96-132� e (� f j +: (�,� i.i q`—� k� t F ( 4 ' i . � o� i , v t . , . " . . ._ RESOLUTION C1TY Presented To Council File # yG _ �,�Z Green Sheet # c�7�j/S� Committee Date 0 VJ��REAS, on January 24, 1996 the Saint Paul City Council directed City Council Research to study the issues involved 'm consolidating a Communications Center between the Saint Paul Police Department and the Ramsey County Sheriff's Office; and 4 WHEREAS, the city's Police Deparhnent and Fire Department currently operate separate communication 5 centers; and 6 WHEREAS, new technologies and regulations far radio communication, including a regional 800MHz 7 system, are anticipated to require significant capital expenditures in the future; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that in the interest of better coordinating emergency services, the City Council directs Council Research to include in their study a consolidation of the city's Police and Fire Communication 10 Centers, and to consider the possible consequences of an 800MHz system. 11 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council directs that the study be completed by 12 June 30, 1996. Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Certified by Council Secretary � Approved by PA�; MINNESOTA Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � � Adopted by Council: Date � c�� �} �°�� 9G�I3Z Council aa :• 1 TOTAL # OP SIGNATURE PAGES 'E INRIA7ED N_ 2 9 915 1/31/96 GREEN SHEET INRIAUDA7E MRIALDATE � DEPARiMENT DIHECfOR � CRY COUNCIL SYGN OCfiYATTOFiNEY �CfTYCLEfiK YBFA FOB O BUOGEf DIRECTOR � FlN. & MGT. SERV�CES DIR. �1fTiNG '�Ep � MAYOR (OR ASSISTANT) O P AI.L LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT�'�L— Du�ect �rty �ouncIl Re.search to study consolidating the Communications Center of of the Saint Paul Police Department and the Saint Paul Fire Department and the impact of a future 800MHZ communication system. _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ GIViI _ CIB COMMITiEE _ _ __ STAFF _ _ __ DISTRICf COURT _ _ SUPPORTS WHICH GOUNCIL O&IECTIVE7 INITIATING PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has this parsonfirm ever warked under a contract for this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Has this personflirm ever been a c�ry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personttirm possess a sKill not normally possessetl by any current city employee� YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet an0 ettach to green sheet iWM. What, Wlien, Wl�ere. NT»: 7aere is a city wuncil resolution currenfly directing City Council Research to swdy the potenrial merger of Police and Ramsey County SherifF's office in the azea of communicaaons. T'he Ciry of Saint Paul wili be able to be proacflve in addressing future emergency communicafion issues. None. City Council and the Administrarion will not have a complete study of the issues surrounding the emergency commuuicadons. TO7AL AMOUN7 OF iRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDGEiED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDItdG SOUqCE ACTIVITV NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMAiION. (EXPLAIN) "� ZONING COL4SITT8& STAFF RSPORT = FILE # 96-132 _ _ _ _- ------ - - — - 3 - �AFPLSC.FII�Te JP.MES R. FOX � DATS OF HEARZNG: 07/O1/96 2. CLASSIFICATIO23: Rezoning 3. LOCATION: 559-561 DESOTO STREET (west side at Hopkins Street) 4. PLANNZIQG DISTRICT: 5 5. LfiGAL DESCRIPTSON: vac alley adj and fol ex N SO ft Lot 4, and vac alley and fol subj to esmts Lot 5; Wm. Dawson's Subdivision of Lot 11 of Bass' Addition of Out Lots 6. PRESENT ZONING: RT-1 ZONIL3G CODB RSFBRSNCHs §64.400 7. STAFF INVSSTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE: 6/25/96 SY: Kady Dadlez 8. DATE RECEIVSD: OS/29/96 DBADLINB FOR ACTION: 7f27/96 ________________°_�_�_�_____________________________________-________________ 3 -5 3 -C- A. P'ORPOSE: Rezone property from RT-1 to 2-1 to allow outdoor storage of steel products. Outdoor storage is currently a legal nonconforming use of the property at 561 DeSoto Street. B. PARCEL SIZE: The property to be rezoned has 135 feet of frontage on Desoto Street and is 174 feet in depth for a total loC area o£ approximately 23,490 square feet. C. EXISTING LAND IISS: A portion of the property to be rezoned, 561 DeSoto, is being used for outdoor storage for the applicant's business, Metro Manufacturing. The property at 559 DeSoto was occupied by a residential structure until a few years ago so outdoor storage is not a legal nonconforming use on this lot. D. SLTRROUNDING LAND IISE: 13orth: Two-family homes in an RT-1 zoning district. East: One and two-family homes and vacant lots in an RT-1 zone. South: Railroad right-of-way and industxial uses in an 2-1 zone. West: Property zoned S-3. E. ZONING CODE CITATION: SectiOn 64.400(a) Of the 20ning Code States, "the council may, from time to time, amend, sugplement or change the district boundaries or the regulations herein, or subsequently established herein pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 462.357 and amendments thereto as may be made from time to time. The planning commission may, from time to time, review district boundary lines to determine if, pursuant to state 1aws, such district boundary lines should be changed.^ Section 6a.a00(b) states, "an amendment to the zoning code may be initiated by the council, the planning commission or by petition of the owners of sixty-seven (67) percent of the area of the property to be rezoned." F. HISTORYIDSSCIISSION: There is one previous zoning case concerning the applicant's property. The case is from 1996 and involves a request to the Board of Zoning Appeals for variances to allow a 0' side yard setback and to allow maneuvering within the public right-o£-way. The variances, � Zoning File #96-132 Page Two which were approved, allow the construction of an industrial storage building on the applicant�s industrially zoned property on DeSOto Street. In addition, there is a letter from the zoning enforcement office stating that the applicant's current use of a portion of the property to be rezoned for outdoor storage is a legal nonconforming use (561 DeSOto). G. DISTRICT COIINCIL RBCODII�NDATION: The Railroad Island Task Force voted to support the rezoning petition with conditions. The District 5 Planning Council will take a position on the rezoning petition on Sune 25th. FI. FINDINGS • The applicant owns the property to be rezoned and operates Metro Manufacturing, a subcontractor for commercial constrciction providing architectural metals. He currently uses a portion of the property (561 DeSoto) for outdoor storage of steel products, a legal nonconforming use. The use is nonconforming not only because it is located on residentially zoned land but also because the outdoor storage is less than 300 feet from land zoned for residential use. Thus, even if the rezoning is approved, the outdoor storage wi21 still be nonconforming because of the inadequate setback. In addition, even if the property is rezoned, outdoor storage will not be permitted on 559 DeSoto unless the applicant obtains a variance. The applicant is in the process of constructing a storage building on the industrially zoned land to the south to provide secure indoor storage for stainless steel and aluminum products. The applicant states that he has had an increasing problem with theft and vandalism that he hopes to solve with the new building. He received setback and maneuvering variances frocrt the Board of Zoning Appeals to allow the new building. It shouZd be noted that if the property were already zoned 2-1, the applicant would not have needed the variances for setback or to use the public right-of-way for maneuvering. The new building is being oriented to allow for access to the delivery doors from the land currently zoned residential rather than from DeSoto Street. During its review of the variance application the Board of Zoning Appeals made the following finding, "The development of industrial property that abuts residential property is a difficult situation to deal with; ideally there should be a buffer of more restrictive zoning between the two. Since this is not the case, the proposal to construct a building is a more appropriate use than the current outdoor storage. Zt should be noted that, even if the property is rezoned to an I-1 district, it would not meet the required 300 foot setback from residential property needed for exterior storage. Exterior storage on 559 Desoto is not permitted unless the property owner rezones the property and obtains a variance of the 300 foot setback requirement." On balance, the rezoning is in conformance with the comprehensive plan for the city. A recommendation of the District 5 Plan calls for the District 5 Planning Council and the city to assist businesses and industries to stay in District 5, #7, p.l. The property to be zezoned is located within the boundaries of the Railroad Island Small Area PIan. The primary objectives for the South Industrial Area, which is characterized by a mixture of residential and commercial and industrial land uses, is to preserve, define, and reinforce both uses, #6, p.46. The site is also identified as a"housing and industrial/ � � �- ��2 Zoning File #96-132 ' Page Three commercial revitalization target area", p.48. The property was rezoned from RM-2 to RT-1 through the small area plan in 1994.__ _-- -- - - - - -_ - - Policies of the Economic Development Strategy include: "The City's land use plan should provide adequate land for industrial and commercial development and expansion in order to increase the proportion of commercial/industrial tax base" and "2Yie City should periodically review its zoning regulations and amend them as necessary to keep current with technologic and economic changes affecting the nature of business activity" #25 &#29, pp. 17 and 18. 4. The rezoning is consistent and compatible with the way the area has developed and will not have an adverse impact on surrounding property. The rezoning will allow the applicant to access the new storage building from his own property rather than from DaSoto, thus eliminating the need to maneuvez in the street. In addition, the applicant plans to fence and screen the existing outdoor storage which will improve the overall appearance of the site. When the Board of Zoning Appeals approved the variances for the storage building on the applicant's industrially 2one land, the board imposed the following conditions: 1) the existing exterior storage is screened with an obscuring fence and/or landscaping on the north and east sides; 2) the applicant work with District 5 to establish an appropriate truck route to and from his property; and 3) the variance to allow maneuvering within the right-of-way shall expire six months after the property at 559-561 Desoto Street is rezoned. The applicant submitted a sutficient petition signed by two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred (100) £eet of the property to be reaoned consenting to the rezoning (18 parcels eligible, 12 parcels needed, and 13 parcels signedJ. STAFF RECOi�iENDAT20N: Based on findings 1 through 5 staff recommends approval of the rezoning petition. � �_ ; Q 9 T �„ . O ., � � � � U ( _ > p � Ls_ ` � �/ � � A VE. T � 'Q" ��Q _ e �, , � o �� 'Q' ' " ^'7 i.� ��"� !7. ' v v J'LlJFAYf7Yf�� � , - -- �' � �.:�, PL> GD �'£ � � i, � a . ' _ .� - — V � "�' . : V . � . �,, � _'u ..3�3 "� ` V � � /////////�������'' �'�� "�-�-��.�R. { 4 ,��! f � `� ��,�`� . ".'�a � . ' � ' � '_r_.i� _- �•, il \`\ V-, O36 O O O v � �� ' ; V � ' �� �:.'�:`�� �� / � .,.. o000 0 , ••..\ . , � � . , � . � �. ! _ fl Q p �� � � , � ��� \ O � R �- --- p . ♦ \ � ' . �� _ y , .o , p -, 'a:. r ) \ � \� � � _ : \ - - - � 4� � O . ' -� � f �� � � HOPKIt�S ST �� '\ ' `� `\� � ° ° � ° �¢ 1 � v ♦ a :� �\ r h_ � `-= ` � � 1 � • �;��'�.. �\\� � 1" e _ I � �. � . .:::;-;' .: �'d-?.:.�"�.. ':e_- � O � � y' � ♦ ti>:,.::. . 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