96-202Council File # � �0 � Green Sheet # � S (� � � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 a� Committee: Date VJfIEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, on 7anuary 10, 1995, received a Notice of Taa� Liability from the State of Minnesota stating that PLAB, Inc. owed delinquent taxes to the Staxe of Minnesota, and; WFIEREAS, PLAB, Inc., DBA Ted's Rec., 1084 Larpenteur Avenue W., holds the following licenses at that location: Liquor on Sa1e, Sunday On Sale, Ent.Class B., Off Sa1e Mait, Restaurant B and Gambling Loc. C, and; WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. §270.72, subd.l (1494) requires the revocation of any license for the conduct of a profession, occupation, trade or business held by an applicant who owes $500 or more in delinquent taxes or has not filed returns, and; WHEREAS, under said statute the State of Minnesota must notify the applicant of the intent to require revocation of such license, and of their right to a hearing, and; WHEREAS, a hearing under this state statute is expressly provided to be in lieu of any other hearings or proceedings required by law, which would include the hearing provisions of St. Paul Leg. Code § 310.05, and; WI3EREAS, the City has agreed with the Department of Revenue that the definition of "revoke" as used in the statute is procedurally the same as the process used by the City of Saint Paul for a license suspension, and; WFIEREAS, the license suspension must be implemented within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Notice of TaY Liability, and 'as in effect until the commissioner issues a tax cleazance certificate, and; � a 3 4 5 6 7 $ 9 1Q 11 12 ��-ao�, WHEREAS, no taY clearance certificate has been forwarded to the City of Saint Paul, Office of LIEP, by either the applicant ar the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Revenue, NOW TF3EREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the licenses held by PLAB, Inc., DBA Ted's Rec., 1084 Larpenteur Avenue, to wit: Liquor on Sale, Sunday On Sale, Entertainment Class B., Off Sale Malt, Restaurant B and Gambling Loc. C, be and hereby are suspended effective �SRUa�C Z8, (`t4 �a and will not be reuistated untii such time as the City of Saint Paui has received a tas cleazance certificate from the Commissioner of the Miunesota Department of Revenue. Adoption Certified by Counail Secretary By: Appr By: Requested by Department of: %/..�I� rs�� Fozm Approved by City Attorney s Y�r�,�..�.�J -�.� Approved by Mayor £or Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date ��. ad' l�� 96-ao� oE City Council D 2116j96 GREEN SHEE �° 35637 iNRIAVDATE INRIAVOATE CONTACT PER$ON & PHONE O DEPPRTMEtiT DIHECTOfl � CifY CAUNCIL Nancy Anderson 266-8564 ���+ � ��71'ATTORNEV O C�TI'CLERK MUST BE ON ppUNGiL AGENDA BY (DATE) qU�MB�FOR ���� D�RECTOR O FlN. 8 MGT. SEFVICES �IR. Februar 28, 1996 OADER ❑MpyQp�Oqp���qNn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: [�TeSt Suspending licenses held by PLAB, Inc., dba Ted's Rec. 1084 Larpenteur Avenu% for Liquor On Sale, Sunday On Sale, Entertainment Class B, Off Sale Malt, Restaurant B and Gambling Loc.0 effective February 28, 1996. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) or Raject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTHACTS MUST ANSWER THE POLtOWING OUESTIONS: _ PLANNMG COMMISSION ,_ CML SERVICE CAMMISSION �� HaS tl115 pB�SONfifR1 eVEf wOfkOd Ulldel 2 COMfdCt f0! ffii5 dBpeftment? - _ GIB COMMRTEE _ YES NO _ SiAFF 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a ciry empbyee? — YES NO _ oiSTRICi COUR7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any cunent city employee? SuPPORTSWHICHCOUNCiLOBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain a11 yes answers on seperete sheet anE attach to green aheet INITIATING PFiOBIEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who. What, When, Whera. Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: y �� ��RY ��..vw� � � �� � � ���� OISADVANTACaES IF NOT APPROVE�: � - " � - � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANGIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) . TRN-16-19`�6 1E=17 FROt1 CITY �F ST PpJL �IEP - • :�iu�ivr��v 1A lle�arim oi Ke venue Tas CIiY OF' ST.. PAiiL LICENSTM6 ' 350 �T PETER ST ¥3G0 ��l¢RY - p�OFESSFuNAL £LD& . ST ?AUt MtJ SSFC2 T_d���jfjcation Number= ---- -- --_�_.. P� A B �H� ._ _.. �L - ao� 7�� °d "5 li e �- . I084 LABP£NTEUF :.V� W SAINT PAUL. > t4t� 55I13-65G8 244838�-II�1 Nata2 ofi License:� LIQ, ON SALE, SUNi3AY DN SALE, ENT CLASS B, {7FF SALE HALT, ' . . �tcense Number� RES7 8 AhD GAMBLING LDC C LicenSe Rene-ual Sla�e: D2J01/9b . Lioense HolderLs): P L A g SHC _ Dn�1 TeDS RECREkrION � t��7IGE �F REyQCpTIaN CF LICEtiSE Please be.advjsed that the ahove named taxpayer has an outstandq.ng l9abiiity and undar Kinnesota Statute 270.72 and/or 16D.98 sabd. 2� you must revnke thQ abcve named ijcense uithin 30 days of this ;�otice. Prior to ttiis notificatjon. the a'ppli.cant was iefiormed of the righti to an Adn��r,istrat.ive..h�aring. Aaoarding to Minnesota Statute 270.72 and�or I6D.A8 subd.. 2, no further hea�ings are necessary in this aotion. ance tfle deli�quehey has been resolved, a Clearance Certi Wiii be issued to Ehe iicansing Authority with a oopy sent to the License Noltler. ?f you havQ quest7or,s regarding revacaticn a�F fihis license� please cell i612) 215-I383..' Dated=. O1�D8�96 Ir � ".' i �`.'•� ; _ ^ � ' ;co„� •�te . ..,. ,,. , -t ,�.. ,,, ? -..... .. , �.en � � "'^�•�.-..ttr7� ':'c�••-- _ � �i L� ': :^ !A] .....,.,..; . �S . ( - + 1 � a .� ' l.,a.:^i� t. Y..R Fi�$..r.:� • C._: r�0 K� .'•�L✓ �7 _ �-.o... �t. ._.. _ • � � _4 o '�- , � � � 24k8382-001 S7ATE OF MINNESOTA �,C(1Mt1iSSi,�NER OF R�VENUE �` ...,, r � t1 � --��. , .' f�,,�:?:�/�.,, `'%'rf�, ,.�.: -f /•` BYaC�JOAN RIORDAk.SOYER,' ,� COLLECTTDN Of�ICER Col2ection Ett�FarcQment tinit P•0. Box 64447 Saint �auL, MN 55164 00006790b1 An easud uppornrnity empfoyer LGREy0K1 040fl 7DD:f512)297-2196 TO 9298�19 �. �1