96-205Council File # 9�- a o 5 Green Sheet # 3 a s e� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 30 � Committee: Date WHEREAS, the Sales Tax Revitalization (STAR) Program requires certain loan servicing, accounting and program data collection services; and WHEREAS, PED/HRA does not now have the computer processing capacity or staff to provide STAR loan accounting and data collection services; and WHEREAS, the Finance Director, Budget Director and D'uector of the Department of Planning and Economic Development have concluded that these services can be provided most cost efficiently and effectively by an outside source; and WHEREA5, the current STAR budget does not include an appropriauon or financing for these services; and WHEREAS, the Mayor pursuant to 5ection 10.07.01 of the City Charter, does certify that there is available for appropriation financing in excess of that estimated in the 1996 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1996 budget. Current Budset Chantes CITY GENERAL FUND Spending Plan: 001-09060-0548 Contingent Reserve- General 001-09060-0565 Transfer to City Sales Tax Fund 001-09062-0518 Work Simpler Comp Pool- Mayor's Contingency 001-09062-0565-Transfer to Ciry Sales TaY Fund HRA GENERAL FUND Financing Plan 145-36600-9830 Use of Fund Balance Spending Plan: 145-36610-0565 Transfer to City Sales Tax Fund 200,000 (40,000) 0 40,000 100,000 (20,000) 0 20,000 0 14,375 Q 14,375 Amended Budget 160,000 40,000 80,000 20,000 14,375 14,375 GZ 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 � CITY SALES TAX FUND Financing Plan: 93Q-9Q305-7299 Transfer from City General Fund 930-90305-7305 Transfer from I�RA General Fund Spending Plan: P7-930-90305-0219-77052 STAR Program-Professional Services NET CHANGE TO 1996 BUDGET 0 60,000 0 14,375 0 74,375 74,375 RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 1996 Budget. K\SHARED\HIC\STARESOL.RES Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY = !-..� / �� Approved b� fayor: Date � G/ By: m • 1 111 14,375 74,375 Requested by Department of: �1�-aos Plannin & Econom' eve ment By: �i�-�os� DEPARTMENT(OFFICElCOUNCII DATEINISIATED *�p ��p PED �, d� „A� 2/16/96 GREEN SHEET '� . _° CIXJTACT PERSON & PHONE �NIMVDATE MRIAVDATE �DEPAFiMENT0IRECT_ R —� CT'COUNdL Carole �tt0 SQ 2 � ASSIGN �C(TVATTORNEV '�.)r.[ CRYCLEFK MUST BE ON CqUNCIL AGENDA BV (DAiE) N Rd�� F � � BU�GE� DIFiEGTOk��� Y O FlN. & MGT. SERVICES DIA, February 28, 1996 OflDER �Mpypp(OFiASSISTAN'n � rh;af n� TOTAL # OF SIGNANflE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfION flE�UESTED: c� ? 1 199E Approval of City Council Resolution to amend the 1996 budget . .,.-.�:., p. ��-� « qECOMMENDATIONS: Apprwe (A1 a Rejeet (R� pERSONAt SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSNiER THE FOLL6WING QUESTIONS: _ PLqNNMG COMMISSION _ qVIL SERVIGE COMMISSION �� Has Nis personRirm ever worked under a contract for Mis departme�t? - _ CIB GOMMITTEE YES NO —�� 2. Has this personttirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO —���T �aT — 3. Does ihis rson/firm ssess a skill not normall pe po y possessetl by any curcent city employee? SUPPORTS WHIGH COUNCIL O&IECTIVET YES NO Explain all yes answers on aeparate sheet and ettaeh to green aheet iNR1ATING PFOBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORl71NYiV (1NM1a. Whet. When, Where, Why): Budget autha�ity is needed for technical and professional services for the Sales Tax Revitilization (STAR) Program for required loaa servicing, accounting, and grogram data collection. ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Required loan sexvicing, accounting, urogram data collection, and £inancial reporting will be provided for the STAR Program. DISAWANTAGES IF APPROVED NONE:, _ - - DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPflOVED. The above required services will not be performed. TOTAL AMOUNT OF 7RANSACTION S T��] � COSTBEVENUE BUDGETEU (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHGSOURCE Se2 3ttaChed ReSOlut10R ACTIVITYNUMBER Budg2t amendment 3ttaChed FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPlA1N) . �k 30 �� Proposal to Provide Servicing Support To The City of Saint Panl Planning and Economic Development Department for the Saies Tax Revitaiization (STAR) Program November 15, 1995 RFP - 17362-3 Norwest Bank Minnesota, National Association Corporate Trust Services The manner and complesity of the sen�ices proposed to be pro��ided to The City of Saint Paul Planning & Economic Development Department hace been de��eloped at substantial rime and eapense by Noncest Bank. Noneest vie�vs the loan sen�icing, accounting and program data collection processes it a�ould be emp(oying under the terms of the proposed agency agreement as proprietorv and confedential. Nornest further submits that Ihe � contents of this proposal are proprietazy in nature and not to be quoted or ciewed by others. Accordingl}•, Nonvest I Bank requesu that it be notified prior to an�• disclosure of this proprietary information to third paziies. RESPONSE TO PROPOSAL �� -ZO � relating to the Saint Paul Planning and Economic Development Department TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Interpretation of the Request for Proposal A. Summary B. Project Approach and Implementation Phases 2. Proposed Project Flow 3. System Overview and Design 4. Assumptions and Cost Proposal 5. Project Team 6. Project Timetable 7. Descri�tion of 5imilar Projects 8. Appended Materiats A. Statement of Corporate Qualifecations and 1994 Anm�al ReporY B. References of Current Customers C. Sample Reports D. Copy of Internal Audit Control Letter from KPMG Peat Marwick, L.L.P. E. Comptiance with Af'firmafive Action Requirements of the City of Saint Paal F. Compliance wiYh Fidelity Bond Requireme�Y (RFP - 173b2-3) PRdPOSAL SUIVIlVIARY tal The City of Saint Paul Pianning and Economic Devetopment (PED) Department has issued a � Request for Proposal (RFP - 17362-3) to perform loan servicing, accounting functions and program data collection to support the Sales Tax Revitalization (STAR) Program. Billing, � coilection and processing of payments, collection and reporting of financial information and specific demographic informaTion are the main components of the proposal. �1 � The grant and Ioan recipients for the first year of the STAR Program were recently seiected. The STAR Program is authorized for 30 years and future loans/grants will be issued at least � annually. Additionaily, grants and loans will be issued to revolving loan operators (RLO's) that are also eligible to make sub-grants and sub-loans. The number of loans and granu will increase � significanily in future years and the successful vendor must be capable of supporting ihis future � growth. � The vendor will be required to account for all monies loaned or granted by the City to grantees and borrowers, including revolving loan operators, alt monies tent or granted to sub-grantees and � sub-bonowers, and loan guarantees. Billing and coupon book generation, payment processing, accounting, data entry and repozting will also be required services. It is the City's intention that � these services be perFormed by the vendor, utilizing the vendor's hardware and software, and � ideally the loan accounting system will ultimaTely interface with the City's finance system. � � RESPONSE TO THE PROPOSAL Norwest Bank Minnesota, National Association beiieves it is uniquely qualified to perform the � services requested and is pleased to present this Response to the Proposal. Nonvest also looks forward to the opportunity to more completely discuss its qualifications during a pr�selecCion � interv3ew. At that time the Project Team wouId present a comprehensive overview of Norwest's technology, experience, customer setvice, and the manner in which we woutd propose to design, � devetop and implement a customized processing, accounting and reporting system for the City � of Saiat Paul Plannin� and Economic Development Department. � � � � � � � � NOTE: The Rec�uest for Proposal tivas received by Norwest Bank Minnesota, National Association on October 16, 199�. Followit�g a scheduled pre-Proposal cat ference an October 2.i, 199.i, two .4dderzdums to the Proposal were received by facsimile: Addendum #1 on November l, 199.i and Aciclerrdr�m #2 on November 3, 199�. The deadline for Proposul submissior7 fa•as charrged from Nm•ember 1, 199� t� Nnvemher I�, 199�. � I-A. SUIiNiARI' OF THE REQUEST FOR P120P4SAL q�-�1� , p 21 � ,; *Describe NorwesYs Approach to the ProjecY. A. Project Defined ) L'J ^ L-�" ✓ � This phase entails discussing the process flow with the appropriate representatives from Saint Paul PED. Nocwest will clearly understand the data inputs available and verify the accounting � and reporting output expectations. Additionally, Norwest wil] make recommendations as to process controls and efficiencies. Based on these discussions, Norwest will draft specific � explanations of each step agreed upon in the Proposed Process Flow (refer to Section 3). � B. Process Design � Once Saint Paul PED approves the proposed process flow, Nonvest wi11 design systems to � facilitate these processes. This design will include a description of the sofrivare and hardware � configuration and will outline the specific inputs, methods of interface, and desired outputs. This design will also describe the computer hardware and software requirements to be deployed � by Saint Paul PED. C. Ciient Review Norwest wiil review of the process and system design with Saint Paul PED prior to embarking on the development phase. D. System Deveiopment Norwest will develop the necessary proprietary softwaze to satisfy the requirements and design. This phase will inciude system unit tests performed by Norwest information system personnel. E. Testing Once Norwest has tested the systems, Norwest and Saint Paui PED will coordinate efforts to parallei process the periodic billing, loan accounting and reporting functions for a sample of loans. Norwest wili correct any errors found in these processes until all functions aze successfully tested and operationai. F. Implementation Saint Paul PED will provide Nonvest with the data necessary to suf£iciently populate the Norwest database. Norwest will test the accuracy of this data against records maintained by PED. Norwest wi11 then begin servicing the existin� portfolio. Please refer to Sectior� 6 for a proposed implemernatiar timeline of ihe project phases described a6ove. � l-B. PROJECT APPROACH AND IMPLEMENTATIOi� PHASES Z. PROPOSED PROCESS FLOW �� _�5 xDescribe each phase of fhe engagement The process flow diagram foilowing this pa�e is based on the assumptions listed below: Saint Paul PED and the RLO's wili promptly provide 1Vonvest with sufficient information to service any newty originated loans (or grants) and perform any required reporting. 2. Saint Paul PED or the RLO wiil verify the account information of each new participant once it has beea entered on the Nonvest database. 3. Norwest will retain copies of checks received via a lockbox, or if appiicable, the transaction togs for payments made through ACH, and will maintain records of payment information. 4. The monthly Processing Cycie is defined as the period beginning on the lst of the month and ending at the close of business on the last calendaz day of the month. 5. The monthly cutoff date is the last calendaz day of the month. If a payment is received aRer the cutoff date, it witl be applied in the following procassing cycle. 6. Although payments may be received and deposited a£ter the last day of the month, Norwest wiil reconcile the aggregate funds expected to be received against the balance in ttie cash accouat as of the last calendaz day of the month. The monthly reporting package proposed to be provided to Saint Paul PED and the RLO's on the lOth of the month will inciude, but is not limited to: • Loan Management Reports; • Delinquency Reports; • • Accounting and Financial Information Reports; • Compliance Reports. Quarterly or semi-annual reports would inciude: • Individuais and Entities Involved in Each Lending Re[ationship; • Individuals and Entities with Prior Adverse Lending Relationships with the City. 8. If agreed upon, Saint Paul PED will be provided the database via elecironic transfer on a monthIy basis to be able to generate iu own ad hoc reporting. In addition, Norwest will provide Saint Paul PED with up to five ad hvc reports each month at no additionat charge. Upon reques2, additional ad hoc reports will be provided on a per cost basis. 9. Norwest will place a high priority on developing an interface between the City's General Ledger and Norwest's Custom Reporting System. [0. Non*rest will recommend process improvements for efficiency and control on an on-goin� basis. � PROPOSED PROCLSS FLOW .� and Demo- graphics Suti-Borrower ��� �PaymentRemitfances New Loan tnformation i Demo- � graphics i � ' I Draw ' RLO I � j � i i , � � , Funtls Dr� w � Distribufion Requests � � I I , I I i � I , i Bonowe —� I B � ' Snb-BOrrowed G2ntee Loan Payment RemRiartces � � 'I � �� �emo- Draw i�� graphics Requests Grant kecrpients ♦ � i i I ; j .�__._ ___ _ `__ Reconciling/ Balanctng Informatioo PaymenY tnforzna[ian r ���� � �uaranree � 8ank i i I I Funds Payments Distnbution i �= j Borrowe ---- �-'; Bonower Fut�ds Distnbution '!'°-_: -:. ;; o; nt os o: _ u: n. a�. xDescribe the sysYem to be utilized. Norwest will leverage their investment in state-of-the-art systems and technology to provide a customized loan servicing system for Saint Paul PED. The systems development staff of Norwest uses client/server technology to develop applications. ReIational databases are used to store data and P.C.-based software is utilized for the user interface. SYSTENL APPLICATION CAPABILITIES TO BE DEVELOPED Program Monitoring: • Track all demographic and other data reqccired by Saint Paul YED for ail loans, grants and guazantees issued. Loan Servicing: • Track aIl scheduled and actual loan activity. • Generate cash receipts, delinquency and other reports on acriviry. Program Reporting: • Ad hoc capability for generating repores to meet the needs of Saint Pau1 PED. � Loan Accounting: � • Provide required accounting information in a format suitable for manual input to the City's � general ledger. Norwest will continue to work towards developing an automated feed o£ information directly to the City's G/L. � Establishment of Unipue Database � Using the technical environment described betow, Norwest will develop a database of the � information called for in this RFP, and develop the application necessary to popuiate the database with the ioan information and to stratify and report the information as requested. � Environment Description: � The hazdwaze that woutd be used to support the reporting requirements is an IBM RS/6000 � model R-24 mini-computer running IBM's AIX operating system. � Norwest uses a client/server architecture for the development of application software. The data Norwest receives from Saint Paul PED would be stored in an Oracle relational database residing � on the IBM RS/6000. Oracle is the Iargest database vendor in the world and is capable of � supporting hi�h volumes of data. The user interface, or screetts, and reportin$ would be developed using PowerBuilder. PowerBuilder is the most widely used clienUserver development � tool allowing rapid development of a user interface to the database. �� {: , r�: t� Continued next page... � 3. Sl'STEi�I OVERVIE�V AND DESIGN � q�^-L�� �' ` � The infrastructure available to support the described computing environment includes a full-time Database Administrator for Oracle database support, a full-time System Administrator for IBM RS/6000 hazdware and operating system support, and an application devetopment team devoted 2o meeting the reporting requirements of the program. In addition, Norwest has also purchased a 24 haur sup,port from IBM in the event of a hardware failure, 24 hour support fro m� cle, and 24 hour support from PowerBuiider. "� Disaster Recoverv Nonvest creates daily tape-backups for all development and production computer systems. These backup tapes aze stored at a secure off-site Mohawk storage facitity. In the event of a situafion requiring recovery from tape, delivery of the backup tape will occur in a matter of hours. NonvesY currently contracts with SunGard Disaster Recovery Services to provide a recovery hot- site. This hoi-site is located ia St. Paul's Energy Park. The hot-site includes the necessary office space, computer hardware and network cabling to support our current operating environment. The hot-site also includes technical support £or the recovery frorn the backup tapes. System Availability NonvesYs RS/6000 is available on a 7 day, 24 hour basis. Backups are conducted on-line daily at 11:00 p.m. Maintenance Schedule and Planned Upgrades Norwest currently follows the vendor's recommendations for scheduled hardware and softwue upgrades. For the RS/600Q these upgrades are covered under a Maintenance Agreement with IBM. Additional storage and processing upgrades (i.e, disk drives, memary) is handled on a capacity needs basis. Re�orting Options Saint Paul PED would receive monthly hard-copy reports developed to their specifications. Electronic @ata files designed in a mutually-a�reed upon format would also be provided. Upon request, Narwest would create up to 5 ad hoc reports per month at no charge (additionai reports would be provided on a per-cost basis). Norwest wiil provide up to I2 hours of report �eneration training, and additional hours will be available on a fee basis. -�. ASSL7141P"I'101VS I'OR TFIE PI20YOSAL ��`��� This praposal is based on the following assumptions: Carole Otto, Project Manager, and other assigned representatives of Saint Paul PED will be accessible and available to assist the Norwest Project Team. Requested infonnation, process review and decision-making wi11 be provided in a timely manner. 2. Norwest wi11 receive loan payments via a lockbox. Norwest wili uansfer all funds received during the processing cycle (a calendar month) to the City's General Account on the lOth calendar day (or the succeeding business day) of the foltowing month. Norwest wi11 manage these funds until the remittance date. Interest will be credited monthly to [he City's account. �' 3. Training of Saint Paul PED staff will be provided by Norwest as outlined in the Cost Proposal. 4. Upon selection of Norwest as the service provider, Norwest will draft an Agency Agreement outlining fhe details of this proposal and tezms of The Service Agreement and deliver the Agreement to Saint Paul PED for review and execution. 5. The implementation date of the accaunting and data reporting systems would be effective within 90 days of receiving the executed Agency Agreement and Acceptance Fee. One- half the annual administration fee would be payable the first year. Monthly servicing fees would not be billed until Ioan payments aze received. 6 The City of Saint Pau! Plannin� and Economic Development Department will commit to an initial 36-month contract with Narwest, with options to renew for additionat 1 year periods, not to exceed 5 years, at which time the contracY will be rebid. Nonvest agrees to commit to the fees outlined in the accompanying Proposal for a period of three yeazs. The fees wi11 be reviewed annually at the optional contract renewal periods, but not necessarily inereased. 4. COST PROPOSAL xProvide a complete itemized cost estimate for the deliverables. A. Contract Acceptance Fee $67,500.00 This is a one-time fee pac-abie at the time the contract commenccs which includes: • Acceptance of contract and implementation timetable; • Consultation services for recommended processes and program efficiencies; • Initial custom design, developmenY, testing and enhancements of the loan servicing and accounung s}•stems; • Revie�s and accepiance of ihe transaction documents; • Providing training to Saint Pau] PED staff of up to 12 hours. B. Annual AdminisYraYion Fee This is an annual fee, pay�ab[e in advance, which covers the normal administration of the program including: • Entering borrower and loan information; • Tssuing pa} ment coupons; • Account reconciliation; • GeneraYing Aging Reports; • Lockbos seivice and remittances to the City and RLO's; • Tickler �eneration for compliance items; • Standazd periodic reporting to Saint Paul PED* Stan@azd monthlc reports delivered via hard copp as well as copy of database supplied electronically. *Up to .i ad hoc reports per month are included at no additional charge. Fees for additional reports will be based on complexity, urgency and administrative time reguired, $18,750.00 �(� -?.�5 Included in annual fee One-half the annual administration fee would be payabie the £rst year. MonYhly servicing fees would not be billed untit loan payments are received. C. htonthly Servicing Fee Includcs: • Calculation of principal and inierest; • Pa}ment Processing; • Loan Tracking; • Late Fee Calculations; • Generating Delinquenc}• Letters. D. Custody Services (Optional) Includcs: • Cataloging loan files via eieetronic schedule; • Information verification; • Safekeeping of cotlateral; • Retum of fiIe upon maturity . $4.00 per loan per month $4.00 per frle per year fidditiona! customized services can be provided to meet your unique requiremenis. �. , _ . �-.. .. . ; . -..-z <:.. . �.i,� :�.: �„ �.r. . .. ,,., .�. . �. , _ ,. , ...... . &. ..�...,.,- 6. PROJECT TIMELINE � � -ZD,� "Provide an engagement timeline for the project. If Norwest is selected as the vendor to provide the support services for the STAR Program, we would propose to begin the system design and implementation phases as soon as possible foilowing Saint Paul's PED's acceptance and execution of the Agency Agreement and paytnent of the Acceptance Fee. It is anticipated that the accounting and data reporting systems would be implemented and operational within 90 days from the initial meeting with Saint Paul PED staff. A proposed Project Timeline is outlined below. Please refer to Section 2-B for a more detailed description of the planned implementation phase. RequiremenYS Definition Process Design Client Review System Development Testing Implementation January 2, 1996 to January i2, 1996 January 16, 1996 to January 20, 194b January 22, 1996 to January 26, 1996 January 22, 1996 to February 23, 1496 February 26, 1996 to March 15, 1996 By April i, 1996