96-190Council File # q ( - �� � Presented by Refeired To 1 An Administrative Resolurion establishing the 2 Rate of pay for the Police Research and Grants 3 Manager class in the Salary Plan and Rates of 4 Compensation, and approving the Ivlinimum 5 Qualifications for same pursuant to Civil Service 6 Rule 32. Committee Date 7 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the Police Research and Grants Manager class be 8 established at the rate set forth in Grade 26, Section ID4, Professional Employees Supervisory 9 Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it 10 FCTRT'HER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul hereby approves 11 the attached class specification for the Police Research and Grants Manager class, 12 and be it, 13 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first 14 pay period following passage and approval. Requested by Department of: By: ��.��C�S1Y� Form Appro �ed by City Attomey �,: ���S�t� � r��� ��6 � Certified by Council Secretary � Approved by Ma,�6r: Date � Green Sheet # _35831_ RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � 'a � . � Adopted by Council: Date 1`� \ sw,,�. L � 9 4(.. Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council DEPARTMENf/OFFICF/COUNCII,: DATE INiTIAT&D 35831 � �man xesources 12/26/95 GREEN SHEET xo.: c t _ 0 CONTACTPERSON&PHOPiE: p �II1W�'�� II�TfALDATg 7ohn Shockley (266-6482) ,�� I n�rex� Dm .�C�-/� �� �q� s_crrr courrcu, Karen Sanchez (266-6483) xvAm�e 3 CTfYATTORNEY Y crrrc�xx gpg 2 BUDGETDIR. 6_ FIN. & MGT. SERV. DII2. MUSTBEONCOUNCII,AGENDA BY(DATL7 ROUTING 4 MAYOR(ORASST.) _ C1VII.SERVICECOMbIISSION ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGFS 1 (CLIP ALL LOCe1TION5 FOR SIGNATURE) acnox�vESrgn: Establishmern of a rate of pay for the new class entitled Police Research and Grants Manager in SPSO Grade 26, and approval of the minimum qualifications for the new class as required by Civil Service Rule 32. RF•COMMENDATIONS: APFove �A) or Re.led (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRAGTS MUSf ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESl'IONS: PLANSSINGCOMMSSSSON _C1VII.SERVICE COMIASSIOPI I. Hasthispason(S�mwcwotktdtmderacon4adformisdepact�/? _CID COA4dITTEE Ya No _STAFF _ 2. Hsstluapwsan/famevcbuaacilgemP�oYa? DISIRICT COURT Y� No surroxTSwxicxcovxcu.oa�c�rtve� a. n�mu��.�tnar�t�qe�br�r��r�v��yce? Yes No � EiplainaHyeaamwenonacparatcaheMandattachW sreeasLeet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORT[7NITY (Whq Whst, WLea, When, Why): The Police Department needs this singie-position classiScation which will be responsible for all of the depaNnenYs gmrt writing and crime data resenrch as well as community 6aison and member of the Chief's sdm'snistrative ham. There are no existing ciassifications that match tiils position. We have, therefore, recommended that the new clasa ofPolice Researoh and Grents Manager be cteated. The twenty-day notice tu creatc the new class was sent out to the Police Department and SPSO barga'viing unit on November 13,1995. We have not received any objections from both the depattment and SPSO. AFSCME Councd #14 has abjected to the minimum qualifications fot tlus new c(ass patticulazly the requicement on crime data mseazch. AFSCME contends thatthe min'vnums are too restricfive and that the requirement on crime data reseench should be revised W inctude any kind of research. We have reviewed the minimum qualifica6ons based on AFSCME's contention. We have also asked the depaAment ifthey would consider changing crime data iesearch to genejal research and if they could justify why crime daffi reseerch is impoi£ant to the position and should be included in the minimum qualifications. It is our position that the nunimum quaGficafions fo� tkie Police Research and Grants Manager should remain as we have recommended. Attachments: Police Reseazch and Grants Manager class speci5cation Civi( Service Rule 32 �"' �,�' � Classification Study Report � � �w� �� � � � Twenty Day Notice Office of Human Resources Position on Minimum Quelifications �� A � �� ��� � PoGce DepaRment Position on Minimum Quatifications ADVANPAGESIFAPPROV&D: ������ ���'� . The staffing needs of the department will be met. DISADVANTAGES II+AYPROVED: Annuai salary cost to the department for 1996 would be $59,000. The City makes no direct contribution towards heaith and life insurance. DISADVANfAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The staffing needs of the department will not be met. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: S COSIYREVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACfIVITY NUMBER: FINANCfAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) PROPOSED TITL.E OF C1ASS: ` I DESCRIP2ZOti OF SJORK CODE: 575A BU: 09 EFFEC2IVE: 9c�-��o Generzl Statement of Ducies: Performs highly responsible administrative and professional work directing the research and gzants mnnngement functions of the depar�ent; acts as community liaison; and performs other ze2ated duties as required. SuDervision Received: Uorks undez the administrative supervision of the depnrtment director. ,�uoervision Exercised: Exercises vithin a unit staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED POLICE RESEARCH AND GRAhTTS 1SANAGER general and technieal supervision ovez assigned The listed examples may not include all the duties pezformed by all positions in this class. Manages the researeh and development unit and all its functions zelating to the development, preparation, maintenance, dissemination of crime data research, analysis and zelated zepozts. � Oversees the dissemination of information in response to zequests for information on czime statistics and zeports from City departments, othez law enforcement and governmental agencies, district councils, media and the public. Oversees the development and maintenance of snnual reports, manual and official forms of the depaztment. Manages grants inc2uding grant vziting, administering grant funds and budgets, evaluating grant pzograms and activities, monitoring compliance and preparing reports, coordinating City policies with State and Federal grant-in-aid policy, and collaborating vith other agencies. Provides technical assistance in grant writing to various governmental and community agencies involved in crime pzevention and intervention. Makes recommendations to the depaztment dizector on legislstive issues and pzoposals concerning grants; testifies at legislative heazings as needed. Answers questions and zesponds to requests for informatioa from the Mayor's staff, City Counailmembers and elected officials regarding current and future funding possibilities and progrsms. � Aets as a resource and depar�ent liaison with the community; serves on district councils and local boards, attends meetings and special events, (continued on zeverse side) POLICE RESEARCH AND GRAt�"fS MANAGER Page 2 PROPOS£D TITI.E OF CIASS; POLZCE RESEARCH AND GRANLS MANAGER and communicates to the the department director zelevant issues and events. � Serves as member for the department administrative team. Assigns, trains, supervises and evaluates the xork of assigned staff. Coozdinates special projects, committees and co�unity aetivities as needed. KNOWLED�E, SKZLLS AND ABILITIES Considerable imowledge of law enforeement, czimiaal justiee, and othez subject areas related to the opezational activities of a police department. Considerable knowledge of police depaztmental plans and programs and feder>1, state and city procedures regarding administration of grants-in-aid. Considerable knowledge of federal and atate grant pzograms, pzocesses and procedures. Considerable knowledge of prixuiples, mett�ods, techniques and procedures of research and analysis. Considerable knovledge of the structure and functions of Lhe vazious � levels of government. Considerable ability to establish and maintain extensive networking vith public officials, govemment ageneies, and eo�unity organizations foz grant purposes. Considerable ability to resolve differences among oompeting points of vieW and develop eommitment to mutually aceeptable goals. Considerable ability to conduct research and analysis and to pzepaze and present effective zeports and zeco�endations. Considerable abil3ty to p2en, organize and supervise the wnrk of othezs. Considerable ability to communicste effectively, both orally and in vriting. l4INIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A bacheloz's degree in statictics, finance, public admiaistzation or a related field and six years of professiotsal experienee to include gzant writing, czime data zeseareh, coaunity development, and two yeazs of supervision. (Na substitution foz edueation.) � POLICE RESEARCH AND GRA2iTS MANAGER °��-��D � 31. PAYROLLS Payrolls shall be checked to determine legality of employment. Each ites shall confoxm to the Personnel Office records. Each incorrect iten shall be red lined and the department shall be notified. Departments must deliver payrolls to the Personnel Office and such payrolls shall have the names arranged alphabetically. T3me of receipt and time of delivery to the Accounting Division sha11 be stamped on each roll. Rolls shall be checked so far as practicable in the order of their receipt. The payroll for any department shall not be passed unless all certification and reinstatement orders made by the Civil Service Commission to the department are reported upon by the appointing. of£icer within ten days of the time such certification and zeinstatev�ent orders are made. 32. CLASS SPECIFICATIONS Class specifications shall not be a part of the Civil Service Rules but shall be maintained by the Personnel Director as an administrative tool. The Personnel Director may make changes in � the class specifications as he/she sees fit. However, if a change in a class specification is challenged or protested by any individual or group, the change must be approved by resolution of the City Council. Such rules or amendments which are approved by the Council shall be submitted within five days of their passage to the Civil Service Commission for their approval or zejection. Within ten business days the Civil Service Co�ission shall either approve and sign the measure or shall return it to the Council with a communicat3on in wr3ting stating their disapproval and the reasor. therefor. If the Commission neither signs nor vetoes the measure within ten business days, it shali be deened approved. Any such measure which is vetoed by the Civil Service Commission may be reconsidered by the Council and shall become law if passed by an affirmative vote of at least five members of the Council within 30 days of the veto. Any such measure which has been reconsidered by the Council and repassed shall be deemed approved. � 59 a�-tq� CLASSIFICATION STUDY REPORT Class Swdied: Incumbent Date Swdied: Swdied By: Program Adminisvator Carrie Wasley (Provisionaf) October 17, 1995 Karen Sanchez Persons Contacted: Incumbent and Police Deparanent Admtnistrat3on APPROYAL OF THE CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION MANAGER: :, ,� ._�. The posidon was swdied to determine iu appropriate classification and compensation. �. ., �- �.�., Review of the job profile submitted by the incumbenL Interview with the incumben� Comparison of the position to related classifications and positions. Posidon evaluation ustng the QES system. '.� .� �- �.�.� The position supervises the Research and Development unit of the Sa[nt Paul Police Deparunent and all iu funct3ons and operadons. A. A� supPrvisor of research and developmen�, the oosit3on: 1. Supervises the development, preparation and maintenance of the departrnent's crime data research and analysis. 2. Oversees �e dissemtnation of crime data to other law enforcement and govemmentat agencies and w various groups and individuals upon request. • � � DATE .�-%a-Ts °lc�—I`t� � 3. Oversees the preparadon and dissemination of responses to telephone requesu for information on crime data research, statistiu and repom as welt as requesu from other deparunenu, disuict councIls, media, and special requesu. 4. Oversees the preparadon and maintenance of the deparnnent's annual reports and officiat forms such as the SPPD Annual Report and Police Manual. Includes �e re-write; conso(idadon and re-organization of depatnnent policies as part of the ongoing mafntenance of the poiice manual. 5. Acu as a resource for the department and �e City in the area of crime data research and analysis. .. • � �- .. ., t. Writes granu including administering grant funds and budgeu, evaluating grant programs and activities, preparing reports, and developing and maintaining extensive networking with governmental agencies, for profit and non-profit corporations, schools, and communiry agencies, etc. for grant purposes. 2. Coordinates the Youth Collabcrative Commit[ee, providing technical assistance and financing suategies through grant wridng, comprised of representatives from the Saint Paul � Schools, Ramsey County, Youth Services Bureau, Private (ndusuy Councii, and various City departmenu. 3. Parvcipates and provides leadership and/or technical assistance to other agencies involved in crime prevention and intervention in collaborative efforts for grant writing purposes, such as, the Saint Paul Youth Service Bureau, Ramsey County Sheriff's Office, Ramsey County Human Services, Ramsey Counry Community Corrections, Ramsey County Attomey's Office, the Boys and Girls Club of Saint Paui, Saint Paul Connections, Save our City's Kids Program, tl�e Wi{der Foundation, the Saint PaulSchool D'isvict, and other ciries, governmental uniu or initiatives. 4. Provides research and recommendation to the Chief on draft legisiadve proposats or legislative issues conceming granu and answers questions from the Mayor's staff, Ciry Councilmembers and State Senators and Representatjves to ctarify current or future funding possibilities and programs; testifies at legis(adve hearings. y • , � • •�_.�� ��-��•.- . y- � - :•u � - ,u ,- .. •� t. Advises the Chief on policy decisions and fumre directlon of the deparm�ent widi the other members of the adminisrrative team. � 2. Ac[s as a resource for the community with the Saint Paul Police Departrnent and communicates to the Chief relevant information �egarding community issues and evenu. �L -l°I� 3. Coordinates special projecu or community activities such as the Public Safery Fun Eairs and � attends community meetings and special evenu. 4. Serves on the District Five Council and local boards. Comparison The position in quesdon has three major areas of responsibility - crime data research and analysis, grant writing, communiry liaison and member of the Chief's administrative team. As supervisor of research and development, the position can be comparable to the Research Analyst III (Grade 14) or Research Analyst IV (Grade 20) of the Professional Standard Ranges, which describe highiy responsible work supervising research functions and activiues. However, the other two major functions of the position - grant writing and community developmenbmember of the Chief s administrative team - are not described by this class. The position has more responsibility than either one of these two classes. As lead grant writer, the posidon can be comparable to the Granu Manager class (Grade 20) of the Professional Standard Ranges, which describes highly responsible work in the administration, coordination, oversight and management of the funding of community development projecu and programs. However, the other two major functions of the position - crime data research and analysis and community developmendmember of the ChieYs � administrative team - are not described by this class. The position has more responsibility than this class. The community liaison/administrative function of the position can be comparable to any higher level adminisvative and/or supervisory classes. However, none of the existing classes can fully describe the combined duties and specialties of the position in question. An Administrative Assistant, for example, has a wide range of administrative functions, none of which are as involved in research and/or grant writing as that of the position being studied. The position is currently aliocated to the Program Adminisuator class as a provisional appointmen� The duties, knowledge, skilis and abilities as well as the minimum qualifications established for the Program Administrator class are not endrely appropriate to the position in question. There are no existing classes that can fully describe the combined dudes and specia(ty areas of the position in question. QES Evaluation The results of the QES evaluadon support assigning the position in Grade 26 of the SPSO Standard Ranges. � q.` -i�o � :- .��n :, _., Since there are no existing classes that can fulty describe the position, 1 recommend that a new class entitled "Police Research and Granu Manager" be created in Grade 26 of the SPSO Standard Ranges and the position be allocated to thts new class. � . `1�-�90 CITY OF SAINT PAUL ftbrm Coleman, May�ar 612-266-6502 TO: Chief Bill Finney Police Deparanent FROM: Karen Sanchez TI� -� J Classification, Compensation 8t Org'I Design DATE: RE: November 13,1995 Twenry Day Notice Facstmtte: 61 Z-292-7656 It has been determined that the tide and c(ass specification of Police Research and Granu Manager should be created in Grade 26 of the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Standard Ranges. � have attached a copy of the class specificadon for your review. Piease nodfy me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. 1 will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the dde of Police Research and Granu Manager in Section I.B4 of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. I hereby wa'�ie time remaining on this 20 day nodce for the purpose of creadng this dtle and d�ss specificaUOn. OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES 7ohn Hamitron, Direcror • 230 Ciry• HaU Annex Te/ephane: 612-266-65GG 25 West Faurth Streer IDD?IY.� 612-266-650! Saint Paut, Mfnnesoa 55102-1631 j o b I i n e: Date U,���' � � C� Zo �� ��� iL-`�' � C� L J ��-�90 CITY OF SAINT PAUL A'orm Goleman, M¢yor November l3, 1995 Jim O'Leary, President St. Paul Supervisors Organization Planning st Economic Development 1300 �iry Hail Annex St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear )im: OFf7CE OF HiJ?.1q7� JtESOURCES lohn Hamilron, Direao. z3o c;�y x�tt.i,,,��s 25 Werr Fau+th Srreet �;�•Paui,Minnesora 55T02-1631 7elephone: 672-266-6500 7I7D?7}'.� 672-266-6507 Jobliru: 672-266-6502 Facsimilt: 612�292-7656 lt has been determined that the dde and class specification of Police Research and Granu Manager should be created in Grade 26 of the Saint Paui Supervisors Organizadon Sundard Ranges. I have atrached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, tf you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, 1 will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. t will afso be processing a resolution creadng the dde and class specification of Police Research and Granu Manager in Section I.D4 of the Salary Plan and Rates of ompen atio . �+r r��{�}� Karen Sanche� Classification, Compensation 8t Org'1 Design 1 hereby waive the time remaining on this twenty day notice for the purpose of creadng this dde and class specification. Date q`-tqo OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES POSITION ON MINIMUM QIIALIFICATIONS It is the position of the Office of Human Resources that the proposed minimum qualifications for the Police Research and Granu Manager are appropriate for this c(ass for the following reasons: 1. The proposed minimum qualificadons are consistent with d�e major areas of responsibility of this ctass, namely, grant writing, crime dau research, and communiry liaison. It is imporcant for the position in this class to have the knowledge and nnderstanding of the nawre and interrelationships of the major areas involved. 2. The proposed minimum qualifications are consistent with other Ciry classifications and practices, as follows: A. The same standard procedures were foilowed in creating this class. B. The proposed minimums are direcdy related to the duties, knowledge, ski[Is and abilities required. � C. The requirement on crime data research is consistent with the minimum qualifications that • have been established for other classes which involve speciafized area of research. Examn(e Research Librarfan (inactive) - Two years of experience conducting research and devetaping a special collections library in law enforcement and crimina[ justice. Health Analyst (inactive) - Three years of experience in health services planning and analysis. Human Righu Program Analyst - Four years of experience as a research analyst, at least two years in civil and human righu. Selecdon and Validadon Specialist - Eour years of professional experience in statisdcai vatidation of testing inmumenu inctuding development of assessment centers for high-level management positions. Management Analyst - Five years of e�cperience in methods and procedures analysis, adminisaative analysis or organizadonal developmenL Systems and Organizational Development Specialist - Six years of experience in public administration including organizadonai development, rystems analysis/operations research, and • deve[opment of vaining programs. y�-l90 � D. The proposed overall minimum qualifications are consistent with the minimum qualifications established for other cfasses which de(ineate certain specific areas of expertise. Examnle: Storeroom Manager, Public Service Manager - Water Utiliry, Housing Information Coordinator, Cable Communications Officer, Computer Operations Supervisor, Conservatory Manager, EDP Technical Services Supervisor, Purchasing Systems Manager and Treasury Manager. E. The proposed minimum qualifications are typicai of single-position classifications which have multi-faceted responsibilities. 3. The proposed minimum qualifications are appropriate to the level of responsibiliry of the pos+don. As a supervisor, it is impor[ant for the posiaon in this ctass to have the knowledge and understanding of the subject matter concemed. It wiil be relied upon to provide technical assisunce and expenise to others. 4. The department needs this single-position classification to assist in the development and funding of programs refating to community poficing which is a departmental priority. It is important for the position in this class to have the knowledge and understanding of the community as well as the technical aspecu of the job. � 5. It is important for the position in this class to have an understanding of the total crime picture with all iu nuances, trends and pattems to be at least conversant in this field, hence, to be able to write successful grant applications for programs relating to crime prevention and intervention. � �t`-I�o POLICE DEPARTMENT POSITION ON MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS tt is the posidon of the Police Department that the proposed minimum quatifications for the Po(ice Research and Granu Manager are appropriate for this c(ass particu{ar(y the requirement on crime data research for the following reasons: 1. In order to prepare grants within their respective guideiines, a thorough knowledge and understanding of crime statistics, 2rends and patierns is necessary_ individual grant requirements may look exciusive uniess the grant writer has the wherewithal to fit the current picture of crime within the grant �equisites. 2, Trends and patterns in crime, especiatiy juveniie crime is ever changing ar�d evo(ving. The ability to write successful grant apptications is based on this expertise. The grant writer wittrproficiency statistics Lhus cognizan2 of the national situation and is able to more successfully predic2 what funding sources wiil fund. i 3. The ability to form collaborations wiih community based organizations which assisi the Saint Paul Police Departmeni in ongoing crime prevention and intervention is another reason for proficiency in criminal research. The Crime data research provides the grantwriter with the abitity to form effective • coliaborations for those crime prevention projects which can effectivefy chailenge crime data trends. 4. Due to the amount of crime data coUected, the ability to effectively tell the "crime" story is another aspect of the position. With crime data expertise, the grantwriter can retate not only the obvious, but atso is able to reveal nuances and important trend inceptions. 5. The ability to brainstorm with other criminal justice and Iaw enforcement professionals is another important function of this position. Without a thorough mastery of crime data, the acceptance of the grantwriter by the Iegislature,.judiciary, corrections, human services, and educational uniis of government woutd not occur. By working with alt of tf�em, the grantwriter is able to produce a more sensitive and appropriate product. TOTRL P.02 �