a ' , a��q� City of St. Paul
Resolution Ratifying and Confirming
Condemnation and Awards of Damages
and Assessment Therefor
In the matter of
Commencing at the intersection of the center lincs of Wabasha aad Fourth
SVeeu as sbowa on the recorded plat of the City of St Pau�, Ramsey County,
Minnesota, said interseaion more speci5cally described az being tbe following
point in the Ramsey County Coordinate System as published by the Rauuey
County Public Works Department, Land Survey Division, final adjustment
December 17, 1991, based upon the North American Datum of 1983 (1956
adjustment) (Y-coordinate = 156192.903 feet and X-coordinate = 575004.021
feet); t6ence South 34 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds Eazt (all bearings
berein being per said Ramsey Counry Coordinate System) along the center
line of said Wabasba Street, 351.44 feet to the following point in said Ramsey
County Coordinate 5ystem (Y-coordinate = 155903.433 feet and X-coordinate
= 575203314 feet); t6ence North SS degrees 41 minutes 11 seconds East, 0.49
feet to the point of be nnin of tbe center line to be described; t6ence South
34 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East 119.60 feet; thence South 32 degrees
23 minutes 47 seconds East 547.99 feet and there terminating.
underAdr,_ __,___._ __
5, 1995
approved August 23, 1995
A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the
above improvement, and the award of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the
Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified
by the signature of the Director of Finance and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such
lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the sazne is hereby in all respects
ratified and confirmed.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified,
and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation.
Yea�s� Nays
✓x�a ris
VPi�e ard
1/I�e,,t tman
�i Eiune
�In Favor
Adopted by the Council: Date � � r q L
Certified Passed by Council Secretary
By �
.;cqui a permanent over ea bridge e2eaeat o��er tbat p2rt oi Go��et*.s�ent I,ots 1 znd
2, SeC�on 6, Touvship � T'onh, Rza;� 22 �\'es; Ra..sey County, N.i�esot� desrn'bed �
That poroon of \l'zter St;eet lying no;.� of ihc sou�erly proposed ret2ining
w•zll to snpport tbe elevated zpproach tr�cu, �d eanending fror� a!:ae drzwa
fron the souiheasterly wmer of Block Tnirp�•nine (39) in St Paul Proper,
Rzauey CounN, Nunnesota, and zt rigbt zngles to tbe soutberly line of stid
block, to tbe cenler of V�'2basba Sveet; tbe southerly line of s�d retaini�g
N .� b��g mo; � pyreicu]zrly desrnbed zs follow5: Beginning zt a point on a
line draw�n at rigbt 2ngles to cbe southerly ]ine of Block thirty-niDe (59) in szid
St Paul Proper, znd for��•5ve �d founeea bundredths (45.15) feet soutberly
from t1�e soutbe2terly corner of stid bloc3:; tbence continuing szid line K•hich
beus South ni�eny-aine (29) de�ees �d 5fty (50) minutes Est, thi� �}' �nd
siu bund;ect�s (�0.65) feet; thence South 5fry-sevea de,,srees 2nd v.�o
ninutes \t'est, thsee bundred nine,ee� znd <_iary-eiebt bundredths (379.65)
feet; theace'�'onh'uirtytwo (32) de,�ees znd n.`ty•eight (5fi) �utes West,
twelve 2nd nine7�•5ve bun� edths (12.95) feet; tbeace South 5,��•sevea (S i)
de�ees and two (2) mi�utes West, ei�ry-six �d ninety-eiebt bund;edths
(56.98) feet; tbence on a curve to tbe r'p.bt u�ith a radius of t}uee ibous�d
four buadred ttree �d six tenths (5=.03.6) feet znd t�gent to tbe lut
mentioned covse eigbt bundred fi.`ty-nine znd eigDtynine tuLdrea.� (S54.S9j
feet; thence Soutb seven��-one (71) degees znd t�iry�-one {31) sinutes N'est,
two hundred fi,`y-5v� znd eiebteen �udtedths (255.IS) `eet, w'hich li�e
puses nortb of zad four znd fif�'-eigbt Dudredthc (4S8) feet from t;;e cen,er
of �he e�ter7y pedestal of �e \�'zbzha Sueet br,'dge pier <_iandiag neu the
rive: bznk; tbence on a curve to tLe le:t Mitb a r2dius of 5ve tbousznd seven
bundred nineteen z^.d sutyfive bund; e�.hs (5719.65) feet a�ad tzngeat to :be
lut menboned cow-se iwelve zvd 5ve-ten•� (125) feet to an interser�oa v.�th
tbe center line of Wzbu�a SveeL
eacepting the.efrom �e following decc7ibed Fxception 1:
All tbzt pzrt of I.ou 1 throvgh 6, indu;��e, Block 36 and Lou 1, 2�d 3,
Block 37, of tbe Ciry of St Pzul znd of �•��ted Cedu Street znd Wzter Sveet
adjzcent to stid Blods ih�t is encomp�sed by a line desrnbed �s follow•s:
Begnning zt tbe Southwesterly corncr of sxid B3ock 36; tbence ;.'onh 33
degrees 53 minutes 03 seconds West, zlong the V�'esterly line of stid Blocl: 56,
for 69.i1 feet to a point tbat is 40.0 feet Southezster)y of ibe h'onhu�est I
corner of sad Block 36; tbence I�`onb �8 degrees 03 minutes i7 secoads East
for 23.09 feet to a point tbzt is 25.07 feet Sou'wesly of tbe ?�`onberly line of I
Block 36, w�ben mezsured at rigbt angles to szid J.'or.berly line of Block 36;
tbence 2�`oril� 72 degrees 57 minutes S7 seconds Fzs� paza11e1 to the No:tberly `
line of Block 36, foz �50.85 fect; �eace :.'onh 64 degees 30 miautes 78 �� I
secondc Fast for 162.12 feet to tbe intersection u�th �e SouiSwesterly
ea7ension of t6e No:.bwe<terly line of B1ock 37; tbence Nonh 60 degrees 14
min utes 07 secoad5 Ezst, zlong said eatension and stid TToruw�esterly line, for
186.96 feet to a point that is 17.60 feet NortLeuterly of tbe Northerly comer
of stid Lot 2, Block 37; thence South 29 degees 46 minutes 04 seconds F.zst
for 10535 feet to a point tf�at u 10.0 feet, u�ben meazured at rigbt ang]es,
from the centerline of the Chicago znd Nonh lVestem Transponation
Company Track ICC No. 3; tbence South 60 degees 18,minutes V�'est,
parallel to said track, for 1�333 feet; thence to the right on a cun�e that hu
a radius of 771.54 feet for 5.25 feet to a point oa the Southwestezly line of
Block 37 tLat is 6�2 feet A'orthwesterly of �e Soutberly co�er of said Block
37; thence continuing Southwesterly on szid curve fo: 93.52 feet to a point on
we Ezsterly line of Block 35 that u 4.12 teet Nonhwesterly of tt�o Soutberly
comer of Block 36; theace continuing Sou:hwesterly on said curve for 48.73
feet to fl�e end of s2id cvrve; tt�ence South 71 degrees 15 minntes Wes; on
tzngent to stid curve, for 1.37 fect to a point on tbe Wester3y line of Lot 6,
Block 36, that is 1.08 feet Northerly of tbe Southwest comer of szld Lot 6;
tbence continuing South 71 degees 15 minutes West for 37.14 feet to a point
on tbe Soutberly ]ine of Lot 5 that is 13.97 feet Ezsterly of the Southwest
comer; tbence conrinuing South il degrees 15 minutes li'est for 229.47 feet
to the interseccion of the Southeasterly eartension of the Nesur]y line of Block
36; t2�ence Nonh 33 degrees 53 minutes 03 seconds \�'es� zloag stid
extension, fot 7.53 feet to tbe point of beginniag, according to the recorded
plat thereo� znd situa.e in Ramsey County, ?�ii�esota
w•hich lies u2tbin a 13Q.0� :oot w�ide suip of land, tbe center line of which is desmbed as
Commencing zt the interseaion of tl�e center lines of «'zbzsha znd Founh
Sueeu as sbov.v on che recorded piat of tbe Ciry of St. Paul, Rz�ey Counry,
h5innesota, svd intersection mo7e speci5ca11y described as being tbe following
point in the Ras�cey Counry Coordinz�e S��stem u published by tbe Ramey
County Public 1'�'or}•s Department, I.and Swvey Division, 5nal adjustment
December 17, 1991, ta�ed upon tbe Noril� American Datum of 1953 (1956
adjustment) (Y-coordinate = 156192.903 feet 2nd X-coordinate = 575DP+'.021
feet); thence SoutL 34 degrees 32 minuies 47 seconds F�st (all bearings
berein being per said Ramsey County Coordinate S?5tem) a]ong tbe center
line of said Wabuha Stree; 351.A4 feet to the following point in said Rzmsey
County Coordinate System (Y-coordinzte = 155903.433 feet and X-coordinate
= 575203314 feet); tbence :�'orth 55 degrees 41 minutes ll seconds Eazt, 0.49
feet to tbe point of bep�nning of the center line to be descnbed; tbence South
34 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East 119.60 feet; thence South 32 dep�ees
23 minvtes 47 seconds Fzst 547.99 feet and there termin2ting;
A:ong u�t;� tbat p2ri of Govemment Iot Z, Section 6, Touvship 28 \onh, R�ge 22 \�,�est,
Rasiey County, D4inaeco:�, deccribed zs follou�s:
��D —�/�
Commencing zt a poini in t6t center line of Nabzsba Sveet in ihe City of St
Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesot� nor�h of and nineteen feet distant from the
center ]ine of tl�e main track of tt�e St Paul and Sioi:x City Railroad
constructed and sbowv on a map bereto appended; thence wesh��azdly and
pazzliel to said center line of stid r2ilroad track to a point in tbe prolongzvoa
southwudly of t6e east line of Block Ibirty-five in the Orianzl Towv of SL
Paul, as platted and on file in the of£ce of tl�e Regisier of Deeds of tbe
County of Rz.mcey 2nd State of Minnesota, wbicb point is nineteen feet from
the szid center line of said railroad track znd twenty feet southerly from tbe
southeut comer of stid Block 7 hirty-five (SS); thence westw•udly, parallel to
and twenty feet dist2nt from the south line of stid Block Thir;y-5ve (35), one
hundred feet, moie or less, to tbe west line of land ouved by said Elizzbeth
W. Whitaae; tbena soutta•azdly on che stid last n�.med line proloaged to cbe
center of the c�annel of tbe Mississippi River; thence dowv tbe center of stid
cbannel eastu�zrdly to tLe center line of Wabasba Street prolonged; tt�ence
nonhwestv.�asdly along the said center lina of WzbasSa SVeet, to the place of
excepting tberefrom the follox�ing descnbed Exceptions I and 2:
Exception 1
All tbat pzrt of \�'zter Svee� St Peter Sveet znd Wabz<�a Street and of pzrt
of the Sou;hwest Quzner of the 2.`or.heast Quaster (also l�owa as
Goverament Lot 2) of SerSon 6, ToKU�hip 28 ?ior,h, Rzege 22 West, R�ey
Cowty, Minnecotz, thzt is encompasced by a line desmbed u follou�s:
Commencing zt the Southwesterly comer of I,ot 6 of Auditor's Scbdivision
2�'0. ?S; chence Sov:h 34° 09' East, zlong :be E�terly line of St. Petez Street,
for 22.05 feet to a point thxt is 20.0 fee2 Soutberly of the Southerly line of
Lou 1 throueh 6, of szid Auditor's Subdi�ision No. 25, wben mezsured zt
rigbt ang]es to said Southerly line; tbena South SO° 45' A'es� pualle] to stid
Southerly line of Lou 1 through 6, for 33,07 feet to the centerline of St. Peter
Stree; also being the point of be nnin of tbe line to be decaibed; thence
South 34° 09' Ezst, along said centerline, for 59.76 feet to a point tbzt is 10.0
feet from tbe centerline of C�icago znd Nortb VJestem Tra�poriation
Company ICC Track No. 1, wben me2sured at rigbt angles ;o said centerline;
tbence Nortb 71° 15' Ezs; pazallel to stid vzck, for 328.08 feet; thence
?��onh 26° 06' R'est for 6J2 feet; tf�ence South 71° 02' S4" West for 37.56
feet to a point tbat is 20.0 feet from tho Southerly line of Lou 1 tbrough b of
said Auditor's Subdivision I�TO. 25, when measured zt right angles to sud
Southerly line; thence South 80° 45' West, puzllel to szid Southerly line of
Lou 1 throuy,b 6, for 3Q9.47 feet to tbe point of be, �nning.
a ;,
p11 tbat part of \Vzte: Sveet, Saint Peter �e��Qw�e�b(�oeel�o � �
of :be Sou�west Qu�er of cbe
Government Lot 2) of Section 6, Toavship 28 :� o�, R�S° ���est, Ramsey
�unty, Minnesota, that is encompzssed by a line desrn�bed zs follo��s:
Commencing at the Southwesterly wrner of Lot 6 of Auditor's Subdivision
To, 25; thence South .i4 09' F,�st, along tbe E�sterly line, of Saint Petez
Strtet, a distance of 22•OS feet to a point that is 20.OD feet Southerly oµ� n
Sout} ez}y �e of Lots 1 through 6, of said Avdiior's SubdivuSon No.25.
measu7ed zt right angles to said Soutberly line; tl�ence Soutl� 80° 45' WESC,
p�ra11e1 to said Southerly line of I.ou 1 through 6, a disYance of 33.07 feet to
tte center line of Saint Peter Sveet; t6ence Soutb 34° 09' �st, 21ong said
center line a dist�nce of 59.76 feet to a point that is 10.0 feet from the center
lzne of ICC Track No. 1, u'ben m�fasuTea `t ber�e'm to be desrnbed; nce
K .y�� y� �e point of beginning P P T�' �
?�'onh 71 15' FJast, Pu�11e1 to said vacY, a distance of 328.08 .eet, tbence
South 2b 06' �t a�`tance of 1.51 feet; 8�ence South 71° 1S West,
pxrallel to svd tracl; a distance of 327.56 feet; tt�ence Nonh 34° 09' West,
zlong tt�e center line of Saint Peter Sueet, a distsnce of 1.56 feei to the point
of beginnin3•
w�hich lies nortberly of tbe souih wa11 of tbe ele��ated railw�sy ssac}a as described in
Document No. 521622, w7vc5 soutih W°a11 is more p2rtia=lzrlY described therein u foUows:
gey',,�nning at a point on a 1'sne drawv zt ri¢,�t angles to tbe Soutterly line of '
Hlock 39, in St Paul Proper, Ramsey County, ?�'iinnesota, aad 45.14 feet
Soutberly from tbe Sovthezsterly comer of said Block; tbence continuing said
7ine whicb bezrs South 29° 50' Fat �0.68 feet; tbence South 57 2' �'�'est
319.68 feet; tbence ;�onh 32° 5g� �Vest 12.95 feet; thence South 57° 2' West
56.98 feet; �enca on a curve to tbe right M�i�h a r2dius of 3403.b feet and
tangent to tbe ]zst menrioned course 859.59 feet; tbence Soutb 71° 31' West
255.18 feet, which line puses Nonh of and 458 feet from tbe center of ibe
Eutezly pedestal of tbe Wzbuha Street bridge pier stznding neaz the ri��ei
b � � on a�n ip the Jeft wlth a radiiu of 5719.65 feet and tzngent
to t6e last mentioned couise, 332.18 feet; thence South 68° 11' Vdest 44022
feet; chence on a curve to the left wz� a radiiu of 3755.78 feet and tangent
to the last mentioned course, 76.08 feet to a point on tbe Souct�eriy line of
Blvck 43 in Ri�e znd u`'mes Addition to St Paul, w'hicb point is 241.81 feet
from she Easterly corner of said Block
and which lies u�itbin a 130.00 foot w9de svip of land, tSe center line of which is described
as follou5: t `
�� ��
City of St. Paul � � �',��� �
Report of Director of Finance
on Condemnation of Lands
In thematier of
� COUNCIL FIi;�NO.' ` "! — � °�' � �
� ' �=
g ,
FIle No. ' i'u % 54i
Commencing at the intersection of the center lincs of Wabuha and Fourth
Streeu as shown on the recorded plat of the City of SL Paul, Ramsey County,
Minvesota, said interseccion more specifically described as being the following
point in the Ramsey County Coordinate System u publisbed by tt�e Ramsey
County Public Works Department, Land Survey Divisioa, final adjustment
December 17, 1991, bazed upon tl�e Nortb American Datum of 1983 (1986
adjustment) (Y-coordinate = 156192.903 feet and X-coordinate = 575004.021
feet); thence South 34 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East (all bearings
herein being per said Ramsey County Coordinate System) along the center
line of said Wabasba SVeet, 351.44 feet to the following point in said Ramsey
County Coordinate System (Y-coordinate = 155903.433 feet and X-coordinate
= 575203.314 feet); thence North 55 degrees 41 minutes 11 seconds East, 0.49
feet to tbe point of beginning of the center line to be described; tbence South
34 degees 32 minutes 47 seconds Eut 119.6� feet; thence South 32 degrees
23 minutes 47 seconds East 547.99 feet and tbere termiLating.
under A
The Director of Finance heTeby reports:
approved �'��� ga ��`��
approved 4 ��u� � 23, 'x�39�
That he has fixed and determined the value of the 1and, lands or easements therein taken and appropciated for the
above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefoz to the owneis theieof, and the persons to whom
such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the aznount of benefits to property, from the making of
said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that attached is an assessment roll entiUed as above and identified
with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters.
Dizector of Finance
�� � �'�� �
Notice of Hearing in Condemnation
In the matter of ���
FileNo. ��'��+u
Commencing at the intersection of the center lines of Wabasha znd Fourth
Streeu u shown on the recorded plat of tbe City of St Paul, Ramsey County,
Jviinnesota, said intersedion more speci5caily described as being the following
point in the Ramsey County Coordinate System as published by the Ramsey
County Public Works Department, Land Survey Division,� Snal adjustment
December 17, 1991, based upon the Nonh American Datum of 1983 (1986
adjustment) (Y-coordinate = 156192.903 feet and X-coordinate = 575004.021
feet); thence South 34 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds Eazt (all bearings
herein being per said Ramsey County Coordinate System) along the center
line of said Waba�ba Street, 351.k4 feet to the following point in said Ramsey
County Coordinate System (Y-coordinate = 1559�3.433 feet and X-coordinate
= 575263.314 feet); thence North 55 degrees 41 minutes 11 seconds East, 449
feet to tlse point of be nnin of tbe center line to be described; thence South
34 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East 119,60 feet; thence South 32 degrees
23 minutes 47 seconds East 547.99 feei and tbere terminating.
under A
PreliminaryOrder ��'��� approved ^��' `�_ ����
FinalOcdec 35°J.ii13 aPProverl rlui;c�^ai. �3 =�,a5
Notice is heieby given that a public hea�ing wiil be had befoTe the Council of the City of St. Paul, in the CouncIl
Chambez, in the Couit Hause in the City of St. Paul, on the day of
, at ten dclock A.M.,upon the report of the Director of Finance
as to the amount of damages to be awarded to the owner or owners of the lands or easements therein, to be appropriated
for the above improvements, and the persons to whom such awards were payable and for the confirmation of such awards,
aiso upon the assessment of benefits to the property from the making of said improvement.
Qbjection, to the taking of such lands oi easements therein, or the awards of damages therefoc must be in waiting
and filed with the Councff at the time herein fixed for said hearing, or with the City Cleik piioz theieto.
City of St. Paul
Ditector of Finance
PUBLIC HEARING DATE: February 28, 1996 RE 02-23-96 GST� Ja �1
F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVIS{ON Date: 2-23-46 Gre� She� l�iumber: 34103
, Yf�a�¢ ad P600e � A1TiDRIV6Y Q.F�
�e�s .FRg
.< Pda Whi[e / Joan " Z6G-RHSO � D1REC1'OR & MGl: SVG DIR.
YOR (ORASS6S1'i1N1) 1 UN�. Rffi�AR�
�t be on Cauoo7 Agadaly Fct¢oazy 26,1996
o approve AMENDLllll ORDER for the condemnation and award of damages for property rights taken as
art of the constraction of the Wabasha Bridge & Navy (Raspberry) Island Bridge.
ce File #18794E
rtntamvc co�ffioN A � xas rn� pe�on/6m ever.w�d o� a mnt� for rms a�tment? YES xo
(1VII, SBRVICE ODM[�.ffiON Has tLis peaa�/Grm eva bern a Gty empbyu? YES NO
Does tLis peison/f� po�ess a still not mtmaU9 P� 1 9 �9
(7B COMI1ff17FE _ Qmeot LSty empto9x? YES NO
' all Yffi �stcea w a se�ate sbeet sod atlach
' covxcn.wnxn�s� y nsrxicrru+��covi.tc�„ 39.17
TIIdG PROBIEM, r�m OPPORTU[�ff1Y (Who What, �a. �K. �J'x .
- vnxrn� m.�rrxovm:
nrsovrrror�s�xar�sncsiort: $10,500 oosr/xev�w�svnGEmn<cmcaasor� xrs rw
INGSOUR(� C96 A�T�vnyN�a��:
c�u. n�oxiunuo� ��innv�
Public Hearing Date February 28, 1996
F.M.S./REAL ES�'ATE DI Y1SiON Date 1-26-96
'e�on and PLone Nombet
White or Jnan Ortiz
„ � y
- -' -_ ��
RE 1-26-96
� -� � � :_ ���, � � • ,
:u..iv.i � �: - yu : ■ w •. �•i
_ � . �.. ■.r�r' Y :!: :
Ci:1 �I:'NU: ■I'I 11•
•: �: s.\6Ya�lY e.. . .
�c�an�� Febrnary 7, 1996 to schednie a hering date of F eb r aary 28, 1996.
condemnation and award of damages for a permanent bridge easement tak,en as part of the
iction of the Wabasha Street Bridge. �nance File #18794 E
� i 7u�1�' ��..�„��.�.
, A N-••• � , xt+�, �xvic� corrr�crs Musrn�swr��rou.own�cr
A Sr � FIx the pusa�f£am eva w�ced �da a aoo�¢ foi dus dcpaement? YPS xo
Hac ihis pc�on/Srm evcr been a Gty tmpdoyee? YES NO
Does mis peaaa/f� po�c a st�l mt m�allypas�sed by any
_ G4aeat l5ty empb9ee? YES NO
' all YES mswea on a seoeratc shea md atrac6.
covivcn,wnxn�s� Z DISTRICPPIANI�IGCOUN(1I. 3, 9, 17
bridge easement is needed over railroad pmperty to construct the Wabasha 5treet Bridge.
project will proceed as planned.
to the pmperty owner.
Bridge plans would have to be revised at a major cost to the City.
, �,..'
�;��'a���`� . ��
,;, �� ����
w i: i'�
�vrni,niuovxrorTCenrisacIIOx $10,50(I.OQ
UNDINGSOURCE �(-2r.S10^�-�^��-�0
�� J 1 ' JI rl' r.• � I'
Item 47 Reason for amendment: S' ���
s��ar K��„a...;
The railroad asked the City amend the resolution by including the word "overhead" in front of
the word easement on the first line. The railroad wanted to ensure that it wouldn't be running p�(,'�
over their tracks. It's fine with Peter White.
(This clarification was from Peter White, Real Estate Division)
Acquiring a permanent bridge easement over tfiat patt of Government Lou 1 az}d 2, Section
6, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey Connty, Minnesota, describ�'d as follows:
That portion of Water Street lying nonh of the southerly propos retaining
wall to support the elevated approach tracks, and eatending fro a line drawn
from the southeasterly comer of Block Thirty-nine (39) in $t. Paul Proper,
Ramsey County, Minnesota, and at rigkrt angles to the sou�Serly line of said
block, to the center of Wabasha Sheet; the southerly liye of said retaining
wall being more particu]azly desaibed u follows: Be ' g at a point on a
line drawn at right angles to the southerly line of Bl th�rty-nine (39) in said
St Paul Proper, and forty-five and fourteen hundre (45.14) feet southerly
from the southeasterly comer of said block; then continuing said ]ine which
bears South twenty-nine (29) degrees and fifty 0) minutes East, thirty and
sixty-eight bundredths (30.68) feet; tUena So fifiy-seven degrees and two
minutes West, three hundred nineteen an sixry-eight hundredths (319.68)
feet; ihence North thirty-two (32) degrees d fifty-eight (38) minutes West,
twelve and ninety-five hundredths (12.95 feet; thence South fifty-seven (57)
degrees and hvo (2) minutes West, ty-six and ninety-eight hundredths
(86.98) feet; thence on a curve to th right witb a radius of three thousand
four hundred three and s'vc tenth� (3403.6) feet and tangent to the last
mentioned covrse eight bundred fi,fYy-nine and eighty-nine hundredtbs (859.89)
feet; thence South se�enty-one (�1) degrees and thirty-one (31) minutes West,
two hundred fifiy-five and ghteen hundredths (255.18) feet, which line
passes north of and four and �fty-eight hundredtUs (458) feet from tl�e center
of the easterly gedestal of xhe Wabasha Sheet bridge pier standing neaz tlse
river bank; tLence oa a yvrve to the lefr witL a radius of five thousand seven
hundred nineteen and�s5cty-five hundredths (5719.65) feet and tangent to the
last mentioned cours� twelve and five-tentUs (12.5) feet to an intersection with
the center line of yVabasba Street
excepting therefrom ttr� following descn'bed Fxcepvon 1:
ce ri
All tLat p of I.ots 1 tluough 6, inc3usive, Block 36 and Lots 1, 2 and 3,
Block 37 f the Qty of St Paul and ofvacated Cedar Street and Water Sueet
adjace to said Blocks that is encompassed by a line described as follows:
Be at the Southwesterly cqmer af said Block 36; thence North 33
degr es 53 minutes 03 seconds West, along fl�e WesterIy line of said Block 36,
fo 69.71 feet to a point t6at is 40.0 feet Swtteasterly of tLe Northwest
mer of said Block 36; thence North 38 degrees 04 minutes 17 seconds East
for 23.09 feet to a point that is 25.07 feet Souttierly of the Northerly line of
j Block 36, when measured at right angles to said Nortberly line of Block 36;
� thence North 72 degrees 57 minutes 57 seconds East, pazallel to the Northerly
line of Block 36, for 150.85 feet; theace North 64 degrees 30 minutes 18
! 1
saconds East for 16212 feet to the inte�ection with tl�e Soutbwesterly
extension of the Northvresterly line of Block 37; ffience North 60 degees 14
minutes 07 seconds East, along said extension and said Northwesterly line, for
186.96 feet to a point that is 17.60 feet I3onheasterly of the Northerly corner
of said I.ot 2, Block 37; thence South 29 degees 46 minutes 04 seconds East
for 105.35 feet to a point that is 10.0 feet, whea meuured at right angles,
from tl�e centerline of the Chicago and Nonh Westem Transportation
Company Track ICC No. 3; thence South 6U degrees 18 minutes West,
pazallel to said uack, for 10333 feer, thence to the rigLt on a curve that has
a radius of 771.84 feet for 5.25 feei to a point on t6e Southwesterly line of
Block 37 that is 6.52 feet Northwester]y of the Southerly comer of said Block
37; t]�ence continuing Southwesterly on said curve for 9352 feet to a point on
the Easterly line of Block 36 t1�at is 4.12 feet Northwesterly of the SoutLer]y
comer of Block 36; thence contint Southwesterly on said curve for 48.73
feet to the end of said curve; tl�ence South 71 degrees LS minutes West, on
tangent to said curve, for 137 feet to a point on the Westerly line of Lot 6,
Block 36, that is 1.08 feet Nort6erly of tlie Southwest comer of said Lot 6;
tbence continuing Soutl� 71 degree515 minutes West for 37.14 feet to a point
on tl�e Southerly line of Lot 5 that is 13.97 feet Easterly of the Southwest
comer, thence continuing South 71 degrees 15 minutes West for 229.47 feet
to the intersection of the Southeasterly esteasion of the Westerly line of Block
36; tLence North 33 degrees 53 minutes 03 seconds West, along said
extension, for 753 feet to tbe point of beginning, according to the recorded
plat tLereo� and situate in Ramsey County, lvfinnesota-
wluch lies within a 130.00 foot wide strip of �and, the center line of whicl� is described as
Commencing at tLe intersectioa of the center lines of Wabasba and Fourch
Sueeu as shown on t6e recorded p]at of the G1ty of St Paul, Ramsey Counry
Minnesota, said intersection more specifically described as being the following
point in tbe Ramsey County Coordinate System az published by tbe Ramsey
County Public Works Department, Land Survey Division, final adjusunent
December 17, 1941, 6azed upoa the North American Datum of 1983 (1986
adjustrnent) (Y-coordinate = 156142.903 feet and X coordinate = 575004.021
feet); tSence South 34 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds £ast (all bearings
Lerein being per said Ramsey County Coordinate System) along the center
line of said Wabasha Street, 351.44 feet to tLe followiag point in said Ramsey
Connty Coordinate System (Y-coordinate = 155903.433 feet and X-coordinate
= 575203314 feei); flience Nor[h 55 degrees 41 minutes Si seconds East, O.A9
feet to tbe point of beginning of ttie centu line to be descdbed; theace South
34 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East 119.60 feet; tf�ence South 32 degrees
23 minutes 47 seconds East 547.99 feet and tl�ere terminating>
Along with fhat part of Government I.at 2, Section 6, Township 2g North, Range 22 West,
Ramsey County, Minnesota, desrnbed as follows:
Commencing at a point in tbe center line of Wabuha Street in the C1ty of St
P�1, Ran'Se3' County, Minnesota, north of and nineteen feet distant from the
center line of the main trac]c of the St Paul and Sioux City Railroad
conctrncted and shown on a map hereto appended;thence westwardiy ynd
Parailel to said center line of said railroad track to a point in the prolongation
southwarc7ly of the east line of Block Tliirty-5ve in the Original Town of St
Paul, u platted and on SIe in the of5ce of the Register of Deeds of the
County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, which point is nineteen feet from
the said center line of said railroad tracic and twenty feet southerly from tbe
southeast corner of said Block Thirty-five (35); thence westwazdiy, pazallel to
and tcventy feet distant from the south line of said B3ock'I'hirty-five (3�, one
hundred fee; more or less, to tl�e west line of land owned by said F_lizabeth
�'. Whitacre; thence southwazdly on the said last named line prolonged to the
center of the channel of the Mississippi River; thence down the center of said
�bannel eastward]y to the center line of Wabasha Street prolonged; thence
northwestwardly along ihe said ccnter line of Wabasha Street, to the place of
excepring therefrom the following desrn'bed Fxceptions 1 and 2:
All that part of Water Street, St Peter Sueet and Wabasha Stceet and of part
of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeact Qnarter (� �� �
Government Lot 2) of Section 6, Township Zg North, Range 22 West, Ramscy
CouMy, Minnesota, that is encompassed by a line descn'bed as follows:
Commencing at the Soutl�westeriy corner of Lot 6 of Auditor's Subdivision
No. 25; thence South 34° 09' East, ylong the Easterly line of St Peter Street,
for 22,05 feet to a point that is 2p,0 feet Southerly of the Southerly line of
Lots 1 tluough 6, of said Auditor's Subdivision No. 25, when measured at
right angles to said Southerly line; th¢nce South 80' 45' West, pazallel to said
Souther]y line of Lou 1 through 6, for 33.07 feet to tbe centerline of SL Peter
Street, also being the point of beginning of the line to be described; t6ence
South 34° 04' East, along said centerline, for 59.76 feet to a point that is 10.0
feet from the centerline of Chicygo and North Westem Transportation
Company ICC Track No. 1, when measured at right angles to said centerline;
8�ence North 71° 15' East, pazallel to said track, for 328.08 Feet; thence
North 2b° 06' West for 6.72 feet; thence South 71° 02' S4' West for 37.86
feet to a point that is 20.0 feet from the Southerly line of Lots 1 through 6 of
said Auditor's Subdivision No. 25, when measured at right angles to said
Souther3y line• tLence South 80 45' West, parallel to said Souther]y line of
Lots 1 tLrougL 6, for 309.47 feet to the point of begianing,
Ex�cenrion 2
All that part of Water Street, Saint Peter Street and Wabasha Street and part
of the Southwest Quaner of tl�e Northeasi Quarter (aLso }mown as
Government Lot 2) of Secrion 6, Townslup 28 North, Range 22 Wes; Ramsey
County, Minnesota, that is encompassed by a line desrnbed as follows:
Commencing at the Southwesteily comer of Iot 6 of Auditor's Subdivision
No. 25; thence South 34 09' East, along the Easteriy line of Saint Peter
Stree; a distance of 22.05 feet to a point tLat is 20.00 feet Southerly of the
Swtherly line of Iou 1 through b, of said Auditor's Subdivision No. 25, wben
measured at rigl�t angles to said Southezly line; tt�ence South 80 45' West,
parallel to said Southerly line of I.ou 1 through 6, a distance of 33.o7 feet to
the center line of Saint Peter Street; tbence South 34° 09' East, along said
center line a distance of 59.76 feet to a point that is 10.0 feet from the center
line of ICC Track No. i, when measured at right angles to said center line,
which is 16e poim of beginning of property berein to be descn'bed; tbence
North 71° IS' East, pazallel to said Vack, a dittance of 328.08 feet, tl�ence
South 26 06' East a distance of 1S1 feet; thence Souffi 71 15' West,
parallel to said track, a distance of 327.86 feet; t6ence North 34 09' West,
along the center line of Saint Peter Street, a distance of 1.56 feet to the point
of beginning.
which lies norit�er]y of the south wall of the e3evated railway tracks as descnbed in
Document No. 521622, wlilch south wall is more particulazly desrn'bed tLerein az follows:
Beginning at a point on a line drawn at right angles to the Southerly line of
Block 39, in St Paul Proper, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and 45.14 feet
Southerly from the Southeazterly comer of said Block; ihence continuing said
line which bears South 29 50' East 30.68 feet; thence South 57 2' West
319.65 feet; thence North 32 58' West 1295 feet; thence South 57 2' West
86.98 feet; thence oa a curve to the right with a radius of 3403.6 feet and
tangent to the last mentioned course 859.89 feet; thence South 71° 31' West
255.18 fee; which line passes North of and 4S8 feet from the center of the
Easterly pedestal of the Wabuha Sueet bridge pier standing neaz the river
bank; thence on a curve to the Sefr with a radius of 5719.65 feet and tangem
to the last mentioned course, 332.18 feet; thence South 6S 11' West 44022
feet; thence on a curve to t6e lefr with a radius of 3785.78 feet and tangent
to the last mentioned course, 76.08 feet to a point on the Southerly line of
Block 43 in Rice and Irvines Addition to St Paul, which point is 241.81 feet
from the Fasterly comer of said Block
and which lies within a 130.00 foot wide strip of land, the center line of which is described
as follows:
City of St. Paul
Resolution Ratifying and Confirming
Condemnation and Awards of Damages
and Assessment Therefor
NV _� t.�v
� �LLi-•
B Y= — ��
FileNo. =�/ay�
In th : �
Commencing at the intersection of the center lines of Wabasha aad Fourth
Streeu as shown on the recorded plat of the (Sty of St Paul, Ramsey County,
Minnesota, said inteisection more specifically desrnbed u being the following
point in the Ramsey County Coordinate System az publisbed by tl�e Ramsey
County Public Works Deparmient, Iand Survey Division, final ad}'ustment
December 17, 1991, based upon the North American Datum of 1983 (1986
adjustment) (Y-coordinate = 156192.903 feet and X-coordinate = 575004.021
feet); thence South 34 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East (all bearings
berein being per said Ramsey County Coordinate System) along the center
line of said Wabasba Sireet, 351.44 feet to the following point in said Ramsey
County Coordinate System (Y-coordinate = 155903.433 feet and X-coordinate
= 575203314 feet); thence Nonh 55 degrees 41 minutes 11 seconds Eazt, 0.49
feet to the point of begirming of the center line to be described; thence South
34 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East 119.60 feet; thence South 32 degrees
23 minutes 47 seconds East 547.99 feet and there terminating.
under AdR
Final Orde
A pt
above imp
CouncIl ha
� RES(
by the sig�
lands for :
ratified an�
and the sa
B1ak� _
Me ard
In Favor
--------- --°°__ _, -------- -------�
z, for the
, and the
roll, identified
owners of such
in all respects
� _
A� a permanent bridge easement over tLat part of G��rn�� a��a as f�ows:
6, Townslup 28 North, RanSe 22 West, Ramsey County,
'I'hai pordon of Water_ Street lying north of the souther}y pr msa� �
wall to support the elevated approadi tracks, an�exie 3�� St Paul er
from the southeasterlS comer of Block Thirty- � �)�
R�� �nnty, 2vfinnesota, and at right angles to the southerly line f said
block, to the center of Wabasha Street; the southerly line o asaia o �ta�a
wall being more pazticululY desm'bed as follows: Ba�nS ,
line drawn at right angles to tbe soutberly ]ine of Block thirty-nm 39) �n �d
g�, p proper, and forry-five and fourteen hundredths (45.14) et southerly
from the southeasterly corner of said block; thence continuing 'd line wluch
bears South twentY-nine (29) degrees and fifty (50) minute �, �T�Y �d
S � , -eqght bundredths (30.68) feet; thence South fitty-seve degrees and two
minutes West, three hun two 32 ees�an fifty e� (58minutes West,
feet; thence North tlrirry- �)� seven (57
twelve and ninety-frve hundredfl�s (12.9� feet; then outh fifty- )
2 minutes West, eighty-six and efy-eight hundredths
degrees and two ( )
(86.98) feet; thence on a cuive to tbe right with a adius of three thousand
four bundred three and s'vc tentLs (3403.6) f �e � 859 89)
mentioned course e�Sbtb'�nd�� �}'"�e �d ei tY' -0ne 31 minutes West,
feet; thence South seventyone (71) degrees an ��5.1H f et, wirich lina
rv ��� fi{ty_fn•e and eighteen hundr dths ( )
ei t bun edtts (458) feet from the centez
passes north of and four and fifiy- 'gb g� neaz the
of the easterly pedestal of tt�e Wabasl�a eet brid e er standinS
river bank; thence on a curve to the 1 'th a radins of five tk�ousand sevea
hundred nineteen and sixty-five Lundr ths (5719.6� feet and tangent to the
last mentioned course twelve and five ent6s (125) feet to an intersutionwith
the center line of Wabasha Sueet
�cepting therefrom the following descp'bed Exception 1:
E�c ti n
All that part af I.ou 1� 8h 6 � �a�`ve, Biock 36 and Iou 1, 2 and 3,
Block 37, of the City of St aul and of vaczted Cedaz Street and Water Street
adjacent to said Blocks at is enwmpused by a line desrn'bed as follows:
gegimung at the Sou westerly comer of said Block 36; thence North 33
degees 53 minutes 0 seconds West, along the Westerly line of said Block 36,
for 69.71 feet to�point that is 40.0 feet SoutLeasterly of ttie NortLwest
comer of said Bl 36; thence North 38 degrees 04 minutes 17 seconds East
for 23.09 feet tq�a point that is 25.07 feet Southezly of tLe Norcterly line of
Block 36, whe� measured at right angles to said No �e] o the Nortk�erlY
thence Nortty72 degrees 57 minutes 57 seconds Eas; P
line of BIqEk 36, for 150.85 feet; thence North 64 degrees 30 minutes 18
seconds East for 16212 feet to the intersection with the Southwesterly
extension of the NortLwesterly line of Block 37; thence North 60 degrees 14
minutes 07 se�nds East, aiong said ealenaon and said Norttrwesterly ]ine, for
186.96 feet to a pomt that is 17.60 feet Northeasterly of the Northerly corner
_ of saidiot 2, Block 3T; thence South 29 degrees 46 minutes 04 seconds°E
for 10535 feet to a point that is 10.0 feet, wben measured at right angles,
from the centerline of the Qricago and Nortfi Westem Transportation
Company Track ICC No. 3; thence South 60 degrees 18 minutes Wes;
parallel to said �ack, for 103.33 feet; thence to the right on a curve that bas
a radius of 771.84 feet for 5.2.5 feet to a point on tbe Southwesterly line of
Block 37 that is 652 feet Northwesterly of the Southerly comer of said Block
37; thence wntinuing Southwesterly on said ciuve for 9352 feet to a point on
the Easterly line of Block 36 that is 4.12 feet Northwesterly of the Souil�erly
comer of Block 36; thence continuing Soutbwesterly on said curve for 48,73
feet to the end of said curve; 21�ence South 71 degrees 15 minutes West, on
tangent to said curve, for 137 feet to a point on the Westerly line of Lot 6,
Block 36, that is 1.08 feet Northerly of the Southwest comer of said Lot 6;
thence continuing South 71 degrees 15 minutes West for 37.14 feet to a point
on the Southerly line of Lot 5 that is 13.97 feet Eazterly of the Southwest
comer, thence continuing South 71 degrees 15 minutes West for 229.47 feet
to the intersection of the Southeasterly extension of the Westerly line of Block
36; thence North 33 degrees 53 minutes 03 sewnds West, along said
extension, for 753 feet to the point of beginning, according to the recorded
plat thereo� and situate in Ramsey County� Minnesota.
K'bich Iies within a 130.00 foot wide strip of land, t]�e center line of which is descn'bed as
Commencing at the intersection of the center lines of Wabasha and Fourth
Streeu as showa on the recorded plat of tLe Qty of St Paui, Ramsay Counry,
Minnesota, said intersection more speciScally descn'bed as being the following
point in the Ramsey County Coordinate System as publisUed by the Ramsey
County Public Works Departmen; Land Survey Division, finai adjustment
December 17, 1991, based upon the North American Datum of 1983 (1986
adjustment) (Y-coordinate = 156192.903 feet and X-coordinate = 575004.021
feet); thence South 34 degrees 32 minutes 47 secoads Fast (all bearings
herein being per said Ramsey County Coordinate S�stem) along the center
line of said Wabasha SVee; 351.44 feet to the following point in said Ramsey
County Coordinate System (Y-coordinate = 155903.433 feet and X-coordinate
= 575203314 feet); thence NortL 55 degrees 41 minutes il seconds East, 0.49
feet to the poiat of beguwing of the center line to be desrnbed; ihence South
34 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East 119.60 feet; thence South 32 degrees
?3 minutes 47 seconds East 547.99 feet and there terminating,
�1on8 with that part of Govemment I.ot 2, Section 6, Township 2g North, Range 22 West, '
R�Y ��Y� Minnesota, desrnbed as follows: �
Commencing at a point in the center ]ine of Wabasha Street in the C1ty of St
Pan1, Ramsey Counry, Minnesota, north of aad nineteen feet distant from the
-� center- line of she main track uf the St Paut and Sibux City Railxoad
constructed and showa on a map bereto appended;thence westwardiy and
parallel to said center ]ine of said ra�7road track to a point in the prolongation
soutfiwaz�y of the ean 7ine of Block Thirty_five in the Original Town of St
Faul, az platted and on 51e in the office of the Register of Deeds of the
County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, wlvch point is nineteen feet from
the said center line of said railroad track and twenty feet southerly from the
southeast corner of said Block'Ii�irty_five (35); thence westwardly, parallel to
and hvenry feet distant from the south ]ine of said Block Thirty_five (3�, one
hundred fee; more or ]ess, to the west line of land owned by said Elizabeth
W. Wlutacre; t6ence souttrwudly on t6e said ]ast named line prolonged to the
center of the channel of tl�e Mississippi River; thence dowa the center of said
channel eastwazdly to the center ]ine of Wabasha Street prolonged; thence
northwestwazdly along the said center ]ine of Wabasha S�eet, to the place of
excepting therefrom the following desrn'bed Exceptions 1 and 2:
All that part of Water Stree; SL Pete Sff�eet and Wabasha Street and of part
of the Southwest Quarter of the Nort6east Quarter (a]so }mown as
Gwernment Lot 2) of Secdon 6, Township 28 NonU, Range 22 Wes; Ramsey
County, Minnesota, tl�at is encompassed by a line descnbed as follows:
Commencing at the Southwesterly corner of Lot 6 of Auditor's Subdivision
No. 25; thence South 34° 09' East, a(ang the Easterly line of St Peter Street,
for TL.OS feet to a point that is 20.0 feet Southerly of the Southerly line of
Lou 1 through 6, of said Auditor•s Subdivision No. 25, wLen measured at
right angles to said Southerly line; thence South 80° 45' West, pazallel to said
Souiherly line of Lots 1 through 6, for 33.07 feet to the centerline of St Peter
Stree; also being the point of beginning of the line to be descnbed; thence
South 34° 09' East, a]ong said centerline, for 59.76 feet to a point that is 10.0
feet from the centerline of Chiqgo aad North Westem Transportation
Company ICC Track No. 1, when measured at rigl�t angles to said centerline;
theace North 71° iS' Fast, parallel to said track, for 328.08 feet; thence
North ?b° p(� West for 6.72 feet; thence South 71° 02' S4' West for 37.86
feet to a point that is 20.0 feet from the Soutberly ]ine of I.ots 1 tluougL 6 of
said Auditor's Subdivisioa No. 25, whea measured at right angles to said
Southerly ]ine; thence South 80° 45' West, parallel to said Southerly line of
I.ou 1 fluough 6, for 309.47 feet to the point of beginning,
Eece tion 2
A11 that part of Water Street, Saint Peter StreM and Wabasha S�eet and part
of the Southwest_Quarter of the Northeast E2uarter (aLw 9mown as
Government I.at 2) of Section 6, TownsIrip 28 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey
County, Minnesota, that is encompassed by a line desrnbed as follows:
Commencing at the Southwesterly comer of Lot 6 of Auditor's Subdivision
No. 25; thence South 34° 09' Eazt, aiong the Easterly ]ine of Saint Peter
Stree; a distance of 22.p5 feet to a point that is 20.Op feet Southerly of tLe
Southerly line of Lou 1 through 6, of said Auditor's Subdivision No. 25, when
measured at rigLt angles to said Southerly ]ine; thence South 80 45' West,
pazallel to said Southerly line of I.ou 1 through 6, a distance of 33.07 feet to
the center line of Saint Peter Street; thence South 34 09' Eas; along said
center line a distance of 59.76 feet to a point that is 10.0 feet from the center
]ine of ICC Track No. 1, when measured at right angles to said center line,
which is the point of beginning of property herein to be described• thence
North 71 15' East, para11e1 to said track, a distance of 328.08 feet, thence
South ?b 06' East a distance of 1S1 feet; thence South 71 15' West,
pazallel to said track, a distance of 327.86 feet; thence North 34 09' Wes;
along the center ]ine of Saint Peter Street, a distance of 1S6 feet to the goint
of beginning,
which lies nortberly of the south wall of the elevated railway Vacks as described in
Document No. 521622, wluch south wall is more pazticulazly described thereia as follows:
Beginning at a point on a line drawn at right angles ta the SoutLerly line of
Block 39, in St Paul Proper, Ramsey County� Minnesota, and 45.14 feet
Southerly from the Southeazterly corner of said Block; thence continuing said
]ine which bears South 29 50' East 30.68 feet; thence South 57 2' West
319.68 feet; thence North 32 58' West 12.95 feet; thence South 57 2' West
86.98 feet; thence on a curve to the right with a radius ot 3403.6 feet and
tangent to the ]ast mentioned course 859.89 feet; thence South 71° 31' West
255.18 feet, wlilch ]ine pazses North of and 4S8 feet from the center of the
Easterly pedestai of the Wabasha Street bridge pier standing near the river
ban� thence on a curve to the lefr with a radius of 5719.65 feet and tangent
to ihe last mentioned course, 332.18 feet; theace South 68 11' West 440.22
feet; theace on a curve to the left w'sth a radius of 3785.78 feet and tangent
to t6e last mentioned course, 76.08 feet to a point on tt�e Southerly line of
Block 43 in Rice and Irvines Addidon to St Paul, wbich point is 241.81 feet
from the Easterly corner of said Block.
and which lies witUin a 130.00 foot wide strip of ]and, the ceater line of wlvch is desrnbed
as follows:
- _ _
City of St. Paul
Resolution Ratifying and Confirming
Condemnation and Awards of Damages
and Asseument Therefor-
t _ _ _ _ _
In t
COUNCIL FILE NO. ^ ' {,� � a, �
BY ,,, T.,..,.
FIle No. ����'�+
����� Commencing at the intersection of the center lines of WabasUa and Fourth
�,�� Streeu az shown on the re�rded plat of the City of St Paul, Ramsey County,
Minnesota, said intersection more specifically descdbed as being the following
— —
� point in the Itamsey Coumy Coordmate System as pu e amsey
Counry Public Works Department, Iand Survey Division, 5nat adjustment
December 17, 1991, based upon the North American Datum of 1983 (1986
adjustment) (Y-coordinate = 756192.903 feet and X-coordinate = 575004.021
feet); thence South 34 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East (all bearings
herein being per said Ramsey County Coordinate System) along tte center
line of said Wabasha Street, 351.44 feet to the following point ia said Ramsey
County Coordinate System (Y-coordinate = 155903.433 feet and X-coordinate
= 575203314 feet); thence North 55 degrees 41 minutes 11 seconds Eas; 0.49
feet to the point of beginning of tLe centu line to be descnbed; thence South
34 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds Eazt 119.60 feet; thence South 32 degrees
23 minutes 41 seconds East 547.99 feet and there terminating.
under Ad
Finat Oic
�" ,
above irr
CouncIl 1
by the sr
lands foi
ratified �
and the
! �a���
�- ����
, ��.��
. ���:�s5
In Favor
Certified�Passed by CodncIl Secretary_
therein, for the
erefor. and the
roll, identified
owners of such
in all respects
respects ratified,
Acquiring a permanent bridge easement over that part of Govemment I ou 1 and 2, Se
6, Townslilp 28 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, 1�4innesota, descnbed as foL'
T'hat portion of Water Street lying north of ihe southerly proposed retaining
wall to support the elevated approach tracks, and eatending from a line dra
from the southeasterly comer of Block Thirry-nine (39) in St Paul Prop
Ramsay County, Minnesota, and at right angles to the southerly line of 'd
block, to the center of Wabasha Street; the southerly line of said re ' g
wall being more particulazly described as follows: Beginning at a po' t on a
line drawn at right angles to the southerly line of Block thirty-nine (3 in said
St Paul Proper, and forry-five and fourteen hundredtt�s (45.14) fee southerly
from the soutLeasterly comer of said block; thence continuing � lina which
bears South twemy-nine (29) degrees and fifty (50) minutes E t, thirty and
sixty-eight hvndredths (30.68) feet; thence South fifty-seven d grees and two
minutes West, tLree hundred nineteen and siaty-eight h edths (319.68)
feet; thence North thirty-two (32) de�ees and fifty-eiglrt ) minutes West,
twelve and ninety-five hundredths (12.95) feet; thence S th fifty-seven (57)
degrees and two (2) minutes West, eighty-six and ' ty-eight bundredths
(86.98) feet; thence on a curve to ffie right with a ra us of thLee thnusand
four hundred three and six tenths (3403.6) feet d tangent to tLe last
mentioned course eight hundred fifty-nine and eigh n�ne hundredths (859.89)
feet; thence South seventy-one (71) degrees and t�ty-one (31) minutes West,
rivo hundzed 5fty-five and eigLteen Lundred (255.18) feet, which ]ine
passes north of and four and fifty-eight hundre tl�s (4.58) feet from the center
of the easterly pedestal o£ the Wabasha Str bridge pier standing neaz the
river bank; thence on a curve to the lefr ' a radius of five thousand seven
hundred nineteen and sixty-five hundred (5719.65) feet and tangent to the
last mentioned course twelve and 5ve-te�ths (12.5) feet to an intersection with
the center line of Wabasha Street. f
excepting therefram the following describ�d Fxception 1:
All that part of Lozs i Uuou 6, inclusive, Block 36 and Lou 1, 2 and 3,
Block 37, of the CSty of St Pa and of vacated Cedaz Street and Water Street
adjacent to said Biocks tha is encompassed by a line described as follows:
Beginning at the Southw terly corner of said Block 36; tLence 13orth 33
degrees 53 minutes 03 se onds West, along the Westerly line of said Block 36,
for 69.71 feet to a p' t that is 40.0 feet SoutLeasterly of the Northwest
comer of said Block ; thence North 38 degrees 04 minutes 17 seconds East
for 23.09 feet to a oint that is 25.07 feet Southerly of the Norcherly line of
Block 36, when asured at right angles to said Northerly ]ine of Block 36;
thence North 7 egrees 57 minutes 57 seconds East, pazallel to the Northerly
line of Block 6, for 150.85 feet; thence North 64 degrees 30 minutes 18
seconds East for 162.12 feet to the intersection with the Southwesterly
extension of the Northwesterly line of Biock 37; chence Norch 60 degrees 14
minutes 07 seconds East, alo�g �'d extension and said Northwesterly line, for
186.96 feet to a point ihat is 17.60 feet Northeasterly of the Northerly corner
of said Lot 2, Block 37; thence South 29 degrees 46 minutes 04 seconds Ezst
for 10535 feet to a point that is 10.0 feet, when measured at right�� on
from the centerline of the Chicago and North Westem Transp
Company Track ICC No. 3; thence South 60 degees 18 minutes West,
pazallel to said trac$ for 103.33 feet; thence to the right on a curva that has
a ndius of 771.84 feet for 525 feet to a point on the Southwesterly line of
Block 37 that is 6.52 feet Northwesterly of the SoutLerly comer of said Block
37; thence continuinS Southwesterly on said curve for 9352 feet to a point on
the Easterly line of Block 36 that is 4• So ee�t eS on curae for48.73
corner of Block 36; thence continuing Y
feet to the end of said curve; thence South 71 degrees 15 minutes West, on
tangent to said curve, for 1.37 feet to a point on the Westerly line of I.ot 6,
Block 36, that is 1.08 feet Northerly of the Southwest corner of said Lnt 6;
thence continuinB South 71 degrees 15 minutes West for 37.14 feet to a point
on the Southerly line of I.ot 5 tbat is 13.97 feet Easterly of the Southwest
comer, thence continuin8 �u� 71 degrees 15 minutes West for 229.47 feet
to the intersection of the Southeasterly extension of the Westerly line of Block
36; thence North 33 degrees 53 minutes 03 seconds West, along said
extension, for 7.53 feet to the point of beginning> according to tUe recorded
plat thereof, and situate in Ramsey County, Mlnnesota.
w1ucL lies within a 130.00 foot wide strig of land, the center line of wLich is described as
Commencing at the intersection of the center lines of Wabasha and Fo
Streets as shown on the recorded plat of tUe GYty of St Paul, Ramce followin
Minnesota, said intersection more specifically described as being �e Ramseg
point in tUe Ramsey County Coordinate System as published by Y
County Public Works Department, Iand Survey Divlsion, final adjustment
December 17, 1991, based upon the North American Datum of 1983 (1986
adjustment)(1-coordinate = 156192.903feetand X-coordinate = 575004.021
feet); thence South 34 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East (all bearings
berein being per said Ramsey County Coordinate Syste o��� saazd Ramsey
line of said Wabasha Street, 351.44 feet to the following p
County Coordi�te System (Y-coordinate = 155903.433 feet and X-coordinate
= 575203.314 feet); thence North 55 degrees 41 minutes 11 seconds East, 0.49
feet to the po�t of beginning of the center line to be descnbed; thence South
34 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East 119.60 feet; tLence South 32 degrees
23 minutes 47 seconds East 547.99 feet and there terminatin8�
City of St. Paul
Report of Director of Finance
on Condemnation of Lands
In th
COUNCIL FILE N0. ` � � � `�
FIle No. _ � `'%n�
____, ^ Commencing at the intersection of the center lines of Wabasha and Fo»rth
__ #y � Streeu as shown on the recorded plat of the Clty of St Paul, Ramsey County,
----' °• Miffiesota, said intersecrion more specifically descnbed as being the following
- point in the Ramsey County Coordinate System u published by the Ramsey
County Public Works Deparmaent, Iand Survey Division, final adjustment
December 17, 1991, based upon the North American Datum of 1983 (1986
adjustment) (Y-coordinate = 156192.903 feet and X-coordinate = 575004.021
feet); thence South 34 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East (all bearings
herein being per said Ramsey County Coordinate System) along the center
line of said Wabasha Street, 351.44 feet to the following point in said Ramsey
County Coordinate System (Y-coordinate = 155903.433 feet and X-coordinate
= 575203.314 feet); thence North 55 degrees 41 minutes 11 seconds East, 0.49
feet to the point of beginning of the center line to be desrn'bed; thence South
34 degees 32 minutes 47 seconds East 119.60 feet; tl�ence South 32 degrees
23 minutes 47 seconds East 547.99 feet and there terminating.
under Adrr
Fina1 Orde
The �
above impz
such awazc
said unpro
with the si
�riated foi the
sons to whom
the making of
and identified
Director of Finance
� '
A�q nirin g y paimanent bridge easement wex that patt of G��v�ern�e�ntd�rnb d a as follo
6, Townslup 28 North, Range 22 Wes; Ramsey CountY> /
'Fhat portion of Water Street lying north of the soutl�erly proposed retaining/
wall to support the elevated approach tracks, an �ee 3�� P op�
from the southeasterly comer of Block Thirry- � �)
Ramsey CountY. M'�esota, and at right angles to tl�e southerly line of s6id
block, to tte center of Wabasba Street; tl�e southerly� n g aS a Po �°a
wall being moxe pazticululY descnbed as follows: Be � 39�in sa�d
line drawn at right angles to the southerly line of Block thirty 4 fe t outherly
St Paul Propez, and forty-five and fourteen hundredtlu ( ) �
from the southeasterly comer of said block; tt�ence continu3ng saz e"'1"ch
beazs South twenry-nine (29) degrees and fifty (50) musutes ��Y �d
s'vcry-eight hundredtbs (30.68) feet; thence South fifty-seven de�grees and cwo
minutes West, tl�ree bundred nineteen and sixty-e�P,ht b��edths (319.68)
feet; thence North thiR7'-h�'° �3z) degees and fifty-eight () minutes West,
twelve and ninety-five LundTedths (12.95) feet; thence So�ith 5fty-se�'en (57)
degees and two (2) minutes West, eighty-six and nin�iY-eigbt hundredthc
(86,98) feet; tt�ence on a curve to the right with a rad{us of n ei �e �d
four hund*ed th�ee and six tenths ��d � e��edtbs (859.89)
meMioned course eight hundred SftY- �5 ana t�Y-0ne (31) minutes West,
feet; thence South seventy-one (71) degr
t� hundred 5fty-five and eighteen hundred (255.18) feet, wluch lina
passes norch of and four and fiftY-ei8ht bund�� �458) feet from the center
of the easterly pedestal of the Wabazha Stre�t bndge pier stand�nS neaz tLe
river bank; thence on a curvfi eafi e�e �(5719 6) feefiand tang na to tlie
Lnndred nineteen and sixry- feet to an intersecdon with
]ast mentioned coursa twel` e and five-te (125)
the center line of W��ba Sveet �
excepting therefrom t1�e following describe� FxcePuon 1:
p,71 tbat part of L.ou 1 througlf 6, � e, Block 36 and Lou 1, 2 and 3,
Block 37, of the City of St Payd' and of vacated Cedaz Street and Water Street
adjacent to said Blocks that.ys enwmpassed by a line descn'bed as follows:
geginning at tUe Southwe corner of said Block 36; thence I3orth 33
degees 53 minutes 03 seconds West, along the Weste$y line of said Block 36,
for 69.71 feet to a po tLat is 40.0 feet Southeasterly of the I3ortbwest
comes of said Block 3 1 , thence North 38 degrees 04 minutes 17 seconds East
for 23.09 feet to a p�t tl�at is 25.07 f eS t t Sou �a e NorthelY 1in°f Block
Block 36, wLen measured at right angi y � y � e l to the Northerly
thence North'72 c�8rees 57 minutes 57 seconds East, P
line of Block �6, for 150.85 feet; tl�ence North 64 degrees 30 minutes IS
J 1
seconds East for 16212 feet to the intersection with the Soutl�westerly
ea2ension of the Northwesterly line of Block 37; thence I�Torth 60 degees 14
minutes 07 seconds East, along said extension and said Northwesterly line, for
186.96 feei to a point that is 17.60 feet Northeasterly of the Northerly comer
of said Lot 2, Block 37; thence South 29 degrees 46 minutes 04 seconds East
£or 10535 feet to a point that is l0A feet, when measured at right angles,
from the centerline of the Chicago and North Westem Transportation
Company Track ICC No. 3; thence South 60 degrees 18 minutes West,
pazallel to said track, for 103.33 feet; thence to the right on a curve that bas
a ndius of 771.84 feet for 5.25 feet to a point on the Southwesterly line of
Block 37 that is 652 feet Northwesterly of the Southerly corner of said Block
37; thence contiauing Southwesterly on said curve for 9352 feet to a point on
the Easterly line of Block 36 tbai is 4.12 feet Nortl�westerly of the Southerly
corner of Block 36; t6ence continuing Soutfivesterly on said curve for 48.73
feet to the end of said cuive; thence South 71 degrees 15 minutes West, on
tangent to said curve, for 137 feet tu a point on the Westerly line of Lot 6,
Block 36, that is 1.08 feet Northerly of the Southwest comer of said I.ot 6;
thence continuing South 71 de$rees 15 minutes West for 37.14 feet to a point
on the Southerly line of I.ot 5 that is 13.97 feet Easterly of tLe Southwest
comer, thence continuing South 71 degrees 15 minutes West for 229.47 feet
to the intersection of tl�e Southeasterly extension of tLe Westerly line of Block
36; thence North 33 degrees 53 minutes 03 seconds West, along said
extension, for 7.53 feet to the point of beginning, according to the recorded
plat thereof, and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota.
wbich lies within a 130.00 foot wide strip of land, the center line of wlrich is descn'bed as
Commencing at the intersection of the center ]ines of Wabasha and Fourth
Streeu as shown on the recorded plat of the CSty of St Paul, Ramsey County,
Minnesota, said intersection more specifically described as being the following
point in the Ramsey County Coordinate System at published by the Ramsey
County Public Works Department, Land Survey Division, 5na1 adjustment
December 17, 1991, based upon the North American Datum of 1983 (1986
adjustment) (Y-coordinate = 156192.903 feet and X-coordinate = 5I5004.021
feet); tbence South 34 degrees 32 minutes 47 secoads East (all bearings
berein being per said Ramsey County Coordinate System) along the center
line of said Wabasha Stree; 351.44 feet to the following point in said Ramsey
CounTy Coordinate System (Y-coordinate = 155903.433 feet and X-coordinate
= 575203314 feet); thence North 55 degrees 41 minutes i l seconds East, 0.49
feet to the point of beginning of tbe center line to be descn'bed; thence South
34 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East 119.60 feet; tbence South 32 degees
23 minutes 47 seconds Fzst 547.99 feet and there terminating;
Along with that part of Govemment Iot Z, Section 6, Township 28 North, Range 22 West,
Ramsey County, Minnesota, desrn'bed as foAows: �
Commencing at a point in tbe center line of Wabasha Street in the �ty of St
Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, north of and nineteen feet distant from the
center line of the main track of the St Paul and Siowt City Railroad
constrvcted and sbovm on a map hereto appended; t6ence westwazdly and
parallel to said center line of said railroad track to a point in the prolongation
soulhwazdly of the east line of Block Thirty-5ve in the Original Town of St
Paul, as platted and on file in the office of tl�e Register of Deeds of the
County of Ramsey and State of Mianesota, which point is nineteen feet from
the said center line of said railroad track and twenty feet sou8�exly from the
southeast comer of said Block'Ihirry-five (35); thence westwazdly, pazallel to
and twenty feet distant from tl�e south line of said Block Thirty-five (3�, one
hundred feet, more or less, to the west line of land owned by said Elizabeth
W. Wbitacre; thence southwardly on the said lazt named line prolonged to the
center of the channel of the Mississippi River; thence down the center of said
channel eastwardly to the ccnter line of Wabasha Sveet prolonged; tLence
northwestwardly along the said center line of Wabasba Street, to the place of
excepring tl�erefrom the following described Exceptions 1 and 2:
Fxcevtion 1
All tLat part of Water Street, St Peter Street and Wabuha Street and of part
of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (also ]mown as
Government Lot 2) of Section 6, Towachip 2S North, Range ZZ West, Ramsey
County, Minnesota, that is encompassed by a line desrnbed as follows:
Commencing at the Southwester]y corner of Lot 6 of Auditor's Subdivision
No. 25; thence South 34° 09' East, along the Easterly line of St Peter Street,
for 22.05 feet to a point that is 20.0 feet Soutberly of the SoutLerly line of
I.ou 1 through 6, of said Auditor's Subdiviuon No. 25, when measured at
right angles to said SoutLerly line; thence South 80' 4S West, pazallel to said
Southerly line of Lou i through 6, for 33.07 feet to the centerline of St Peter
Stree; aLso being the point of beginning of the line to be desrnbed; thence
South 34° 09' East, along said centerline, for 59.76 feet ta a point that is 10.0
feet from the centerline of Chicago and North Westem Transportation
Company ICC Track No. 1, when measured at right angles to said centerline;
tl�eace North 71° 15' East, parallel to said track, for 328.08 feet; thence
North 26° 06' West for 6.72 feet; thence South 71° 02' S4' West for 37.86
feet to a point that is 20.0 feet from the Southerly line of L.ots 1 through 6 of
said Auditor's Subdivision No. 25, when meuured at right angles to said
Southerly line; thence South 80° 4S West, parallel to said Southerly line of
Lou 1 tLrough 6, for 309.47 feet to the point of beginaing.
Exceprion 2
All that part of Water Stree; Saint Peter Street and Wabasha Street and part
of tfie Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (also }�own as
Govemment I.ot 2) of Section 6, Townstrip 28 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey
County, Minnesota, ihat is encompazsed by a line descnbed az follows:
Commencing at the Southwesterly comer of Lot 6 of Auditor's Subdivision
No. 25; thence Sout3i 34 09' East, along the Easterly line of Saint Peter
Street, a distance of 22.05 feet to a point that is 20.00 feet Southerly of the
SoutLerly line of Lou i through 6, of said Auditor's Subdivision No. 25, when
measured at right angles to said Southerly line; thence South 80 45' West,
parallel to said Southerly line of Lou i through 6, a distance of 33.07 feet co
the cenier line of Saint Peter Street; thence South 34 09' East, along said
center line a distance of 59.76 feet to a point that is 10.0 feet from the center
line of ICC Track No. 1, when measured at right angles to said center line,
which is the point of beginning of property berein to be desrn'bed; thence
North 71 15' East, pazallel to said track, a distance of 328.08 feet, thence
South 26 06' East a distance of 1S1 feet; t6ence South 71 15' West,
parallei to said track, a distance of 327.86 feet; thence North 34 09' West,
along the center line of Saint Peter Street, a distance of 1.56 feet to the point
of beginning.
wlilch lies northerly of the south wall of the elevated railway vacks as described in
Document No. 521622, which south wall is more particulazly described therein u follows:
Beginning at a point on a]ine drawn at right angles to tLe SoutLerly line of
Block 39, in St Paul Proper, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and 45.14 feet
Southerly from the Southeasterly corner of said Block; thence continuing said
line whicL bears South 29 50' East 30.68 feet; thence South 57 2' West
319.68 feet; thence North 32 58' West 12.95 feet; thence South 57 2' West
86.98 feet; thence on a curve to tbe right with a radius of 3403.6 feet and
tangent to the lut mentioned course 859.89 feet; thence South 71 31' West
255.18 fee; which line passes North of and 4.58 feet from tbe center of t6e
Easterly pedestai of the Wabasha Street bridge pier standing neaz tte river
ban1G thence on a curve to the ]efr with a radius of 5719.65 feet and tangent
to the last mentioned course, 332.18 feet; tLence South 68 11' West 440.22
feet; thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 3785.78 feet and tangent
to the last mentioned course, 76.08 feet to a point on the Southerly line of
Biock 43 in Rice and Iivines Addition to St Paul, which point is 241.81 feet
from the Easterly comer of said Block.
and wlrich lies within a 130.00 foot wide strip of ]and, the center line of wlvch is desrnbed
as follows:
City of St. Paul
Notice of Hearing in Condemnation
COUNCIL FILE NO. �, L` a", �
File No. ' ���'"-' �
Commencing at the inteisection of the center lines of WabasLa and Fowtb
'°'"' '` Streeu as shown on the recorded plat of the City of St Paul, Ramsey County,
__.- -._. _.. Minnesota, said intersection more specifically desrnbed as being fl�e following
point in the Ramsey County Coordinate System u publisbed by flie Ramsey
LL County Public Works Department, Iand Survey Division, finai adjustment
December 17, 1991, based upon tSe North American Datum of 1983 (1986
adjustment) (Y-coordinate = 156192.903 feet and X-rnordinate = 575Q04.021
feet); thence South 34 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East (all beazings
herein being per said Ramsey County Coordinate System) along the center
line of said WabasLa Sueet, 351.44 feet to the following point in said Ramsey
County Coordinate System (Y-coordinate = 155903.433 feet and X-coordinate
= 575203314 feet); tLence North 55 degrees 41 minutes 11 seconds F_ast, 0.49
feet to the point of beginning of the center line to be desrnbed; tl�ence South
34 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East 119.60 feet; tbence South 32 degcees
23 mznutes 47 seconds East 547,49 feet and there terminating.
under Ac
Final Ori
as to th�
for the a
also upo
and filec
f, in the CouncIl
day of
ctoi of Finance
be appropriated
of such awards,
be in writing
Director of Finance