96-20" Council File # 96-20 Green Sheet # 33680 RESOLUTION CITY QF SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WI�REAS, the City Council and the Administration of the City of Saint Paul have worked closely to develop a comprehensive legislative agenda to be considered as part of the Saint Paul Legislative Agenda Package for the 1996 Legislative Session; and WF�REAS, the proposed support of legisiative efforts of outside groups and arganizations has been discussed and forwarded bp the City Council Intergovernmental Rela6ons Committee; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of Saint Paul does hereby recommend to the Minnesota Legislature the passage of legislation that will include the following legislarive initiatives brought forward by outside groups and organizations: * Maintain and continue stable funding sources, including LGA, HACA, fiscal disparities, and franckrise fees. * Provide $33.8 million in capital bonding to Science Museum of Minnesota for construction of a new facility. * Provide authority for advanced funding for road construction under the state aid system as promoted by the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT). * Support and possible restructuring of transit based upon principles, including bus system redesign and funding light raii transit, metro mobility, improvement of service to neighborhoods, reverse commute transit service, and ride shazes and guaranteed ride home. * Provide funding for the Metropolitan Parks capital bonding request. * Support of the initiafives of the Phalen Corridor Advisory Committee, including funding to reduce heavy concentrations of poveriy, funding for the clean-up of polluted land, continued funding for comprehensive workplace development efforts, authority for City to acquire vacant tas forfeited property at a minunal cost. ..' 1 _ 2 3 4 Q 96 ' * Support for a comprehensive public safety and corrections package, including funding far juvenile prevention programs, additional funding far police officers and improvements to the states conectional system. Requested by Department of: �... �.... Appr � Form Approved by City Attorne By: �.y Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Hy: 96-20 GREEN SHEET Jerry cmarroRruev BUOGET DIRECTO MAYOR (OR RSSIS SOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LDCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� N° 3368Q -- - m m couNa� cmc�aK FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR ApQmval of resolutan accepting @ie City's support for legislaave initiasves bronght foiwerd by ouiside goups and organizafions to be bmnght to the Mionesora I.egislatuce during the 1946 Legisiative Session. RECOMMENDATIONS: Apprave (A) a Rejttt (R) _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SEFVICE COMMISSION _ CIB COMMRTEE _ _ _ STAFF ^ " _DISTRICTCOURT _, SUPPoRTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? PERSONAL SEHYICE COHTRACTS MUS7 AN5WEA THE FOLLOWfNG QUESTIONS: 1. Has Ynis parso�rm ever worked untler a coM2ct for Mis tlepartrnenY? - YES NO 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city smployee? YES NO 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO Ezplain all yes anawera on separate sheet antl attach W gwen ahaet The City Council and the Adwinisa�tion Lave worked closely to develop a comprehensive legislarive agenda to be considered as part of the Saint Paui LegisSative Agenda Package for the 1996 LegisSative Session. The Minnesota Legis]ature wili be norified of the legisiaave initia6ves, bmught fonvazd by other g�oups and organiTaflons, supported by ffie Saint Panl Ciry Council. None. The Minnesota I.egislamre will not be notified of the legislafive initiatives brought forward by outside groups and organizadons, supported by the Saint Paul City Council. 70TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACT�ON $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO PUNDIHG SOURCS ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INfOFMATION. (EXPLAIN)