96-173Council File # q � - � r �,3 �f�����l�� 's..'- E ��i E! ti t �! Ordinance # Green Sheet � ����/ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 RESOLVED: That application (ID #86151) for a new Gambling Manager's License by Steven 2 Tibbetts DBA Church of Incarnation at Erick's Bar, 949 East 7th Street, be 3 and the same is hereby approved. 4 `' Reguested by Department of: 6 ea Nays Absent 7 B akTey � 8 Guerin �— 9 � Harri � s 1� Re t� man � 12 Thune 73 Bostrom 15 � � � 16 Adopted by Council: Date �.\ �\�q S� 17 18 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 19 20 21 By: a- . ,�,,, /� 23 Approved by Ma r: Date ��I G r 24 ` 25 L , _�%� 26 By: G��.Zi�L� ��1�'L�" 27 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA G� Office of License Insvections and Environmental Protection BY= �lM-� Y�/ /7 ��,( Form Approved by City Attorney 1d� , sy: Y�s� ..u,�c � .� �.,�o�. Approved by Mayor for 5ubmission to council By: a L -��t3 OEPARTMENTlOFFIC£JCqUNCIL DATEINiT1ATED GREEN SHEE N� 3 4 9 31 LIEP ^ � - - - - " CANTACT PEp50N 8 PNONE INRIAVDATE INRIAVOATE � DEPARTMENTDIREGTOR � CRV COUNpL C ristine R zek - ^u��" �CITYATfORNEY �CIT'CLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BV AT� pU O BUDGEf DIflECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SEflVICE$ Diq. ��� n/- ORDER a M0.YOR (OR q$SISTANn � '1 �(J TOTAL # OF SICaNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE7 ACTION REDUESTED: Steven Patrick Tibbetts DBA Church of Incarnation requests Council approval of his application for a new Gambling Manager's License at Erick`s Bar 949 East 7th Street ( ID11 86151) RECOMMENDATIONS: Apprwe (A) or Reject (R) pERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMI$$ION _ CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Hes Mi5 pefsonflirtn eve� w0iked undBY 2 COnhaCt fOf ihi5 depa�trtlBM? - _ CIB COMMITfEE YES NO _ STAF� — 2. Has this person/Firm ever been a ciry employee? — YES NO _ DISTRIC7 CAUR7 , 3. Does this person�rm possess a skill not normall � y possessetl by arry curceM city employee. SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNGILO&IECTIVE7 YES NO Explafn all yes enswers on saparete sheet and attech to green shee[ INITIATINCa PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPEIRTUNITY (Who, What, When. Where, Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVE�: ������ �EB 48 �6 , p � �4 pk��� � DISA�VANTAGES IFAPPROVED: ` DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: g,' '�aa'� b�c-'.���'� � i� 2 1 d '^, � TOTAL AMOUNT OF7RANSACTION $ COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIHCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOUBCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION� (EXPLAIN) Greensheet #�_ In 7racke�? License ID # B-00639 L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST NEW Gambling Manager License 9 � -��t 3 MP'n Received / APP n Processed Company Name: S Az�Pn Parr; � Tihhattc �BA�—Chu.r.c]a—er��e.a�.�a��e� Busi�ess Addresss: 949 East 7th Street (Erick's Bar) gUSiness Phone: (612) 823 1031 Contact Name/Address: �ai � Ploac�nt e., Go—Mg� s, M���1,g9Home Phone: �y Date to Council Research: Public Hearing Date:� �? r (_e _ Notice Serrc to Applicarrt: Notice Sent to Labels Ordered: District Council Ward #: Department/ Date inspeciions Comments Ciry Attorney �� Environmental Health � �� Fire �fC/ License Si4e Plan Received: Lease Received: �- (� Z { r � �1,c, Police D� Zoning � �� LG212 (Rev. 7l2/92) Q Naw � Renexal Minnesota LmyficI Gambltng Gambling Man.ager Agplication f-0R OFFICE USE ONLY BASE 11C e` SEO 7t �, FEE CHK DATE INR Caive �te �iat ihe two-day gamh6ng manager seminar was pmpleted. / /_ Location of ttaining Give dam af training received wiNin three years pr'or ro the date of t�e application for renewal. 2/20 / 90 L,ocationofvaining Willmar �linnesota LAST NAME F1RST NAME MiDDtE NAME MAIDEN { Date of Bicth Tibbetts Steven Patrick I 3/17/51 Address State Zip Code 4633 14th Ave. So. �finneapolis _'SN 55407 MEMBERSHIP: Date gamhGng managec became a member of �he organiza5on 2/ 1%/ 79 Name of Crganizaton Church of the Iacarnation Address 3817 Pleasaat Ave. So. Soe.Seeuriry Num6er 476-62-�869 DayGme Phone (61?� 823-1031 Sez : t� Ma(e � ' 'remale .,:�:';:�.-'�_;;`i _ ....... License Numbet CityiState Zip Cade Phone eaDnlis :4v �:409 �612 � 3 ::.... ...... . .. , ,. _ti . ,. . ., .,.., , , ; Bbn� I�rrria 'ort ' ' ` ,.; , -.. -•:; . , _. ... ,.._. �..,.. , --A $10.000 fideliry bond in favor of the organizacon musi be obained for the gambling manager. Name of insurance company {do not use agenry name) U. S. r idelitv S Guarant3ond Number �0—•")030—'t0705—°2-7 t x•; : - -. . . . _ ., .. .... _ : ��1�C�C7i.0YYJ�2[� C1i� � � ' .- -.:. ._�. . �; - -- - � - '. � t ...:-� �'.. 1 dedare Ciat: • I have read ffiis aoplip6on and all informarion submitted to ihe board; • aii infwma6on is true, aeairate and camplete; • all other required information has been fuity disdosed; • I am the only gambling manager af the aganizadon; • I wiil familiarize myself with the laws of Minnesota goveming lawtul garnbling and ruies of the boarci and agree, ii :icensed, :o abide by ihose laws and rules, induding amendments to them; • any ahsnges in applica0on i�fortnation wiil be su6mitted to the board and local unit of govemment within 70 cays ci Ne cnanae: • An aifidavit for garn6ling manager has heen compieted and attached, ar:d - I understand that failure to pmvide required iniortnadon or providing ralse inicrmaticn may result in �e eenial or rewcaecn �t �e license. Signature of Gamoling Da�e !; 22/°� Serd :he cample?ed applicaticn and ail reouired attacnments .o: Gambling Control 8oard Suite 300 S. 17��'N. County Road B P.oSeville, MN 55173 O �//!-�� �f � - �'�� LICENSED GAMBLING ORGANIZATIONS ...........................•••. ................................. . ... . . . ... . . . ... . . . . ......... . ..... . . ..... . . ... . ..... . . ..... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee2eeee� ° NAME: INCARNATION CHURCH NUMBER OF SITES: 0° ° ADDRESS: 3817 PLEASANT AVE SO MPLS MN 55409 ° ° STATE LICENSE �:00639 PHONE �: LIC CLASS: B STATUS: OB ° 0 0 ° CEO I,AST NAME: MONAGI3AN FIRST : FR ROBERT ° ° ADDRESS: 3817 PLEASANT AVE SO MPLS ' 55409 ° ° HOME PHONE: 822-2101 BUSINESS PHONE: 822-2101 DOB: / J ° o p ° TREASURER LAST NAME: FIRST: ° ° ADDRESS: � ° HOME PAONE: BUSINESS PHONE: DOB: // ° 0 0 ° MANAGER LAST NAME: TIBBETTS FIRST: STEVEN ° ° ADDRESS: 3817 PLEASANT AVE SO MPLS 55409 ° ° HOME PHONE: BUSINESS PHONE: 822-2101 DOB: // ° 0 0 ° LAST RECORD CHECR: / / � Press Fl for Help ��_ ��� P 6��� �� �/� �j��e UY ��j � � Press F10 to Save