Woldu 2012/05/31 10: 37 : 57 1 /7 ����!`'��Ga MAY 3 f 2012 � _ � � ��`�",,� �,,�,�s-��� � To: From: Michelle Riveros Fax Number: 6512668574 No. of pages (including cover): 7 Phone: Date: 5/31/12 Re: Attn: Shari Moore/City Clerk Time: 10:37:57 AM Details: Attn: Shari Moore/City Clerk regarding: Jordan Woldu � I � 2012/05/31 10: 37 : 57 2 /7 � . BENNEROTTE & ASSOCIATES, P.A. - Helping you...tivhen help is needed most.TM TOM BENNEROTTE May 31, 2012 CONOR TOBINt Shari Moot�e City Clerlc, City of St Paul 7oxrr scorr VIA FAX ONLY 651-266-8574 JEFF MiJ12RAY RE: My Client: Jordan Woldu tAlso admitted in Wisconsin Your Insured: Nikkole Peterson Ow• File No.: I5322 Date of Injury: 10/3/11 Deac Ms. Moore: Please be advised our office has been retained to represent Jordan Woidu in the above- referenced accident. We undei•stand that you are the insurer for the defendailt in this accident. Please advise me of the adjuster's naane and the claim number, or if any information as captioned above is incorrect. Please do not contact my client directly. As the Iegal representative of my client,I hereby exercise my client's right to withdraw all authorizations for t•elease of information that you or any agent or representative of your company inay have previously obtained from my client, effective the date of this letter. Please direct any future requests for signed authorizations for retease of information to my attention. Please forward the following information as it becomes available to you: 1. A copy of all records you receive including,but not limited to, medical reports, wage records,police reports and any other records received; 2. Any statements in your file of my client, or any parties or witnesses in this accident; 3. A certified copy of the declaration pa�e;and 4. Documentation of property damage, including estiinates,photographs, valuations, and payments made. If there is a charge for obtaining copies of this inforination,please contact us for approval of the charges prior to sending. Pursuant to Minnesota Statute 72A.201, Subd. 11, an insurer must disclose the coverage and limits of an insurance policy within 30 days after the inforination is requested in writing by a claimant. Please consider this as a written request for your policy limits. The information requested above is deemed continuing,so that any information received by you subsequent to this letter should be forvvarded to me. Thanlc you in advance for your cooperation and assistance. 3340 Sherman Court, Suite 100•Eagan,MN 55121 PH: 651-203-5990•FAX: 651-288-0860•www.bennerotte.co�n 2012/05/31 10 : 37 : 57 3 /7 Jordan Woldu 15322 Current Medical Providers Aspan Medical Group Bandana Square Clinic 1020 Bandana Blvd. West St. Paui,MN 55108 � A�nity Medical Group 9446 36th Ave N New Hope,MN 55427 Prior Medical Providers Regions Hospital 640 Jacicson Stz•eet, MS 11503L St. Paul, MN 55101 Sincerely, BENNEROTTE&ASSOCIATES,P.A. l�U� � V' � Thomas R. Bennerotte Attorney at Law TRB/mar Enciosures Cc: Jordan Woldu (via email) 2012/05/31 10: 37 : 57 4 /7 .t�,Tl'�'�tt'�7EtT�A'T�OI'+i'�'D��Zl�J���,&��'.I'�1��1�:C�1.�G 1C1�T�'U�N.�.`.�`���7�`+x �ti�.(0�1�'��9illl6i �)►`�. � � � �' � C .I�tttv d£Buth: "T " � �-� t .�.�,-'�'^ - -- -- — i.I aut2tvriz4 th�use or disalo9urd nPthe above�aaxnvd�Tad�v�c�utt�'g t���Ith in�armflkiUZt��desexitbotX bc�low, 2. T�ze fioil�win,��ttdi�ridaax o��ox�aA�iz�����$n'u�fzozizod to�na�es�s d#gcla�me: Affinity Medical Grou� _ ,,,_„_ �, `I.'bb��7d&11CI aIilQ�ititG��A�OI't[lA�!)xi�4 Ut��lSCf�Ox't��4�tl3�[�1�8 RS���a1'V3� �J �3ntiY�i�ro0SC1 �I K�;ou�ds rflgardi�.A�.YI�S or x�4xeatnzsnt or di�nos� CJ k�eaoxd,g re�azcli.�g�au�.^c�iora!oF r�ten���teaXt,�sorvi�a4s C"J Keoords resga,rdi,u��xe�tmari�C fox�lao}�ol au�dru�uUuso C( Item�zad}3�lling Sfitttauzen�� C.� Othea•- -- - --�— � — ..� _.._._ 4. x v�aderstasad i�.a�the�nE'oi�tn.a�ton 1n tz�y hoa(t�xeooxcl ma�i�olt�do l:r�f.o�,�i�.t�v�t ra�a�in��o sexu�I�y �p�s�Yitted dzsqase�acqtiirad i�mtzn�do�cl.�i�0y SyitBaauao(�S),ar hu.ms�t�mmunadq�v�e:�cxy '9ACi1���IV�. r�Al��t�S�f SIICXUCI��A�UT1�t10U 1�OUt�1CS�a'�YIOT�OP fll0il.Ypl I](iti�(;�t 89�1tLOg8�&Qt� ��atmar��fox��cU�ot�n.d dt'�g�busa. 5. Tl�fs infozu�atian�t�y ba disa�osad t�a�d usect Gy tha;Fo�iowin�firr��or pi�;rpasva o�titig��oz�: City of St Paul 6. x uudorstsa�.d X�aave ttt�j�'tght tt�zavn���his&tt#bq�'���lu�at n�tinis. �:tauic�ei•sfand�P�re�a�o�ais �ut�aor��ttW T fnirst c�o so��vrlf.�A�tc�prosaritany�cvrltt4n roV�CAtIp�'�'t�&.a lae�.It�ii�'orciuAtlozt naar�age,manC depa���enf. x andexaG�zd 1�a�ev�o�tton wl��at npp�y tv f�ffirmc�tot�tita�E ha�air�atiy baen releasad r"n re�p�alsa ta f:E�s auil�ort�a�ioz2, �:�mdez�atnuc��e�evaow.f�ati xxril!�ot a�P�Y��' �Z�st1r�c�bom�y'whar�#�te�aw pxa'v�dgs�y in4urer�r1tL tt�e r�,��Zt�vo�.tsst a c�a?z�.Yutdoa•�� �nliGy. T7nless otlzdrwasg�svv�d,tSxis auttiai•izsfian wi11 e�,��F�s wii���ra aate�Qar o�ifs dato. 7. X undarstand t�iat autf�o�iz�n,g i��d�sGlnsuxe o�f}tts heul�ii 3.n��xma�ivci is vv�ant�t�y: Z ct,n rd�sa�o aig�thrs aut'hnriz�tion. x�1eod xxat s�a.fb�is��x�Ix in rnrdar�o asau���raatuza�at, Z zmcCaxa�an�Y n�ay �a,�eCk arao�y't110 infbr�t�f�On fi0 b0 tl$ed of di8C�O8e�,as�xo�v�ded�tt C'�.�E��.524. T u�c�er�t�nci ctz�y diac�dsuea af6i�'ormadf4Tx oar�ies w,�t�i{�ih�pofera�it���4z aau waatttb.dll�ar�xa.diffofos�rxa�ud t�1e �infor�nation�snsy z�oC�e�r�tacta�i hy�fod�1 oon�F��eni,�a�It�y�uts�. 8. <4�hotocopy a:t t1�is r�ut�.ori•r.a.t�Q�z shalt ba co�si.�exacl�s v�l�td as ax�c�'�giue�. A,�;,,•.._ ` „ l t,.,,r_ 5/24/2012 . ,,._ ._._..._._._.....�...-........� _ ..w..... ��uui�u�e v�X'atiazat�r L'rr��gal��pl�os�artgtivc� �Ata ..�,�.�,.w....�,. ;��Sl$ued b�r�c?,gal�topx�sent�t�v�,�1ai�oz�s�i�tn�'+atlen� 2012/05/31 10: 37 : 57 5 /7 �,YJ'�'�t0:4tT�A��ON"Z'U��l�J��:.A�JG�?�'I�f1�7:1�LC�G]CN'.N'U�tiV1'�#.'.�''�t��' �:r�iant's I�eru�� G I�. r � ' t� C_._ �' C I?tif:v o�Bic�h: `'1` '-' � +-- r � - ��--?- Y.�autliotlwe t�i�use or di�a�o9urd o�the above taa�Zlvd iad�vlcCuttl'g����Ith iu�ormflk;t�S�t��dLeaxibe�X �ir310w� 2. T�Ze�'o���wlr�3ttdi�sricTaa�ox•ozryga�a9zz�ttin���s nuPkoxizc3d ta cnaXca�d�sala�u►�t Aspen Medical Group � 3. Tho�ypa and am��at�f iwformat�ou to b�used ox�d�s��ns�d is as:�o��ovt�sy �I �3ntire r4�osd �l �:ords ragardisag.A.Y3�S or�'fxea�a�ent or dia�us�A f� I�eao�d,g re�azci3,���ev�.�c�iara!or r�ter�i��toaXt;�servi�ans �'/ Keaorde rogaxciT,u��e�4mar►-��r�lc�lani a�ad d��u�ui�us� Ci 7tem�zadAilIin��tn�aaaen�� �t 4the��- � - 4, r understand t�i.a�tbe 4nE'ortn.a�t�n 1n tt�y hea�t�t xeonxd ma,�i�olt�Jo iuf.o�,���.�t��t xa�atin��o sex�t�I�y �a�ts�Yittad dzsQaseR a�q�izrod is�msuiodo�a��ixC�sy�ldxom�{�iIDS),or h�ns�i�mmunodc�vxe�tay v,ic�s��l:l�. r�nt�.y utsct ia�cXud�z�'ormatiou abaut�ie��a�rIorai ur n�entax J1oxli�i aex�rioes,�ad �,'0&f131Bl1��OT tl�CUXI�II Aft�tlYtYg��US9. 5, T1xia infomaat��n��ba�iso�osed tQ a�d nseci 6y the�o11owT�,g firrr��ar�u;r�os�s o�litig�tloz�: City of St Paul 6. x uudorstaa�d X��gv'a tTi�right fin xpv��e tivs fw#�aq��Ld�ion�at�tTms. i uz�c�ei�si�n�d a�X rewoko�a�� �utborizat�bti T i�i�se do so��vvri�+�c�prosotat auy�vriEton ro��ut���p�t tci t�xa Jx��l�in#'orciaai��z� �riazxag�m�nt depa����nt. �az�dexaf.sud 1��e��voc�t��u wl�x�ot�pp�y tv f�rmafiio�t[ta�has a��a�y beei�rele�sad��}roBp�aiBd�a�ii�s c�uihorl�aGiou, �:�mdsz�str�u,c��a�evaoutioi�:vvil!�at a�A�y t�xc� LtJuSIiIA�lCO tl0111�}IU�j7'WIkAYI#�t0�8'EN��o'V�lI6$7f]�'I17.911C0x�rtfltl2�i6 T���lt�A Qp.t1tAS�A C�H�.hJ.�1l2fL01•t�� ' pait�p. 'CJ'nlsss�►�erwAs�;r�+�v�d,t��is autl�at�i�ation wi11��►���wit�uxa aaie�roar o�iis dato. I 7, x t1I1.f�07CS#aLld�IlAG AUfI�4�'�1Z�1,�'�ti tl�O�pSU.Y4 O�ft1I5$BAIFII I.IxY4X[12ftY.1.UI1.1S Vp�I��L�C}� Z Ct►ti 1'd�l$��O �Ign this autlzortzut�on. x�.eod y�at s�n fluts��xaa�n ordar�o aeaur��r�atrxia�at. X�ndaxa��nd r naay �,�ecx or aopy'tlio informa�iQn tv bv u$ed af dis�o�e�r ae�zo�v�ded�u C�.:E G4.524. T unq�ez��r�nci c�y dlse�sue�nfui�'ormatioix oatxrea w�tt�t�t sha pote��i�tl f�r�uu�aaut�tdXt�r�xa.d�aoidsE��a aud#J�e� 9nfQx�nai�an,anay z�oC�s pr�taciaci by�oda�pt oon.��enf�a��t,y rui�q. 8. A photocopy a�t�tis r�utT�uritat�oaz sl�alt b�co�zs�(exac��s val�d as azx�rlgiut�. , �+'�•-- ,���>� ..�.-. ------�_-. S/24/2012 ..w,.... � ��5�iUia 4��atidX3�ql'�..tig�����iP09Cd11'�f�Vc� �A�O .,,--.-.,�.,�.�.....-.,. �f�9gued 1���,ega1 J�opx�se�t�t�'��,k�la�io�ip in�'�tlen�C 2012/05/31 10 : 37 : 57 6 /7 �,YI'�'�tt�:4�7��A�'�t)N'�'0��7�JG�+ig►�JG��`.�1J�:CA.iG 7C�:C{'t,��lN�'.�'�t3�' �fr�io,nt's IJ�erUe; C)/� , ' �5 C� Y C I?t�#;tt b�'Bu�th: `� � �-� r - - { .�--�-�- -.-.- -- � � -- i.I autliorl�4 th�use or di�cla9urd nf the above�aa�nad�n.dxvic�u�1'g i���Xth in�ortt�flti�zt��d�aaxibecX b�1o�w, 2. T�Za�'ollnwin,�ktdi^vic�tra�ax'Ox�A1;l�zilt�Ati�S tl't1kFi07CJZ(3(�tU I72fl��CH�[IISCIb9tf1'4t Regions Hospital _� �. Tho type and ama�itt���u�'ormat�uu to ba used oz�d�sq,tosec�is as fo�low3: t�1 �3ntire rAaosc� � l� Zte�;oxds x�eg�,rd:w�,A.Yl�S ar x�"i�'fxeat�xgnt or diagnoaiu� f� �teaoxd�re�az•d#i��sy�.�s�iora!oF r�ten�ta��oAXt,�sarvi�aos �I Recorda rogaxd���et�meaa-�fior�laolaol a�n$dcv�,uUus�s i� 7texn�zad��lIing�tn�emen�� i�t Othe�_. .._ _.._._ 4. x u,ud�cstat�d�ilaE tb8 4n�"ortn.a.[ton tn tt�y hoalt�`t xeonrd ma���oIudo irafo�t�i�.t���t xa�atin��a soxu�XlX '�['{4j(S�1'i21RG(�(�16P�A86R Pl4(jl11YCd 131111tiTtlqd0�C1���A4j/$�181�8��5��OC�li]A28TI�211tt]Ud10tI4�,lDX81Ici� v,i��CH(�. rt nt�u1sa�3�i�Xud�ic�i'nrntatinu about beS�n�rIorar or ment�l t�vali�x�e�evtoes,s.��s� 1�Qafmor��fox a�c�Xxot�ad diug�buse. 5. T1xis 4n:Fom�atlnn u�a�be diso�osed tQ and useci Gy t�te;fa�iowI�firm�'or�urpas�s o�'�iilgatloz�: City of St Paul 6. x uudoxstax��X lzava tt��rigbt ta xavn.��thi�autbq�'�`r,�t;lon�afi�ttnza. i tu�c�ef�s�az�d fP X re�vo�cc3�fai� '� t�utbariza�,ari T t�it�t t�a so�l�vrl�u�g Attd prosarltxny�+ritt4it roVO�At�O�►'�p'tfig�a�ii�'oriiat�t�oz� �aa�a��,m�nCdep�,�»��x�E. xrr.nd�xaC�zdl�t4�eV�oAYIOnv�r3llx�Ot�sPP�'�tv fa�prma�tp�t fha�ita�a,���Y1y beef�relensed�n reBp0a18d tu t�i�s�ufihort4afao,u. �:�underst�c�t�e revao�l�oi�x�ri1[nat a�A�'1x��' it�surt�,ca t�am�y wvlzd�z#�te Ia'w��o�videe na�'in.vur�x�ar1tL the r���xt���ntest a c�a�tZt�clva���' paitay. 'fJ''n1�ss o�ervvla�xa�vb�d,t��is autlxat�ixatian wl��a�.��z�wit�ur�a}ia pQar o;�iis dato. 7. I unc�erstand t1�at twt3�o�i�in,g i�t�ci,fsclosu+re o�f#rts heni�Fi f.�nxma�iot��s valiynt�ty z ct�n rc�laso�o aig�this auihorfz�.tiozz. x�ead n�t��a.fltis fAx�t1�n a�c�ar to a�auza 1r��futa��t. X YmcCaxatan�I niay iu�&�eCk drao�y t$o ujforn��.t�On tv b4 tised o�di8C�o9e�a a�a��ro�v�ded�u C'�t.;E6�4.524. T u�cc��ratssx<� �ny disc�nsuru af ui�'armati4ix oa.sx�es wit��t r:��poter��t�l�'o�r an�autb.u�'I�er�xa.diffotasErta�z1ti#��� 9nfozxnai�o�.�nay f►oC�e�r�tactaci�y�Qda�A1 ovn�ti dent,�alit�y rute�. 8. 1��hot000py o:���is�utT�ori•r.atioz�s1�a91 be co�zsxd(uxad as va��d as au�r,�gi,�. `/'F�,t-.. �,,,��., (t� 5/24/2012 ---� -�-�-.... ..----;=r-r= - - ..w..... ���e�t�u�Q�f]Patiax�t Qr L'a�a1 Zt�pi�.seait�t�vc� bAta ���i�gued b�r�,ogal�topxe�entt�t�'v�,�tei�tioz►sla�g in��tl�n��' 2012/05/31 10: 37 : 57 7 /7 May.17.2012 01:22 PM PAGE. 8/ 17 Aa:ic�ent Rcport 1'�ge l of 1 �i o�.� -- �..�� �. �---�-� . ��zo6so� � M' Ih "LMQ�t LLlGlf �YN M 1� � ri �7 ba . aa 'aa Y �o � s aia. �as� yo ���kgori W : : ��-� � .�..J�~ e: e:�� � �w�yM Mltll� •_ — RN�IM wW�c/.1Nn�. 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D� 89:9 C38NERAL C�iTRACTTNG � �i iiOLDV YORAANOS ' N� OS ___.............w �e+rr. �uvwrri foneo w0�Ff6 � �W� 04 877 N LIAI.E ST N: 1039 G'L�V�1D AV$ 54 UNx`� 30Z jT 01 w��wc emr,�w:n�s� �y�ro P�� wrr,sdn�xe � a� ae� w� 17 $T P1�C1L NRi 55103 "R- OS ST P1�[A� MN 55116 "�J �5 O1 � MVIOG MW� � MOQI �'V!1 COIM NMii AM04 �WI •••.• IOG oa non[3 CAa 2aL 8LU gYL� sSM Oo wN� 06 VWMY MIf1 L111�0 YWl161i /R+' �y1�i� ■11(A �/A/ pA p2 9618VM i�P 2 0]. ��_�� �. oi 86862iV [�7 2 U1 � �'' 01 . 0� .w.wa na.e,+.+e. M.�wM.,wn� rw�m W�M . . C�t aE St. Paul VL4K 21st Cerituxy 962532t , ewo wiw. ..R.m�� ..ru.ve. .�;.. �..v +av �+ri w9, 11ACCIDrNr�IvOlxeaAOaMIMKEI►LMOl�01tYmI1p.E.SEIIOCl6UR6�liiR.wL7iRR1iY�l r�y rne � w�eiTOwvnnn+ES��icmmma��.�x.��.d.rw�a.mwwyA,un►, > e�.rrwew.vw��awiM��ueipWW.wr omKreU �pracw��e�rocax�w[nv.rtllO�CNw�tiW oarMwu � M�4�4l1����MM!!!M VR N �l T� VR V�M aP M/RV ID�1Q'eµMyp�l ' . Yevdare� Mo1du (65169fl17aB� 02 03 P 04 04 09 05 N D1•: d°" ,_.__....�...,—._.,. CI°`"" ' p„i. ree...Fi- .. . ....en ? dew� . �._...� . . _ _ Q� �� � �p� , '� O�� � � aWntrenwYWM�nMq�p/vwi�OfJOMnwub�YMGM�}'tk�.w�V•�llA��nvnr�+�I�l�l . nUwf�ws�Y�x��aww�w��ew Q . KG . 11�w' • lMO� 01 oi . . K�� .-..._ .. . ,. .... ................_........_...._...._.,, � 03 DriveY on� Ci1d whiCla �t�x'Ca0. to tirrn and Cltsn . .........-•-......,... u�,in � � � abrupt1y atoppeA xor-e..gpd�s�ilan iri ths'atoea �� ,Ys17e, �l+ic►�.ca�aed her..to..aaka..ean�aCC,.xi`,tA......._. O1 41 ' � � � �ps� vehiole txo. Dr1►vr tro aaid �t� seapped O1 I � ' "� abrup6lg-xhori�li�rtvbia4d•a�plCeom l,n��.ths•aaob's... �+�w ls� � � I � � walk saa ebe vae thm etruck by nh�LCl� one. 03 nrewwc �, --- Ht7C2t"t�dL1CTtl"}lad"11;�t1C OACM1Il9�li anE s1I p��'Ci9s�.••� - - � 98 ----- - sotuseA d�¢O�CRx aCteokion. a; , —� ,r �..._..._.._.. ... . . ...... ... ......... ... . � __ ,wai.— _.T. ..., ......_� .,.... . .... ....... ...... ...... . . :... .. . ... . ............:: ----,_�._.. � � I I I � � . . ... .......... ... ....... ...� . ..__ .Q�.� . . . +NAI r.�ww. . I � � .. . ... ........... .................... ..... .,. � OS ��I ... .. .... . ........ .._ Ov� ro.w i I I . Ox 61 E � � .... , . . .......,.._....... .. ........... "� . . .... ......_ . . �: • � .. . . . .... . .... . . . . . .. . a"°""" oa oi oIIm11iWRYMSMDYMC[s ' NMKf �Ilrnat•MO� Q�VafrII11R lmR � olficer Chariag J Ankney 55D £t lzau] PD �.w�F pe�,., httpsJ/w�vw.dvslesupporkorg/dvsin�'olaccidentrecords 2008/lncludes� I.F..�'�rintRepvrtindi.... IU15/2011