96-136('� � � � �, � counci� File # 9�—/.j�. lJ IA C C���� f�if Green Sheet # 29373 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ��� .� . . TT Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application, ID 68354, £or a new Gambling Manager License by Jeffrey M. Cerisier DBA De La Salle High School at Trend Bar, 1537 University Ave. W., be and the same is hereby approved. �-���� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: By: Appz By: Office of License, Inso�ction_s and Environmental Protection By: �--+�-.�:-''i ��� Form Approved by City Attorney BY: T `�/rn9yv�cc� l� i !c� �-,�v� �J � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 9G- is� NEED COPY IMMEDIATELY ** Hearing_ �T'� �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � N� 29373 GREEN SHEE iNrrinvoa� iNmawnre Q DEPARTMEM DIRECTOR Q CfiYCOUNCIL O CT'ATTORNEY � CITYCLERK FOR � BUDGET DIFECTOF � FIN. & MOT. SEqVICES DIR. ■ ❑ MAYOR (OR ASSISTAM1IT) O (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREj 4CT70N flfOUESTED: Jeffrey M. Cerisier DBA DeLaSalle High School requests Council approval of his application for a new Gambling Manager's Licence (ID 1168354) at Trend Bar, 1537 University Avenue W, o� _, PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _ Cf6 COMMITTEE _ _ STAFF _ _ DISTRICTCOURT _ SUPPOFTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? PEHSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWIkG QUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis person/firm ever worked under a co�tract for this tlepartment? YES NO 2, Has this personRirm ever been a ciry emplqree? YES NO 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO Ezplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (W�o, W�at, When. Where, Why). ADVANTAGESIF DISADUAN7AGES DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVEO� 'ir.r " - ..-,.- . - Eu u_._..,.. ... ._.,._ . .. _. ,..,. �id t� c`� t. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N COSTlREVENUE BUDGE7ED (CIpCLE ONE) YES NO FtlNDIf3G SOURCE ACTIVliV NBMBER FINANqAL INFOflMAT10N: (EXPLAIN) gG—/3G Greensfieet # 29373 L.I.E.P. REVIEVN CHECKLIST oate: / In 7racke(? npp'n aeceived / App'n arocessed LicenseiD # 68354 NEW GAMBLIN MANAGER CompanyName: Seffrev M. Cerisier DSA: De I,a Salle High Schn�7 Business Addresss: 1537 Universitv Ave. W. /Trend) Business Phone: ��9-i i os Coniact Name/Address: Jeffrgvi ceris;PrJr,amb. Mgr_ Home Phone: 379-I105 1919 Logan Ave. N. Minneapolis, MN 55411 Date to Councii Research: Pubtic Hearing Date: ��� ��l�n Notice Sent to Notice Ser�t to Public: Department/ Ciry Attomey Date , '�r��9� P Environmentai Health h� � �}' Fire dv l+� License '������' Labels Ordered; District Council #: 11 Ward #: 04 Comments v /� �,� site Ptan Received: Lease Received; Police � O � � ��/°`9� N I ,Q , �_ . 9G -ls,� <, . _ . . - . . ""- ' +aw-+mw?e�e�lS-'f..3..�.'nu._..�i.'f��F.._,..: :,. , .. ' - ' '_ _ a . :.�' �Central� � STATS OS MINNESOTA �FOR BOARD IISE ONLY� . GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD �AMT. PAID � GAMBLSNG MANAGER LSCENSS RENEWAL APPLICATION �CHECK # � LG212GMR PRINTED: 08/11/95 �DATE � LICENSE NUMBER: G-01819 002 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/O1/94 EXPIRATION DATE: O1/31/96 D7ANII: OF ORGANIZATZON; School�Minaeapolis De La Salle High � �" GAMBLSNG MANAGSR INFORMATZON Jeffrey Mather Ceriaier 1919 Logan Ave N Minneapolis MN 55411 DAYTIME PHONE NIIMBER; 612-379-1105 MEMBER SINCE: 11/30/89 LAST DATE YOU ATTENDED A GAMBLING MANAGERS SEMINAR/CONTINUING EDUCATION CLASS: 09/22/93 , BOND INFORMIaTION BOND COMPANY NAME: Safeco Ins BOND NUMBER: 5674684 DATE OF BIRTH: OS/31/60 SEX: M SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: 472-70-2663 I DECLARE THAT: - I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND ALL INFORMATZON SUBMITTED TO THE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD; • ALL INFORMATION IS TRiTE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE; • ALL OTHER REQUIRED INFORMATION HAS BEEN FULLY DISCLOSED; - I AM THS ONLY GAMBLING MANAGER OF THfi ORGANIZATION; - I HAVE BEEN AN ACTIVE MEMBER OF THE ORGANIZATZON FOR AT LEAST TWO YEARS; • I WILL FAMILIARIZE MYSELF WITH THE LAWS OF MINNESOTA GOVERNING LAWFCTL GAMBLING AND RULES OF THE GAMBLING WNTROL BOARD AND AGREE, IF LICENSfiD, TO ABIDE THOSE LAWS AND RULES, INCLUDING AMENDMENTS TO THEM; • ANY CHANGES IN APPLICATION INFORMATION WILL BE SUBMITTED TO TAE GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD AND LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT WITHIN 10 DAYS OF THE CHANGfi; • AN AFFIDAVZT FOR GAMBLING MANAGER HAS BEEN COMPLETED AND ATTACHED; AND • I UNDERSTAND THAT FAILURE TO PROVIDE REQUZRED ZNFORMATION OR PROVIDING FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATIGN MAY RESULT �N THE DENIAL OR REVOCATION OF TIiE LICENSE. SIGNATIIRB �- . DATS � /9s REFER TO THE CHSCRLIST FOR RBQIIIRED ATTACI�NTS MAIL TO: GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD 1711 WSST CODNrY ROAD B� SIIIT8 3005 ROSSVILLS, MINNESOTA 55113 ,.�,. TfiIS FORM WILL BE MADE AVAZLABLE IN ALTERNATIVE FORMAT (I.E. I,AF2GE PRINT, BRAILLE) UPON,REQIIEST. . n � , ,, :i:��'.�.:-. . <.�:s.. -""",w:F-�, ,. . ,._.. -:s�;4'_s�r*..,,,: � ''i:�a°*`�:.,. � =�w � ��•- f a4- . -� � . - - -�i-b'M ` _ , r '�i x . � � x, . ��3 �,.�.�- .� _ -�,; .�: �<: �. -..�. �. T �;. ,� ZONZNG CObAIITTHE STAFF RBPORT ----------------------------- -----°--°------------------ FILS # 96-136 1. APPLICANT: BERNARD MORDORSKI DATB OF HBARING: 07/Ol/96 2. CLASSIFICATION: Special Condition Use 3. LOCATZON: 1383 AFtCADE STRE£T (northwest corner of Arcade � Cottage) 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: 5 5. LEGAL D85CRZPTZON: Lots 4, 5, and 6, Block 2; King's Arcade Addition 6. PRSSENT ZONING: B-3 ZONING CODB R8F8RENCE: §60.544(18) & 64.300(d) 7. STAFF INVBSTIGATION AND RSPORT: DATS: 6/25/96 SY: Kady Dadlez 8. DATE RECEIVED: OS/31/96 DBADLINE FOR ACTION: 7/29/96 --------------------------'-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. PIIRPOSE: Special condition use permit to allow auto repair. B. PARCEL SzzE: This corner property has 136 feet of frontage on Arcade Street and 123.6 feet of frontage on Cottage Avenue for a total lot area of 16,814 square feet. C. EXISTING LAND IISE: The property is occupied by a commercial building most recently used as a Valvoline Rapid Oil Change establishment. The property is currently vacant. D. SURROIINDING LAND IISE: North: Funeral home in a B-3 zoning district. East: Holiday gas and convenience store and beauty salon in a B-3 zone. South: Mini-market in a B-3 zoning district. West: Predominantly single family homes in an R-4 zoning district. E. ZONING CODE CITATION: Sections 60.544(18) and 64.300(d) of the zoning code permit auto repair subject to the findings detailed in #2 and #3 of this staff report. F. AISTORY/DISCIISSION: There is one previous zoning case concerning this property. The case is from 1996 and involves a special condition use permit application to allow outdoor sales of used automobiles that was denied by the planning commission. G. DISTRICT COIINCZL RECObmiHNDATION: The District 5 Planning Council voted to support the special condition use permit with the conditions detailed in the meeting minutes, attached. H. FINDINGS• 1. The applicant has a contract to purchase the property and intends to operate an auto repair business. There are two bays in the building currently. The applicant hopes to expand the number of bays in the £uture to accommodate up to four additional bays. There will be 18 off-street parking spaces for customers, employees, and vehicles awaiting repair on the lot. The proposed hours of operation are 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. There will be one employee at this location initially, more when the expansion occurs. 9 Zoning File #96-136 Page Two 2. Section 60.544(18) of the zoning code provides that auto repair businesses are permitted in a B-3 zone subject to certain conditions. These conditions and the developer's ability to meet them are as follows: a. The minimum Iot area shall be fifteen thousaad (35,000) square Peet. This condition is met. The lot area is 16,814 square feet. b. A ten-foot landacaped buffer with acreen plantiag and an obscuring fessce aball be required aloag any property 2ine adjoi.ning to an existing reaideace or adjoiaiag to laad zoaed resideatial. This condition is met. The applicant's property adjoins an alley, not land zoned residential. Therefore, a 10 foot landscaped buffer area is not reguired. The applicant intends to install a six foot high wood privacy fence along the western property line adjacent to the alley. c. All repair work sha21 be done within an enclosed buildiag. This condition will be met. The applicant understands and accepts this condition that all repair work must take place within an enclosed building. d. There sha1Z be ao outside storage. The applicant understands and accepts this condition. The applicant will not have any outdoor storage. 3. Section 64.300(d) of the zoning code requires that before the planning commission may grant approval of a principal use subject to special conditions, the commission shall find that: a. The extent, locatioa and iatensity of the uae will be ia substantial compliance vith tfie Saint Paul Com,preheasive Plan and any applicab2e subarea plaas sahich were approved by the city couaciZ. This condition is met. The proposed use is in conformance with the comprehensive plan for the city. The Land Use Plan identifies the area along Arcade Street as a mixed use strip. The property is zoned B-3; auto repair is a use permitted in this district with a special condition use permit. One of the Land Use proposals in the District 5 Plan states, "northern expansion of the commercial land uses along both Payne and Arcade should be restricted. New developments along both commercial strips should take place within the existing boundaries, further strengthening the commercial nature of the street while avoiding continued encroachment on the residential neighborhoods to the north. (#3 p.12) Economic development goals in the District 5 Plan include: 1) to reduce conflicts between commercial and industrial uses and other types of land uses, especially residential; and 2) to achieve safe and adequate vehicular pedestrian circulation along Payne and Arcade. (#4 and #5, p.19) b. The use will provide adequate ingress aad egress to miaimize traffic congestioa ia the pub2ic streets. �� , � Zoning File #96-136 U/�n, f�( � ' Page Three � U� � � f' This condition is met. Access to the site will be from existing driveways or. Arcade Street and Cottage Avenue. A privacy fence along the western property line will prohibit access to the site from the alley. The use requires six off-street parking spaces and there is adequate space on the lot to provide the spaces. c. The use will not be detr3menta2 to the existing character of the development ia the immediate neigfiborkood or endanger tfie public kealtfi, safety and general welfare. This condition is met. The property was most recently occupied by Valvoline Rapid Oil Change, an auto specialty store. The proposed auto repair use is similar to the previous use and in keeping with the way the property was developed. d. The use wi21 not impede the normal aad orderly deve2opment and improvemeat of the surrounding property for uses peratitted in the district. This condition is met. The proposed use is in keeping with existing character of development in the area. This is a fairly busy commercial strip accommodating more than 15,000 vehicles per day. e. The use shall, in aIl other respects, conform to the applicable reguZations of the district in which it is located. This condition is met. 4. The applicant should be aware that if the building on the site expands by more than 50 percent a new special condition use permit will be required for that expansion, Section 64.300(m)(1). In addition, off- street parking will have to be provided for the e�cpansion, estimated at about 20 spaces. I. STAFF RECOHI+IENDATION: Based on findings 1 through 4 staff recommends approval of the special condition use permit, subject to the following conditions: 1. A six (6) foot high wood privacy fence shall be installed and maintained along the western property line. 2. There shall be no parking of vehicles awaiting repair or recently repaired on the street. �f !o _;�:�.�t _ . . �i:y � � o �o �� ' O ']► ,..:+' - - . . - ;:,:,�, ��¢40 0�� - .�':: . ,:;. ' . �, : ��p�O O O • • [� �,� ii�l • � ' il! o (�i� �� o � ncee ��O O b ty� � 0 ', ��O C , i ! I_ � i. ±_ .�:,.1 �.: �� . ,_�.._ — �o}}N��v�1 . H1GH SctFool� J p,n ;t;ni-�{�t �-� �; .�.� r �";��"3 - '::�'=t� �t" Y ' _�,. �.i__.. �_, : � � . . ' . . £ � , . . . • :.' � ..: P . ` -,` -- ., t• ' _, y .. _. , , . � = - . . � :� � ;i:."sf� �a;Si�" /�`IC .. ���(� � .. y �' •;.'•" . •' �,. � r F�" ;` �'4�el:T".�l"IYG:^ :L . ��.\.. �� � t_ .. � ti�S.�-. 5 � �. 6_�� �: ui o.a �o •-�ti�_��E�.`,�.._ r�'�-:��;E..:�,..��, �:;, � � Q _ ' f :: =. : J . •'�f'.��. V_. ( ��, � "�,-3 C, L i n . J � � ' �; �. �.' �.' [t �' .. t �: . �. � C+ ... tr� . . _/ � , �. ., � � � � Q ' �7' H 4 �. a.. � . `. 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DIST� MAP # � o one famiiy ••^ commercial —w Q iwo fPmi -- y -- industria� SCALE 1" = 400' �J ry � I �� _ �¢ muki le famil V vacant • � �a � GOTTA.�E �