96-182Council File # 9 — �Q Green Sheet # � �v b RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 1 Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 WIIEREAS, Minn. Stat. §471.705, subd. la, provides that the governing body of a public empioyer may by majority vote in a public meeting decide to hold a closed meeting to consider strategy for labor negotiations, including negotiation strategies or developments or discussion and review of labor negotiation proposals; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Council of the City of Saint Paul to meet and discuss vazious labor negotiation issues for the present term of negotiations; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby agrees to hold a closed meeting to consider strategy for labor negotiations pursuant to Minn. Stat. §471.705, subd. la, on February 28, 1996, at 2:45 p.m. in the Northwest Conference Room, Third Floor, City Hall; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proceedings of the closed meeting shal] be taped and the tape shall be preserved in accordance with the requirements of law. Requested by Department of: By: By Approved by Presented By Re£erred To For�i Approved by City Attorney $y: , AAIAA9 �t etu Z��/yG Aqoroved/bv/ Mavor for Submission to By: / � l/ " ` GW'� -,..:.,,...r c - � , � By: Adopted by Council: Date .} �_�,��qQ� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary a6-68'2- DEPARTMEM/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INRIATED GREEN SHEE N� 3 5 6 41 Cilt CiOl1IIC11 266-8564 2 f 21 f 95 INITIAVPATE INRIAVDATE CANTACT PERSON & PHONE O DEPAR'fMEM DIRECTOR � CT' COUNCIL Councilmember Dave Thune ^�'�" OCRYATTORNEY �CffYCLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DA7� pp��� O BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN. 8 MGT. SEflVICES DIR. Febzuar 21, 1996 OPDEN OMAVOR(ORASSISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACfION REQUESTEp: Agreeing to hold a City Council closed door meeting on February 28, 1996, at 2:45 p.m. in the Northwest Conference Room, Third Floor, City Hall, to consider strategy for labor negotiations. FiECOMMENDA710NS: Ai»mva (A) or Raject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTAACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _, CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� H25 thi5 p8f5oMifm EVCr wofkBtl ulldef a LrontfaCt fOf this tlBpditment? - _ CIB COMMITfEE _ �S �NO 2. Has this persoNfirm ever 6een a ciry employee? _ STAFF — YES NO _ DISTRIC7 CAUR7 _ 3. Ooes this personffam possess a skill not normall y possessetl by any cucrent cLLy emplq!ea? SUPPOflTS WHICM CAUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explafn all yes answers on sepante shaet and attach to green sheet INITIAT(NG PR�BIEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIT' (Wiw, WhaQ Whan, Where. Why): ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAGES iF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OP TAANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE AC7IVITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL �NFORMATION. (EXPLAIN)