96-179.� M�' N e g� fl— � � a�`iqb City of St. Paul Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor In the matter of VOTING WARD Z AMENDED In the matter of condeoa3ng and atquiring peraznent right of cay easemen[ and temporary coastru'ction easenents in tonnection with the <ons[ruc[ion ot the vev Wahasha Street Bridge �62555 and the new Navy (Raspberry) Island 3ridge D62580; said easements zre described as follocs: d pezmxnent right of vay ezse�en[ over, under and aczoss [hose par[s of Lo[s 5, 6 and 7, Block 176, Aobertson's AddiTion to WesC St. Yaul, Ramsey County� MinnesoCa, lying southwesTerly of a line vhich is parallel with and 15.00 feet northeasterly of, measured at a right angle [o, che southvesterly line of said Lots 5, 6 and 7; toge[her with that part of said Lot 5 lying norChwesterly of a line running from a point on the norchvesterly line of said Lot 5, a distaace of 25.00 feet noxtheast from tfie northwes[ corner of said Lot 5, measured along said northwes[erly line, to a poin[ on che sovthwesterly line of said Lot 5, a dis[ance of 25.00 feet southeast from said norihves[ corner, measured along said sou[hwesterly line, and there [ermina[ing. Also eondemning and [aking temporary cons[ruccion easeme�ts as shoun on file in the Department of fivance and *fanagemeat Services. Said ie�poraxy easeaents to expire on December 31, 1997, or a[ [he completion of [he project, whichever occurs first. under Administrative approved xx Preliminary0rder 95-726 approved July 5, 1995 FinalOrder 95-1013 approved August 23, 1995 A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands oi easements theiein, for the above improvement, and the award of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and Yhe Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Director of Finance and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confinned. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assassment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays lakey �strom �erin ✓�arris �/1 egard ✓rtt�n 1/2'�une Adopted by the Council: Date �� �S� Certifie P d by Council Secretary �In Favor By _SLAgainst '� Mayor � .� r-'�, � 6J 'D � C� -- 2- ( a� �� s� City of St. Paul Report of Director of Finance on Condemnation of Lands V�l)1,'.'.il it�i.�✓ c73 In the raattei of d2�EY�ITS�,D COUNCIL FILE NO. � l L FileNo. id7941:: Ia the ¢attec of toade�aing xad a<quizing peneznent cight of 1zy easeceat aad tecporary constrc<tioa easenents ia conneciion vith the construc[ioa of the nev 47zbesha Street Bzidge 062555 and che new ?��vy (Rzspberry) Island Bzidge i62580; said ezseaents zre described as fol!oxs: A pe:aenent zight c£ cay ezseveai oeer, unLer and atross those pasts of Lots 5, 6 xnd 7, Slotk ll6� Aobertson's Addition To Rest Sc. ?zul, Rensey County, ?,Snnesoca, lying south�esterly o£ a line vhici is parallel r±ch end 15.Q0 'eet nor[heasiezly of� cezsuced at a righ[ ar,gle to, the southves[erly lir.e of said Lots 5, 6 znd 7; together with th2t parC of said Let 5 lying aorthvesCerly of a line rvnning froa a poia[ on ihe northcesterly J.ir.e of said Lo[ 5, a distznCe a: 25.00 feet northezst fxoc the northvest tarner of said Lot 5, cez5ured alcng szid nozthvesterly line, to a poin[ on the sovthvesTerly line of szid Lot 5� a distance of 25.00 fee[ so�3thezsx fsor szid nortT.cest cornei, +neasured along seid souc.*.eesterly liae� and Chece cerainacing. Also condemning znd tzking tecporary cons[ruc[ion easexenTS as sho�n on file in [he Depastmen[ of finan<e and Neaageuent ServSces. Said tenporary ezse�ents [o expire on De<eaSer 31, 1997, or at the completion of the projecC, whichever occvrs firs*_. under Administrative Order � approve� �z� PreliminaryOxder ��""�Z� approved w��.Y �� I�55 Finalprder �� approved ��€+�*�� ��s j��� TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The Director of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and detennined the value of the land, lands oi easements therein taken and appropriated fot the above improvement and the amounts of the awazds of damages theiefor to the owneis theieof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said iznpzovement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undecsigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said mattets. Director of Finance ps t,1�,� � �p � 1� — City of St. Pau1 ����E�,� Notice of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings In the mattet of � r � �Yy3tYLy ��4iLStl�' ::nd COUNCIL FILE NO. ` � ' ` L � � FIleNo. ia;94� In cSe oat2er o£ rondeaaing aad zcquiring peraznent righi of cEy easeceat aad teapozazq consTruttian easenents in connettion v3sh the tonstsuttion of tfie ne�r ^nabzsSa Stree2 Bzidge a62555 and ihe nev Navy (RzspSesrp) Island 3cidge E62550; said easenents x;e des<ribed zs folloss: A perez�eni r3ghT of czy easecen[ over� under and across thcse pz:ts o£ Lois 5, 6 xn8 7, Block 176, Rabextson's Addi[ion to tiest St. 2zu1, 'namsey Coanty, uir,nesota, lying southcesterly o£ a line uhich !s parallel vith znd 15.00 :ee[ r.or[hezsterly of� aezsuLed s[ a right ar,gle to, the 5onthceste:ly lir,e of said Lots 5, 6 xnd 7; togecher �ith th2t pzr[ of said Lci 5]y!ng northwesterly of a 1!ae runnSng froo a point on the r.or.hvescerly line of said Lot 5, a distxnte of 25.00 feet r.oithezst £ron the northvest corner oF szid LaC 5, ceasured aleng szid nocchces[ecly line, io a point on tSe souThvesterly line of szid Loc 5, a distante of 25.00 feec southeast froo said northuest corner, mezsvred aloag szid southwesterly line� and there [ersinating. Also condes,ning xnd tak;ng ter,poxazy <onstxuttSon e2seaents z5 sho�a on file in [he Departoent of finance and Naaagemen[ Se2vice=_. Szid [emporxry ezse�ents to expire on Dece�ber 31, 1997, or zt e*.e com�lecfon of che project, vhi<hevet otcurs firs*. undez Admuxistrative Order Pieliminary0ider �s�` approverL .�u>+ �, i`>'S3 FinalOrder %�`�°��_� appcove� �a��a= 4 �a �`��� TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be had befote the Council of the City of St. Paul, in the CouncIl Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, on the day of , at ten o'clock A.M.,upon the report of the Director of Finance as to the aznount of damages to be awarded to the owner or owners of the lands or easements therein, to be approptiated for the above impiovements, and the persons to whom such awaids wexe payable and for the confirmation of such awards, also upon the assessment of benefits to the propesty fiom the making of said 'unprovement. Objection, to the taking of such lands or easements therein, or the awards of daznages therefor must be in writing and filed with the Council at the time herein fixed for said hearing, or with the City Clexk prior thereto. � Director of Finance Q Nu13uG IiEARING DATE: February 28, 7996 RE 02-22-96 �� ' ��GST F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Green She� Nmmber. 34102 �axi�.mxrv��ox c=rYCOUivc�. ���� � aTron�sr c� Petcr W6ae /.io� Oit¢ Z6G-SSSO � DIRECIOR t MGl: SVG DIR YOR(ORAZ4S1AK1} 1 UNQ[.RF�RCH 6e m Ckaa�al A�ia bY- �Y �. � # OF SGNATURE PAGL�S (Q]P ALI.IAC�11i01� FO&QGNATURE7 ON , o approve AM�NDED ORDER for the amended condemnation and award of damages for pmperty rights en as part of the constraction of the Wabasha Bridge & Nary (Raspberry) Island Bridge. ' ance F51e #1S794E AIIONS AYPROVE (A) OR RE1LiCP (R) rini. smvccc� corrrxncis a�isr nruw$e � Fou.ownac: MANf�iG CO�ON A S�T� Aas tLe pc�on/5rm ever w�ed neder a mntrxt for tlris d�tment? YES NO CdVII. SERVICE 0O2��AfSS[ON Has tlti� pemon/firm eaer bxn a CLLy employee? YES NO CB COM11�P1FL� __ � �P� a sl�lt not no�aDY P� b9 �9 YPS NO 0 ' aIl YES amw� � a separate sbeet and atfa�h R1S WFIIQ� COUNC�.OHIECi1VE? covxc�.waxn�s� 2 DI.SfRIClPIAN[��DNGCOUNCIL 3,9,17 TfNG PROBIFIIS, ISSUE, OPPORZVNf1Y (Wln, Whaz, When, W6eiq Whp?$ "SEE AMENDED GREEN SHEET NfJMBER 34070" (This is the 2nd amended order for original greensheet #34066) VANTAGPSIFAPPROVPD: ISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVFD: ISADVANPAGES 7F NOTAPPROVDY. n�ovivr oa �crcox: �g�600 cosr/xsvavo� Bun�� <c�c� o� 3rns xo INGSO�� Project Funds n�n�r1YN��: cdai, nu=o�uunTTOrr: �asiana> Putilic Hearing Date - February 21, 1996 Finance Estate Div 1-16-95 Peter Sdhite QIi��•�r�Q RE 1-17-96 �sr a � , �,� GREEN SHEET N_ 4070 INITIAWFTE INITIAWATE � DEPAATNENT DIAfGTOR � LIT' COUNCiL � CITY ATTORNEV O CtTY QERK � BUDGET D�RECTOR � FIN_ 8 MGT. SEFVICES DIR. ,EARIA'G IS SET FOR FEB. 21, 1996 `�� MAYOR(ORASSISTANTJ � Council Research TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PA(aES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOA SIGNATURE) To approve AMENDED order for condemnation and awa.rd of damages £or property rights taken as part of the construction of the Wabasha Bridge & Navy (Raspberry) Island Bridge. Finance File �F18794E er _ PUNNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SEFVICE _ CIB COMMIREE _ � STAFF _ _ OISTRfCTCpURT _ SUPPOATS WHICX COUNCfL OBJECT�VE4 INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSVE, PERSONAL SERVICE CONTAAC7S MUST ANSWER TNE fOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis personJfirm ever wo�ketl under a contract tor tfiis tlepxdmeM? � YES NO 2. Has IDis personttirm e�er been a city employee? YES NO 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not normally posses5etl by any cur�ent city employee? YE$ NO EzpLaia e4l yes enswers on seDarate sheet and arieeh te gree� sheet "SEE ORI�INAL �REEN SHEET NUMBER 34066" »VANTAGES lf APPROVED: lOTAL qMOUHT OFTHANSACTION S Z�l • 600. OO COSTlPEVENUE BUDGETED (C�RCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINGSOUflCE Project Funds ACTIVITYNUMBEq FINANCIAI INGORMATION (E%GLAIN� . Public Hea�ing Date - Fehruary 21, 1946 RE 1-8-96 q�D �`�Q GST �./R ESTATE DIVISION Date . Green Sheet Number. 34066 EPARTT.ff+1dP DIItEC!'OR Q7'Y OOUNCII. �G Pccson aod umbcz . . . : ATYORNEY Q'.CY Q.L�RK o�rz or ruaw�te 266-8850 ^� "� UDGEI'DIRP.CI'�OR FIN. & MGI: SVG DIR � YOA (OR ASS7STANi) 1 uncil R��+*�x x� c�,� n�aa � 3anuary 17, 1996 to schedule a date for 2-21-96 # OF SIGNAIIIRL+ PAGES (QSP ALI. IAG\7IONS FOR S[GNA'NR� i ILLQU7:St7?3): , � condemnation and award of damages for pmperty rights taken as part of the construction of the sha Bridge and Navy (Raspberry) Island Bridge. Finance File #1&794 E P[ANNING COMA45SION CTV1I, SL�RVICE COMivIISSION QB CAMA�ffI'I78 A COUNCQ. OHTL�CIIVI:T .•,• �•y IILSONALSERVICECOKCRACl'SMUSTANSWERTFII.POL[AWAG, �� L I-Tas We pcxson�ficm cvcrwo�ccd undcr a mn�raU for this dcpa�tmcnt? YL'S NO Hzs iLis pcxsonJfum cver ixcn a Gty cmploycc? YLS NO Docs this pccsoa/Gcm posscss a sirit( not aocma!!Y P� bY �Y Cuccwt 6ty cmployceT � YPS NO Explain att YES aoswcxs on a scpacate shcct aod attach. couxcu, wnxn<s� y nisriucr rinxNUac courrc�. 3. 9, 1'7 IPtIATING PROBIFM, LSSU$ OPPORNNITY (K3q Wha4 WLcn, W6cxe, Wh,yn): °°ements, for right of way and construction of the above mentioned bridges, are needed to proceed as ,ned. rrrACrs mnrrxovEO: project will proceed as planned. �Nl'AGAS IFAPPROVED: brance to the property owner. DISADVt1NTAGPS 1F NOTAPPROVED: Plans will have to be revised at a major cost to the City. �arnr, nMOUxr oa zxnrrsncnox: $8,60Q.00 . cosr/xxv�nre nv��o �cuzc� o� vxnINC souxce Project Funds ' A�'n'm �T�� it�uwcu�, naroxMa'nox: �stnm� ' YL'S NO � Q�Y��'1�QC'�J' `�1�1��1S City of St. Paul Reso{ution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor In the matter of Voting Ward undei Ad Prelimina Final 0ed AF above im� CouncIl h RE� by the si; lands for ratified ai AMF NDED In tHe maCtec of condemning a¢d acquiring pecmanent righ[ of way easemen[ and cemporary construc[ion easemen[s in connec[ion vi[h [he consCruc[ion of [he nev Aabasha Street Bridge 462555 and the� nev Navy (Raspberry) Island Bzidge i62580; ,gaid easements ar�e de6cribed as follows: / A permanent righ[ of vay easement over, under and acrose [hat ar[ of Lot 4� Block A� Robertsoa'a AddiCion to 17est 5[. Paul, amsey Councy, Ntnnesota, lying souchvesterly of a line which is p rallel wieh and 65.00 feet northeasterly of, measured ac a right gle to, CUe folloving described �enter line: Commeneing at [he in[ezsection of the eenter lines ,Wabasha and Fourth Stree[s as shovn on [he recozded pla[ oE e Ci[y of St. Paul, daesey Cou^ty, Minnesota, said intersec[ion ore specifScally described as being the following point in t e Ramsey County CoocdSnaie System as published by Che Ramsey onnty Public Horks Department, Land Survey Division, fSnal ad� tment December 17, 1991, based upon the Nor[h AmerScan Datum of 83 (1956 adjus[neni) (Y—coordina[e � 156192.903 feee and X—co zdina[e � 575004.021 feet); ihence Souih 34 degreea 32 minute 4T setonds Easi (all bearings hezein being per said Ramsey C un[y Coordinate System) alony the eenter line of said Nabasha 5 reet, 351.46 feet ta the folloving poin[ in said Ramsey Cou� y Coordina[e System (Y— coordinate � 155903.433 feet and X—Co dinate � 575203.314 feet); thenee North SS degrees 43 miautes 1 seco¢da East, 0.49 feet to the point oE beglnning of the eente line to be deseribed; chence South 34 degrees 32 minutes 47 sefonda East 119.60 feet; thence South 32 degrees 23 minutes 41 s conde East 547.99 feet� thence Soucheastecly alnng a 984.25 foo radius tangen[ial curve, eoncave to the southwest, central angl 09 degrees 15 minutes 59 seconds, a distance of 159.18 feeC; th nce South 23 degrees 07 minutea 48 seconda EasC, eangent Co said curve� 596.b1 feet; thence Soucheascecly� along a 29 .75 fooC radiue tangential cucve concave to the norcheast, entral angle OS degrees 07 minuCes 18 seconds, a dtseance of 2�.95 feet; ihence South 28 degrees 15 minutes 06 seconds East,/Eangen[ [o said curve, 227.63 feet co the cen[er line oE Fillmoce venue (formerly knoWn as Foucth Screet on [fie plat of Rober[son' AddiCion to WesC St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota) and Chere rminating. (Said point of [ermination, for iniorma[ion purposea only� lies 0.?S iee[ northeasceriy oi che centec line of Wahas�ha Street, as measuzed along [he cencer line of said Fillmore Aven�(e. ) and te Together vith those pazta Babertsca's dltion to West lying southwpsterly of a line nor[heas[er y of. measured a line of sa d Lots 5, 6 and T� COUNI 5 lying or[hvesterly of a Yeas nof[hwes erly lins oF said Bla� northe C from [he norChwest said zthvesterlq 11ne, to BoSt said ot 5, a distance of 25. Gue� Han Mege Ret� Thw co[�, measured along sa ter�olnating. of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 176, St. Paul� Ramsey Coun[y� Minneso[a� vhich is parallel wich and I5.00 feet a right angle to, [he southwes[eily togethez aiih that pazt af said Lot line funning from a poin[ on the Lot 5� a discance oF 25.00 feet cornei of said Lot 5, measured along i poini on the southwestezly line of )0 feet sou[heast from said norihwes[ .d sou[haesterly line� and [here Afso condemning and [aking [emporary construction eas¢men[s as s K oun on file in the Departmen[ of finanee and Management Se[vltes. Sa1d Cewporary easemen[s [o expire on DecembeY 31, 1997, or aC [he completion of the project, vhichevez oecurs first. — for the and the roll, identified owneis of such in all respects ratified, Mayor - ����`�� 1 Z�C � YY► Z�a� Item 46 Reason for amendment: # �� � Part of the property that the City is acquiring is by direct purchase now, so it is not necessary to list all the property that was listed originallly on the first resolution. The portion of property that is being acquired by direct purchase is being approved by the Council via ltem 32. (This clazification was from Peter White, Real Estate Division) 2f28 NA Public Hearing Date - February 21, 1996 RE 1-17-96 �� q�. ��[� � DEPAflTMENT/OFFICE/COUNGIL DATE INITIATED N� 3 4 0 7 0 Finance DepartmentJReal Estate Div. 1-16-96 GREEN SHEET _- _- GONTACT PER$ON 6 PHONE INITIAVDATE INff�AVDATE O DEPAf1SMENT DIRECTOA � CIT/ CAUNCIL Peter White 266-8850 ^u��N OCI7YATfORNEY �CRYCLERK NUPBEBFON MUSTBEONCpUNGILAGENOABY(DATE)PUBLIC ROUTING aBUDGETDIRECTOR �FIN.BMGtSERVICESDIR. HEARING IS SET FOR FEB. 21, 1996 OflDER OMAVOR(ORASSISTAN'n 0 Council Research TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: To approve AMENDED order for condemnation and award of damages for property rights taken as part of the construction of the Wabasha Bridge & Navy (Raspberry) Island Bridge. Finance File //18794E RECAMMENDqnoNS: Approve (A) a Fieject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLqNNING CAMMISSION _ CNIL SERVIGE CAMMISSION �- Has this person/firtn ever workad under a contract for this depariment? - _ CIB COMMfiTEE _ YES "NO ��� — 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city empbyee? YES NO _ DISiRICT COUPr _ 3. Does t�is person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curcent ciry employee7 3!}PPOflTS WNICH COUNCiI OBAECi1VE? YES h0 Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attaeh to green sheet INITIATINCa PROBLEM. ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What, When, Whera, Why): "SEE ORIGINAL GREEN SHEET NUMBER 34066" ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTA6ES IFAPPROVED: �s�^�'`� ��� =.�a, ��'?�'�" , �;� �! 1 `i 1:; W � DfSADVAMTAGES fF NOTAPPROVED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF iRANSACTION $ Z�+, ( OO. OO COST/REVENUE BUDGETEp (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINCaSOURCE PrOj2Ct Furic1S ACTIVITYNUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � Y� � N t� � �J ' City of St. Paul Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor i+ Voting Watd � 2 , + ' Final Ord In t t'-,-".�+.e. ,.v : .a:es e � � i � t'� � q t� ��� 18794E Ia tNe matter of eondemning aad acquirSng permanent rigbt of waq easemen[ and teaporazp cooaLrueCioa ease-men[s in connec[iow vlt [he conatruction of che nev Aabaslia 5[zeet Sridge 062555 aad t c nev Navy (Raspberry) Island Sridge f62580; ,r.a3d easemen[s re described as follovs: A permanent right of vay eaaement over, under and aeross tha pact of Lot 4, Block A, Robertson's Addition to l�est St. Paul Ramsey County. Hinaesota� lying souchvesterly of a line vhi�h is arallel with and 65.00 feet northeasterly of, meaeured ai a zigh angle to� Ghe folloving deseribed eentec liae: Commeacing at the interseetion cf the center 11nes Wabasha and Fout[h Streets as shovn on the recorded pist of e City of St. ?aul, &saseg Cour.tp, Hinnesoia� said inCezsectlon ce specifically � desaribed as being the followtng point tn t e Ramseq Covnty Coocdina[e System as published hy the Ramsey uniy Publie Nozks , DeparCmen[, Land Survey Division, final adju tment December 17, 1991, based upon ihe North AmerScan Datnm of I 83 (1986 adjusimenc) CY-toordinate � 156192.903 feet and X-eo rdinate � 575004.021 ,feet); thence South 36 degzee• 32 minute 4T seconds East (all bearings herein being per said Ramsey C�nty Coozdinaie Sys[em) , along the tenter line of said Aabasha 5 reet, 351.L6 feet to the following point Sn said Ramcey Cou y Coordina[e Systew (Y- eoordinste �]5590�.L�3 feet and X-Co rdlnate � 575203.318 feet); underAdl�. thenee North 55 degrees 41 minutes cetonds East, 0.49 feet to -�bfie polni of beginning of [l�e cent line io De deseribed; thence - South 34 degrees 32 minutes 47 s eonda East 119.60 feet� thenee Pielimina7 ;' Sou[h 32 degrees 23 minutes L7 econds Eaet 547.99 fee[� thenee A� above im Council h RE: by the si lands for ratified a RE: and the ; COUN� Yeas B� Ai ;�3s1 Southeasterly along a 984.25 fo �radius [angential eurve, concave '�to CAe southweat� �entral ang 09 degrees IS minutes 59 seeonds, °+a distance af 159.18 fee[; t enee Souih 23 degrees 07 minutes 48 setoads East, tangeot to said curve, 596.41 feet; Chenee Southeasterly� along a 2 2.75 foot zadius tangen[ial curve� ,�' eoneave to the nottreasc, centtal angle OS degrees 07 minutes 18 seeonds, a dictance of 63.95 feec> ihenee South 28 degrees 15 �mSnutea 06 seconda East Cangent to eaid curve, 22).63 feet to the eenter lfne of Fillmor Avenue (Formezly knovn as Fourth Sireet on the plat of Robertso s Addition to West St. Paul� Ramsey County� .Minnesota) and Chere termtnati,ng. (Sald point of termination� for infozmation purpos a only� lies 0.28 feet northeasCerly of the tentei line of Rab aha Stceet, as measured along the ceatec line o£ sald Fillmore Av�ue.) 2ogether v th [hose parta of Lots S, 6 aad 7� Slock 176� BoDertsoa`s Addition io 17esC St. Paul� Ramsey Countq, Minnesota, lying so thvesterly of a line vhi�h Ss parallel vith and 15.00 feet norihea terly of� measvred at a rigTt aagle to, ihe southves[erly line said Lots 5, 6 and 7; togeiher with that part of said LoC 5 ly ng northvesterly of a line ruaniag from a poin[ on CAe noz vesterly line of said Lot S� a dia[anee of 25.00 feeC no cheas[ from the nozthwest eorner of said Lot 5, measuzed along � s id northvesterly line, to a point on the southvesterly line oE � aid Lot 5, a dis[ance of 25.00 feee southeasC from saSd norihvese i corner� measured along said southvesCerly line, and there tezmina[Sng. . ' y'�=�= Also eondemning and taking [emporary construc[!on easements as ��r ,.ahown on file Sn the Department of finance and Hanagement Servites. �:� Said tempozary easemente to expire on December 31, 1997, or at che completion of the proJeet� vhiehever occurs first. ..°r 3 a 95 thezein, foi the terefor, and the t roll, identified e ownexs of such >y in a11 respects zespects iatified, Mayor .�,,,—w . , , _ � City of St. Paul Report of Director of Finance on Condemnation of Lands In the matter of Voti„b =:�:ti: under Ad: Prelunina� Final Oid� TO THE The Ai3�NDSD . , � � .. � _� ,� '" � 1 ) . '� , �c��crL FrL� � � ' � 7 y � By E � Jc , ��� � �� 1 `�._FIleN° .- ..' i8794d / In CHe ma[[ec of condemning and aequiring permaneni right o£ way easement and temporary coas[ruction easemea[s in connection wi[h Che constzuction of [he new Wabasha Stree[ Bridge 962555 and [he new Navy (Raspberry) Island Bridge $62550; ,gaid easemen[s are described as follows: A permanent right of way easement over, under and acrosa that part of LoC 4, Block A� Robei[son's Addition to Wesi St. Paul, Ramsey�J County, Minneso[a, lying southw¢s[erly of a line which is patall with and 65.06 feei northeas[erly of, measuced aG a cLghC aagle o, [he following described cenCer line: Cammencing at [he intersection of the center lines of Wabas a and Four[h S[teets as shown on [he recorded plat of the Ci[y o£ S[. Paul, Ramsey Gounty, Minnesota, said intersection more spe ifically described as beia5 :he foliowing point 3n the Ram y County Coozdina[e Sys[em as published by [he Ramsey County P�ublic Works Departmen[, Land Survey Division, final ad�uatment �FSecember 17, 1991, based uQon the NorCh American Datum oE 1983 (19 6 adjustment) (Y-coordinate - 156192.903 feet and X-coordina�� 575004.021 feet); [hence South 3L degreea 32 minutes 47 s conds Eas[ (all bearings herein being per said Ramsey County ordinate System) along the centet line of said ttabasha Stceet, 51.44 Feet to [he following pofnt in said Ramsey Coun[y Co dina[e Sys[em (Y- coordinate - 155903.433 feet and X-Coordina � 575203.314 fee[); [hence North 55 degrees 41 minutes 11 aeeofids East, 0.49 Fee[ to the poin[ of beginning of the eenter line/to be described; chence South 34 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds�as[ 719.60 fee[; thence South 32 degrees 23 minu[es 47 second� East 547.99 feet; thence Southeasterly along a 984.25 foot radi�t�s tangential curve, concave to the southwest� central angle 09 ��gcees 15 minuCes 59 seconds� a dis[ance of 159.18 feet; thence South 23 degzees 07 minutes 48 seconds East, Cangent [o sai � curve� 596.41 fee[; thence Southeas[erly� along a 2952.75�foot cadius tangential curve� concave [o Che northeast cent al angle OS degrees 07 minutes 18 seconds, a distance of 263.�feet; Chence Souih 28 degcees 15 minutes 06 seconds East, tan ent [o said curve� 227.63 fe¢t to [he centec line o£ Fillmore Ave ue (formerly known as Four[h Stceet on the plat of Rober[son's A di[ion to Wes[ St. Paul� Ramsey County, Minnesota) and [here ter nating. (Said poiat of termination, for information purposes o y� lies 0.28 feet northeas[erly of [he center line of Wabasha treet, as measured along the center line of said Fillmore Avenue That above imp such awarc Saidimpro Together with those parts oF Lo[s 5, 6 and 7, Block 176, Robertson's A dition co Wes[ St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, with the sl lying southw sterly of a line which is parallel with and I5.00 £eet northeaster�3.y of� measured at a right angle to, Che southwesCerly line of s�Ld Lo[s 5, 6 and 7; together with that part of said Lot 5 lying�orthwesterly of a line running from a point on the notthwe�6terly line of said Loi 5. a dis[ance of 25.00 fee[ north ast from [he nor[hwest coiner of said Lot 5� measured along sai�or[hwestecly 11ne, to a point on [he sou[hwes[erly line of saL'd Lot 5, a disCance of 25.00 Feet sou[heast from said nor[hwest cyi[ner, measured along said sou[hwes[erly line, and there ;Eermina[ing. . �� Also condemning and taking temporary construction easements as shoWn oa file in [he Depar[men[ of finance and Management Services. Said temporary easements [o expire on Decembet 31, 1997 or aC Che completion oF [he project, whichever occurs first. �riated for the sons to whom the making of and identified of Finance City of St. Paul - Notice of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings CO�IVCIL FTLE NO. � � �� �I � By _ ' File In the matter of �`� t �>.� rYcL`(: under Ac Prelimin. Final Orc TO WHC No Chambec iuiii9JEil In tHe ma[[er of condemning and acquiring permanen[ righ[ of vay easemen[ and [empozary construction easemen[s in connec[ion vi[h the cons[ruction of the nev 17abasha S[tee[ Btidge 962555 and [he nev Navy (Raspberzy) Island Sridge C62580; ,Said easements ar� described ae follows: A Qermanent rSght of vay easemen[ over, under and acrosa tha[ �P� o£ Lot 4, Block A, Robertson's Addi[ion to G'est SC. Paul, P�kmsey County, Minneso[a, lying southvesterly of a line vhich is p��allel vith and 65.00 feet northeasterly of, measured at a righ[ apgle [o, the folloving described cen[er line: � Commencing a[ the Sntersection of the center 1Snes of�G*abasha and Fourth 5[reets as shovn on [he recorded plat of [he,City of S[. Paul, Aamsey Countq, Minnesota, said in[ezsection mor speciFically described as beiag the folloving poinG in [he Ramsey County Coordinate System as published by the Ramsey Cou ty Public Works Depaztmen[, Land Survey Division, finai adjust en[ December 17� 1991, based upon the North Amezican Datum of 198 (1986 adjuscment) (Y-coordinate - 156192.903 Feet and X-coor nace � 575004.021 fee[); thence South 34 degrees 32 minu[es 7 seconds Eas[ (all bearings herein being per said Ramsey Cou�y Coordina[e System) along the tenter line of said Aabasha S[zp¢et, 351.44 "feet to the following point in said Ramsey Couat�Coordinate System (Y- coozdinate - 355903.433 feet and X-Coord nate - 575203.314 feet); theaae North 55 degrees 41 minutes 11 {eeonda East, 0.49 feet to [he point of beginning of the aenter �ine to be described; thence South 34 degrees 32 minutes 47 seeo ds East 119.60 feet; thence South 32 degrees 23 minutes 47 sec nda East 547.99 feet; thence Southeasterly along a 984.25 foot r�6dius tangential curve� concava to the southwest, eentral angle OA degrees 15 minutes 59 seconds, a distance of 159.18 feet; thenFe South 23 degrees 07 minu[es 4S seconds East� tangen[ to sA Sd curve, 596.41 fee[; Lhence Southeasterly, along a 2952�h5 foot radius tangential curve, eoncave to [he northeast, c[ral angle OS degzees 07 minu[es 18 seconda, a distance of 263 95 feet; thence South 2S degrees 15 minutes 06 seconds East, [ ngent to said curve� 227.63 fee[ [o the een[er line of Fillmoze A enue (formerlq knovn as Fourth Stree[ on [he plat oF Rober[son's ddi[ion to liest St. Yaul, Ramsey County, Minnesota) and [here [e minating. (Said point of Cermina[ion for informa[ion purposea nly� lies 0.28 fee[ nor[heasterly of the tenter line oF Wabas Street, as measured along the center line of said Fillmoce Avenu .) a5 to f}tE fot the a also upo Ob Together vi[h [hose par[s Robertson's ddi[ion to West and filec lying south esterly of a line norCheas[e lq of� measured at line of s id Lote 5, 6 and 7; S lying northvesterly of a nor[hv terly line of sald nor[h ast From [he nor[hvest said northwesterly line, to sai Lot 5, a distance of 25. co ner, measured along sa tprminating. . of Lo[s 5, 6 and 7, Block 176, St. Paul, Ramseq County, Minnesota, vhieh ie parallel with and 15.00 feet a right angle to� the southves[erly togetheL wi[h [hat part of said Lot line running from a poin[ on Che Lot S� a dis[ance of 25.00 fee[ cornei of said Lo[ 5� measured along a point on [he sou[hvesterly line of 00 feet sou[heasC from said northwes[ id sou[hves[etly line� and there Also tondemning and [aking temporary construc[ion easements as shovn on file in [he Depat[ment of finance and Management Services. Sa1d Temporary easemen[s to expire on December 31� 1997� or at the comple[ion of the projec[, vhichever occurs first. aul, in the Council day of irector of Finance to be appropriated on of such awards, must be in writing of Finance ��� City of St. Paul Resolution Ratifying and Confirming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor In the matter of tiTiiitil-. M1L5iiL L undex Adn.�,,,,�.,��..., Pieliminazy Final A public hearing having above improvement, and the a Council having duly considered RFSOLVED, That the < by the signature of the Dir tc lands for said taking and on� ratified and confirmed. RESOLVED and the same is Yeas Blakey Bostr� In Favor Megard Rettman Thune In the matter of condemning and acquiring permanent right vay easement and [emporary constrssction easemeats in connecti With the construction of the new Wabasha STreet Bridge 86255 and the new Navy (Raspberry) Island Bridge 962580; said eas ents are described as follovs: A permanent righi of way easement over, unde[ a across those parts of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 176, Robertson's ddition to Wes[ St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying south esterly of a line which is parallel with and 15.40 feet northeast rly of� measured at a right angle [o, the souChwesterly line of aid Lots 5, 6 and 7; togeiher with that part of said Lot 5 lying or[hwesterly of a line running from a point on the northwesterl line of said Lo[ 5, a distanee of 25.00 fee[ northeast from th northwest corner of said Lot 5, measurRd along said noYthwester line� to a point on the southwesterly line of said Lot 5, a distance of 25.00 feet southeast from said nor[hvest co ner, measured along said southwesterly line, and there termi ating. Also condemning and taking tem shovn on file in the Department o Said temporacy easements to expi completion of the project� wh3ci� COUNGJL FILE NO. _r By � ' � FileNo. �.��y4v appcoved .�cat;� l��#s approve�l huuu&t 2�, 2�.35 e ad upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the i d of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the ie same, now therefore be it ng and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified of Finance and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such nnatlon as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects HER, That the said assessment of benefits, be and the same i> hereby in all cespects iati�ed, ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Against fary construction easements as finance and Management Services. on December 31, 1997, or at the �et occurs first. Adopted by the Council: Cerfified Passed by Council Secretary Mayoi City of St. Paul Resolutio� Ratifying and Co�firming Condemnation and Awards of Damages and Assessment Therefor In the ma�ttex of _ _..... #�'.�i:.� " - � . , - -- - -- Yq`�jy In the matter ot condemning and aequiring permanent righC o�f vaq �°�asement and temporary coastruction easemeata in eonneetion wi � the construction of [he new Aabasha Sireet Sridge �62555 aad e "new Aavy (Raspberry) Island Bridge 062580; satd easements are described as follovs: A permanent right of vay easement over, under and aero s those ,- pazts of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 176, Robertson's Additi a to West St. Paul, Ramseq Countq� Minnesota, lying southwesterl o£ a line , whieh is parallel with and 15.00 feet northeasterly of ineasured at a right angle to, the southwesterly line of said Lo 5, 6 and 7; " toge[her with tha[ part of said Lo[ 5 lying northwes erly of a line �� running £tom a point on the northvesxerly line o said Lot 5, a distaac-e of 25.00 feet northeast from the northv t corner of said �,� Lot 5, measured along said northvesterly line, to a point on the �-�� southvesterly line of said Lot 5, a disx ce of 25.00 feet � sovtheast fxom said nocthwest corner, asused along said ; southwesterly line, and there Cerminating. _ under Pieluninary Final Also condemning and taking temporary co s[ruce3on easements as shown oa file in Che Depa=tment of finan and Management Sesvices. Said temporary easements to expire on cember 31, 1997, or at the completion of the project, whichever ccurs first. A public hearing having been had above improvement, and the award of Council having duly considered the sam RESOLVED, That the taking a by the signature of the Darector of ina lands for said taking and condem tion ratified and confirmed. RESOLVED FURTHER, and the same is hereby orde3 COUNCILMEN Yeas S Nays �Si.F"�FAt,�:,a � �� ta �,+�a att�a'w.5'„ ��r'T;� , ?'3ce�� €� ' :::: �'�l*.�d,`A 'e�'�'x3�«?' & ,. COUNCIL FILE NO. f � _ � By , File No. ���� appcoved .��� �+ ���� approved ���� ��� ���� u n the taking and condemnafion of the lands or easements therein, for the 3 ages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the , now therefore be it condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified nce and made a pazt hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects iat the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects rafified, to be submitted to the District Court for confirmaflon. Adopted by the CouncIl: Certified Passed by Council Secretary In Favor Against �1 -- approved --- --� . _ _ Mayor 1� ,� , . �. City of St. Paul Report of Director of Finance on Condemnation of Lands COUNCIL FILE File _ ' ti<�l In the matter of _ _ . , _ _ _ _ _ _ Q� - � �1g In the matter of condemning and acquiring permanent ri,ght of way easement and temporary construction easements in conx�ection with the construction of the new Wabasha Street Bridge 2555 and the nev Navy (Raspberry) Island Bridge �62580; sai easements are described as follows: A pezmanent right of way easement over, un r and across those parts of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 176, Robei on's Addition to West St. Paul, Ramsey County, Mianesota, lying sou[hmesterly of a line vhich is parallel vith and 15.00 feet nor heasterly of, measured at a righ[ angle to, the southwesterly li e of said Lots 5, 6 and 7; togeCher with tha[ part of said Lot 5 y3ng northwesterly of a line running from a point on the northw sterly line of said Lot 5, a distance of 25.00 feet nor[heast f om the northwest corner of said Lot 5, measur,ed along said north esterly line� Co a point on the southwesterly line of said L[ 5, a distance of 25.00 feet southeast from said nor[hv t corner, measured along said southwesterly line, and ther terminating. under Preliminary Final Also condemning and taki tempozary cons[ruction easements as shovn on file in the Depa ment of finance and Managemen[ Services. Said temporary easement [o expire on December 31, 1997, or at che completion of the proj ct, whichever occurs first. rranve - � awa�vc�� - — � �a° i approved .��_.`: �. 't��:� approved ���'��� �=+• ��:�*' TO THE COUNCIL OF HE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The Director of Finance hereby reports: That has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above imp ovement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such aw ds are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said ' rovement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and idenfified with e signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Director of Finance City of St. Paul lVotice of Hearing in Condemnation Proceedings COUNCIL FILE NO. � " _ � File N In the matter of ;aa:: ._ ..............� In the matter of condemaiag and acquiring permaneat right of way „ easement and Lemporary construciioa easemeats in conneciion with the construction of the nev Wabasha Street Bridge 06�555 and the new Navy (Raspberry) Island Bridge 462580; said ¢asements are described as follows: � A permanent zight of way easemen[ over, under �and across those parts of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 176, Robertson s Addition to West St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesoca, lying so hvesterly of a line which is parallel with and 15.00 feet northe terly of, measured at a right angle to, the southvesterly Sine o said Lots i, 6 and 7; together wich that part of said Lot 5 lyi northwesterly of a line running from a point on the norLhveste y line of said Lot 5, a distance of 25.00 feet northeast from e northwest corner of said Lot 5, measurRd a2ong said nor[hwesL rly line� fo a point on the southwesterly line of said Lot 5� a distance of 25.00 feet souCheast from said northuest corner, measured along said southwesterly line, and there te inaeing. Also condemning and taking t porary construction easements as shown on file in the Departme of finance and Management Services. Said temporary easements to xpire on Decem6er 31, 1997, or at the completion of the project, vhichever occurs first. URC10I/�Clmnuau¢uvcviuci - — ayYivvo.� - — - - Preliminary0rder '��°�:� approve�l ��+._ �- a��� Final TO WAOM IT MAY approved ��.as.':��;. .,:: w::s:� Notice is hereby ven that a public hearing will be had before the Councff of the City of St. Paul, in the Council Chamber, in the Co t House in the City of St. PauI, on the day of , at ten o'clock A.M.,upon the ieport of the Director of Finance as to the amount f damages to be awarded to the owner or owners of the lands or easements therein, to be appropriated for the above imp,sovements, and the persons to whom such awuds were payable and for the confirmation of such awards, also upon the asSessment of benefits to the property from the making of said improvement. Objection; to the taking of such lands or easements therein, or the awards of damages therefor must be in writing and filed with the Council at the time herein fixed for said heazing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. Director of Finance Y� � T�M� �SMT. �P�Rnn. t2.o•W. —� LEVEE ROAD � ---\_-^_ _-_-_-±=:_ -_�' _ � � �A � _ T--� — � {--- -------� � [[�� � \ \/ CLL�YIIY•J I �, �� FARKING LOi � I /�,-� � I � ) �-- �---------- �, o� ,,, -�._ -_- � � Pue� �. _ = Faoa , . . ' �... � < � =o� " � � � " ° � I� X � � ' z � ,� � � � ° � -- �---------- i � ` I_ i � � � � � � — — i ---- i �-- 1 �: ,f�� I I �. l� Q�� N I I � ,,� I I � ~ I I � �'`(� �1 ' I �'�/ (� m I � � "J z � � �� S I Iv � � � - ��� a�a ta2 o� � � � i - 1 l _ n.e� � � � :;i �.,,C , - i ; i o � � � 0 � � .- ; � F� G --�_.�_ / p ..' . -' —���_� O�—�����.� ,��/• �• • ���.�.�_ _ _ _ �..�..y� � 00 i ! . '__ ___ • _ _ __'� . � 8 - � • � .� 5 .' E � •�. _ ...__ _ ' < . .. rs7. _ : S. _� ^ p _ -' "-� �. ' _'_ _ . •t � � . Z T 8 � � --- 130' ' '—_--_-� . _ ._ ; - ; � �� I �— ° i r <� ,,: m `� � �L.--__— — — _— �?- � G7 � -�----------- �� , o � SO' r� 50' I 0' ``1 0 � Z —I I � I j o � i � N � � � 29 }( C� � � O I � N I Z I I I f e� � � � `� N �� � � � '� � I � I n- � I � -----------� D r �� m ^�j o � � cn O I \ � I I � i----- i� � �4�a6as�. ' �R�1�� F �S l�.e� �'o�, -�---� -i r--�. ,� � UY"� �o.l e� � !! i Public Hearing Date - February 21, 1996 RE 1-8-96 GST °) �— � F.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date Green Sheet Nnmber: 34.066 EPAR71dPldPDIRPLTOR Ql'YCOUNCII. Cnntact Peison a� Phoue Nambec re ,,,�,,, ATiORI�IEY QlY Q.ERK � � Iuau Ortiz or Peter WLi6c LG6-HSSO �' U1KrL'1' DIREGTOR -& MGT. SVG DIIt YOR(ORA.ffiSTANi) 1 Reaeacch ,�c �� c�a �� sp Jannary 17, 1996 to schedule a hearing date for 2-21-96 AL # OF S[GNATURH PAGES (QdP AiI. IAC11TiONS FOR SIGNA74JRE) CTION REQ . atity condemnation and award of damages for property rights taken as part of the construction of the abasha Bridge and Navy (Raspberry) Island Bridge. Finance File #18794 E RPCOMMl?NDATI NS: APPROVE (A) OR RFJP.C.T (1� ERSONAL SERVICE CONiRACiS MIJST ANSWER 1� FOLLOWING: PIANNING COMMISS[ON A ST� y� y� pesoa/fsm ever wodced uader a ooauacc for tLis departmen[? YES NO CIVD. SERVICE COMN4SSION Has this pexson/�um ever been a Gty emplogee? YES NO CIB COIvIl�ITTl� __ ' ��Pe��fum posses a slill nar noimallY P� bY �➢ YES NO ty emPl°9ee. lain all YES annves on a sepatau shcet and attnch surro�s wFUCx covrrcu. os�c.-riv�a oouxc�. waxn(s� Z nrsriucr rrANnmvG couxcu. 3, 9, 17 iralrnTmrc rxos[.n�, rssus. orroxTCrNm (we�, wna�, wnro, wn�, wnv'k Easements, for right of way and construction of the above mentioned bridges, are needed to proceed as planned. " VANI'AGES IF APPROVFD: he project will pxoceed as pianned. � � � y � � 3S"��� 2�'�' :`;] 4�` k%�.e.{k,+,y, S °� �h DISADVANi'AGPS IF APPROVFD: ... � � . . . �� Encumbrance to the property owner. DISADVAN'I'AGES 1F NOT APPROVED: Plans will have to be revised at a major cost to the City. �ansouxr on �r�sncnox $8,600.00 cosr/x�v�vva aunGt� �cmct.e o� �s xo c�v�rn�� souxce: Project Funds ^�°� ��� r�rrANC�t smo�anTTOx: (�i.nuJ) �q �1�'. �•{9?� i �1�'��t�OE� _, �..�;�'ti;tt �����q� cst oc sc. P3ui F?esolution Approving Assessment and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon and Fixing 7ime of Flearing on the Award of Damages AMENDED In the m^'*°• ^f . VOTING In [fie matter of condemning and a�quiring permanent rSght of way WARD eaeement and temporary constru�[Son easements Sn aonnection vi[]i [he conatruc[ion of the nev liabasha Street Bridge 062555 and [he Z nev Navy (Raspbezry) Island Btldge 062580� ,taid easemen[e ate desccibed a6 follows: undez Adminv Preliminary O Final Order_ The Dir� for the takin� also having s� RESOL\ RESOL� of the award . Chamber, in t February, he is directed COUNCILM Yeas� �B3.akey L/Bostrott �erin -, 13arris � Megard ` �ettman v'Chune A permanent righe oE way easement over, undec and across tha[ part oE Lot b, 81ock A, Robectson'e Addition [o Nest St. Paul, Ramsey County� Hinnesota, lying sou[hwesterly of a line whieh is parallel vith and 65.00 feet northeasterly of, meacured at a rigbt angle to, the folloving deaezlbed center 13ne: Commeneing at the intersection of the eenter iines of Nabasha and Four[h Stzeete as shown on [he reeorded plat oE the CS[y of St. Paul� Ramseq Coun[q, Hinneso[a, said intecsection moze specifieally deeeribed ae being the folloving point in [he Ramsey County Coordinate System as published by tbe Ramaey County Publie Horks Depaztment, Land Survey Division, f3na1 ad,justment December 17, 1991, based vpon the North American Daium oE 1983 (1986 ad,justnen[) (Y—aoordinace � t56192.903 feet and X—coordinate � 575004.021 feet); then�e Souch 34 degrees 32 mi.nutes 41 seconds East (all bearings herein being per said Aamsey County Coocdinate System) along the centez line of said Wabasha Stceet, �51.4$ feet to the folloving point in said Ramaey County Coordinate System (Y— coordlnate - 355903.433 feet and X—Coordinace � 5752D3.314 feee); thenee North 55 degreee 41 minu[ee 11 seeanda EasC, 0.49 feet to [he point of beginning of [he cen[er line to be destribed; [hence Sou[h 34 degreea JZ minutes 47 seconds Eas[ 114.60 fee[; [hence Sovth 32 degrees 2S minutes 47 setonde East 547.99 feet; [hen�e Southeastezly along a 984.25 foot radius tangential curve, concave to the southvest, central angle 09 degreea IS minutes 59 seconds, a dSa[aace of 159.18 feeC� ihence South 23 degzeea 07 minutes 48 setonds East, tangent [o aaid curve� 596.41 feet; thence Southeasterly� aiong a 2452.)5 fooc radius [angential curve, eoneave to [he northeast� cen[ral angle OS degrees 07 minuCes 18 seeonda� a distance of 263.95 feet� ehence South 28 degrees 15 minutes 06 seconda East, tangent to said eurve� 227.63 feet to the eenter line oF Fillmore Avenue (focmerly knovn as Foucch Streee on Che pla[ of Robertson's Addi[ivn to Hest SC. Paul� Ramsey County� Hinnesota) and [here ierminating. (Sa1d poSnt of Lermination� fot infocmation purposee only� lies 0.28 feet noctheasterly of the eenter line of uabasha Street� as measuzed along the cen[er line of said FSIlmore Avenue.} Togethei vi[h [hose par[a of Lo[a 5, 6 aqd 7� Block 176. Robectson's Addi[ion [o t7esc St. Paul, Ramsey County� itinnesoca, lying souchves[erly of a line vhich is parallel vith and 15.00 feet northeasLerly of� measured at a righG angle to, the southwesterly ltne of said Lots 5, 6 and 7; together vith that par[ of said Lot 5 lying northvesterly of a line running from a poin[ on the northvestetly line of sald Loi 5, a dis[anee of 25.00 feet northeast from [he northvest corner of said Loc S� measured along said notthvesterly line, [o a poin[ on the southvesterly line of said Lot 5, a diataace of 25.00 feet aoutheast from sald northveat eorner, measured along said eouthvesterly line, and there terminating. . Also tondemning and taking temporary eonstiuttion easements as ahown on file in the Department of finance and Hanagement Services. Said tempozary easements Lo espire on Decembet 71� 1997� or at [he complecion of Che pro,ject, vhlchever o�cura first. di ��nq �1 mages awarded n payable; and herefore be it a confirmation at the Council day of �inance be and �� �a-._ -� Mayor