96-222� � � � � ;.� f p i e Council File # �.b���� RESOLUTION Green Sheet # 33145 CITY OF SAfNT PAUL, MINNESOTA �9 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, it has been deemed in the public interest that the City of Saint Paul, 2 Department of Public Works, should revise the existing traffic controf signais with street lights 3 and emergency vehicle preemption systems on University Avenue at the intersections of Pascal 4 Street, Albert Street and Hamline Avenue; and & WHEREAS, Ramsey County has determine that this work will be mutually beneficial and 7 has agreed to share in the cost of this project. 8 9 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City Officials be authorized to 10 execute and approve, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, Traffic Control Agreement Number 11 95024, between the City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County, a copy of said Agreement being 12 attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. � �`---> Requested by Department of: Public Warks gy; /(,l"""`�/ � �l T Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: �.�I:�YN !n/ryv' --� B �'' Approve Mayo fo Submission to Council Approv� y Mayo : D te Y� By: i Adopted by Council: Date M `. ta4 � INIT7ATED �-� PHONE ASAP CQUNqL ACENQA BY (DATEj GREEN SHEET CfTY ATTORNEY 4 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNA'NR� ASSOCIAiE °l t - a. a��..- NO. 33145 CITY CAUNCIL _ CITY CLERK FlN. 8 MG7. SERViCES �e Councif Reso{ution authorizing City Officials to execute agreement with Ramsey County to a traffic control signal revisions on University Avenue at the intersections of Pascal Street, Street, and Hamline Avenue. Agreement No. 95024. 3L-WMMENOAilONS. Approve (A) o� HCJec[ (H) pERSONAL SERVICE CAMRACTS MUST ANSWER T}1E FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING CAMMISSION CIVIL SFAVICE COMMISSION 7. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY? — — YES � NO " - CIB COMMffTEE A Citv Council 2. tias this person/firm ever been a cny employee? — — YES NO A STAFF 3. Does this persoNfirtn possass a skill not normally possessetl 6y any current ciry — emplayee? olSiFilGiCOUNGL YES NO SUPPOflTS WHICH COUNpL O&IECTVE? ExP�ain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green shee[ �`�Cl9hbOff100CJS � NITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIiV (WHO, WHAT, WHEN. WHERE, WHY): Jurisdiction of University Avenue has been turned over to Ramsey County from Mn/DOT. required to obtain tum back funds from Ramsey Gounty. -tB ? 0 1996 ���.-��.�- ����a���. 1DVANTACaESIFAPPROVED: Ramsey County will participate in the cost of traffic revisions on University Avenue at the intersections of Pascal Street, Albert Street and Hamline Avenue. None. :: �', t ! � Agreement could not be executed. �.4j�r will not be eligible for turn back financing from Ramsey ,�� a_� County. � �:''"�- ° �" ° e f � '�'r3 � - =-'� , , v...z�,� ,�...----_'_"' . - .,.— ' _...�-`e? ��u.. .. , ....:�is ������ 4 \" TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ 4S,S4S.00 -� "� CO57/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE Total $123 ,284.0� ACENffYNUMBER C92-2MO20-28044 FlNANCIAI INfORMATION: (EXPLAINJ PIA (93) _ $ 3,000.00 MSA (88) _ $35,000.00 P1A (94) =$35,820.00 Tum back (96) _ $49,464.00 Li��i��.t . , . _ „ .�u 3 °1c.-1�.�- AGREEMENT FOR REVISION AND MAINTENANCE OF TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNALS AND EVP SYSTEM5 AGREEMENT NO. 95024 Amount Encumbered $48,548.00 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the County of Ramsey, Department of Public Works, hereinafter referred to as the "Counry," and the City of St. Paul hereinafter referred to as the "City" for the revision and maintenance of traffic control signal systems with street lights, signs and emergency vehicle pre-emption at various intersections with the City of St. Paul; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the County has determined that there is justification and it is in the public's best interest to revise existing tr�c control signals and with street lights, signs and Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption on University Avenue (County State Aid Highway No. 34) at Pascal_Street; on University Avenue (County State Aid HSghway No. 34) at Aibert Street ; and on University Avenue (County State Aid Highway No. 34) at Hamline Avenue, and WHEREAS, the County and the Minnesota Department of Transportation have entered into agreement No. 73440 to transfer jurisdiction to the County a portion of University Avenue (T.H. 52) from the West County Line to T.H. 49. This Agreement transferred funds to the County for the County to pay the Mn/DOT shaze of a City project to improve three signalized intersections along University Avenue; and WHEREAS, there exists, in fixll force and effect, a Cooperative Agreement known as "Joint Powers Agreement", County Board Resolution 93-643, dated November 23, 1993 entered into by and between the City and County to share the cost of routine traffic signal maintenance of tr�c control signal systems, cabinets, controllers, control equipment, conduit systems, interconnect cables and electric power costs; and WHEREAS; the County and the City will participate in the cost, maintenance and operation of said traffic control signals with street lights, signs and Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption system as hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City shall prepare the necessary plans, specifications, force account agreements and proposals and shall perform the engineering and inspection required to compiete the items of work hereinafter set forth. Such work as described immediately above shall constitute "Engineering and Inspection" and sha11 be so refened to hereinafter. 95024- 1 �t c. —aa- � 2. The contract cost of the work or, if the work is not contracted, the cost of all labor, materials and equipment rental required to complete the work, except the cost of providing the power supply to the service equipment or pad shali consritute the actual "Construction Cost" and shall be so referred to hereinafter. 3. The City with its own forces and equipment or by contract shall revise or cause the revision of said traffic control signals with street lights, signs and Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption system in accordance with the plans and specifications under City Project No. 95-T-1263B and State Project No. 6208-37 on University Avenue at Pascal Street; University Avenue at Albert Street; and University Avenue at Hamline Avenue. Construction cost shall be shared as follows: a. University Avenue at Pascal Street, System "A". Revise the existing traffic control signal with signs, street lights and Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption system. Estimated Construction Cost is $22,700.00 which includes City furnished materials. County shaze is 50 percent. City shaze is 50 percent. b. University Avenue at A1bert Street, System "B". Revise the existing traffic control signal with signs, street lights and Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption system. Estimated Construction Cost is $29,500.00 which includes City fumished materials. County share is 50 percent. City share is 50 percent. c. University Avenue at Hamline Avenue, System "C". Revise the existing traffic control signal with signs, street lights and Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption system. Estimated Construction Cost is $39,400.00 which includes City furnished materials. County share is 50 percent. CiTy share is 50 percent. 6. Upon execution of this agreement and a request in writing by the Caty, the County shall advance to the City an amount equal to their portion of the project costs based on City futnished materials plus six percent (6%) of such amount for the County's shaze of the cost for Engineering and Inspection. 7. Upon computation of the County's final share for the work provided for herein, that amount of the funds advanced by the County in excess of the County's final share will be returned to the County without interest and the County agrees to pay to the City that amount of its final shaze which is "� in excess of the amount of the funds advanced by the County. 8. Upon completion of the work contemplated in paragraph 3 hereof, the City shall maintain and keep in repair the traffic control signal systems with street lights, signs and Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption systems including electrical power costs in accordance with the "Joint Powers AgreemenP', County Boazd Resolution 93-643, dated November 23, 1993 entered into by and between the City and the County including subsequent amendments to attachment G. 95024- 2 ��- aa�� 9. All timing and related adjustrnents of the traffic control signals shall be determined by the City through its Traffic Engineer, and no changes shall be made to these adjustrnents without the approval of the City. 10. Any and all persons engaged in the maintenance work to be performed by the City shall not be considered employees of the County, and any and all ciaims that may arise under the Worker's Compensation Act of this State on behalf of those employees so engaged, and any and all claims made by any third pariy as a consequence of any negligent act or omission on the part of those employees so engaged on ariy of the work contemplated herein shall not be the obligation and responsibility of the County. 11. The parties agree to defend, indemnify and hold each other harmless from any claims, demands, actions or causes of action, arising out of any act or omission by the parly, its subcontractor, partners or with relation to any of the work or services to be performed or furnished by the party, its subcontractors, partners, or independent contractors or any of their agents, or employees, under the terms of this agreement. Nothing herein shall constitute a waiver by either party of any limitations of liability provided by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466 or other applicable law. 95024- 3 °1�-aa� IN VJITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signatures. Recommended for approval: CITY OF ST. PAUL, NII SOTA / ' R�� �Zt�l������ Directo of P ic Works Approved as to Form: �,��J�/�- St. Paui City Attorney � Date: ��� Date: ����� : Its: Date � �,� n ���'��"\�� Director o£Financial an� d vX Management 5ervices COUNTY OF RAMSEY Reco d r approval: � �C%6 / �i � _ By: aul L. rkwold, P.E. Chairperson Director, Ramsey County Board of County Commissioners Public Works Deparhuent Approved as to Fo Assistant County Attorney Date: ( .. ( i'— '} !� �,9',._,k;�._J Ram ey County Risk Management Date: �� q �Q �y �— Attest: : Date: Chief Clerk-County Board 95024-4