96-213Council Rile # ' Z, Ordinance # Green Sheet # 34935 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �l9 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That applicant (ID#8-04567) for a new State Class B Gambling Premise Permit by Children's Program of Northern Ireland at Smokey`s, 499 Payne Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved. 1 2 3 Yeas Nays Absen 4 Bae� 5 Gaerzn � 6 a H � rz _ s � 7 Me ard ✓ 8 Re an ✓ 11 9 T une � Bostrom 12 13 Adopted by Council: Date e�.Q' 14 15 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 16 17 18 By: 19 20 Appr 21 22 23 By: 24 Requested by Department of: • - -:_- �_•- •r= -.�• � •�,i-� - -� B ��.,v �'� 'k�'L_/ Form Approved by City Attorney � Bp: .� � i` �ct.. � GLPn^-eA Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: - 1 �e"�13 :eic ieie ' _ . DEPARTMENT/OFFIC NCIL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEE �O 34935 INRIAUOATE INfTIAIJDA7E CO � ERSON & PHONE � DEPARTMENi D�RE � CI7V COUNCIL ASSIGN � GRV ATTOFNEY � CRY CLERK MU L A (D ) NIiYBER FOP ❑ BUDGEf �IPECTOF O PIN. 8 MGT. SEflVICES DIR. RWTING Q 6 OROER a MqYOFi (OR ASSISTANn � 1 TOTAL # OF SIGfiATIlRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� ncnow acauESreo: Joe Reid on behalf of Children's Program of Northern Ireland requests Council approval of their application fof a new state Class B Gambling Premise Permi.t at Smokey's, 499 Payne Avenue (ID�� 04567) RECOMMENDnTIONS: npprove (A) w Fejea (R) pERSONAL SEFiViCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS:- __ PLANNING COMMISSION� _ CiVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION t, Has ihis perso�rtn ever worked under a contract for Mis dapartment? - _ GIB COMMITTEE _ YES "NO —��� 2. Has �his per5on/firm evar been a ciry empl0yee? — YES NO _ DISTAtC7 COUR7 _ 3. Ones this Qersonttirm possess a skill not normall y possessed 6y any currem city empWyee? SUPPORTS WNICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE7 YES NO Explain all yes enswers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INIT7ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORNNITY (Who. Whffi. When, Where, Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTqGE$ IF APPR�YE�: DISADVAN7AGES IF NOTAPPFOVED' "a8'a�:335s,� ...__.,...�:'�: ��%,?L4 i p° J Z P?.'.',�?y,'�i TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) . Greensheet # 34935 In Tracker? License ID # B-045b7 L.I.E.P. REVIEVN CHECKLIST Date: / �L -�`�� APP'n Received / APP'n Processed CompanyName_ s�:'��e�'s ��eg�a� e€ �ie�thor^ �r��-�^a DBA:�r,;i,�,-o.,�� v,-„ r,f_ Nnrtharn Traland BusinessAddresss:�,4o na�� d��onno 4CTI(IICP��R BusinessPhone: 92o-452n Contact Name/Address: Joe Reid Home Phone: 266-8553 P.O. Box 2098 St. Paul, MN 55107 Date to Council Research: '� Public Hearing Date: � 3/ S/ � Nottce Sent to Applicant: Labels Ordered: District Councii #: Notice Sent to Public: Ward #: Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney Q ,� Environmentai Health �� Fire �/C� �IC2f1S@ Site Plan Received: Lease Received: �'l�/�b ��� Police o ,L Zoning Q � �t c. - �.�� LG214 P�+) � / MinrtesoYa Lawful Gambling Premises Permit Application - Part 1 of 2 Renewal Organization base license number 0 4 5 6 7 New Premises permi[ number FOR SOARD USE ONLY BASE # PP � FEE CHECK INITIALS DATE Class of premises pertnit (eheck one) � A($400) PulFtabs, tipboards, paddlewhsels, mffles, bingo � B($250) Pull-tabs, tipboards, paddlewheets, raffies ❑ C ($Z00) Bingo only ❑ D ($150) Raffies only C P of Northern Ireland Business Address of Organiution - Street or P. O Box (Do not use the address of your gambling manager) PO Box 2�98 St. Paul Joe:;Reid PresidenC 12i 920-3520 �(i 12 �266-8553 s++++Kv vwtwavua - - If applying for a class A or C permi�, flll in days and be� *+i a& ending hours of bingo o�casions: No more than seven bingo occasions may be conducted by your organization per week. Day -� BeginningjEnding Houxs Day BeginninglEnding Hours Day Beglnnfng /Ending Aours � to If bingo will not be conducted, check heze � Name of eslabiishment where gambling wili be conductetl SVeet Atltl�eSS (tlo fwt U5e a pOSt ottice boX nUrtlbe�j Smokey's 499 Payne Ave St. Pau1 Is the premises Iocated within ciry limitsl (� Yes O No If no, is township � organized � unorganized 0 unincorporated City and Counry where gambGng premises is located OR Township and Counry where gambling premises is lopted if outside oi cify fimits SC. Paul Ramsey I � nd acwress oi iegai owner ot premises ciry / acace up wc ��i�C_ �'j�r'7 � �� I`�ni( `�(� jj�Q �r organization own ihe buildng where the gambling will be conducted? 0 YES � NO If rw, attach the folbwing: � ' a copy of the Iease (form LG202) with terms for at leazt one year. • a copy of a sketch of the floor plan with dimensions, sfiowing what portion is being leased. A lease and sketch ate not required for Class D applications. MN 55107 Ramsey your gambfing manager) Title 499 Payne Ave St Paul MN Minnesofa Lawfut Gambiing � ` ' �'� Premise Permit Application - Part 2 of 2 Bank Name Bank Account Number Cherokee Sta2e Bank �263� Bank Address City State Z�p Code 675 Randoloh Ave St Paul N(rI 55104 Patrick Leahy 578 Cherokee Ave St Paul MN 55107 Gambling Mana�er Michele Edwards 2270 Dodd Road, Mendota Heights, MN 55{20 Diane Tanner Widgeon Way, Eagan, MN 55123 Se Gambling Site Authorl2atioa •I am the chief executive officer of the organization; I hereby consent that bcal law enforcement officers, the .� assume full responsibiliry for the fair and lawful opera- 6oard or ageMS of the board, or the commissioner of tion of all adivities to be conduded; revenue or public safety, or agents of the commissioners, .� Will familiarize myself with the laws of Minnesota may enter the premises to enforce the law. governing lawful gambling and rules of the board and Bank ReCOrds Iaformation agree, 'rf licensed, to abide by those laws and rules, The board is authorized to inspeet tha bank records of the ��cluding amendments to them; gambling account whenever necessary to fultill •any changes ia application information will be submittsd requirements of current gam6ling rules and Iaw. to the board and bcal unit of government wi[hin 10 days Oath ofi the change; and I dedare that: •I understand that failure to provide required information •I h3`r5 T^e30 :hi� Gpp!!caticn and alf iniormation suSmtted or providing fatse or mis{eading information may sesult in to the board is true, accurate and complete; the denial or revocation of the license. •all other required information has been fully disdased; Signature of chief executive officer Date G � C .�,s�-� l�'1 �%e..c�L /' / �— l � 1. Tne city'must sign this appl'�cation B the gambling prem- ises is focated within city limits. 2. The county'•AND township" must sign this appfication if the gambling premises is located within a township. 3. The bca{ unit government {city or counry) must pass a resolution specifically approving or denying this appl'�cation. Ciry or County Name 4. .�r4py9S the local unit of gQvernment's resolution a� pmvino this aaolication must be attached to this a�plication 5. B this application is denied by the bcal unit of government, it should not be submitted to the GambGng Control Board. Townshlp: By signature below, the township acknowfedges that the organization is applying for a premises permit within township limits. Township Name SignaNre of person receiving appti�atiort ` SignaNre of person receiving application Title I Date Received I Tide i Date Aeceived � Refer to the instructions fw required aUachme�ts. Mail to; Gamb�ing Control Baard Rosewood Piaza South, 3rd Floor 17N W. Counry Road B Rosevllle, MN 55113 LG274(Part 2) tag.7asvti Joe Reid 2039 Portland Ave, St Paul, MN 55104 President