96-13t��K.�l..'1�`�� Council File # �6 - �� Ordinance # Green Sheet # 35532 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAN11T PAUL, MINI�tESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 3a 1 R550LVED: That application (I.D. #16250) £or a Recycling Processing Center License 2 applied for by Waste Management of NIN Inc. (Michael M. Berkopec, President) 3 at 195 E Minnehaha Avenue be and the same is hereby approved with the following conditions: 1 2 No exterior storage or processing of recyclable materials. Fire ok subject to approval of final inspection. r-��—,� Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Adoption C¢�tified by By: �-(�� 1� � V Approved yor: Date G � By: �� ✓ � ,' Office of License, Insoections and Environmental Protection By _ ( ' �t«ti � ��T'S/`� Form Agproved by City Attorney By: I�fAA � , � , �U1� �/-/5-�1.5 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �'� -/3 DEPAFiTMENT/OFFICEJCAUNCIL DATEINRIATED GREEN SHEE N� 35532 LIEP/Licensing INRSAUDATE iwmawAre CONTAGT PEflSON 8 PHONE O DEPAFiTh1EM DIREGTOR � CITY CAUNCIL Bill Gunther/266-9132 p%�N �cmnrronwev �CISYCLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (D D�� a BUDGET DIREGiO � FlN. & MGT. SERVICES OIR. r' OZ Hearin : � d � � ��� � MAVOR (OR ASSI5iANTj � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUE5TED: Waste Management of MN Inc. (Michael M. Berkopec, President) requests Council approval of its application for a Recycling Pxocessing Center License at 195 E. Minnehaha Avenue (I.D. 9�16250) RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A) a Rejact (H) PEiiSONAL SEflVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: _ PLANNING CqMMI5510N _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �- Ha5 this person�flll EVCr wofk2d unde! a COntrdC! for ffii5 dBpaMlent? _ C18 COMMrt7EE _ YES NO _�� 2. Has Nis person/firm ever baen a city employee? — YES NO _ DISTRICT COUR7 _ 3. Does Nis person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent ciry employeel SUPPORTS WHICH GOUNCIL O&IECI7VE'+ YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and ettach to green sheet INI7IATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPoflTUNITV ('Mio. Whet, When, Whare, Why): ADVANTAC+ES IFAPPROVED: �¢ � 2 � ��3 �i6El9#��� �`��,�» � a m"? :� 1���Y �LA'��Y a�C 2 � 1995 ?.` ---- - --- DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NpT APPqOVEb TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACT�ON E COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIfdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANGIAL INFORMATION: (E%PLA�N) Greensfieet # 355� In Trackeh _ License ID # 16250 L.I.E.P. REVfEW CHECKLIST Date: 11 / 7 / 95 / �� � /� App'n Receivetl / App'n Processed License Type: Recycling Processing Center Company Name: Wsste Management of MN Inc. pgq; Waste ManaQement of MN Inc_ Business Contact I 195 E. Minnehaha Ave. Michael Date to Council Research: Public Hearing Date: /- 3 ^ ��/ Notice Sent to Applicant: �' �Qrr,. �7"n Business Pfio�e: 882-2300 Home Phone: 688-8774 Labels Ordered:__ / ���`�`�t District Council .� „ ., � _ .. 2 Ol Notice Sent to Pubiic: 1 � �J �� Ward #: Departmeni/ Date lnspections Comments City Attorney �/ - 2z _$ S 6� Environmental Heaith �,� �/—u-9S �. � Fire �� SU�-.1"' 7'� .rf !o? - Y- qS o� oQt.u�L i�JSP . License s�e Pian aBOe�vad:_ �i — 2 2_ QS �,K �e� ��,�ad: N�- � . Police 1�� Z 2 -9S aK Zoning )1, � � - �S 6� -SV�fCC`t� 7"d �'O / � ; ~ �;��,�- � � j�/�s /�2svyr�r3 � �.�� p11u�. � CLASS III LICEtiSE APFLICATION CTTY OF SAIIvT PAUL Of �ce of Liccnse, 7.;spcciio:ss �ad E�r':on�<ntal P:o:cction S) 5+. Pma SL S�we � c•:�•Pae7,IJ.uuaa �JM (W:]" iat:zx(612)2in^1it Lice.3e I.D. � (Coz office usc ontyj THIS APPLICATJON IS SL =rECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLTC PLEf�SE Tl'rE OR PRTi�T I�T L��K Type of Lice�se being applied for: Recycling Processing Center Company Name: Waste Managemenx of Minneso[a,'Inc. Cor�orztion f P=r.acahip / S�Ic Propriae:s�:? If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation: August 28, 1970 Doing Business As: Waste Management of ASinnesota, Inc. Business Address: 195 Minnehaha Avenue, St. Paul Ssreet Add:ess City Betv.�eea w�hat aoss streets is tl�e buiness lorfed? @ Minnehaha & L' Oxient Business Pbone: 612-882-2300 M13 State Z,p Which side of the street? north Are the p;emises now occupied? nO VJhzt T�pe of Business? nJa ?�3ai1 To Address• 12448 Pennsylvania Avenue South, Savage MN 55378 S,reec AGG:css � City � Scate • Zip Applicant Informatioa: ` i A�zme and 7ide: Michael Fst M. '�SidC1e ��rz;a<n7 Division President tzsc Tiilc Home Address: 4277 Rosemary Court Eagan MN 55123 Stxct Aadress City Statc Zip Date of Buth: 6/27(62 P1ace of Birth: Home Phone: 612-688-5774 Are you a citizen of the United States? A`ati�•e? Yes :��aturalized? IC you am not a U.S. citizea, }ou must ha��e �ork aut6oriz3tion from t6e US. Immigration & I�aturalization Ser�ice. Hace you ever beea comicted of any fe]ony, crime or �io;zvon of any ciry ordinance other than tr�c? YES , 2�T0 � Date of arrest: Chazge: _ Con�9ction; Sentence: List the azmes and resideaces of three persons of good �oral character, li�5ng v.�thin tBe Twin Cities Metro Area, not related to the zpplicant or financially iniezested iz 2be premises or b�iness, who may be referred to as to the applicant's cbasactez: NAA'� ADDRESS PHOl�'E Dean Elstad, Clty of Minnetonka, 14600 Minnetonka.Blvd.,Minnetonka MI3 939-8202 Kathy Max, City of Hopkins, 1601 Second Street South, Hopkins MN 55343 939-1382 Cheryl Weiler, CItv of Golden Valley, 7800 Golden Vallev Rd. GV 55427 593-8119 List licenses which you currenlly bo1d, formerly beld, or iaay bave an interest in: � waste hauler licenses in almos[ every city in Hennepin, Dakota and Scott Counties Have any of tbe above named lice�es ever been revoked? , YES � NO lf yes, list the daiu and reasons for revocaiion: V,'here? Are }'ou going to operate this business personzlly? �} LS _ NO If not, w•ho Nill operate it? fi:st D:zmc Y•occ Address: S.roct lzme ?�7idLie 3niiizl � <<:��ry G: izst �� _3: Dxte o( Binh Siz:G Z•p Phoac �u�Sci Are you going to bave a mznager or usistz�t in tbis bu-css? � YES _ NO If tbe mznzger is not the s�e as the operator, please complete the following iaiormation: � Steven .T. Rehbein 2-18-51 Fst \z:ae �iiddle Initizl {.'�.':i3cn) I2st • Dz:e of Biah /a918 — 107th Avenue NE Circle Pines MN 55014 Han, e Address: S•scet !�zr,ie Gr Please list yout enplo;ment history for the pre�ious five (� }•ezs period: Business/Em�lotiment • Current Position at current address Stz;e Zi� Pho:,e Tumber Address .� List a11 otber o�cers of the torporation: OFFTCER TITLE HOD4E HO'�4E BUSL\'ESS DATE OF N.�ME (O�ce Held) ADDRESS PH01'E PHO:�'E BIRTH r / Douglas R, Johnson Vice Pres. 10533 Zion Ave. S. Bloomington 884-3127 882-2306 3-27-61" If business it a putnership, pleue include tbe following i: formation for each paztner (tise additioaal pages if necessary): Fi:st \ame DSidd]C Initial Hone Address: Strect ?�sne Fxst Kame ?JSid81t Initial (.'.StiLen) Gry (': aiLcn Lzst Siate Lzst Dasc ot Binh Zip Phone Numbei Daie of Binh Home Address: Strect :�`ame G.y � S1ate � p,QQi Y 7�p Phone Numbc[ j�.Lll'U q Atlach to this app�ication: ' �G �� �,�jU��� i) ' A detailed description of the design, location and square footage of tbe ' emises o b�n ed (sit p a7 n). _ Z) A copy of your Iease agreemeDt or proof of oeaership of t6e property. AAY FAISIFICATIO21 OF A,\SRERS GIVEId OR A'L�TERL4I. SUBA4ITTED R'ILL RESULT IN DE'.:LIL OB TS�IS APPLtCATTO;i I bereby state undez oath that I have znswered all of the above questions, and that the information contained herein is true and correc[ to the best of my knowledge and belief. I bereby state furtber under oath that I bave received ao money or otber consideration, by way of loan, gift, contribixtion, or otheruse, other tb� alr�ady dis�osed in tbe application which I berew�ith submitted, . /J Subscribed and swom to before me thit d"ay of ' c S� ' Notary Pnblic County, MN My Commusion ezpues: . h\\ t � C� � V `?�� . ��.�V,-' J �� � tntan r�. mru��.ncrv� •�"f•�,'3 NQTA,iYPUBtiCeNANtliSOiA ��acti�d ANOKACOl1kTY `bs1 u.r„�,m n,,;A. i�� ii ^nni S a �G - /� PLEASE NOTE - FAILIIRE TO SIIPPLY THE FOLLOWIZIG INFORMATZOH AILL JEOPARDIZE OR AEI,AY TSE YROCESSING OF YOIIR LICENSE ISSIIANCE OR RENEAAL APPLICATION. MINNESOTA TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Pursuant to the Laws oP Minnesota, 1984, Chapter 502, Article 8, section 2(270.72}(Tax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), licensing authorities are required to provide to the State of Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue, the Minnesota business tax identification number and the social security number of each license applicant. Under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and the Federal Privacy Act of 1974, we are required to advise you of the following regarding the use of this information: 1) This information �aay be used to deny the issuance or renewal of your license in the event you owe Minnesota sales, employer's withholding or motor vehicle excise taxes; 2) Bpon receiving this information, the licensing authority will supply it only to the Minnesota Department of Revenue. However, under the Federal Exchange of Inforaation Agreement, the Department of Revenue may supply this information to the Internal Revenue Service. � Minnesota Tax Identification Numbers (Sales & Use Tax Number) may be obtained from the State of Minnesata - Business Itecords Department - l0 River Park Plaza. Phone: 296-6181. BERKOPEC MICHAEl M. Applicant's Last 23ame First Name Niiddle Initial S � COURT, EA6AN MN 55123 DIVISION PRESZDENT Position (Officer, er, WASTE MANAGEMENT OF MINNESOTA, INC. Business Name 12448 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE SOUTH, SAVAGE MN 55378 612-882-2300 Business Address City, State, Zip Code Phone No. Minnesota Tax Identification Number: 75-90065 � {If a Minnesota Tax Identification Number is not required for the business being operated, indicate so by plac3ng an "X" in the box.) S'gnature 612-688-8774 ��� / Da e