Lee, Pa Kou � : HEINS & ASSOCIATES d�����r���� INJURY ATTORNEYS MAY � SUITE 219 � � z0�2 2233 HAMLINE AVENUE NORTH ROSEVILLE, MimvESOTa 55113 ���,�������� ; TELEPHONE FAX (651)288-4747 � (651) 288-4014 TOLL-FREE , (877)232-4747 ; May 18,2012 City of St. Paul . 15 West Kellogg Blvd 310 City Hall St. Paul.,MN 55102 Aitn: City Clerk Your Insured: St. Paul Police Department Our Client(s): Bee Vue and Pa Kou Lee DOI: 02/23/2012 Claim#; � unknown Dear Sir or Madam: , Please be advised that Heins & Associates have been retained to represent the above-named client(s) for injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident,caused by your insured. Please contact me for any questions relating to our clients claim. . As you may know our,client(s)was injured in this accident. At this time,we are requesting any and all copies ofyour investigation,transcribes,liability limits and recorded statements to date and a certified copy of all msurance policies, including declaration page,which cover this accident. If you should have any questions or concerns,please contact me. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Very truly yours, HEINS &ASSOCIA�'ES �� C��\ � � dr��, � Stephanie Keith Legal Assistant � �� F CLAIM FORM to the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota NOTICE O s a ter the alleged loss or injury is discovered a notice stating the time,place,and Min�lesota State Statute 466.05 states that ".••eve�Person...who claims damages from any municipaliry••.s�Il cause to be presented to t e governing body of the municipaliry within I80 y f circumstances thereof,and the amount of compensation or other relief demande Please complete this form in its entirety by clearly typing or printing your answer to each question. If more space is and the amount of compensation being requested. Y0U din ron the a needed,attach additional sheets. Please note that you will not be contacted by telephone to clarify answers,ri provi e as much information as necessary to explain your claim, i Write`N/A'. written acknowledgement onc Tmomust be signedl a d both pagesscomplet d uIf somett►ing does nog app Y e nature of your claim. This fo S END COMPLETED FORM AND OTHER DOCUMENTSP ULC�N 55102K, 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD, 310 CITY HALL, SAINT � ���.. � d_.r�-�-�— First NamP� A� Middle Initial Last Name Company or Busi:�ess Name Are You an Insurance Company? Yes N� If Yes,Claim Number? Street Address� `��1 .. State �/�-� Zip Code�e+� City�Y�0.7�A;� - �����Cell Phone( ) - Evening Telephone( ) Daytime Phone �_am/� Date of Accident/Injury,,or Date Discovered�.��yl Time � ou are submitting a claim.Please indicate why or how you Please state,in detail,wtiat occurred(happened),and why y feel the City of Sain aul or its em loyees are involved and/or responsible for your damages. Please check the box(es)!that most closely represent the reason for comple�nig y vehic e.was damaged during a tow — �My vehicle was damaged in an accident O M vehicle was damaged by a plow I ❑ My vehicle was damageu b towed and/or toketedn�f the street � I Was injured on City property ❑ M y v e h i c l e w a s w r o n g f Y lease s ecif ❑ Other type of property damage—p P Y I �,Other type of injury—please specify In order to process your claim ou need to include co ies of all a licable documents. II he claims t pes listed below,please be sure to include the documerts o dhetCityr 11'oulare encour ged t keep a I Fort Y your claim. Documents WIL_ L NOT be returned and become the prop y I ___ c o p y for yourself before'submitting your claim form. O Property damage claims to a ve h i c l e: t w o e s t i m a t e s f or the re pairs to your vehicle if the damage exceeds I $500.00; or the actual bills and/or receipts for the repairs , O Towing claims: legible coPlms t o rel akr estim es i�f the damage ex eeds $500 OOc opthe actual bills O Other property damage clai P and/or receipts for the repairs;detailed list of damaged items � � ,a�X�� �njury claims; medical bWelcomePosdoc�me�n`t and�sup�port Your claim but will not be returned. O Photographs aze alw y �age 1 of 2—Please complete and return both pages of Claim Form ,� ! Failure to complete and return both pages will result in delay in the handling of your claim. << All Claims—nlease complete this section ��\ Were there witnesses to the incident? Yes \Nc� � Unknown (circle) Provide their names, addresses and telephone numbers:�'J Were the police or law enforceme caj ? r Yes No Unknown �f�,(�ir,c�l�� If yes, what department or agency. 1 • Case#or report#,�-lJ�li�-L�.��D Where did the accident oi-injury take place? Provide street address, cross street, intersection, name of park or facility, closest landmark,etc. Please be as detailed s possible. If neces ary, at ach a dia ram: � � � Please indicate the amount ou are seeking in om sation or hat ou ould like the City to do to resolve this claim to your satisfaction.������ (jl��'�/1� ���� . Vehicle Claims— lease com lete this section O check box if this section does not a 1 Your Vehicle: Year�Q� Make Model License,Plate Number State�(�Colar Register,ed Owner Driver of Vehic e Area Damaged City Vehicle: Year�j Ma Model License Plate Number ' Sta��� Color Driver of Vehi�le�(City Emplo ee's Name)J Area Damaged � {�^C1�'(1� In'ur Claims— lease com lete t is section ❑ check box if this section does not a 1 How were you injured? ' k �' Q What part(s) of your body were injured� Have you sought medical treatment? Yes No Planning to Seek Treatment(circle) When did you receive treatme � (provide date(s)) Name of Medica] Provid�r(s): Address Telephone Did you miss work as a iesult of your injury? es No When did you miss work? �� � ' )y���M�'1 �i� -�'1P'\\� ���(�''�,� (provide date(s)) Name of your Employer:, Address Telephone �Check here if you are attaching more pages to this claim form. Number of additional pages� . By signing this form,Xou are stating that all information you have provided is true and correct to the best ! of your knowledge. Unsigned forms will not be processed. ' Submitting a false claim ca►z result in prosecution. Date form was completed� — ��� �� I i Print the Name of the Person who Completed thisForm: � ���` ! Signature of Person Making the Revised February 201 1 k�INS&A3SOCIATE3 � 2233 HAMLINE AVE. N.,SUITE 219 ' ROSEVILLE, MN 55113 � :i NOTICE OF CLAIM FORM to the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Minnesota State Statute 466,05 states that "...every person...who claims damages from any municipaliry...shall cause to be presented to the governing body of the nzunicipaliry within 180 days after the alleged loss or injury is discovered a notice stating the time,place,and ;circumstances thereof,and the amount of compensation or other relief demanded." Please complete this form in its entirety by clearly typing or printing your answer to each question. If more space is needed,attach additional sheets. Please note that you will not be contacted by telephone to clarify answers,so provide as much information as necessary to exptain your claim,and the amount of compensation being requested. You will receive a written acknowledgement once your form is received. The process can take up to ten weeks or longer depending on the nature of your claim. This form must be signed,and both pages completed. If something does not apply,write`N/A'. SEND COMPLETED FORM AND OTHER DOCUMENTS TO: CITY CLERK, 15 WEST KELLOGG BLVD, 310 CITY HALL, SAINT PAUL, MN 55102 First NameT�,�� Middle Initial Last Name V�-� Company or Business Name Are You an Insurance Company? Yes/� If Yes,Claim Number? Street Addres�� �wv `������ � City ��"�l,tA,� State�1v� �V Zip Code� Daytime Phon O �� D ICell Phone - ��; ( ) - Evening Telephone(_) Date of Accidend Injury or Date Discovered 2�2��� ` Time"1�am/p�m �J Please state, in detail, wh'at occurred(happened), and why you are submitting a claim.Please indicate why or how you feel the City of Sain aul or its em loyees are involved and/or responsible for your damages. � �P �� � ���(�, r a Please check the box(es)�that most closely represent the reason for completing this form: ❑My vehicle was damaged in an accident O My vehicle was damaged during a tow ❑ My vehicle was damaged by a pothole or condition of the street ❑ My vehicle was damaged by a plow ❑ My vehicle was wrongfully towed and/or ticketed I�was injured on City property ❑ Other type of property"damage—please specify � � ❑ Other type of injury—�'please specify , In order to process your claim you need to include copies of all applicable documents. t ' I For the claims types listed below,please be sure to include the documents indicated or it will delay the handling of � your claim. Documents?JVILL NOT be returned and become the property of the City. You are encouraged to keep a copy for yourself before submitting your claim form. O Property damage claims to a vehicle: two estimates for the repairs to your vehicle if the damage exceeds $500.00; or the aetual bills and/or receipts for the repairs O Towing claims: legible copies of any ticket issued and a copy of the impound lot receipt , O Other property damage claims: two repair estimates if the damage exceeds$500.00; or the actual bills and/or receipts fdr the repairs; detailed list of damaged items O Injury claims:_medical bills, receipts O Photographs are always welcome to document and support your claim but will not be returned. Fage 1 of 2—Please complete and return both pages of Claim Form 1 � Failure to complete and return both pages will result in delay in the handling of your claim. All Claims—please cor�plete this section Were there witnesses to t�he incident? Yes � Unknown (circle) Provide their names, addresses and telephone numbers: Were the police or law enforcement called? Yes No Unknown (circle) If yes,what department Qr agency? Case#or repart# Where did the accident or injury take place? Provide street address,cross street,intersection,name of park or facility, closest landmark,etc. lease be as detailed as possible. If necessar , attach a diagram. ��.�r�C�_a-n Please indicate the amount ou are seeking in co ensation or what you would like the City to do to resolve this claim to your satisfaction.�����'�(�)��� �� -�� � Vehicle Claims—please�complete this section ❑ check box if this section does not apply Your Vehicle: Year �: Make Model License Plate Number State Color Register�d Owner Driver of Vehicle Area Damaged City Vehicle: Year Make Model License�late Number State Color Driver o'f Vehicle(City Employee's Name) Area Da�naged Injury Claims—please'complete this section ❑ check box if this section does not applv How were you injured? '" What part(s)of your body were injured? Have you sought medicaI treatment? Yes No Planning to Seek Treatment(circle) When did you receive tr�atm nt? (provide date(s)) ' Name of Medical Provider(s). Address ° Telephone Did you miss work as a result of your injury? Yes No When did you miss worl�? (provide date(s)) Name of your Employer:; ' Address , Telephone ❑ Check here if you are attaching more pages to this claim form. Number of additional pages By signing this form,xou are stating that all information you have provided is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. Unsagned forms will not be processed. Submitting a false cla�m can result in prosecution. D e form was completed �� o�1� Print the Name of the P,erson who C leted this For . � . ��1�� Signature of Person Ma�king th im: Revised February 20ll i M�IPIS&ASSOCIA7'ES ` 2233 MAMLINE AVE. N.,SUITE 219 '' ROSEVILLE, MPI 55113 r �-------�-- - Ta:6512884014 FromcSTATE FARM Fax_STATE FARM KOFAX�' at:RPR-16-2012-12:18 Doc:726 Page: � Accident Report � � f�.�e �o-�3 Case#:12042456 Report Date:2/24/2012 Aceident NarraUve,contlnued: Note:35E goes over Phalen.the accident occured under 35E. \ ' � O � ' � � . I I � I � � � I http://www.dvslesupport.org/dvsinfo/accidentrecords 20081Includes LE/PrintReportlndiv... 2/24/2012 10ch1209200081 TO:6512884014 FroW:STATE FHKM haX:`•ilHlt tHla'� RvrsiA-? ac:nrn—ao—cva�—a�=av ...+�_.�.. .vy=...... Page 1 of 2 � Saint Paul Police Department ORIGINAL OFFENSE / (NCIDENT REPORT Compiamt Number Reference CN Date and Time of Report 12042456 02/23/2012 17:51:00 Pnmary offense: TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SQUAD CAR Primary Repo�ting O�cer. Rhodes, Paul D Name oflocation/bus�ness: Primarysquad 670 Locationofincident:135E FW N & PENNSYLVANIA Secondary repoRing o�cer. MN 55101 Approver. RhOdes, Paul ors�ct:Eastern Date&time of occumence. 02/23/2012 16:13:00 to Sde: 02/23/2012 17:51:00 Arrest made• Secondary offense: Police O�cerAssaulted orinjured: Police O�cerAssisted Suicide Crime Scene Processed: OFFENSE DETAILS .TRAFFIC ACClDENTSQUAD CAR Attempt Only.• Appears to be Gang Related: NAMES Suspect UNKNOWN Nicknames or A/iases Nick Name: Alias: AKA First Name: AKA Last Name: Details Sex: Race: DOB: Res�dent Status: Hispania Age• from to Phones � Home: Cell: Confacf: Work: Faz Pager. Employment OccupaLon: Empioyer. SP301568F�6480F 10ch1209200084 __________ _ KOFAX� at:APR-15-2012-12:18 Doc:726 Page:009 To:6512884014 FromcSTATE FARM Fax:STA7E FARM . Page 2 of 2 � Saint Paul Police Department ORIGINAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REP4RT Date and Time of Repori Complaint Number Reference CN 12042456 02/23/2012 17:51:00 Primary offense: TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SQUAD CAR Identification SSN� L�cense orlD#: License Scate. Physical Description US: Metric Heighh to Bwld: Hair Length: Hair Color. Weight: to Sk�n: Facial Nair. Hair Type: Teeth• Eye Colo�: Blood Type: Offender lnformation Arrested• Pursud engaged� V�olated Restra�ning Order DUI Res�stance encountered: Condition: Taken to health care Iacility: Medical re/ease o6tained. SOLVABIUTY FACTORS Suspect can be ldentified: By' Photos Takert: Slolen PropeRy Traceable: Ewdence Tumed In; Pioperty Tumed fn: Re/ated fncident. La6 8iological Analysis: Fingerprints Taken: Narcotic Anafysis: /tems F�nqerpnnted Lab Comments� Participants: Phone: 'I Person Type: Name: Address: I I Suspect NARRATIVE City veh, invalved, property damage accident. photos taken by sqd 230. For further info see state accident report, and supp. report. PUBLIC NARRATIVE Traffc accident SP301568F78460F 1pch790Si9QOQR6 ------- To:6512884014 From:STATE FARM Fax:STRTE FARM KOFAX� at:APR-16-2012-12:18 Doc:726 Page=011 Page � of 2 � Saint Pau! Police Department SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Date and Time o(Report Camplaint Number Reference CN Q2/23/2012 18:54:00 12042456 Pnmary otfense: TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SQUAD CAR Primary Reporting Officer. Wall, Len M Name o/location/business: Primarysquad- 230 �ocation otincident: 135E FW N & PENNSYLVANIA Secondary reporting o�cer. ST PAUL, MN 55103 qpPro�er• Simmons, Michael o;stRCt Central Dare&time ofoccurrence. p2/23/2012 16:13:00 to 02/23/2012 18:54:00 Site, Airest made� Secondary offense. Po►ice O�cer Assau/ted or Injured Police O�cer Assisted Suicide: Crime Scene Processed: OFFENSE DETAILS TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SQUAD CAR Attempt Only: Appears to be Gang Related: SOLVABILITY FACTORS ey. Suspect can be Jdanti6ed: Photos Taken: Stolen Property Traceable' property Tumed In: Evidence Tumed ln Re.lated Incident Lab ; Fingerprints Taken: Biological Ana/ysis: � Narootic Analysis: /tems Fingerprirtted: Lab Comments Pa rtiCi pants: Address: Phone: Person Type: Name: NARRATIVE On 02-23-12 at about 1630 hours, Squad#230 (Wall) was dispatched to O{ive/Phalen Parkway to take photos of an ACCIDENT. List of Photos for CN 12042456: SP301568F76460F �Orh 7 911Q9MlIRf! Toc6512884014 From=STATE FARM Fax:STATE FA18M KOFAX� at:APR-16-2012-12:18 Dxc726 Page:012 Page 2 of 2 � Saint Paui Police Department SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Date and Time of Report Complaint Number Reference CN 12042456 02/23/20'12 18:54:00 Pnmary offense TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SQUAD CAR 1. 12042456-02232012_163506-ACCIDENT-1.jpg - REAR OF V#1 2. 12042456-02232012_163512-ACCIDENT-2.Jpg - REAR LICENSE PLATE OF V#1 3_ 12042456-02232012_163518-ACCIDENT-3.jpg - LEFT SIDE OF V#1 4: 12042456-02232012_163524-ACCIDENT-4.jpg - DAMAGE TO DRIVER'S DOOR V#1 5. 12042456-02232012_163527-ACCIDENT-5.jpg - DAMAGE TO DRIVER'S DOOR V#1 6. 12042456-02232012_163538-ACCIDENT-6.jpg - DAMAGE TO DRIVER'S DOOR V#1 7. 12042456-02232012_163543-ACCIDENT-7.jpg - DAMAGE TO DRIVER'S DOOR V#1 8. 12042456-02232012_163551-ACCIDENT-8.jpg - LEFT SIDE OF V#1 45 DEGREES 9. 12042456-02232012_163557-ACCIDENT-9.jpg - FRONT OF V#1 10. 12042456-02232012_163559-ACCIDENT-10.jpg - FRONT OF V#1 11. 12042456-02232012_163606-ACCIDENT-11.jpg - REAR OF V#2 12. 12042456-02232012_163621-ACCtDENT-12.jpg - RIGHT SIDE OF V#1 13. 12042456-02232012_163632-ACCIDENT-13.jpg - RIGHT SIDE OF V#2 14. 12042456-02232012_163639-ACCIDENT-14.jpg - RIGHT SIDE OF V#2 15. 12042456-02232012_163645-ACCIDENT-15.jpg - FRONT RIGHT CORNER DAMAGE TO V#2 16. 12042456-02232012_163650-ACCIDENT-16.jpg - FRONT RIGHT CORNER DAMAGE TO V#2 17. 12042456-02232012_163653-ACCIDENT-17.jpg - FRONT RIGHT CORNER DAMAGE TO V#2 18. 12042456-02232012_163700-ACCIDENT-18.jpg - FRONT RIGHT CORNER DAMAGE TO V#2 19. 12042456-02232012_163707-ACCIDENT-19.jpg - FRONT RIGHT CORNER DAMAGE TO V#2 20. 12042456-02232012_163714-ACCIDENT-20.jpg - FRONT LICENSE PLATE V#2 The labeled photos were TRANSFERRED to the Media Vault. PUBLIC NARRATIVE PHOTOS. ; � I i SP301568F76460F 10ch1209200089 Ta:6512884014 From:STRTE FAIaM Fax:STATE FARM� KOFA7C� at:HPH-16-201Z-1[:1H lloc:/'Gb F'age:ols , Page 1 of 2 Saint Paul Police Department SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INClDENT REPORT Date and Time of Report Complaint Number Reference CN 12042456 02/24/2012 00:16:00 Pnmary offense: TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SQUAD CAR Primary Reporting O�cer. Rhodes, Paul D Name of Iocation/6usiness. Primarysquad• 670 Locationofincident: 135E FW N & PENNSYLVANIA Secondary reporting oKrcer MN 55101 Approver. RhOd2S, Paul Distnct: Cellt�al Date&time of occurrence; 02/23/2012 16:13:00�o Srte: 02/23/2012 18:00:00 Arrest made: 5econdary offense: Police O�ce�Assaulted or injured: Police O�ce�Assisted Suicide: Crime Scene Processed: OFFENSE DETAILS . TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SCIUAD CAR Attempt Only: Appears to be Gang Related: SOLVABILITY FACTORS sy.• Suspecf can be Idenlrfied: Phofos Taken: Stolen Property Traceable. Evidence Tumed ln• Property Tumed In• Related Incident. La6 Biologica!Arralysis: Fingerprints Taken. NarcaGc Analysis: lcems Fingerpnnted' La6 Comments. Participants: Phone: Person Type: Name: Address: NARRATIVE MYSELF, OFFICERS, BILEK, ODONNELL, AND RAICHERT WERE RIDING IN UNMARKED VEH. LIC# PRJ649. RAICHERT ODONNEL'NWASI REAR SEAT PASS NGER SIDE.ND MYSELF REAR SEAT, DRIVERS SIDE AND WE WERE EAST BOUND ON PHALEN BLVD. STOPPED tN TRAFFIC ON THE INSIDE LANE, WAITING SP301568F76460F 10ch7209200090 Ta:6512884014 FromcSTATE FARM Fax:STATE FARM KOFAX� at:APR—lb-2012-12:18 Doc:726 Page:014 Page 2 of 2 Saint Paul Police Department SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Complaint Number Reference CN Date and Time of Report 12042456 02/24/2012 00_16:00 Primary offense_ TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SQUAD CAR FOR THE RED LIGHT. ONCE IT TURNED GREEN WE REMAINED STOPPED BECAUSE THERE WAS A MTC BUS STOPPED, ATTEMPTING TO TURN NORTH ON MISSISSIPPI BLVD. ONCE TRAFFIC HAD CLEARED ON THE OUTSIDE LANE RAICHERT STARTED TO MOVE OVER. AS HE WAS ENTERING THE LANE I WAS TURNED AND SAW THE STRIKING VEH COME UP FROM THE SIDE, THIS VEH. APPEARED BE MOVING RATHER FAST FOR THE AMOUNT OF TRAFFIC AROUND. THIS VEH. KEPT DRIVING PAST US STRIKING/SCRAPING THE FRONT RIGHT BUMPER OF OUR CAR. CAUSING DAMAGE TO OUR R{GHT FRONT BUMPER AND LIGHT. THE OTHER VEH SUSTAINED DAMGE TO ITS DRIVERS SIDE DOOR AND PASSENGER DOOR. PHOTOS WERE TAKEN OF DAMAGE BY SQD 230. WE HAD VEH PULL OVER NEAR OLIVE AND PHAlEN BLVD. I WENT TO SPEAK THE THE DRIVER, BEE VUE, 1-20-87, HE WAS UNABLE TO SPEAK ENGLISH SO I HAD THE PASSENGER, PA KOU LEE, 8-15-89, TRANSLATE FOR ME. i ASKED WERE THEY HAD BEEN PRIOR TO ACCIDENT. LEE TOLD ME THEY HAD BEEN STOPPED IN TRAFFIC A NUMBER OF CARS BACK FROM US IN THE SAME LANE AS US. WHEN THEY SAW THE BUS HAD EVERYTHING STOPPED THEY ALSO CHANGED LANES AND HEADED EAST. THAT IS WHEN THEY SIDE SWIPED OUR VEH. I AKSED LEE TO ASK BEE HOW FAST HE WAS TRAVILING PRIOR TO THE ACCIDENT? LEE TOLD ME BEE SAID HE WAS GOING 25 TO 30 MPH. WE THEN LEFT THEM WITH THE CASE NUMBER AND HEADED BACK TO EAST DISTRICT. IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT NO ONE IN EITHER VEH WAS INJURED. PUBLtC NARRATIVE City veh. property damage accident i I � I � SP301568F76460F 1Qrh19Qq�QOQA1 To:6512884014 Fram:STATE FARM Fax:STATE FARrI KOFAX� at:APR-16-2012-12:16 Doc:726 Page:015 - Pa9e 1 of 2 Saint Paul Police Department SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Comp/a�nt Number Reference CN Date and Time of Report 12042456 02/24/2012 00:35:00 Pnmary otfense. TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SQUAD CAR Primary Reporting O�cer. Raichert, Joshua Name of/ocation/business. Pnmarysquad g73 Cocation olincident. 135E FW N& PENNSYLVANIA Secondary reporting o�cer. MN 55106 Approve� Rhodes, Paul �istrict: Eastern oate 6 time oi occurrence: 02/23/2012 16:13:00 to Si1e. 02/23/2012 16.13:00 Arrest made: Secondary offense Police OtncerAssaulted or In�ured Police O�cerAssisted SuTcide: Crime Scene Processed. OFFENSE DETAILS TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SQUAD CAR Attempt On1Y. Appears to be Gang Related: SOLVABILITY FACTORS Suspect can be ldentified• By: Photos Taken Stolen Property Traceab/e• Evrdence Tumed ln. Propeny Turned In: Related lnadent: Lab Biological Analysis• Fingerprints Taken: Naicotic Analysis: ltems Fingerprinfed: Lab Comments. Participants: Person Type: Name: Address: Phone: NARRATIVE On 02/23/12 at approximately 1600 hours I, I squad 673 (RAICHERT)was driving MN PRJ649. I was in the number one lane, stopped in traffic, facing eastbound Phaten Blvd under 35E. Several cars ahead of ine, in the same lane, a MTC bus was attempting to make a left turn onto Mississippi Blvd. I used my rearview, side view, and looked over my shoulder to ensure the number two lane was clear SP�01568F76460F 10ch7209200092 � ��^Ta=6512884014 From:STATE FAPo1 Fax:STATE FARPI KOFAX� at:APR-16-2012-12:IB Doc:726 Page:016 Pa9e 2 of 2 Saint Paul�Police Department SUPPLEMENTAL OFFENSE / INCIDENT REPORT Complaint Numbe� Refeience CN Date and Time o/Report 12042456 02/24/2012 00:35:00 Pnmary offense� TRAFFIC ACCIDENT-SQUAD CAR before entering. I noticed two vehicles approaching so I initiated my right turn signal and waited for them to pass. Once the vehicles passed I again checked all mirrors and looked over my shoulder and found the lane to be clear of vehicles. I slowly began to turn into the lane from a completes stop. Once I had moved approximately two feet into the number to lane I noticed a vehicle appraaching rapidly in the number two lane. I applied my brake to stop and the vehicle continued speeding up. As I came to a stop the vehicle in the number two lane continued toward me without slowing or diverting it's direction at all as if the driver didn't see me at all. The vehicle in the number two lane struck my vehicle making contact with my front passenger side light of the vehicle and continued driving, without slowing causing damage to the d�iver's side door and driver's side passenger door. The vehicle, MN SCK705 didn't attempt to slow or stop until it had completely passed my vehicle. Once stopped I directed the driver, BEE VUE, 01/20/87, 430 Van Buren Ave, to pull ahead out of traffic. Front seat passenger, was identified as PA KOU LEE, OS/15/89. VUE didn't speak english so Lee translated for him. I asked where they came from and Lee said that they came frorn the number one lane because they were stuck in traffic. I asked how many cars behind me they were prior to moving into the number two lane and they thought about three cars. I asked if they saw me in the lane and they said "No." I asked if they were accelerating rapidly and they didn't answer. I asked how fast they were going and they thought "30 mph." Squad 230 arrived for photos. See Sgt Rhodes Report for further. PUBLIC NARRATIVE Supplemental report. i i I SP301568F76460F +n�n��nn�nnnua ������ �� ._----:�—__._�=e , _ c�__.�:__� a� _ Z��-------�-� _ __:^_`�°�--�-���-_ _ -_ � --_------------- _� ___ � __ �_ � . _� _ ___ .�_ ..__.__ ._ ____ �_ _. .- -- ---. _ ��- � _ ____ � ���a�___ ��_� __ �:��� _� _ _ _ _ _ _ .__ � � � _ u`..y�_ _ __ _ �_�_�. . __ _ --- � - � _ .. .L �y �. : . . ��/j �a �� ��.� .� __ .�rw� � _� __� � . _ _ _ _ _ �_�___________._.___. _ r. _ ___ P t� /1 _ _ ����� �-���/1. �.�G� _�..�... _ -- - - ------_-- � /� � � __ . _ - __ _. � . , _. . __ __. . . - .- _ . �._�. .._ __ . _ f ��� � ._._. . . __.�. ._ ,__ . �_ _ _ _ _ °�_ _ _ __ _._. _ _ _ --��� - _ __ _ �.. _ . _._ � --- -- _ _ , - � ��___._ _ _.._- __ _ _ _ . - -- _ `� �__�_f� l_ -�._�_,�'.�__...�__s.�'` _ �.._ _ �_ _.�- -- ��'� -__._� _� _ � . . _ __ �v-=�_ `��.___ >f __i__.__----��.__�._.r_�__.__ �__�. c�____�:.:��«�_______-_.�::_�_._.--_---�_�-.- �, __ __ __. _ _� __ _� - - __ � ____..____ - _ , . 1 � . � , - i �� _u».-- . --_- --+�__ . _ _G. :_.�_ _ _ �. _._ _ _� _ .--_- __ --- -- ---- - - - ���''�- � _ , . _ . --=_---- ___ ..�___ ---'�' �.��:_�� _ _._ ___ _ Y�,'' _._ _ ,�__�.:.����_-�___ C'r�-�__:���._—__�--,____��_�_�_.�.__ /�'���__ - -_ _ __ ------_ __�t�_ _ ____ _ - _ _. __ ���=-- -��=-_ �----=---_=-__���._�,_-�.--- �.�-==- ----_---�---_ ___ ��- -.�------�_-�__ _ � __���_�V__��,�___ .__���.�:_���_ _ ._ __:_�_,r1 _�-�� � _�____ _ _ ��_ _ __�__,�_�_�.__ .__�z.�_ .._ _ � __ . ���'� . __ _ =_���. _LL--�-==- ------�.:�:��?�--r�'� ��..�. _ _ _.__�_ _ �c��- �.__-.___._-____---�-__ __---�---_ � _ .__ -- - � - �� �. , . .,:� ,:��LLry_: � _�__-_.__��7��.����_ .._���� ��� ..�:,.�G_t,��.�5__._.__._v__�.__ ._�.��. _�.�._ __ �_..�_� i � � _. w..,�.u...���_�:.��___.,.,�:�.. ��.�`..���:s.._.��ri.n��"-�?�,�:� �!/___�'�.�,.� �..__.____—____._. ���,.�.. __....__��.�..�...��.�,,. .___.�_._�.._d_. ��. _ — i � . _'.:.-��a..:�__°�_.._.�._....�.�..�.,....._,.. -�.�—_�._.__�._ ..�_. .. ... ._.�_..��__.=:���=._�.s��:. .:. _.. .._. .L...�"_,_.__'_�_ .. .... ....:,._. .. .._� �w..w�.v'+.:.._._.._.:,_�_.��__. To_6512884014 From:STATE FAla7 Fax e 5�w i t rwm Ra,+rsu-7 dC:f7rR-1 O-CV 1L-iG:1 O ...,�_,<.. ,oy�_....., Accident Report . . ' � c�u:ra�a . �r5am t F 12092956 ' Qy w•,wo+aw R,..ti,. vn.ua im-Ee ,.w me, ,� C t . �y +; � m mres..�.m .w,c�oe.w.na � w.e..+�cra ❑wnJmiwcr°`�� °� .__Brt [�a ❑w°rJr � �„ • _ cn..�r.,.o r}'�'��, rnea,. �er�naicun +ourtara 11d1�C1.diWMTOOri 9srMf[�luiE i..)T� +_�' W'f�11 ^OHf10� itlKaV:iMCNl�901-� �LIL 6/Sf lf�l'.A �1� ONA�4KKMY`a i 8taf Rauluf !M. ��1.^fORi iluCP�LM�itAt� Wtv�M O�T.��mRw�7 OV[O�M�M Pe'oPi • �00�?f rti �u�a A\�Y. OERCT YN�iA ') j �y�s CflY,SlwIt,N ��IY{f�R�1p M/BCl ahNn /L�C�* Wf 1�lEEO!t �EKl YWe ultt �ulpY �M4T5 fu �[GPT SUfEY" NNW f!W iYE.' RCtM10 LGw IM Zq1iCT OS� • ? �6 fHi � T'R Al�a�v NYU�CEV�Yi PFr.WUP �r fYV6 � n/! i01qR I�MLmf M�LLwK�QR+1Cf RWRtR� . ' ' . 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Paul Rhodes 153 St Paul PD pa,o.. _ pof,� http://www.dvslesupport.org/dvsinfo/accidentrecords 2008/Includes LElPrintReportIndiv... 2/24/2012 1QGh19Qp9QQQR3 � �����Tae6512884014 From:STATE FARM FaxcSTATE FARM KOFAX� at:APR-16-2012-12:iB Doc:726 Page:003 • Accident Report � • ' ITxwL s r 12092956 � • . � N y R N ���2 d0 'da �� ]3 2 23 012 hu 1613 n wa�nnu. ,n.rcn,w.�wv.v.�..a ,o.e�,a«+n. � - p.o i ,W 10 Phalen Blvd s w ��'"""��' q —'—�� B• a� '� ` rasnw .rttisw �.w+arc.n .anean one�n. �+�.n_wK.�vt 62 B-..�.. 3925 +_• Ol 35 E - �� rsra: atru�a�.uion.. � � n.m wn R.�a .v.s saw�a,sn�ee�-i III�I D O1M ul�• O1 G787069098222 i9�1 D O1 5249185372715 •+z.n� wer.s,rm�.ron aewi. .rxisuc.me.we� ..ewns BEE WE O1 20 87 JOSHUA EARL AAICHERT 11 25 75 08 430 VAN BUAEN AVE N, O1 367 Grove St. N? 01 �4� „ma :.nn.,.. �rt�wr.u� 02 ST PAUL 55103 6�7-278-0189 St. Paul 55337 651-391-illl 01 �jy.t .�Y [61 ��4f ��v� M1YY U�Li !tY ¢M'(T �W� Ml�O 61LT f0Y /06� 01 "� M �4 04 06 OS N � N1 �4 04 06 OS N O1 NGt 1��f JIA ME bK1?LWOOf� YK�X6Sq'Kfi YM.auesi wOa MF WY,n1k f5.0 R�tYI MWUCis�v� wss� '�r 98 �L" 98 N, a�,,, "25 98 1�`•` 98 Ah �;,,�„ amm m.a�e+w[ �� we�w rw aan p� WE HEE N � CITY OF ST PAUL POI..TCF. DfiPT PF 09 .M �A1�f� ILqD lG�R`j �O10 �V:Y� Ol 430 VAN BUREN AVE lY 1675 ENERGY PARF( DRV � ��s .r..us a � v�o.w+ un r.+n,. � 0 `17� Ol 9T PAUL MN 55103 '10S 03 ST PAUL t4�I 55108 "� �, ��� 07 TOYT LXS 200 �� FORD EPR 00 HLIC 02 a°av mr cao +wxa .ow..n ,�... we� a�es w..su �+�+� OZ°"� �2 SCR705 MN 3 O1 � � O1 � PRJ649 MN 2 O1 �Y,Q, wati rrra aaweeM�n 'ro+c*n.uew State Farm 1360507-C26-23H • Se2f Insused „`��•,;,,�• ;�` """• �•"••• ��eomcnr nwam A eor�acM�rmon ra+�cis.seNOO�ew oa t�o swrt aus ""'° "'S. � ns�GUa6n to wetsv'n�E nw�E ermtt bw.+w.m�w w tm.»a.ea+n.cN+} �.oaarecaa�ee�.-rnver�:av.r e�wr�n .K�...asaa..ma��m..K .uew 1ussouv!wmssa un d ai rnr uc .�re tr.t a+icv m� v w� \ . ea xrni t�e Ol 03 0���� F Od 04 06 OS N N^ O° �pa ��, � O� � 02 03 ��i:� N ' p« � � � O� M�Q 1MP/rG� � OZ D4 1/IS/ N' - p,..,. (� oa..+nu�,.o.a..inv,.. '.w..�..own.:.u.:w+..i..+ar.� e...eo�..aeo.nu...wu..e. — \ �zm �.a ��+° Ol - - - -- -- -- - — - 98 aoy.a. 03 � Di1veT of Ot�iC il lyoKe_[hlOUqD his D�B�*W!z as �,y � an iaeezpzctcr. xe eaid tTiat he vaa s�uck-is��� � � �' � .tzafE.ic.i.n_the �1 lane aad aera thnt the !2 lsae. 98 . OI . . / . . .. � . . � uras elear He mtered the !Z 2aae nnd aceelerate .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . m..�.a �..�. � w I � to 25 -34 HPH quSekY�bo gee aco�od traltie.. .Ha_. �� �h"' � r � � + � � ��• did aoG aee onit /3 �mlil it vas teo Sace te ae_ O1 r�cr.�.: ( "�" -}� _. ar,8 sez�tzk vnie Y2. � 8 - ` �� Dtivez of Uni"t il said he was aIso s�Euck bebind � � tcettic iu ihe.11 lmt.nnd a�ored in4a.CAe_!� 3Pp � ��� --=� --- � nEtez ehe�kin4 te see if it vaa eleaY. Ne pZ ' _, I — � � aignaled+hie intcnclon co move inta the./2 laaa. �,�� � Nhea he wae halfvay ineo ehe leae he vas atruek �� � _ 1 � `( I 'by VniC 12-chai Vaa'accelezacing•Yapiflly peat hia OS � � : riqht hand side. Dait 12 seid thee Vnit il van__ .�.e oww I � ' � � � •' aot Were .rhm he checked the �2 lene aad . Ol � ._� � avpeased tr be accelezntins zayidlx•---- O1 " '- �coac�e6 on atcachad ya8a) • �O'�' - • - - — ` • -°- - - - . . .. Y Y • �l � � � � � .���� .. ���� �� �� . 0�. L�LCE• - �GeC� e�Nann1]+ O RQ61Nwla 4tfA Sgt. Paul Rhodes 153 St Paul PD _ pa.,e. O� http://www.dvslesuppori.org/dvsinfo/ac;cidentrecords 2008/Includes LE/PrintReportIndiv... 2/24/2012 10ch1209200080