96-135council File # �lo - �-3`� ; { �{ � � � !1! � � �J I\ ..�.I`�r �'� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee: Date �3 1 RESOLVED: That application (ID #22420) £or an Entertainment-B, Sunday On Sale Liquor, 2 Restaurant-B, Liquoi On Sale-A, Cigarette, Restaurant-D, Hotel/MOtel to 50 3 rooms and Hotel/Motel-150 additional rooms License applied fot by Pxomus 4 Hotel Services, Inc. DBA Embassy Suites Hotel (Ralph Lake, President) at 175 5 lOth Street East be and the same is hereby approved. 6 � Re ested b De artment of: 8 ���1 n�� 4u Y P 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 �� 18 Adopted by Council: 19 20 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 21 22 23 By: 24 25 Appr 26 27 28 By' 29 � - - -- : - •■ ,:.• .. S •l_ - - ' •R. BY: C�, �^-'�,� � ��1'�� l Form Approved by City Attorney By: ���.,rz ✓J (�, ��:�C .-,.�e.� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Ordinance # Green Sheet # �-'J°�� � Date '� „�. �} \qq {�, t--'�— 9�- i.3s �LIEPE/L�cen DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEE N_ 35267 INITIAV�ATE INITIAL/DATE CAMACT PERSON 8 PHONE � DEPAR'IMEM DIRE � CRY COUNCIL Bill Gunther, 266-9132 ass�cw �cmnrror+r�v Ocma.eaK MUST BE ON CpUNCIL pGENDA 8Y (DATE� NUYBEq FOfl O BUDGET OIRECTOfl � FIN. & M6T. SEflVICES Dlfl. NOUTING r'OI hearing: � �� � aMAYOR(OFASSISTANT) � TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALl IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACfIONRE0UE5iED: Prp�S Hotel Services, Inc. DBA Embassy Suites Botel requests Couacil approval o its application foz an Entertainment-B, Sunday On Sale Liquor, Restaurant-B, Liquor On Sale- A, Cigarette, Restaurant-D, Hotel/Motel to 50 rooms, and Hotel/Motel-150 add'1 rooms License at 175th lOth Street East (ID Ii22420). RECOMMENOATiOf3s: Aypra�e (A) or Re;eet (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CON7RACTS MUS7 ANSWEFi THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSiON __ CNIL SERVICE CAMMISSION �� Has this pewon/Firm ever worked under a coMrect tor this department? - � CIBCOMMITTEE _ �S NO � SiAFF Z. Has this perwnlfirm ever been a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTRIC7 COUFT � 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILOBJECfIYE7 YES NO Explain all yes answers on sepa�ete sneet antl ettach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, What, Whan, Where. Why): ADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: Di$ADVANTAGES fF APPpWEO: G��`����ti�� �� �.�i� � � i5�� ; E���������� ,r� � DISADVANTAGES IP NOTAPPROVED: �u�.. .r, � >�..,.,...� �-+ �"a N �Y y�� .�1 ^f'AAf'� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST✓HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) VES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) .3s�� 7 Greensheet # �3� L.I.E.P. REVIEW CHECKLIST In Tracker?_� License ID # zz420 License Type: Date: 12128l95 / ApP'n Received / ApP'n Rocessed 9G — /3.� Company Name: Promus Hotel Services InC. — -- � �HA: Amhacsv Sni ra� /" '- Susiness Addresss: 175—lOth Street East Business Phone: 224-5400 Contact Name/Address: �1 h Lake 608 West D ive Home Phone: 901-374-5100 Mep is TN 38112 Date to Council ResearCh: Public Hearing Date: �� labels Ordered: Notice Sent to Applicant: ��JIQ�9�9 District Councii #: /� —�'� n! `rt � Z.fvt? Q /� io��.i.i� � Notice Sent to Pubiic: U� cJ� Ward #: � Department/ Date Inspections Comments City Attorney � /` � f - ` ° Environmental w �� _ � � O � Health f Fire � f � �� O � % License Site Plan Received:_ � _ L� -- c j� o � �� ����ed: Police � 1-'-! -�.� 6 Zoning I - `� � �b 6 \ �-----a ,. . . �� � � �G-�3� .(�� -- . .. .. . . - . � . CLASS III , CITY OF SAINT plsUL Y � . : - =. : . . :.: LICENSE-A�PLICATION °�" °f T"� . � . <-- �o . . . - , . . .. . ana En.;rommcaw� Protc�an -. _ _ . " ' . 3505t Pea Sc Swe 300 _ . .. - ;- - . . AivtPaull.4nmci SSI01 � (6t2)366�9D30 fu(6ti)]66.9I3< �"' THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY Tf� PUBLIC - PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT IN INK Type of License being appIied for. �' Liquor; On-Sale Sunday Liquor; Restaurant-B; Entertainment-A. Company Name: Promus Hotel Services, Inc. Cocporarion / If business is incorporated, give date of incotporation: May 12, 1995 Doing Businass As: Embassv. Suites hotel� Business Phoae; �612) 224-5400 BiuinassAddress: 175 East lOth Street St. Paul MN 55101 Street Addass � Corner of 10th St`� S �` Betweenwhat cross surets is the business located? and Jackson St. Which side of the street� Northeast Are the premises now occupieA? Yes Whyt Typc of Business? Hotel Mail To Address: 175 East lOth Street St. Paul MN 55101 Snm aam�ss car s�u z;� Applicaat Information: Name and Tide: ✓ Murray Ronald (N/A) Halpem Vice President Ftrst ALddle (Maidcn) Latt Titic HomeAddcess: 1905 Oak Shadows Circle West Memphis TN 38119 Suut Addrcss City ' State Zip DateofBuYh; 03/20145 p�� Memphis, TN HomePhone: �901) 685-1005 Am you a citizen of the United Stazes? Native? Yes Nadualizedy If you are nut a U.S, cirizen, you must have wprk anthorization from the U.S. Immigration & Nataralizatioa Service. Have you ever been convicted of any felony, crime or violation of any city ordinance other than h YES NO X Date of arrest; Where? � — Charge: Convictioa:. , . . . .. - Sentence:- List the aames arid resid'ences of tfiiee p2isons of good �bral chazacter, living withirt the Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the applicaat or financiatly iaterested in_the_premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicanYs character. NAME ADDRESS PHONE Donald H. Dempsey 3889 Colins Harre Cove, Memphis 38139 (901) 680-7201 Vincent Ciaramitaro 3050 Edgeworth Lane, Memphis 38119 (90I) 680-7203 Michael Less 80 Monroe Avenue, P4emphis 38103 (901) 525-8700 List licenses which you cuirenUy hold, fo:merly held, or may have an interest in: Promus Hotel Services, Inc.; currently a li uor license at the Embassy Suiees hotels liste Have any of the above named licenses ever been revoked? _ yES X NO If yes, list the dates an�reuons �'or r vo auon: ee .Are you going to operate this business persona7lyp _ yES X NO If not, who will opente it? ' -` ' . Robert B, � Kinsella O8/28/60 , � Fust Nmae , DSddle iaifial � � �-' (Maidrn) - Iart - Date otB'vth- 17133 Hannibal Court Lakeville MN 55044 {612) 43i-1412 Ho�e Addrcss: Strat Namc CrtY Stue, .- ZiP PhoM Numba s� Are you going f,o fiave a manager or ��a�ra�t in ihis btisia�ss? X YES ,_, NO If the manager is na ffi� =. � Please compiete tLe following informap "oa: James = - " R.' j/ -.. : Ulwelling �< .... ....._. _. , s . FaS[�OfLC� " _ :..�"�. _ �i _ •. . ' �115L , . � 'ik 12121 $3ildeer St: N.W. 0109 Coon Rapids MN (612 � - - 55448 ��: Home Addrt�� _Steet3lame � _ -' - - Cay � ' S7me Z�P Phoi . . _ . . � . .:. Please list yo�s employment i�istoiy for t}ie' � five � ear ' P� �� Y Pm� BusinesslEmu]ovment _ --� - Address Vice President and General Counsel --- 850 Ridge Lake Blvd. Promus Hotels Suite 400 - 984 to Present) List all otha office� of the cotporation: OFFICER TITLE HOME NAME / (Office Hel� ADDRESS Ralph Lake �� President Memnhis H.Nadine Greenwood Vincent Ie v. Treas. Hemphis, TN 38120 HOME PHONE O1)324-6414 756-8820 BUSINESS PHOI�IE (901)374-5100 (901)374-5000 (901)680-7203 DATE OF BIRTH O1/23/45, 09/03/57 04/OS/S1 If business is a pazmecship, pleue include the following infoimation for each partner (use additiona! pages if necessary): N/A - Fi�st Name Mddle lvmal (Maidrn) Last . Datc at B'rth � aaaRss: sr«� x� aa smK � ruo� x�t« Fuu N�e HomcAddRss; StraiName M�dme inifiel (�) �Y I.ast Stare Datc of B'¢th yP Pfwne Nianber MINNESOTA TAX IDENT'�FICATTON NUMBER _,p�sua�t to-the Lyws of Mianesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, Secdon 2 (270.72) ('1'yx Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing au��a ���d � proride to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, tfie M'innesota business tax identification number aad the socia! xctaity number of each license..aPP.licant Under the Minnesota Goverament Data pm�p� Ad aad the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we aze required to advise you of the following regarding tfie use of the Minnesota Tax Identification Number. - This infocmation may be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sale; employer's withholding or motor vehicle excise taxe� - L1pon receiving this info:mation, the licensing authority will �uPPly it only to the Minnesota Depatmient of Reveaue. However, tmder the Federa( Excfiange of Information Ageement, the Depar�ent of Revenue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. Mmnesota Tax Identification 2.umbeis (Sales 8c Use Taac Numbet) may be obtained from the State of lvtinnesota, Business Records Departmen; 10 River Park PIaza (612-296-GI81)• . SocialSecurityNt�ber: 408-72-8774 (of M. Ronald Halpern) Msnnesota Ta�c IdrntificarionNumbet; 2138075 . - __ If a Mmnaota Tax Idrntifica6on Number is�not required for the bvsinas being operated, indicate so by ptaciag an"X" in the box :. . - ° , r . _ , � �.{ � , q'a.:.��yx 1 'S'.�ys�'v`t`�''°5�u PYb�?la� . .`. . �7? S ' ': t - . . .._.� ��� '��. � � � .. ... ..��.�v'..:._ v...5� . � . 9G_ �..3s � CATION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATTON COVERAGE PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTE 176.182 ereby certify that I, or my company, am in compliance with the workers' compensation �n��*�*+ce coverege requiremenu of esotaStatute 176.182, subdivision 2. I aLso undeistandthat provision of false info:mation in this certiHcationconstitutes sufficient gounds for adveise action against all licenses held, including revocation and suspension of said licenses. ,,, NarneoflnsucanceCompany: 013 Republic Insurance Company PolicyNumber. ���+'Z 10272300 Coyeragefrom 6/30/95 � 6/30/96 I have no employees covered under worYers' compensation +*+�+ ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMIITED WILL RESULT IN DENLAL OF TffiS APPLICATION I hereby state that I have answered all of the preceding ques[ions, and that the infotmation contained herein is uue and correct to the best of my Imowledge and belief. I hereby state fiuther that I have received no money or other consideration, by way of loan, giR, contribution, or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the applica�iqh which I herewith Submitted. Signatute (REQLTIItED for al] Attach to this application: S Date 1) A detaiied description of the design, location and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan). The following data should be on the site ptan (preferahly on an 8 lf2" x il" or 81l2" z 14" paper): - Name, address, and phone number. - The seale should be stated such as 1" = 20'. ^N shoald be indicated toward the top. - Placement of all pertinent features of the interior of the licensed facility such as seating areas, kitchens, offices, repair area, parkiug, rest rooms, etc. - If a request is for an addition or ezpansion of the licensed facility, indicate both the current area and the proposed eapansion. nagement Z) A copy of your�agreement or proof of owaership of t6e property.