96-185Council File � 9` - \gs Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 Green Sheet � 3 a G�3 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA \ � �� i� T Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL as Private Sector Representatives. s T'heron B. Barnes shall fill the vacancy created by the resignation of 6 Donna Senty-Funk and serve the remainder of this unexpired term. ::,�is "t��;:sTi�� ..:..............�..,:. ....... .... ,.,:.:........ � ���C��ii,�;�i���}�;:��'�: $ .. 9 io Richard Schoenthaler shall fill the vacancy created by the resignation of ii Daniel Foote and serve the remainder of this unexpired term. Hi����tn';�afts' .:<::,�;; .�,�< .............�...... .. �......:..: :. . ....... iz �x::;7�iai�:���;�=1�8. 13 14 15 Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Form Approved by Cit Attorney By: �� x � . l < �� By � ��� f Arrroved by Ma�br: Date �. Approved by Mayor for Submission to /7 � � Council By: By:�n�� �� �� �� Adopted by Council: Date � 96-t85 DEPA(iTMENVOFFICE/COUNdL DATE INITIATEO N� 3 2 6 6 3 Ma or Norm Boleman's Office 2-7-96 GREEN `SHEET _ INRIAVDATE INRIAL(DA7E CONTACf PEASON 8 PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIREGTOR � CRV COUNCiI Ro er Curtis 266-8531 ^�'�N �CfTYATTORNEY �CRYCLERK MUST 8E ON CpUPlCtI AGENDA BY (OATE) p�pM��� O BUDGET �IFECiOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SERVICES O1A. ONDER r7 MpyOfl (OR AS5ISTANT) � �-Y TOTAL # OF SIGNANRE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION qEQUE$7ED: Approval of the appointments of Theron Barnes and Richard Schoenthaler to serve as Private Sector Representatives on the WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL. Theron Barnes' term expires 3une 30, 1997. Richard Schoenthaler's term e�cpires 3une 30, 199$. RECOMMEND.4TIONS: Approva (A) rn Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has Nis persoNfinn ever worketl under a contrea for this department? _ CIB COMMfREE _ '�ES NO _ SiqFF 2. Has this personttirtn ever hean a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DISiqICi COUn7 _ 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed 6y any cunent ciry emplqree? SUPPOATS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE? YES NO Explein all yes answers on separate sheet and aNaeh to green aheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Whet. When. Where, Why�: ADVANTAOES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: '� u: � . � .a:. .. _ . . �� 1 '�i:y`. , .. „ Ft.l� � � �`9uv7 DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ COSTlREVENUE BUOGETEO (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO PUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (EXPLAIN) � _� � �� . - -.. �_ . .�-�- _ .� . _ � Name• _' . _�� . F�i �l'Go nS �,- .. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR .. 390 czTY aar.z . . � .iA4 �9":19969 G���S SAINT PAIIL� MINI3ESOTA 55102 266-8525_" FAX 266 8513 ; " � �}�� = - = �tt�vtia�� �J��r � � - - L��A-ri;,i � . .. _ � - . . . - � � . , . ' Home Address' o �1 ' � r a� o-an -:S;:m,.�t :, �� l�r�-U:.� M; t S 1�-� . � � - -.Street . " �� � - C1 �. ' _.: . . Zip Telepfione 2h�ber. _�Homel ��57 - G� O� .. . (Aork) --� - �''t ��lo(�A%) (0'-�2- 1��9 Planning Crnmcil: � - - � - � � ' � Gity Coimcil Aard• -� � - �' �- �- -� - - � - - - - . - . ' . -_, . . Pre£erred 21ai1i.ng Address • � lo C� 1 n-r-�� S�k �j> �? ( r47,t.1, M]V SS T("� ' SThat is your occupation? tJ W��- � xYv�� c._� �s, ti�s s c= S � P1ace �of lo ent: �� «�-c � ui,1 � � ` � Q @ �raFF � yID O �.a � P rn�-�., a,�»�.r � c�L C.:� /Z 1 �T6lLE Co�ittee(s) Applied For: �T / ���L. Ahat skills/txaining or eaperience do you possess for the committee(s) £or vhich you seek appointment? ✓ ��' ..� 1 � ._ �� t-c 1"Y' TE �� � l�,S�c V �/ o�. � Y��4K_S o-F- E.�C ��r°f-' t�.�a C� � iJ M�+ � c n�• �.-�.; � o� C U r2 �°, ,A�n� �"YN CY-F �'�� � r� �z a� /�- r., uc �+ � � i v-� s� o,J o r /�- i SGC� �; , '✓ S� YfLS Fr� fl T'�1'C,g-oiJ�UC,t �'L�' �- 6P {til u _ �(� Y 2, HS K� `37�n �--t L `� s r nJ� s G w�; � I ti: � 1"r�u c. � � �-r�o oz � C G i.; `r}-t,-� c i ��_ �z c n., S G t� ; �T. (-+`h.i. c_ C�M 1° � Y�'vt_5 !'C S 5' aS Y�1 � t� W c s� � P-�C t �r �- S c� i; l e�`S t-Lx,u� t cat t�7'�t�- �.�� m�c �' Jc L' C-o'ts�J C i t_ ti�.t.GY✓l Y�0�� The information included in this application is considered private data according to the Minnesota Govexment Data Practices Act. As a result, this in£ormation is not released to the general public. .. (OVER) Rev.4/21/93 PERSONAI. REFERENCES . -_= , � ., � 21ame: �_�JG'-�! �"f E7� 17 F'Lt GiGS o 7v ���lt-- � � n /:, �1 ' . � Address_ �h1_�� � �,.,.- Name: Address: �� � a�3i Pfione: CHome) 9a � - f3��� (TTork) _ ^ Name• fi�'K�t,-D � � (= "� - r c�; Address• '�l S JY i�( �'J��s 1J , a��e'�'utti.�; �> >�� Phone: (Home} 4�� - a`� a� Ct7ork) � Reasons fox your interest in thi.s particular co�ittee; �YYte. �-.rt-x.u,.�' t �"' (� L ;� t- 1 /5..�.,--c r. .,, -.� � r.�X. ti..i_w,. 1 S "\ rciy. ( c� �J . e--'�l.l-P i�1-1 `2M � 1.c.+ti"xH' — . _ !V V " "__ ____" _"_'" ' ' " _ __ D�1�01� Tu,�i'�t� S Fc>� Rt� Ca�Jfx F'cBc T L tG �u o�'" c�c..�r i.s.vxicr--o� C� ` - Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee for vliich you are making application. I£ so, when, and circumstances? ,, r 1�S G In an attampt to ensuze that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup o£ ovr co�uunity, please check the line applicable to you. This infozmation is strictly voltxntary_ ✓ Ahite (Caucasian) Hispanic _ Black (African 9merican) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo � Male f Female Date of Birth: ��T / 3`� Disabled: Yes No ✓ If special acco�odations are needed, please specify. rv.,rtrl !P Hov did yoa heaz about this opening? �' ��-Y �1�,'� N ��s c:n• , M'� C�C.z�r�l�n� � -'�'' c-_ T �i .� s; �'� 2� �r�s�i�L OF THE MAYOR rJ ��� "' 390 CITY BALL SAIIQT PAIIL� HINNESOTA 55102 'r 266-8526 D. 1 / c i �� �,. Name: i q�-1�'s Home Address: N S 7J.3 �O �1d 5{ . � t✓Pf �it ��5 Wz 5y� a p2, StzeeL City_-- Zip Telephoae tinmber: (Home) ya5- ��6� tvork) �6��� �/3 a�.3�.. Planning District Conacil: �IA City CoLmcil Aard• ��jQ Preferred 2�ailiug Addxess_ �co�a�j Y+?C. ,�cp/aS CPY!"�PI` S�; � ryj/�J, ,,SSJQat Qhat is your occupation? �pY2rnrvlPi7f' /Ct�Q/iv/)S �i1JPS�1?f !`P�kf�Qft J TitX P1ace of Esplopaent: �GO �Cc 7 �l�C. Committee(s) AppliedFor_ Sa; �a�� WOt k�Forc2 D�,�tl o�IYt��?f �ounG,� Ghat skills/training or experience do you possess for the co�ittee(s) fo= vhich you seek appointment7 0 GGrr.Gl�, �r' O� _ �lurP a ��S � ;�PP oT � sf ov��l�q . �as`fP/'.r /� S�l�� v �LC� Q�PG. O'1' C CO �G 'J �'<0145 � S �ory �3 Txa � i� �� � � t///QY1GrnG C� C�,4 ar�u o � �?i�c� n4Pn, tnf" 1 a.,r �G�'r��f�v %�� /�r� k�.� qo�Prrl�Pht r�fR ��'p»S� %n vPS �pr �el�-F�Ca�c Gc.� !�f� 70a� 4$DFT'IZ �xi- nnPr�.,Phi n�n:i,�.��r nl 19.�!_..�c rn�n.-�.�,if,� ;o� a�� -�RS a���. .c' q..-, s,1';ll �6�-�'/'d �PSir�tfvJ�i� � Se {��1 � La Pc fS �t Ca'hr»�n,'�'f• �n/'ova�1 � Q�'S;nPSS C��vta f�oya�,res la���cta�;on Z sA af' '�( ff��� Sc�, Od(S On./ haUP �rqhf tv((K lbaq CUUffP! �ar l�: St�oai S}u,(�vt�'$ ay �:' 0)lcattan5� b�f at /oral Co P�r ' � The information inc2uded in this application is considered private data according to the Hixuiesota Govesment Data Practices Act. As a result, this inPormation is noc released ro tihe gene=al publia. ( O4F1t) Rev.4/21/93 PERS02TAL R�EF�RENCPS Hame;' ..�..OIS �/f/P$� - .a�_o��. f�a�u� �e�e!' Sf Pu/ m,rl 55K�� !�/a �93 x� Address �4�K Fors 014� cen{tr , Sf, �li�( yhn� SSl� Phone: Bome) (Oo=k) �ol.� -� 0 — a ? �7.Z Name: // /(�cP � l< i�qk/4 Address: o ?�.lU w(��I�S�JG �✓�. Sf� Q��� �7U 551/� Phone: (Home) (Vork) ��o�" 6 y�� 7- Reasoas £or yanr intexest in this pazticnlar eo�ittee: �ra ���[�PSt" r-, p�ii-S �Ov�Y✓�i�-C2 t3 �n Gir� l�n !'.�Pv2°��OiitG a�a�T/oh4� s/�i��P� L abor a.,� t0 P��iuv�C2 f� t��S�n�PSS Pn✓�`ro�snP�J�` ,'� .S�', Pv� ��lrvmcfE' �vSinFS'S f�o✓J. T a/sa haUP � l�,.e� �,ere �o� 30 ye�rs fo W%sco�s Have yon l�sd previons contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application_ IP so, Qhen, and circumstances2 (t N � Ia an attempt to ensvre that co�ittee repzesentation reflects t8e makeup o£ our cc++�+�*+�ty, please check the line applicabYe to pou. Tixis �in.fotmatiou is strictlg ooluntazy. � Yhite (Caucasi.an) Hispanic Black (Afriean American) �siaa or Yacific Islaader American Indian or Alaskaa Eskimo /� Hale "°/, I�6 /�96 � Bema.le Date of Birth_ `�y Disabled: Yes No � If special acco�odatiaas axe needed, please speci£p. Sov did you hear abont this opening? `rom'f °'�c -S�'• PQ�� Cl�1q�+.r�Pf Ut CO�y.nCfCe � Saint Paui � � Area Chamber of Commerce January 12, 1996 ��-��s ,t�ctt��z �pN 1 S 1995 The Honorahle Norm Coleman Mayor, City of Saint Paul 390 City Hall IS West Kelloga St. Paul, NIN 55102 �r��yi'3€+'� L��i :� � RE: APPOINTMENT OF RICHARD SCHOENTHALER TO THE SAINT PAUL WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Dear Mayor Coleman: I strongly support the appointment of Rich�rd Schoenthaler to the Workforce Development Council. Mr. Schoenthalez is an active member of the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Co�nmerce. He is eager to work on initiatives that help to develop and promote a skilled wark force and healthy business environment in St. Paul. Mr. SchoenthaIer is a senior analyst in government relations, investor relations/tax at Ecolab Inc. His experience and expertise on the tax aspects of inergers, acquisitions, business relocation and expansion and IRS audits will be beneficial to this group. In addition, his experience as an air traffic controller, a residential construction laborer, a security guard and a retail employee gives him a broad range of perspectives on the work force. Richazd Schoenthaler actively promotes the economic well-being of the Saint Paul community. Through the Business Education Economics Foundation, he speaks at local high schools and has taught week-lon� courses for college students on business applications. I am confident that Mr. Schoenthaler will be an excellent addition to the Workforce Development Council. Please consider him as you review qualified candidates to serve Saint Paul. Sincere CS im Rogers President cc Richard Schoenthaler 101 Norwest Center 55 East Fifth Street Saint Paui, Minnesota 55101-1713 612/223-500� Fax:612/223-5119 - - � -- - - �- - -,,__-- - � - - , -- ��w�.a., _.�-� �i � _ � � % � 9�-ta�s SAfNi PAUL � • 11AAA Interdepartmental Memorandum TO: Saint Paul City Counciimembers Cauncil President Dave Thune Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Dino Guerin Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Roberta Megazd Councilmember Janice Rettman FROM: DATE: � Roger Curtis Darlyne Morrow February 8, 1996 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS Mayor Coleman has recommended that the following people be appointed to serve on the Workforce Development Council as Private Sector Representatives. Theron B. Barnes wiil fill the vacancy created by Donna Senty-Funk's resignation. He will serve the remainder of her unexpired term. �;Ii�;<�ei;�ir�ti�il�':�gi��pi�;I;�e�.��x ,. :��. Ricbard Schoenthaler will fill the vacancy created by Daniel Foote's resignation. He will serve the remainder of Mr. Foote's unexpired term. H[s� ��z�Y1i:-u��;=;e��:`;�; :?��:�ET;� ���. �� A copy of the resolution appointing the above individuals is attached. Also attached are copies of the applications for Mr. Barnes and Mr. Schcenthaler. If you have any questions feel free to contact me at 266-8531, or Dazlyne Monow at 266-8525. Attachments cc: 7acqui Shoholm, Workforce Development Council Kathy Korf, Workforce Development Council