96-207Return copy to: Real Estate Division 140 City Hall (iao) co,�ncii Fi1e # 9 G- ao? Green Sheet # 34101 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �:-_--�,-• - �;T.�.�Y1:1 0 Cnmmtl�c Date 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, acting through iu Valuadon Engineer, has secured an agreement for the conveyance of property, to the City, as outlined in the attached Purchase Agreement, incorporated herein by reference; and WHEREAS, the above menrioned property is necessary for the re-construction of the Wabasha Street Bridge #62555; and WAEREAS, the Valuation Bngineer has recommended the conveyance of said properry to the City of Saint Paul. SO THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper C`ity officials are hereby authorized and directed to accept this property conveyance as outlined in the attached Purchase Agreement, incorporated herein by reference. Requested by Deparkment of: Finance & ManaQement Services : Adopted by Council: Date `��. .�.S r \9 q C� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B f-� . Approved b� a r: D e By: Form Approv d by City Attomey `�'� / /// ti By: �,/�`.w+-� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: / �y � ��e�/� f F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date Green She� N�ber: 3q.101 EPAIt1NMHdf AIltECPOR 4 Q1Y COUN(l�. Peaon and Plnne Nomb� „�` 1 A71�DRNEY 5 QER% White or Juan plf¢ �.G(-$$$� � °m' DIRECDDR 2 & M s(T. SVG DIIt 3 YOR(ORASQSfANl� 6 Psfatc/140C$yHaIl c� m c.o�a n� rq Febraary 28, 1996 # OF �GNATURL PAGES (Q]P AII.I.00AaONS FOR QGNAIVRF.� CIION RPRi3RS'15�D: pprove conveyance of properiy to the G'Yty / Wabasha Bridge Re-constracrion FMS File #18794E �IDAZIONS APPROVE (A) OR REIECl' (R) NAL S4?ItVICE OONlRAC1S MUST ANSWER 1HE FOIIAWINCr. rinnramaG cora�ox A �'�' �,� �/r� �� �a �� � u� ae�n�cz � xo (1VII. SffiiVi(�? COIdMISAON Has 1Lis peaon/Snm ecer bee� a Criy employee? YPS NO C� COBSMCIIEE Does tLis pcaon/5rm posse� a st�71 nar m�aIlY P� b9 �9 _ �mtGtyemployx? YFS NO ' all YES �swes � a separabe sheet �d atta�. R1S WHICdI COUNCAL OBIECIIVL? covivca, wnxn�s� � DISTRICl' PIAIVNING COUNCII. 3, 9. 17 TING PROBLEf�f, ISSQS, OPPOR7VN[17 (Wlw, WLat. WMn, Wheie. Kfi�x is property is necessary in order to proceed with the re-construction of the above mentioned bridge. VANIAGffi IF APPROVFD: e-wnstruction will proceed as planned. , a,. 99E ISADVANI'AGES IF APPROVID: "-i:V'=B��V"s�°�' `�G��°li�e� one. �snuv�rrrncrsm�rnrexovm: s 3 .� ��e�`���'s " ���' esign plans would have to be revised at a great expense to the project. ��� ���:s�� niuovivr oa nenzasacnorr: �p oosr/xevrrios avnG�ir.0 <cmca.E or� �s xo ING SOURCE• AC11V1TY NUMBER: (]AI.IINFORMAIION: (E�IAIlV) �- °� `- a o'l RECEIVED cz� oF SAINT pAUL sqt� 3 1 f93S PURCHASE AGREEMENT RFAL ESTATE DIVIS(ON 1. Date: January 5, 1996 ��,�'� r;�•. , , z 2. I,ocation of the Real Estate: � •^�'�` `. �., C°�'�'-` �� : ";',, " �T!` �c�� ��: . � - Property northeast of Wabasha & Water Streets.�,• �,_, ���1; Portion o£ parking area north of 84 Wabasha Str�et��� �,.�•;i °� � South. ���'�`.r'. ;, T, , °1 + }�\ � 4 j �. )� \ ' �e � 3. Legal Description of properties to acquired by Buyeri�.� S;FI� �� � See Attached Exhibit "A" as depicted on the attached Exhibit "C". 4. a)Name and address of Buyer: City oP Saint Paul Department of Public Works 6th Floor City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 b)Name and address of Se11er: Weschcke Family Limited Partnership C/O Llewellyn Worldwide Limited 84 Wabasha Street South St. Paul, Minnesota 55107 5. Purchase price accepted by Seller: See Paragraph 10. 6. Seller shall pay all assessments levied against said property as of the date of transaction. Seller shall provide Buyer with proof of payment o£ assessments. 7. Type of Conveyance reguired: Convey permanent right of way easements by warranty deed. 8. Seller shall provide the Buyer within seven days of signing this Purchase Agreement an updated Abstract of Title and/or an Owners CertiPicate oP Title. Seller agrees at Sellers cost and expense to correct or remove any exception or "clouds" on the title as shown on the Buyer�s "COmmitment to Insure" title examination report. 9. Transaction shall occur within 30 days followinq execution of the Purchase Agreement at which time the title to the premises shall be conveyed to the City. The Closing date may be postponed and rescheduled by mutual agreement of the parties hereto. Buyer shall pay all closing costs. 9 `- ao� Purchase Agreement Page 2 10. As part of the compensation for permanent easement rights, the Buyer shall convey to Seller the following property: See Exhibit "B" as depicted on attached Exhibit "C", and Buyer shall pave the entire revised parking lot. 11. The Buyer shall provide reasonably adequate temporary parking to Seller during construction of the Wabasha Street Bridge #62555 and improvements in connection with Item #10, if existing private parking becomes inaccessible to the Seller and any individuals having business with said Seller. 12. Seller shall provide an affidavit on the date of closing, indicating that the Seller has not used or permitted the use of the subject property as a hazardous waste disposal facility as dePined in Section 115A.03 Subd. 10 of Chapter 121 oP the Laws o£ Minnesota oP 1983. 13. All warranties and representations made in this Purchase Agreement shall survive the closing and conveyance o£ title to the property. This Purchase Agreement and all obligations provided shall, to the extent not fully satisfied and performed by or through the Closing, survive the closing and the conveyance of title to the property. 14. Buyer shall provide good and marketable title to Parcel M, an owner's Title Insurance Policy, and a"Phase 1" environmental report indicating no environmental problems. SELLER: By: t s • . ev=� �`Q� By: Its: BZIYER: City o£ Saint Paul Date: Date: � � ,�.. 3 I � By � z�.l z/ �6 Aate: -of-Way Engineer ° �(.-30� Exhibit "A" Parce) "i" / Permanent Right of Way Easement rnat part of Lot ?, Block A, P.ober�sen's .4dd:tian �o Z�'est St. Paul, Ramsey Coi:n;y, Afiinnesota, lyilg sou#hwesterly ef a 11-,e whid� s parzi;el with and 65.00 ;eet northeasterly of, measured at a right ���le �o, the following described cen�er line: Commendng Gt the intersect;on ef the cen�er lines ef Wabasha and Fourth Strees as sho�vn on the ;ecorded p]zt of ihe City of St. Paul, Ramsey Coun;y, ?�unnesota, caid v�te>section mo:e specificalIy described as being the ;ollowin� point :�t the Rzmsey Coun,y Coord'v�ate Sysfer.l as publisred by the Raatsey Count °ublic Z�'orks Department, Land Sun-ey Division, final ady'us,mer,t Dece :�ber ? 7, 1991, based upon the North A�nerican Datum of 1°33 (19S6 adjusfinent) (Y-coord'n�afe = 1�6192.903 ;eet and X-coordinaie = 5i5004.021 feet); thence South 3� Ceg;ees 32 ninutes 37 secor.ds East (ail bearings herein being per said Rz Couniy Coord"ulate Sysfem) along the center IL-�e of <aid Wabasha Street, 351.44 feet to the foilowing po:.-;t 'vt said Ramsey County Coordinzte System (Y-coordina!e = 1�;,903133 ;eet and X-coordinate = �i�203.314 feet); thence l�TOrth �S deorees 11 ;ninutes Il seconds East, 0.?9 feet to the point of beginning of the centei line :o be described; iher�ce South 3? deo ees 32 rninutes 17 seconds East 119.60 feet; thence South 32 de� ees 23 minufes 47 seconds East 5�7.59 •deet; thence Sovtheasterly z1on� a°3�.25 ;oot radius tangential curve, co�rve ;o the south��•est, central z a?e 09 degzees 15 rr�inutes �9 seconds, a distance of 159.18 feet; thence South 23 degrees 07 n;inutes 98 seconds E�st, in;1P�E71} to said Gi1T1>E� Ji 6.41 feei; theaue Southeasterly, along a 29�2.7� foot radius tangential curve, conca>>e to t�e northeast, cen:ral �11g1e 05 degrees 07 minu,es 18 seconris, a dictance of 263.°5 ;eet; thence South 28 minutes 15 sninu;es 05 seconds East, tangent to szid curve, 227.63 !eet to the center line of Fillmore Avenve (for,nerly knotie>n zs Fourth Street on the plat of Robertson's Addiiion to West St. Pau3, Ra„uey Counfy, Minnesota) znd there ferminating. (Said p�int of :ermination, for ulforn�ation purposes only, lies 0.28 feet noztheasterly of the center lu�e of 1Nabasha Street, as �easured alono the center line of said Fillmore A��enue.) Exhibit "B" Parcel "M" qc• ao� That part of Lot 2, E;ock A, Robertsori s Addit;on to 11'est St. Paul, Rzmsey Cc�unty, ?vi'vu:esota, lying Eas,erly of a lir;e n��vung frc;n a point on thz I�?orth�,�es,erly li�e cf sa:d Lot 2��d 15.00 feet \'o .hezsterly from the \TOZthti,�est comer of szid Lot 2 fo a point on the Southeas:erly lu�e oi rid Lot 2�-�d 30.00 ;eet ;?orthezs;eily ;:0.:1 tl��e South�ti-e:t comer of said Let 2; together ��,�ith fhat part of Lot 1, szid B1ock A lying sou.hz,•es.erly of Line :� desc,ibed below: Lir:e A Lir;e � being a'•;ne para?:el with and 30.U0 ;eet sou,h;ves.erly of, meas;:red zt a rioht angie �o, ihe ;ollowli�g descrioed !u Cemme;�cing at the :��tersectien ef ihe center lines of Wabssha �nd Fourth Streets as shown e:� the :ecorded ylat of the Ci:y of St. Pavl, Rams:y C�w�ty, 4finnesc:a, szid intersection i:,ore specificaily desrribed as Lein� the ;ollo�ving poi:�t in ;he Ramse}' Co•anty Coord'u�ate Systen as published by tlie Rw,isey Cow�ty Pubiic i1�o*ks Departr.��ent, Land Surrey Division, ;inal adjustmer,t December 17, 1991, based upon :he North �lmericaZ Datum of 1953 (1955 zdjustment) (Y-coordina;e = 15b192.903 feet and X-coor�inzte = 575004.021 feet); thence South 3� de�rees 32 minutes �?7 secoi�ds East (all bearin�s he:ein beu�g pe: said Ramsey Couniy Coordinate System) along the cen;er ]ine of said 14'abasha St*eet, 351.44 feet to the follewing pcint ;n said Ramsey Coun:y Coordi7ate System (Y-ceordina'e = 155903.433 feet and X-coordinate = 575203.314 fee�); thence I�TOrth �� de�:ees 41 ninutes il seconds East, 0.49 feef; •.he�ue South 34 degrees 32 mn�utes 97 secor�cls East 119.60 feet; ihence South 32 degrees 23 minuies a7 seconds E�st 547.°9 feet; ihence Seutheasterly along a R34.25 foot radius tanaentiai curve, concave to the south�,�est, central ang)P 09 degrees 15 ;ninutes 59 seconds, a disfaixe vf 159.13 feet; thence South 23 degrees 07:ninutes ?3 seconds East, tangent to said curv�476.71 feet; thence :�TOrth 66 Cegrees 52 minutes 13 seconds East 66.14 feet; thence easterly and southezsterly alcng a 190.00 foot radius, tangential cun�e, conca�'e ;o the south, central angle 31 degrees 53 ininutes 12 seconds a nistance of 200.11 feet to the pov�t of b o�ulning of ��e line to be described; chence South 31 degrees'.4 :ninutes 0� seconds East, tznger�t to said cv.n�e, 250.�5 :eet, to the cen:er line of Eact 1Naier Street and there ;erm'v�ating. EXCEPTL\'G THEREI=i:O'�i, that part of said Lot 1, Bleck A, described as felio�vs: Bea.nnino �t the intersecticn of ,he aforedescribed Line A and the southeasterly line of said Lot 1; thence soviht��esterly aionb said southeasterly I'nie, 1�.00 feet; thence northeasterly to a po:nt on said Line A�,-hich is 15.00 .`eet norih��•esierly of the a;o*edescribed po'vit cf be�i:vwig, measured a)ong said Line A; thence southeasterly 1�.00 feet to the poir.t of teginnL7� and t�l2iE fCTiii111aiii�p. °I `- a � —� LE�E ROAD ------- --�-=z��---• ���.���������� ' l�-C�LL��S I \ � � �� P�x�NC �or C � �r' � � M W � � .�` "�� f � _,� :;:� i Y �� �c 1� �� � � � t.su'� _-� 1I l''.�=50�����'�J' S0' ��•- _ � z � — '� —�— — — — —�— — —"�•.. ; � < a ,�_ . . �� � �.� _�-� - .. . . . � Exhsb ~A!I .. _.. . -�-s.:- _� � _ _ � � _ � : J ������ • ' "' _'" . -- �`� o ��d(�jJd, ���.���_i_� Ii °° - i ._ "' ---.... o � � ---. . ._ . . 8 � - ° --0 .'.'•�-c" 5 2 � ::' < .. . a, �� S ,_ 0 � � ., � -..._ _. . _ . .i v � . � , . .. :: ` : ' /. ' 130' ------- �� . _ 8 I _ / 1 ; 1 _ I� � . j . .; :_, ° : � � o �L----- � o —=— ---- . � . I " ---- � o � S �� �� 50' ��50' �� i � .-t �--- ' r I a --- I � ` n� � � ' 29 o CJ � I� ' V O �.C ' c � I I � ` I _'-------"-- � � � � N � I. ^�j o � -----------�� � II 1 � � � I � I � I 1_ �� �Y �� G., �V � � �I j(�abas� � �R'9�� � j S l�.e� �' 1 ---� � �. ., I @I � !� ��i l �� I / ,