96-203c�a�# 9 `—'�.c'�3 G+aeuy�aet// 32462 r�reasy Referred To MINNF.SOTA � - WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is committed to addressing the problem of tuberculosis; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul requires medicat staff to provide clinical services to pediatric patients in its Public Heaith Tubercutosis Control Clinic; and WHEREAS, Children's Health Care, Saint Paul has resources available to provide the necessary services; and WHEREAS, a contractual agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Children's Heaith Care, Saint Paul will provide for responsible provision of services and utilization of resources, and will strengthen agency relationships; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City Officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute a contract with Children's Health Care, Saint Paul. a�e - os m uenn azn'�ns � �I ettm une N Absent Adopted by Council: Date `�_ �,_2'3' �l q t> Adoption Certified by Couucil Secretary By: g Approved by May .te J �0 Sy: RFSOLUTION Requested by Aepartment of: Saint Paul Public Health BY� � . „ - .. � /1,��� ' /���,��.. � �� . >� 1 I : . � .� . . � ��l11I , �+' ' ` ! �! ! q � � DEPARfMENT/ppFICE/COUNCIL DATE INff1ATED `V � 3 2�4 6 2 Pub��.� Health 2!7/96 GREEN SHEET _ _ CONTACi PERSON & PHONE DEPAPTMENT OIPECfO � � !� CITY COUNdL �NfTIA1JDATE Neal Holtan 292-7713 �M'N CRYATTORNEY �CITYCLEflK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) pp� F � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. S MGT. SEflVICES DIR. OXOER MpYOp (OP ASSISTANn � � TOTAL # OF SIGNAT{7R£ PAGES - 1 (CLfP ALL LOCA7{ONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACSiON REQUE57EU: City signatures on a Resolution authorizing the proper City officials to execute a contract with Children's Health Care-Saint Paul for the provision of specialized medical services. RECqMMENDA710NS: Approva (A) a Reject (R) pERSONAI SERYICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER?KE FOLIOWING QUESTIONS: � = PLANNiNG COMMISSWN � CIVIL SEPVICE COtdM�SS1�N �� Has ttiis perSO�Rn ever wo�ked wWer a contrect for this departmeMl - . _ C�B WMM�7'tEE _ YES NO — � A � 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTAICi CqURi _ 3. Does this person�rm possess a skill not normall sessetl � y pos by any curteni city employee. SUPPORTS WNICH WUNGILOBJECTIVEY YES NO Explain e11 yas answers on seperate sheet and ettaeh to green aheet INITIATING P0.06LEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNRY (Who. Whet, When. Where. Why): Saint Paul Public Health desires to contract with Children's Health Care for the provision o£ specialized medical services to assist in the services provided to persons seen in the Tuberculosis Control Program, specifically for pediatric tuberculosis issues. .___ava.� -E8 09 tg9� e� ���� � ADVANTAOES IFAPPROVED: �' PPn *` �'^ * w e ' Services of a specialized medical provider will be available. ' Patients will receive needed services in a familiar setting�partnershipsjrelationships with external providersjagencies will be strengthened. DISADVAMAGES IFAPPROVED: NONE . e'u�. ���rp� � F a"'.��''�<�a R�CLC��I� F� ;, � � ",."� f�8 08 1� C�TY A3�'O�R��Y DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ' Services of a specialized medical grovider will not be available and clients will not be able to as easily access this service. ' Partnerships/relationships with external providers/agencies will not be strengthened. TOTAL AMOUtiT OF TpANSqCTi6N $ 4, OOO COST(REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES ti0 FUND{NGSOURCE R2CEiptS ACTlY1TYl7UMBER 33Z35 FINANGIAL INFORMATiON: (EXPUIN) q �- �03 AGREEMENT AN AGREEMENT, made and entered into this first day of October, 1995 by and between the City of Saint Paul, a municipaf corporation of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "City", acting through its Department of Public Heafth and Children's Health Care-Saint Pauf, acting through its Department of lnfectious Disease, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor". WtTNESS: WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, through its Department of Public Heatth, requires medical staff to provide service to 9ts patients in its communicable disease programs; and WHEREAS, the City is permitted to contract for the performance of said services or any portion thereof; and WHEREAS, it is deemed in the best interest of the City to contract for said service; NOW THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALIY AGREED by and between the City and the Contractor as follows: 1. That the Contractor shall provide the City with physician services of Laura Hoyt, M.D.. 2. That the Contractor shall be paid S75 per hour for Dr. HoyYs duties. 3. That Dr. HoyYs typical duties will include, but are not limited to: A.) Performs medical evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and recommendations necessary to address the health needs of pediatric patients in the Tuberculosis Program. �L-Zb3 B.) , Makes referrals to other agency programs and outside agencies. C.f Assists in the deveiopment and implementation of communicabfe disease controf activities. D.) Participates in Quality Assurance activities. E.) Provides emergency medical support for Saint Paul Public Health medical programs when on duty. 4. That the City shall reimburse the Contractor on a monthly basis upon rece+pt of an invoice, but in no case shatl the total amount of reimbursement to the Contractor under the terms of this Agreement exceed 52,700. 5. That the City shall submit to the Contractor a schedule for Dr. Hoyt three (3) months in advance. 6. That the City declares the Saint Paui Public Health, Medical Director, in consultation with appropriate staff, as the person responsible for compliance with the terms of this Agreement. 7. That Children's Health Care will defend, save and hold harmiess the City from any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action arising out of any act of commission or omission on the part of its agents, servants or employees in the performance of this Agreement excepting those claims, demands, actions or causes of actions solely attributable to the negiigence of the City. 8. That the City of Saint Paul wili defend, save and hold harmless 2 qc.-an3 Chiidren's Health Care from any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action arising out of any act of commission or omission on the part of its agents, servants or employees in the performance of this Agreement excepting those claims, demands, actions or causes of actions solely attributable to the negligence ofi the City. In no event shatl the liability of the City exceed the limits set forth in Minnesota Statute 466. 9. From any payment due the Contractor, there will be no deductions for any Federal income tax of FICA payment, nos for the State income tax, nor for any other purposes which are associated with the employer/employee relationship unless required by law. Payment of the Federal income tax, FICA payments, and the State income tax are the responsibility of the Contractor. 10. That ail data collected, created, received, maintained or disseminated for any purpose in the course of this Agreement is governed by the Minnesota Governmental Data Privacy Act, Minnesota Statute, Chapter 13, (1984), or any other applicable State statute, any State rutes adopted to implement the Act, as weil as Federai regutations on data privacies. The Contractor agrees to abide by these statutes, rules and regulations. 11. That all books, records, documents, software and procedures of the Contractor re{ative to this Agreement are subject to examination by 3 9G-�o3 the City and are City property. 12. That ail services and duties performed by the Contractor pursuant to this Agreement shail be performed to the satisfaction of the City in accordance with ail applicable State, Federal, local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, and agency poficies and procedures. 13. That at all times the Contractor agrees that Dr. Hoyt is an independent contractor as to the City and not an employee of the City. 14. That nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as limiting the right of independe�t operation of either the Contractor or the City or the affiliation of contract with any other institution of agency while this Agseement is in effect. 15. That any alterations, variations, modifications or waivers of provisions of this Agreement shat{ be vatid only when they have been reduced to writing, fuily signed and attached to the original of this Agreement. 16. That tfiis Agreement may be terminated by either party with or without cause upon thirty (30) days' written notice. Charges which have accrued for services rendered shali survive any termination ofi this Agreement. C� q�-3o.3 17. That the terms of this Agreement shali be fram October 1, 1995, through September 30, 1996. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have set their hands as follows: CHILDREN'S HEALTH CARE, INC. Blanton Bessinger, M.D. Vice President of Medical Affairs DATE: Patsy Stinchfield, CPNP Director of Infectious Disease DATE: CiTY OF SAINT PAUL Activity Code: 33235 Director, Saint Paul Public Health DATE: Director, Finance and Management Services DATE: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Assistant City Attorney DATE: 3