Uniiry Reimbursemem Parking & Transd Eund CIB Interest , 14,000,000.00 -648,289.92 13,351,71008 3,000,000.00 3.060,000.00 3,154,000.00 383,000.00 3,537,000.00 262 80 � 262 80 3,99247 3.992.47 9228.79 922819 6,650 45 6,650 45 7.949.87 7.9A9.87 1.937.47 7.937.47 9,986.97 9,986 97 73,432.84 13,432.84 2,036,000.00 2,036,000.00 119,244.30 919,244 3� 9.926.17 9.926 71 19,646.02 79,646.02 �.�aa �a 7.�aa ia 45.43538 45,435.38 52.000 00 52.OG0 00 652.314.00 652.314 00 72.978.77 �2.97817 47.3t3.31 47.313 3t 709,07327 109.07327 6,696.00 6.69 00 70,000.00 10,000.00 60,807.00 6�.807.00 288,402.00 288.402.00 840,000.00 -797,310J3 642.689.87 300.860.60 300,860.60 1,t0�,00Q.OQ 9,100,0�0.00 1,030,000.00 7,030,000.00 23,030,000.0� 3,523,26925 26,55326925 �t(,-a3o 54 SPENDING PLAN 55 WABASHASTBRIDGE 56 G%-25707 57 58 Const.PWst 59 Construdion 60 62 63 6A 65 FINANCING PLAN 66 MSA CANTINGENCY 67 C94-2T017 68 69 MSA 94 70 71 72 SPENDING PLAN 73 MSACONTINGENCY 7 4 C94-2T057 75 77 Construc[ion 78 79 80 81 FINANCINGPIAN 82 MSACONTINGENCY 83 C95-2T018 84 85 MSA Prior to iB87 86 MSABS 87 MSA90 88 MSA91 89 MSA 93 91 MSA 95 92 93 94 SPENDING PLAN 95 MSA CONTINGENCY 96 C95-2T018 97 98 Plans 8 Constructwn 99 100 101 102 FlNANCING PLAN 103 COUNTY AfD CONTINGENCY 704 G94-2T026 706 107 CA 1985-87 108 CA 94 109 4,620,0�0.00 3.518,63427 1,7�1,36573 78,410,000.00 7,047,903.52 25.457,903.52 23,030,000.00 3,52326925 26,553,26925 878,553.33 -119244.30 759,309.03 878,553.33 -tt9244.3� 759,3�9.�3 878,553.33 -119244.30 759,30903 878,55333 -179,244.30 759,309.03 9,926.11 -9,926.7 7 0 00 59,64602 -19,6A602 0.00 7.744 14 -7 744 14 � 00 45,435.38 -45 435 38 0 00 52,000.00 -52,000.00 0 00 504,374.00 -504,314 00 0.00 639,065 65 -639,065 65 0.00 639,065.65 -639,065.65 O.C6 639,065,65 -639,065.65 0.00 153.11829 -72.978.77 8Q140.12 48,904 88 48,904.88 202,02317 -72,978.1� 729.04500 2 �t. - a3 0 „o ltt 712 113 114 t15 176 177 118 119 720 727 722 123 124 125 726 127 �za 729 130 131 132 733 134 135 136 137 138 139 540 741 142 743 144 745 146 147 148 149 150 751 152 153 754 155 156 SPENDING PL4N COUNTY AID GONTINGENCY C94-2T026 Plans & Consimction 202,023.77 -72,978.17 129,04500 202.023.17 -72,978.17 129.045.00 FINANCING PLAN COUNN AID CONTINGENCY C95-2T027 CA 92 CA 93 47,313.37 -47,373-31 O.CO 109,07327 -109,07327 0 00 156,386.58 -156,386.58 000 SPENDING PLAN COUNN Af0 CONTINGENCY C95-2T027 Plans & Conslmction 156,386.58 -156,386.58 0 00 156,38658 -156,366.58 0.00 FINANCING PLAN PUBLIC WORKS CONTINGENCY C97-2T955 Project Closeouis 288.402.82 -288,402.82 0 00 288,40282 -288,402.82 0.00 SPENDING PLAN PUBLIC WORKS CONTINGENCY C91-2T955 Inirafund Transfer Out 258.402.82 -288.402 82 0 00 258.402.82 -288.402 82 0 00 FINANCING PtAN PIA CONTINGENCY C95-2T051 PIA 90 7,032.62 1,032 62 PIA 93 6,696.95 -6,696 00 0 95 PIA94 70,00000 -70,00000 000 17,729 57 -76 696 00 1,033 57 3 �c,.a3� 757 t58 759 160 161 162 163 764 765 l66 167 168 769 170 171 172 173 174 175 776 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 784 185 186 t87 788 789 790 191 192 793 794 195 796 797 798 199 20� 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 270 277 2�2 273 214 215 216 21? SPENDING PLAN PIA CONTINGENCY C95-2T057 Plans & Construction FINANCMG PLAN CIB CONTINGENCY C954T10� q6 Pnor to 7985 CIB 86 CIB 88 CIB 89 CIB 90 CIB 91 CIB 92 CIB 93 CIB 94 SPENDING PLAN CIB GONTINGENCY C95-0T700 Plans & Gonsiruction FINANCING PLAN PIR CONTINGENCY C95-DT�20 7�,729.57 -16.'096.00 7.Q?3.57 17.729.57 -16.690.00 1.033 57 262.80 -262.80 0.00 3,992.47 -3,992.47 0.00 9.728.19 -9,228.19 O CO 6,650.45 -6,650 45 0.00 7.949.87 -7,949.81 0 00 1.931.47 -1.937.47 0 00 9,986.97 -9,986.97 0.00 19,788.91 -t3,432 84 6,356 �7 17,317 57 17,377 57 77,70864 -53,435.00 23,67364 77,10864 -53,43500 23,67364 77,10864 -53,43500 23,673.64 QS PIR Contingency 47,207.69 -47201.69 0.00 FirePIRContingency 73,610.00 -13.59931 70.69 Pre 1991 PIR Coniingency 46,791.33 46,791.33 107.60302 -6�,8�1.�0 46.802.02 SPENDING PLAN PIR CONTINGENCY C95OT120 Plans & Cons�rudion FINANCING PLAN MSA Contingency-96 C96-2T019 MSA 7996 SPENDiNG PLAN MSA Contin9ency-96 C9&2T079 Construcfio� 107,603.02 -6080100 46,80202 707,603.02 -60,80100 46,802.02 533,982.�� 3&?,0�.�� 15�,982.�� 533,982.00 383,000.00 750,982.00 533,982.00 -383,000.00 750,98200 533.982.00 -a83,000 00 7 50 982 00 4 ��8 214 220 221 222 223 L4 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 23i 236 237 238 239 240 233 242 2�3 244 2�15 246 247 zas 249 250 25] 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 f� �M�r� � c p 3 1�{g � �y..,..�.,. FINANCING PLAN Pazking & TYansit Fund Use of Fund Balance 130-00000-9890 SPENDING PLAN Pazking & Transit Fund 130-36100-0565 FINANCING PLAN George SFSmith to Concord C95-2C015 0.00 2"I�iPt700;Q0�"�=:�2="73UFOOO:DO 0.00 ti"�3U-�OOi00'� "�`3!3{7t3t3(��T� �s »,�,z�,.� �: � �.w�a� � 0.00 T33i3aD00:OQ�":�:Z'30=fl00_00 o.00 ri�,u;vov�aa��;;zit�o;ooi�oo MSA 1995 1,267,000.00 -148,000.00 1,119,000.00 PIA 1995 80,000.00 80,000.00 Assessment 24,000.00 24,000.00 Sewer Service Fund 73,000.00 73,000.00 WaterUtiliry 73.500.00 73.500.00 1,517,500.00 -148,000.00 1,369,500.00 9C-a3o t 5 ORI�J,��,�; 261 SPENDING PLAN 262 George St-Smith to Conwrd 263 C9S2CA15 264 265 Construqion �,5�7,500.00 -148,000.00 1,369.500.00 266 1.517.500.00 -148.000.00 1369.500.00 267 26S 269 270 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that if is ihe inteM of the Ciry Council and the Department of Public Works �o use ail MSA surpluses 271 for the ne# three years to cover past project dNicds and provide a furMing source forthe Wabasha bridge constmc[ion continqency. Budaat Di;ector �� -�.� � `��� �����--�-����'-'-.-=�- � �� ' __..._........... _ - ... ....... Requested by Department of: Public Works g�,; _ � i�'�"�"Z�- FoXm Adoption Certified by Council Secretary g By: Approved Mayo : Date � /� g `� By: by City Att � = / for Council Adopted by Council: Date IV \w..� � � Q9 �i 9,t_ - �'� �� DEPAATMENT/OfFICEICOUNCIL DATEINITIA7ED GREEN SHEET No. 34 4 71 PUBLIC WORKS Z�Z7�9G � , IAL/DATE INITIAVDATE CONTACT PERSON & PHONE � pEPAf3TMENT DIRECTOR J� J � QN COUNCIL Michael Eggum, 266-6143 ���'N �C17V A7TORNEY 9r ❑9 CITYCI.ERK NUMeERFOR � MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AC�ENDA eY (DA7E) ROLJIING � gU�GET DIRECTOR 1/ � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES Dlfl ORDER � MAYOR (OR ASSI57ANn [� � MJE � TO?Al # OF SIGNATURE PAGES _(CIJP ALl LOCAiIONS FOR SIGNANB Aswciate i � � � DEPT. AC UMANY ^ _ ACTION RE�UE57ED Approval of the attached Council Resolution which provides tentative approval of a financing plan for the entire project as well as specifically amending the 1996 Capital Improvement Budget to facilitate the award of the contract. RECOMMENDATIONS: Apprwe (A) a Reject (R) PERSONAL SERYICE CONiFiACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOILOWING QUESTWNS: PLANNWG COMMISSfON CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION 7. Has fhis persoNfirtn ever worKed unde� a contract for this tlepartment? — — YES IJO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this pet5ofl/firtn ever been a City employe0? — YES NO A STAFF 3. Does [his persoNfirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any curzent ciry — employee? D15IRICTCOUNCIL , YES NO SUPPORTS WHICH COUNQL OBJECTIVE? �{�ain all yes answers on separate Sheet and atlach to green sheet INITIATING PROB�EM, ISSUE, OPPOATUNIT' (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY): The contractors bids have been opened for the replacement of the Wabasha Bridge. Contract award nessitates having the appropriate budget in place. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED The contract for this major project will be awarded in a timely manner, facilitating early commencement of the demolition and construction. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED' None. 1 e�9dkyS�t ��Y�)v'Fyy.�� �1 ..q�r+�: ^fi;�o4N` S �dV�!" b � Y � �C.� �0 C t�a�ii �Y��� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPflOVED: - The existing structure has deteriorated to the point that without replacement in the next very few years, permanent closure of this bridge would necessary. 70TAL AMOUNTOF TRANSACTION $ O COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YE No FUNDINGSOURCE ACINI7YNUMBER CJB-ZS�OF> FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (EXPLAIN) Program budgeted for �990 and tenhtivefy Sor 5997. qc.-a3a Attachment to Budget Amendment Resolution for Wabasha Street Bridge Green Sheet 34477 Tentative Budget FINANCING PLAN - Wa6asha Street Bridge Federal Bridge Bonds State Bridge Bonds S1ate Grant MSA prior to 1987 MSA S8 MSA 90 MSA 91 MSA 93 MSA 94 MSA 95 MSA 96 MSA 97 CA 1985-87 CA 92 CA 93 Public Works Coniingency CIB Prior to �985 CIB 86 C1B 88 CIB 89 CIB 90 CIB 91 CIB 92 CIB 93 CIB 94 CIB 95 CIB 96 cis s7 CIB 98 PIA 93 PfA 94 PIR Contingency Water Utility Other Utility Reimbursement Parking & Transit Fund CIB Interest � 10%a Bridge Contingency to be determined SPENDING PLAN-WABASHA ST BRlDGE Wabasha Sridge Contract Raspberry Isfand Brg Contract Engr & lnspection Contingency 13,351,710.08 3,000,000.00 �65,548.00 9,928.11 19,646.02 7,744.14 45,435.38 52,000.00 719,244.30 1,909,374.00 3,537,000.00 1,309,33427 72.978.17 47,313.31 109,07327 288,402.00 62,262.80 3,992.47 759,228.19 743,085.69 7,949.81 215,49623 309,986.97 373,432.54 700,000.00 500,000.00 2,036,000.00 2,�zo,000.00 1,000,000.00 6,696.00 10,000.00 6Q801.00 642,689.87 300,860.60 1,tOQ000.00 1,030,000.00 2,570,000.00 37,937,15t.52 25,709,567.22 1,000,000.00 $657,584.30 2,570,000.00 37,937, 7 51.52 � -�.^� � 2, e 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 236 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 24A 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 26� FIFEANCING PLAN Capital Improvement Bonds Wabasha St Bridge Replacement 925-90093-9830 FuM Balance 92590094-9830 Fund Balance 925900959830 Fund Balance 925-90096-9830 Fund Batance SPENDING PLAN Capital Improvement Bontls 925-90093-0565-72185 925-9�044-0565-72185 925-90095-0565-721 S 5 925-90096-056572185 FINANCING PtAN Parkirg & Transit Fund Use ot Fund Balance 730-00000-9890 SPENDING PLAN Paskinq 8 Transit Fund 130-36100-0565 FINANCING PLAN George St-Smith ta Concord C95-2G015 MSA 1995 PIA 7995 Assessment Sewer Service Fund Water Uhihy 0 00 42,000.00 0.00 358.000 00 0.00 430.000.00 300,000.00 42 .00 7�0.���.�0 3 .�0�.0� 500,00000 0,000.00 2,036,000.00 200,000 00 3536,000.00 7,030,000.00 p"00 7,100,000.00 0� 0 00 1,100,000.�0 0 00 1,100,000.00 3A2,000.00 1,�58,000 00 930,000 00 2236,000.00 4,566,000.00 1,100,000 00 1,100.000 00 1,700,000.00 1,10q000.00 1267,000.00 -148,000.00 7.119,00000 80,000.00 80.000.00 24,000.00 24,000 �0 73,000.00 73,000.00 73.500 00 73,500.00 1,517,500 00 -tAS,000.00 1,369,500 00 E �.�, t E °-b : , x � : MICHAELJ. HARRIS Couati7me�mber MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: CITY OF SAZNT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Council President Thune City Councilmembers Councilmember Mike Harris �� 'V """ '"� � March 6, 1996 Wabasha Bridge Resolution Item #3Q on 3/6l96 Council agenda q C -a3o I have attached a neighborhood amendment to the Wabasha Bridge resolution on today's Council agenda. The amendment proposes to reduce CIB participation (interest earnings) and increase participation from the Parking and Transit Fund. FYI, Pazking and Transit Fund (unaudited) Total Reserve Unreserved/designated Unreserved/undesignated Attachment $3,670,766.00 289,615.00 722,389.00 2,658,761.00 CITY HALL THIRD FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55702 612/266-8630 6��qg Printed on Recycted Papc� q�_�3o CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Nonrz Coleman, Mayor TO: Council President Dave Thune and City Councilmembers FROM: Stacy Becker� DATE: March 1, i996 SUBJECT: Wabasha Bridge Resolutions DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS St¢ry M. Becker, Director 600 City Hatl Anner Telephone: 6I2-266-6070 SaintPau�MN55IO2 Facsimile:612-292-78.i7 Attached are two resolutions regarding Wabasha Bridge financing. The first accapts a state grant of $3 miliion. The second provides a compiete project budget and amends the 1996 budget according{y. The project budget is nearly identical to the generai plan you adopted iast fall based on the engineer's estimate. We have updated it with information from our low bid and revised financing availability. The engineer's estimates are based on estimated quantities and unit prices. We now have certain unit prices, but the budget still relies on estimated quantities. The contractor will be paid on actuai work performed. {n general, you will see that total project costs are as we contemplated last fail; we will need to use alf financing sources identified. As I indicated in my memo of February 14, we were hoping that the bids wouid come in lower so that we would have a cushion to establish a contingency. This contingency is critical. In a project of this complexity unforeseen events, change orders, and differences in quantities between estimated and actual are inevitabie. The project budget has added a ten percent construction cantingency. We wiil be working with the Budget Office and Mayor's Office to recommend to you the best source of funding for this contingency. The only significant changes to last fall's plans are the federal funding and utility reimbursements. We are eligible for $1 million extra of federal funding, not the $1.6 million estimated earlier. Leon Pearson will begin to work with the Met Council next week to acquire this additional funding. Utility work was bid $300,000 lower than ResponsiveServices • QualityFacilities • EmployeePride �� c�� rs3o Councii President Dave Thune and City Councilmembers March 1, 1996 Page 2 anticipated, so this funding source has also been reduced. The loss of this funding was compensated by additionai use of MSA balances. (MnDOT last month announced a surplus from which Saint Paul received an extra $300,000, and we used some of the budgeted 1996 MSA contingency.) We will not know the final taliy on the bridge for four or more years. We are working to estabiish methods for monthfy monitoring of project spending, cost controls and reporting back to you. Atiachments - 2 c: CIB Committee Pam Wheelock Joe Reid