96-183Council File � � p � Green Sheet # 3�1 b� M � Presented By Referred To 1 z 3 4 5 6 CTI'Y RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Committee: Date RFSOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of the appointments of the following individuals to serve on the ADVISORY COMNIITTEE ON AGING. Nicole Otto shall fill the vacancy created by the resignarion of Nancy Adair. 7 a 9 10 ii i2 Kenneth A. Lawrence shall fill the vacancy created by the resignation of 7ames Martin. Steven R. Sarraziu shall fill the vacancy created by the resigna6on of 12ichard Dolan. 13 14 15 16 17 18 The above-menfioned appointees shall fill the unexpired terms of the members who resigned. 19 20 21 22 . ...:�c :..:r. ,..::,,,.....:�•. <pY..: :.. ';;. �:c _:..<.:_«...:: :..,.:., �: � _.:.;.s;.:; �:..;: � i: ::..... . . . _ . . . . .. .. .. ....... . '�ezt�s �c� �a.c� c�f �€� a#�cs�� ap�sz�zt� s�€�t ��z� ca�. �T���r ��� :� . Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: Date���9� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary B Y ° F—�C� - � � Approved by Mayor: Date ./ p By � ✓ Form Approved by City Attorney 7 By: i � ��t i' � ' �' � Approved by Mayor for Submi sion to Council i By:�la� �� ��� 9�-18'3 DEPARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL DATE INITIA7ED O GREEN SHEE - 3 2 66 Mayox Norm Coleman's Office 2-6-96 INRIAVDATE INRIAVDATE CONTACf PEPSON & PHONE � DEPAH'fMENT D�REGTOR � G�T'/ CAUNCIL Albexto Quintela (266-8529) �'�" �cmarrow+er �crrvc�aK MUST BE ON COUNGL AGENDA BY (OATE) p����� � BUDGET DIFECTOP � FIN, 8 MGT. SFAVICES DIR. OROER � Mpypp (OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SICaNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: Approval of the appointments of Nicole Otto, ICenneth Lawrence and Steven Sarrazin to serve on the ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON AGING. They shall fill the remainder of unexpired terms. Their terms shall expire on November 30, 1996. REWMMENDAnONS: approva tA) or (laject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOL{,OWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING CpMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIpN �� Has Mis personfirm ever worked untler a coMract for this tlepartmenY? _ CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO _ S7AFF 2 Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISiHICT COURT _ 3. Does this pe�son/firm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any current city employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVEI YES NO Explain all yes answera on Separote sheet antl eriach to green sheet INRIATING PflOBLEM.ISSUE.OPPOflTUNRV(Who, What, When, Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPqOVED. ,,; DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: r'� s �&.� '"'i Y h + . A� �, r .. '�� a " +_ 1 .; , 3" _ . , `Y r �,Y,: �� F = f` d',: �i ";�'^�. D15ADVANTAGES 7F NOT APPqOVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OP TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITV NUMBEN FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (EXPLAIN) 30 �� . o . ..... . .. OFFTCE OF THS MAY012 3go c=xX BALL e � �, ' SAI2IT BATJY+� HZNNES07.`A SSS02 266-8525_" FA.K: 266-8513 ,Q. Nicole Otto » - z�9 � .� q `-\8'3 � . [e AddYeSS: 1617 Ford Pazkway Apt. 204, St. Paul, MN 55116 Street Ci.ty 2ip Leptiona Number- [�Ec me� 698'$561 ���� 331-5571 ,(p(�() 331-1001 anaiag D3stzlct Cotmcil: eEarted ]fniling Address: Samc as abnve Gitp Counail 4aXd: 3 at iS y'oux OCCUPatioa? Lobbyist and Public Affairs • .ae��o� EmploymeIlt: Minnesota Assoeiati�n of Homes £or thc Aging ' _ rRVi'ftt¢0(9) Applied 5'or: Aavisory Committee on Aging; Pul�lic Safety Advisory Council / ,�at skills/train3ng or ezpezlence do you possess for 'cho comm3ttee(s) £or vhich you seek ppointmant7 . , - . The association for which = Wosk represenLS nursing kiomes and senlor housing with services projects in Minnesota. Th=ough this working.relationship, I have become intimstcly familiar with issues zelating to aging. Specifically, I have become an expert on security and safety issues relatinq to criminal background checks and 911. I currenLly sit on a 911 Task Force that ,is examining the issue of effective enhanced 911 service and multi-line telephone spstems. I am also £amiliar with some of the issues Telating to senior's security in nursing homes and housing 68tti.ngs and the bzeach oi that securicy by imposters and somelimes caregivers(i.e., the£t and abus�__ Lastly in colleqe I served on the President's Advisory Committee on Parking and Safety i 5sues foz the MOOZhead State University Campus and was inslrumental in improving _ safet for student� on campus. � � �hn in£ozmaLion 3ncluded ia this applicat�ori is eops7.dexad privats data according to the 2l3nnesaca Goverment Data Practices acL. As a xesniz, this informntioa is not re2eased eo tho Qenaral pubiic. ' - - ���� 4/21/93 $ev. NOV-13-2995 35�29 SRINT PRIA. P1�1YOR'S �FiCE �y�WV��v� V�CV'Y Aame� Senator John Hottinyer gddLCSS• G-29 Capitol Building� St. Paul, MN 55155 612 266 8513 P.03�93 9 (507) 388-A638 �pxk� (612) 296-6153 _ Phone: '� 1� a •- j�RIDe : John Api tz edd=ess pjxone • ome 699-4399 Qp 6?2-3603 _ �� Tim Yorch Addxess• Z150 Leyland Trail, Woadbury, MN 55225 Yhone: om 739-8282 or2c 737-58�8 �^ RQesans for yoes inteYast in Lhia particvlar eo�ittee; Z Peel that it is important to be involved in my community and, in that senss, to share any expertise or ideas that I may have As a resident oP St. Paul, T havc a persana2 interest in preserving and in our city. 2 believe that sa£a etreets has a ri effect on ous economy people to want to live here, work heze,Jand^star.t„new�businesses here. - __ ____ _ nn wavs. n PncC safet: ing , I have gava you i�ad previous cosstaet vith the aotimaittee for vhich you aze makiug applleation. =f ao, when, and ciscvmstancesT ways oE delivering care. NO __ _ In sn attempt to enstsre thsc eommittne reg�asantation zeflacts tho maxeup of our comtaunity, ylease cheak the ltne applicable eo you. Tlais information is stzictly voltm . v Qh3te (Cancasiaa) . Hispanic glaek (Atrican J�ezican) Asian or-PaciPie Isiander lmerican Zndian or Eleskan Eskimo ?fala �"F¢male �i8abzna: zgS xa � Dato o.� Bixth: `� 9- 7C� Iy $pe�ia2 acca�ndntians axe needed, please sp¢cify. Hov did 7�s hasr about this open3.ng1 Tnrnr � �� _ ,rtt;�lY�i � O! OFF CE OF THE MAYOR : - 390 CITY ; .:' ` 3:e:.� «:. .� `�, O� � 18 -1995 ��.SAI2�IT PAIIL, M2NNESOTA 55102 � , '. 266-8525 FAX 266 8513 _ ' ,- ,�,�/ 7 � ��� -it� 799� � i' Namer � ! � � "ir2n-G¢, „ , y _ � � '�,, - _ ,•- -- ". _ . ._, . �� 1 -- - _ _ .r -._ _ �r.yi� �.ac F;r°.; `r:" " `•Home-Address:'.- .�a'�J2.`� , -:��� --�'✓ _�-- - -- - �V��D,/� - - .- _ Street ;;= Cit9:_''_`..=.. : Zip . � (Home)� - "'-- °. (Aoxk)� c3'�L�- : (�AX) �l-Q,3¢c - Planning District Crnmcil: �� -- D����`e.��� _- °- City Cotmcil 1��� � - - . ___ . ,._. .. .� �-./: ,_ -. `� � '� � Preferred 2Sailing Address: l"i �' ��yL� `��/`��, �� c�cS�D/ � . , , �. . , , Ahat is your occupation? Place of Emplopment: Co�ittee(s) Applied For: -�1� �� ( The information included in this applica�ion is considered private data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this information is not released to the general public. (04E,R) Rev. Ghat skill.s/training or experience do you possess for the committee(s) for vhich you seek appointment? PERSONAL REFIItENCES Name: �J�.t�.p `1✓���. - _/o-�! _ /2e i _� _._ Phone (Home) (9'ld '�d "�3 CAork) ' ���'T . Address• ��� � ����� Phone _ (Home) � ��� � �I r� CAork) �� J ��� Reasons foz your interest in this particular co�ittee: � � $ave you had previous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich pou are making application, If so, whett, and circumstances7 In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation re£lects the makeup of our co�anity, please check the line applicable to pou. This information is st=ictly voluntary. Ahite (Caucasian) _� Black (A£rican American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo 'V Hale Female Disabled: Yes � No Hispanic Asian or Paci£ic Islander Date of Birth: �f' / / '� � If special acco�odations are needed, please speci£y. Hov did you hear abaut this opening? nU��p�i - �4� __" � �/ Q � / - - - _ . _ . . Phone � �7Home)� TO-7"� a�¢� � �� ��� � vl'S1l.i v2' lnla P1HZV2C 3 �� 'J -.. � �a . �" 390 cITY xALL . `�� /�'� - SAINT PABI, MIN2IESOTA - 55102 k ,�� �_4 ��83 � 266-8525 FAX 266-8513 ' � x�e: � '� < .S %��J . _: 2�1..��ct"t_ D = ' S� �z;z � z �:.J DEC4 j � i995 = Home �Address: { s$15 � . � Sl� L6tn/� ' ,4-vL- �!o - - �.ST nAt,�t'� lYfi=lt? a 5'•�3'�_ . - . _ _' ' Stxeet . - - r:,°i City " -" ,. _ Zip ,- . : - ` -' - = ' . __ . Telephone Nnmber ` ' Home- � ` � -� �la -=S �' " ',- =' � Work L }' = �O � -,. . _ '.C�) , _. _ P3anning Distzict�_�Gotmcil-. '=���� - � Gity Cotmcil Siaxd: - � � � . .__ .. _- . ._- " ---'- - - � - Pxeferced 2failing Add=ess:_ �$�J �Si-I C.AuO At� •�le 5% PAi.iL S�/o � Ahat is your occupation? CL`vRt �-/?.°iL-r� P1ace�of Employment: �p���Nt 'c7i$ik-�lCZinr7 .J l �i�„ Co�ittee(s) Applied For: _ �O✓�S�? �I Gcn-vm rTi � !St✓ .�G,:v =- / Ahat skills/training or eaperience do you possess for the committee(s) £oz vhich you seek appointment? '�,.: r�/I-ii ��= n-� .`-/ S 'L' YYi �wt�'t �[ r�rtm '} s f-1���= c z= r� t,R n-a t� d-cs,�' �a �, � � �' � 7r H�1 i✓L r noa ,o � fn 2n /7 C. �i .-,�� :� t.�r1/Li P� S 't7 i/a � rt i S � n� i• �,. ,� r/.!� i.'Zk;� �� S c�h -,n j Cn�, h-� E S 12 i� 3 t�.JL °,� 'T� C:�t o�� �� !-� C awt=Vl %N � T6 Da (JNE^i]'d_Q,1,� 7�1N�itLt-' `�I� '��Y� QY� RlL�I?Ct' F _ a . . . _ ... Ca� ✓c.v°..r,�v ; i.,., �i � �,,,,..., n� M,,, ,� � w� n-1 f� ��f�r�n-. �a,�,�'K rri �-r1 i S' �:✓� H�"�. "L' `. .(J- S i�. �1 J' � n..�L /N 7Z=72n/Sil../� /� T i�f��-r'iZJ,^� S �> [ i� F� Gcr-+mL..v � TN /iA�rG� ��x..i�"� / �` .�- fi� � F' � J�,� i��,� tM fr S 1-! f.. f 1,L 1�-c c %b 7- �+/t i /lnm v..q ' Yi t C �tn � C^` pc,"�WL�t% v Y- !-1'77Zi!l,r✓� ��'�- � I T iZ✓G :� t�Z J d t y%! S L7�F i The information included in this applica�ion is considered private data according to the Hinnesota Goverment Aata Practices Act. As a result, this infonnation is not released to the general public. (OVEIZ) Rev.4/21/93 PERSONAT, it�uuumaCES -- ^ �� r. ,, IZame: - 'T�Xt,./ni C �. � c- i�'tZD . , � - � - o S i :k-JV 71/ o:.�- .da+t: - AddreSS: � h'1 sY.-flifA-rt�� Cs3k1��-' �zzn»'�cin.i.-�+. Safh�li� c_s� .ST :�,3rnt .Sg)p�^s 1�i� . � - � ,. . - �- �/ � , �IOI1B:� �' _' _� ` . . - � � �OIIC) /: 7 �' ��ec � �� ' Name: �oNAi;� `�D.� Address_ c2o�'� Sl-f�'Y'wuca� !W� S� �/�7nL i'Y);� .SS91� Phonec (Home) 7�71a- b�lOL� (Aork) �Zt=T� �'FILe7v. 3VY� ) Hame: `Tt="� 7 Cc-�� K,� 5v-rv � U�-n,�.-.2 � �e-� m� - F�a=-,-ic,,.s S 3�u� Address: �Ss l rn A�"�A FS1�C-' ST ?�c� L h'l aJ s� I C3E Fhone : CHome) (Aork) �7 - J � - (c � u� � Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: ��YV. /��,?:.,,vL. Fc 5 6 C� .4 L G csYLd ti �.- <_� � t%Zti.�i.c= Z_ �S � i�-i LT1Lc: Sv L�.v , t>'� Have you had previaus contact vith the co�ittee for which you are making application. If so, when, and ci,rc�stances? � Cy�� iL i'71�� ., �t' i�r /Ylz�s.fSa Gr C �,ri'Z7G. IiA-2nc✓� %�c�iL JJAC '1-��} ;al- AY-t L i.v,'n.� Yy7L'"�- L.zri..i�, -i '7>mt� 1 i�✓HL�+ ' i,�+J In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup of ovr community, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary_ V Ghite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo �Ma le Female Disabled: Yes No � Date o£ $irth: � U � �/ S� If special acco�odations are needed, please specify. Hov did you hear abont this openiag? �Y'�c'Yr� L.��-r+� �TJ� /7'�t�mR�+2 � 11�� ff�'?3L �%: ; � �' ' 9�-18'3 ;� � Interdepartmental M�norandum CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL TO: Saint Paul Cit�Counciimembers Council President Dave Thune Councilmember 7erry Blakey Counciimember Daniel Bostrom Councilmember Dino Guerin Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember 7anice Rettman FROM: DATE: 17�I Alberto Quintela (� r Darlyne Morrow w February 6, 1996 APPOINTMENTS -- ADVISORY COMNL[TTEE ON AGING Mayor Coleman has recommendefl that the following individuals be appointed to serve on the Advisory Committee on Aging. Nicole Otto will fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Nancy Adair. Kenneth A. Lawrence will fill the vacancy created by the resignation of 7ames Martin. Steven R. Sarrazin will fili the vacancy created by the resignation of Richard Dolan. The above-mentioned appointees shall fill the unexpired terms of the members who resigned. The term for each of the above appointees wili expire on November 30, 1996. The resolurion nominating these individuals is attached. Also attached are copies of the new appointees' applications. If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 266-8529, or Darlyne Morrow at 266-8525. � Attachments cc: Mimi Weinberger, Staff, Advisory Committee on Aging